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I got it!


EU Candidate Country

Albania IndicatorsMore

Albania Happiness


0 unhappy, 10 happy

The Happiness ranking is part of the World Happiness Report. The country scores are based on a survey in which respondents evaluate the quality of their current lives on a scale of 0 to 10.
Albania Life expectancy
Life expectancy



Life expectancy at birth indicates the number of years a newborn infant would live if prevailing patterns of mortality at the time of its birth were to stay the same throughout its life. Measure: years, Source: The World Bank
Albania Political stability
Political stability


-2.5 weak, 2.5 strong

The Political Stability Index and Absence of Violence/Terrorism measures perceptions of the likelihood that the government will be destabilized or overthrown by unconstitutional or violent means, including politically-motivated violence and terrorism. Measure: points; Source: The World Bank
Albania Political rights
Political rights


7 weak, 1 strong

The Political Rights ratings evaluate three categories: electoral process, political pluralism and participation, and the functioning of government. The index ranges from 1 (strong rights) to 7 (weak rights). Measure: points; Source: The Freedom House
Albania Civil liberties
Civil liberties


7 weak, 1 strong

The Civil Liberties index evaluate the following: freedom of expression and belief, associational and organizational rights, rule of law, and personal autonomy and individual rights. The rating ranges from 1 (strong liberties) to 7 (no liberties). Measure: points; Source: The Freedom House
Albania Corruption


100 = no corruption

The Corruption Perceptions Index is an indicator of perceptions of public sector corruption, i.e. administrative and political corruption (based on information from surveys and assessments of corruption, collected by a variety of reputable institutions). Measure: points; Source: Transparency International
Albania Population



Total population is indicated in Millions and is based on the de facto definition of population, which counts all residents regardless of legal status or citizenship. The values shown are midyear estimates. Measure: million; Source: United Nations Population Division
Albania Population growth
Population growth


% growth / year

Annual population growth rate for year t is the exponential rate of growth of midyear population from year t-1 to t, expressed as a percentage . Population is based on the de facto definition of population, which counts all residents regardless of legal status or citizenship. Measure: percent; Source: United Nations Population Division
Albania Population density
Population density


People per square km

Population density is midyear population divided by land area in square kilometers. Population is based on the de facto definition of population, which counts all residents regardless of legal status or citizenship. Measure: people per square km; Source: Food and Agriculture Organization
Albania Urban population
Urban population


% of total population

Urban population refers to people living in urban areas as defined by national statistical offices. Measure: percent; Source: United Nations Population Division
Albania Migrant population
Migrant population


% of total

International migrant stock is the number of people born in a country other than that in which they live. It also includes refugees. Measure: percent; Source: United Nations Population Division
Albania Economic growth
Economic growth


% of GDP

Economic growth is intended as the annual percentage growth rate of GDP at market prices based on constant local currency. Measure: percent; Source: The World Bank
Albania Foreign Direct Investment
Foreign Direct Investment


% of GDP

Foreign direct investment are the net inflows of investment to acquire a lasting management interest in an enterprise operating in an economy other than that of the investor (new investment inflows less disinvestment). Measure: percent; Source: The World Bank
Albania Exports


% of GDP

Exports of goods and services represent the value of all goods and other market services provided to the rest of the world. Measure: percent; Source: The World Bank
Albania Government debt
Government debt


% of GDP

Government debt includes domestic and foreign liabilities such as currency and money deposits, securities other than shares, and loans. It is the gross amount of government liabilities reduced by the amount of equity and financial derivatives held by the government.
Albania Capital investment
Capital investment


% of GDP

Capital investments are fixed assets including for example land improvements, plant, machinery, construction of roads, railways, schools, offices, hospitals, private residential, commercial and industrial buildings, etc. Measure: percent; Source: The World Bank
Albania Inflation


% yearly change

Inflation as measured by the consumer price index reflects the annual percentage change in the cost to the average consumer of acquiring a basket of goods and services that may be fixed or changed at specified intervals, such as yearly. Measure: percent; Source: The World Bank
Albania Competitiveness


0 weak, 100 strong

The Global Competitiveness index is composed of 12 pillars of competitiveness: Institutions, Infrastructure, ICT adoption, Macroeconomic stability, Health, Skills, Product market, Labor market, Financial system, market size, Business, dynamism, and Innovation capability. Measure: points; Source: The World Economic Forum
Albania R&D


% of GDP

Gross domestic expenditures on research and development (R&D), expressed as a percent of GDP. They include both capital and current expenditures in the four main sectors: Business enterprise, Government, Higher education and Private non-profit. Measure: percent; Source: The United Nations
Albania Shadow economy
Shadow economy


% of GDP

The shadow economy as percent of total annual GDP. Source: Leandro Medina and Friedrich Schneider (2018).
Albania Health spending
Health spending


% of GDP

Level of current health expenditure expressed as a percentage of GDP including healthcare goods and services consumed during each year but does not including capital health expenditures such as buildings, machinery, IT and stocks of vaccines for emergency or outbreaks. Measure: percent; Source: The World Bank
Albania Education spending
Education spending


% of GDP

General government expenditure on education is expressed as a percentage of GDP. It includes expenditure funded by transfers from international sources to government. General government usually refers to local, regional and central governments. Measure: percent; Source: UNESCO
Albania Military spending
Military spending


% of GDP

Military spending includes expenditure on peacekeeping, defense ministries, paramilitary forces, space activities, military and civil personnel, procurement, military research and development, and aid. Measure: percent; Source: Stockholm International Peace Research Institute
Albania Unemployment


% of labor force

Unemployment refers to the share of the labor force that is without work but available for and seeking employment. Measure: percent; Source: The World Bank
Albania Females unemployment
Females unemployment


% of female labor force

Female unemployment refers to the share of the female labor force that is without work but available for and seeking employment. Measure: percent; Source: The World Bank
Albania Males unemployment
Males unemployment


% of male labor force

Male unemployment refers to the share of the male labor force that is without work but available for and seeking employment. Measure: percent; Source: The World Bank
Albania Youth unemployment
Youth unemployment


% of 15-24 labor force

Youth unemployment refers to the share of the labor force ages 15-24 without work but available for and seeking employment. Measure: percent; Source: The World Bank
Albania Cost of starting a business
Cost of starting a business


% of income per capita

The cost of starting a business indicator includes all official fees and fees for legal or professional services if such services are required by law. The company law, the commercial code, and specific regulations and fee schedules are used as sources for calculating costs. Measure: percent; Source: The World Bank
Albania Tax rate
Tax rate


% of commercial profits

Total tax rate measures the amount of taxes and mandatory contributions payable by businesses after accounting for allowable deductions and exemptions as a share of commercial profits. Personal income tax, VAT, sales taxes or goods and service taxes are excluded. Measure: percent; Source: The World Bank
Albania Number of taxes paid by businesses
Number of taxes paid by businesses


Tax payments by businesses are the total number of taxes paid by businesses, including electronic filing. The tax is counted as paid once a year even if payments are more frequent. Measure: taxes; Source: The World Bank
Albania Patent applications
Patent applications


by residents

Patent applications are worldwide patent applications filed through the Patent Cooperation Treaty procedure or with a national patent office for exclusive rights for an invention. A patent provides protection for the invention to the owner of the patent for a limited period, generally 20 years. Measure: patent applications; Source: The World Intellectual Property Organization
Albania Internet users
Internet users


% of population

Internet users are individuals who have used the Internet (from any location) in the last 3 months. The Internet can be used via a computer, mobile phone, personal digital assistant, games machine, digital TV etc. Measure: percent; Source: The World Bank
Albania Land area
Land area


sq. km

Land area is a country's total area, excluding area under inland water bodies, national claims to continental shelf, and exclusive economic zones. In most cases the definition of inland water bodies includes major rivers and lakes. Measure: sq. km; Source: Food and Agriculture Organization
Albania Agricultural land
Agricultural land


sq. km.

Agricultural land refers to the share of land area that is arable, under permanent crops, and under permanent pastures. Measure: sq. km; Source: The World Bank
Albania Forest area
Forest area


sq. km

Forest area is land under natural or planted stands of trees of at least 5 meters in situ, whether productive or not, and excludes tree stands in agricultural production systems (for example, in fruit plantations and agroforestry systems) and trees in urban parks and gardens. Measure: percent; Source: Food and Agriculture Organization
Albania Precipitation


mm per year

Average precipitation is the long-term average in depth (over space and time) of annual precipitation in the country. Precipitation is defined as any kind of water that falls from clouds as a liquid or a solid. Measure: mm per year; Source: Food and Agriculture Organization
Albania Roads quality
Roads quality


1 low, 7 high

The Road quality indicator represents an assessment of the quality of roads in a given country based on data from the WEF Executive Opinion Survey. The respondents are asked to rate the roads in their country of operation on a scale from 1 (bad) to 7 (good). Measure: points; Source: The World Economic Forum
Albania Railroads quality
Railroads quality


1 low, 7 high

The Quality of railroad infrastrucutre indicator represents an assessment of the quality of the railroad system in a given country based on data from the WEF Executive Opinion Survey. The respondents are asked to rate the railroads in their country of operation on a scale from 1 (bad) to 7 (good). Measure: points; Source: The World Economic Forum
Albania Air transport quality
Air transport quality


1 low, 7 high

The Quality of air transport infrastructure indicator represents an assessment of the quality of airports in a given country based on data from the WEF Executive Opinion Survey. The respondents are asked to rate the passenger air transport in their country of operation on a scale from 1 (bad) to 7 (good). Measure: points; Source: The World Economic Forum
Albania Energy imports
Energy imports


% total energy use

Net energy imports are estimated as energy use less production, both measured in oil equivalents. A negative value indicates that the country is a net exporter. Measure: percent; Source: The World Bank
Albania Oil production
Oil production


thousand barrels / day

Oil production. Measure: thousand Barrels Per Day; Source: The U.S. Energy Information Agency
Albania Renewable power capacity
Renewable power capacity


million kilowatts

Total capacity to produce electricity from renewable resources in million kilowatts. Source: The U.S. Energy Information Administration
Albania Carbon dioxide emissions
Carbon dioxide emissions


metric tons per capita

Carbon dioxide emissions are those stemming from the burning of fossil fuels and the manufacture of cement. They include carbon dioxide produced during consumption of solid, liquid, and gas fuels and gas flaring. Source: The World Bank. Measure: metric tons; Source: The World Bank
Albania Bank branches
Bank branches


per 100,000 people

Number of commercial bank branches per 100,000 adults. Measure: bank branches; Source: The International Monetary Fund
Albania ATMs


per 100,000 adults

Number of ATMs per 100,000 adults. Automated teller machines are computerized telecommunications devices that provide clients of a financial institution with access to financial transactions in a public place. Measure: ATMs per 100,000 adults; Source: The World Bank
Albania Homicides


per 100,000 people

Number of homicides per 100,000 people per year. Source: The UN office on drugs and crime
Albania Robberies


per 100,000 people

Number of robberies per 100,000 people per year. Source: The UN office on drugs and crime
Albania Suicides


per 100,000 population

Suicide mortality rate is the number of suicide deaths in a year per 100,000 population. Source: The World Health Organization
Albania Prisoners


per 100,000 people

Number of prisoners per 100,000 people. Source: The UN office on drugs and crime

Albania Publications More

Enhancing cross-border cooperation in criminal justice in the ...
January 7, 2025
The project’s main aim is to strengthen cooperation within the Western Balkans and between the region and the EU on fighting organised crime and terrorism using modern tools and instruments. This will lead to an enh...
Countering cyber-enabled hybrid interference in the Western Ba...
December 8, 2024
This analytical report provides an overview of cyber-enabled hybrid interference in the Western Balkans, along with recommendations on how to improve approaches to effectively counter these threats. To this end, the E...
Countering cyber-enabled hybrid interference in the Western Ba...
December 7, 2024
This analytical report provides an overview of cyber-enabled hybrid interference in the Western Balkans, along with recommendations on how to improve approaches to effectively counter these threats. To this end, the E...
Green transition and smart specialisation in the Western Balkans
Policy Brief
October 15, 2024
The Western Balkan region is in an advanced stage of the Smart Specialisation design process, with several economies deeply involved in its implementation. The commitment of these economies to adopt an EU-style, trans...
Integrated Administration and Control System (IACS) implementa...
August 30, 2024
From the perspective of the Western Balkan agricultural sector, the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) represents the benchmark for setting their future agricultural policy. The necessary CAP administrative structures i...
Up For Grabs? The Western Balkans' Aging Energy Systems Pl...
Policy Brief
December 20, 2023
Up For Grabs? The Western Balkans' Aging Energy Systems Place It Between East and West
Implementation of the declaration on energy security and green...
Policy Brief
October 24, 2023
Implementation of the declaration on energy security and green transition in the Western Balkans
Fossil Energy
Comply or or Close - Five years of deadly legal breaches by We...
June 21, 2023
Comply or or Close - Five years of deadly legal breaches by Western Balkan coal plants
Human Rights
Guidance on strengthening data systems on violence against wom...
March 2, 2023
Guidance on strengthening data systems on violence against women for the western Balkans and Türkiye
How do migration, human capital and the labour market interact...
April 11, 2022
How do migration, human capital and the labour market interact in the Western Balkans?
Flagships or red flags? Risks of proposed flagship infrastruct...
Policy Brief
March 23, 2022
Flagships or red flags? Risks of proposed flagship infrastructure projects under the Economic and Investment Plan for the Western Balkans
War in Ukraine: is the EU ready and able to project power in t...
Policy Paper
March 21, 2022
War in Ukraine: is the EU ready and able to project power in the western balkans and the eastern neighbourhood?
Panorama económico Espana Enero 2022 - Monográfico de la evo...
January 18, 2022
Panorama económico Espana Enero 2022 - Monográfico de la evolución del mercado laboral en 2021
Corrosive Capital in the Western Balkans: An Analysis of Four ...
Policy Paper
May 20, 2021
Corrosive Capital in the Western Balkans: An Analysis of Four High Impact Chinese Investments
Home Affairs
Between Democracy and Authoritarianismin - Central & Eastern E...
March 18, 2021
Between Democracy and Authoritarianismin - Central & Eastern Europe and the Western Balkans
Guidelines on circular economy for the countries of the wester...
December 23, 2020
Guidelines on circular economy for the countries of the western Balkans and Turkey
Comply Or Close - How Western Balkan Coal Plants Breach Air Po...
June 19, 2020
Comply Or Close - How Western Balkan Coal Plants Breach Air Pollution Laws And What Governments Must Do About It 2020
Fossil Energy
COMPLY OR CLOSEDecember 2019How Western Balkan coal plants bre...
May 21, 2020
COMPLY OR CLOSEDecember 2019How Western Balkan coal plants breach air pollution laws and what governments must do about it
Fossil Energy
Greece is first Balkan country to announce a coal phase-out da...
October 9, 2019
iCube Programme
The Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis surprised the United Nations Climate Action Summit in New York by announcing the end of the use of coal by 2028 and the dismantling of plants. This is our report from Weste...
Experiences with Chinese investment in the Western Balkans and...
Policy Paper
December 15, 2018
Experiences with Chinese investment in the Western Balkans and the post-Soviet space: Lessons for Central Europe?
Establishing a transport community between the European union ...
July 10, 2017
Establishing a transport community between the European union and the western Balkans 2017
Fossil Energy
Impacts of the Trans-Adriatic Pipeline on the land and livelih...
November 29, 2017
Impacts of the Trans-Adriatic Pipeline on the land and livelihoods of farmers in Albania
The Balkans region is a European refuge of clean and wild rivers and lakes. But during the last fifteen years it has been under increased pressure from plans to build thousands of hydropower plants. 1 While most of th...
Crisis modifiers a solution for a more flexible development hu...
November 9, 2017
Crisis modifiers a solution for a more flexible development humanitarian system?
Lessons to be Learned from Other Experiences of Socio-economic...
Working Paper
September 29, 2017
Lessons to be Learned from Other Experiences of Socio-economic Transformation for Youth in the SEM Region
10 things to know about progress in international development
Balkan enlargement and the politics of civic pressure: The cas...
Policy Paper
October 5, 2017
Balkan enlargement and the politics of civic pressure: The case of the public administration reform sector
Financing the future of buildings in central, eastern and south-east Europe
In spite of having been long evoked in all its horror by writers who had lived it and by champions of the poor, it is nonetheless still explained by lawyers and defended by property owners as a necessary evil.
The trial is the archetype of criminal justice. It has captured the public imagination. Just think of the dominance of courtroom drama in film, TV and literature: the intense personal drama of the trial for the de...
An urgent need for a truly sustainable agriculture, land and food policy.
You would be forgiven, especially if you live in Europe, to think that public services are by nature expensive, inefficient, maybe even somewhat outdated, and that reforming them to adapt to new challenges is difficul...
Most Western Balkan countries – with the notable exception of hydropower-dependent Albania – rely heavily on low-grade lignite coal for their electricity supply. Yet their plants are old and polluting, contributin...
Adolescent obesity and related behaviours: trends and inequali...
May 8, 2017
Adolescent obesity and related behaviours: trends and inequalities in the WHO European Region, 2002–2014
Driving the energy transition into Mediterranean countries for a sustainable and prosperous future
Assessing the implementation of the EU Framework for National ...
June 23, 2016
Assessing the implementation of the EU Framework for National Roma Integration
Safeguarding Energy Security in South-east Europe With Investm...
September 5, 2016
Safeguarding Energy Security in South-east Europe With Investment in Demand-side Infrastructure
Putting theory into practice - How DFID is doing development d...
March 1, 2017
Putting theory into practice - How DFID is doing development differently
Today Europe finds itself on the frontline in the fight against terrorism and jihadist radicalisation. Over the past fourteen months, the horrendous terrorist attacks that have taken place in France, Germany and Belgi...
Shadow Power Assessment of Corruption and Hidden Economy in So...
January 18, 2017
Shadow Power Assessment of Corruption and Hidden Economy in Southeast Europe 2016
Europe reaches its Balkan crossroads Does Brexit mean that Eur...
Working Paper
October 19, 2016
Europe reaches its Balkan crossroads Does Brexit mean that Europe's core will look eastwards?
Policymaking in the Western Balkans Creating Demand for Eviden...
Research Paper
November 22, 2016
Policymaking in the Western Balkans Creating Demand for Evidence Beyond EU Conditionality
It all started with shoes. Toms has given shoes in more than 7...
January 4, 2017
It all started with shoes. Toms has given shoes in more than 70 countries around the world.
Sustainability of the European society and economy will be based on renewable energy and high resource efficiency. For the building sector, this implies the large scale deployment of nearly zero-energy buildings (nZEB)
Transposition - it’s not enough, not enough, not enough: the chorus of a song written by our colleague Peter Vajda on a tune by Manic Street Preachers for the Secretariat’s occasional camp fire retreats in the ...
The European Parliament's ENVI 1 is due to vote next month on the reform of the EU Emissions Trading Scheme (EU ETS) , a flagship climate policy mechanism . Th is report shows that while cement companies in thei r cur...
How unrealistic employment claims are deceiving coal mining communities in southeast Europe and delaying a just transition to sustainable energy.
Energy back in local hands
November 25, 2016
youris.com GEIE
Some examples in Europe show that cities running their own energy company can lower the energy bill for citizens

Albania VideosMore

environment Albania's Water Diversion Project Sparks Outrage
Albania's Water Diversion Project Sparks Outrage
EuroNatur - Stiftung...
The IUCN, the world’s leading authority on conservation, has released a report on the Albanian government’s plan to divert water from the Shushica River—a vital tributary of the Vjosa Wild River National Park. The report calls for a complete halt to the project, yet officials continue to ignore the science. In this episode of the Blue Heart podcast, Annette Spangenberg, Head of Conservation at EuroNatur, talks to Ulrich Eichelmann from Riverwatch and Olsi Nika from EcoAlbania about the IUCN report and what the Albanian government should do now. Read more on our website: https://www.euronatur.org/en/what-we-do/news/iucn-report-recommends-stop-water-abstraction-at-shushica-river-in-albania-and-use-alternatives
environment Albania's Water Diversion Project Sparks Outrage
Albania's Water Diversion Project Sparks Outrage
EuroNatur - Stiftung...
The IUCN, the world’s leading authority on conservation, has released a report on the Albanian government’s plan to divert water from the Shushica River—a vital tributary of the Vjosa Wild River National Park. The report calls for a complete halt to the project, yet officials continue to ignore the science. In this episode of the Blue Heart podcast, Annette Spangenberg, Head of Conservation at EuroNatur, talks to Ulrich Eichelmann from Riverwatch and Olsi Nika from EcoAlbania about the IUCN report and what the Albanian government should do now. Read more on our website: https://www.euronatur.org/en/what-we-do/news/iucn-report-recommends-stop-water-abstraction-at-shushica-river-in-albania-and-use-alternatives
environment Albania's Water Diversion Project Sparks Outrage
Albania's Water Diversion Project Sparks Outrage
EuroNatur - Stiftung...
The IUCN, the world’s leading authority on conservation, has released a report on the Albanian government’s plan to divert water from the Shushica River—a vital tributary of the Vjosa Wild River National Park. The report calls for a complete halt to the project, yet officials continue to ignore the science. In this episode of the Blue Heart podcast, Annette Spangenberg, Head of Conservation at EuroNatur, talks to Ulrich Eichelmann from Riverwatch and Olsi Nika from EcoAlbania about the IUCN report and what the Albanian government should do now. Read more on our website: https://www.euronatur.org/en/what-we-do/news/iucn-report-recommends-stop-water-abstraction-at-shushica-river-in-albania-and-use-alternatives
digital SPOTLIGHT ON ALBANIA: Social Dialogue Actors, Institutions, and Chambers of Commerce
SPOTLIGHT ON ALBANIA: Social Dialogue Actors, Institutions, and Chambers of Commerce
6 Jan 2025
European DIGITAL SME...
Episode 3 of the ValueFacturing SMEs Podcast series
institutions EU-Western Balkans Summit
EU-Western Balkans Summit
18 Dec 2024
European Commission
Press conference by António COSTA, President of the European Council and Ursula von der LEYEN, President of the European Commission Find the press release: https://ec.europa.eu/commission/presscorner/detail/en/statement_24_6481 Photo and video reportage on the Audiovisual Portal of the European Commission: https://audiovisual.ec.europa.eu/en/topnews/M-009765 Follow us on: -X: https://twitter.com/EU_Commission -Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/europeancommission/ -Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/EuropeanCommission -LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/european-commission/ -Medium: https://medium.com/@EuropeanCommission Visit our website: http://ec.europa.eu/
Human Rights Day - Xhuljana from Albania (Arabic Sub.)
Human Rights Day - Xhuljana from Albania (Arabic Sub.)
13 Dec 2024
Today, we focus on Article 10 – Right to a Fair Trial, as shared by Xhuljana from Albania: I chose the right to a fair trial because it is a cornerstone of democracy, ensuring fair and just societies while preventing potential abuse by governments and state authorities. Let’s stand for justice and fairness for all!
Human Rights Day - Xhuljana from Albania (English Sub.)
Human Rights Day - Xhuljana from Albania (English Sub.)
13 Dec 2024
Today, we focus on Article 10 – Right to a Fair Trial, as shared by Xhuljana from Albania: I chose the right to a fair trial because it is a cornerstone of democracy, ensuring fair and just societies while preventing potential abuse by governments and state authorities. Let’s stand for justice and fairness for all!
migration EUAA–Western Balkans Cooperation
EUAA–Western Balkans Cooperation
27 Nov 2024
EU Asylum Agency - EUAA
This year marks a decade of EUAA–Western Balkans cooperation helping build strong and resilient asylum systems aligned with 🇪🇺 standards. Through 6 bilateral roadmaps and 260+ capacity development actions, we’ve tailored support to each country’s needs, empowering their officials and strengthening institutional frameworks. Highlights include: 🟦 Developing Standard Operating Procedures in North Macedonia & Montenegro 🟦 Strengthening Country of Origin Information functions in Serbia 🟦 Informing legislative changes in Albania & Bosnia Herzegovina 🟦 Peer-to-peer support on reception system in Kosovo Our partnership has also enhanced crisis response, evidenced during the influx of Ukrainian arrivals. Western Balkan practitioners are now integrating into EUAA Knowledge Networks, preparing for their eventual participation in the Common European Asylum System.
development Virtual Reality tour in Albania
Virtual Reality tour in Albania
19 Nov 2024
European Bank for Re...
Together with the European Union (EU), we are supporting the development of sustainable tourism across Albania. We are improving the country’s infrastructure, support businesses in the tourism sector, preserve Albania’s unique culture heritage, develop skills and training activities, especially for women – and much more. In total, the EBRD is investing €60 million, complemented by €40 million in EU funds.
cities Youth must be involved in decision-making - Anuela Ristani, Deputy Mayor of Tirana
Youth must be involved in decision-making - Anuela Ristani, Deputy Mayor of Tirana
2 Nov 2024
Cities are ready to act. Anuela Ristani, Deputy Mayor of Tirana, explains the importance of engaging younger generations in politics. The Eurocities Shadow Commission offers local level counterparts for members of Ursula von der Leyen’s Commission College.The Eurocities Shadow Commission’s mandate reflects the main messages from the Eurocities Manifesto, which outlines key actions for reimagining and strengthening Europe through urban initiatives. This includes a strong emphasis on social inclusion, climate resilience, digital transformation, and a more coordinated urban policy framework within the EU. #shadowcommission #youthrights #youth #teamlocaleurope #tirana #albania #betterfuture -- ​ With Eurocities, it’s all in our name: we connect Europe and cities. We are convinced that this connection leads to a better life for all. ​ Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/EUROCITIES ​ Give us a like on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/EUROCITIES ​ Check out our Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/company/eurocities/​ And visit our website for updated information about European cities: https://www.eurocities.eu ​ --- ​ Eurocities wants to make cities places where everyone can enjoy a good quality of life, is able to move around safely, access quality and inclusive public services and benefit from a healthy environment. We do this by networking almost 200 larger European cities, which together represent some 130 million people across 38 countries, and by gathering evidence of how policy making impacts on people to inspire other cities and EU decision makers.
cities The EU must better understand the younger generations - Anuela Ristani, Deputy Mayor of Tirana
The EU must better understand the younger generations - Anuela Ristani, Deputy Mayor of Tirana
31 Oct 2024
Cities are ready to act. Anuela Ristani, Deputy Mayor of Tirana, explains how the EU should engage younger generations in politics. The Eurocities Shadow Commission offers local level counterparts for members of Ursula von der Leyen’s Commission College.The Eurocities Shadow Commission’s mandate reflects the main messages from the Eurocities Manifesto, which outlines key actions for reimagining and strengthening Europe through urban initiatives. This includes a strong emphasis on social inclusion, climate resilience, digital transformation, and a more coordinated urban policy framework within the EU. #shadowcommission #youthrights #youth #teamlocaleurope #tirana #albania #betterfuture -- ​ With Eurocities, it’s all in our name: we connect Europe and cities. We are convinced that this connection leads to a better life for all. ​ Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/EUROCITIES ​ Give us a like on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/EUROCITIES ​ Check out our Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/company/eurocities/​ And visit our website for updated information about European cities: https://www.eurocities.eu ​ --- ​ Eurocities wants to make cities places where everyone can enjoy a good quality of life, is able to move around safely, access quality and inclusive public services and benefit from a healthy environment. We do this by networking almost 200 larger European cities, which together represent some 130 million people across 38 countries, and by gathering evidence of how policy making impacts on people to inspire other cities and EU decision makers.
institutions European Commission President Ursula von der LEYEN Western Balkans tour (Kosovo)
European Commission President Ursula von der LEYEN Western Balkans tour (Kosovo)
25 Oct 2024
European Commission
Press Conference with HE Vjosa Osmani-Sadriu, President of the Republic of Kosovo Watch on the Audiovisual Portal of the European Commission: Follow us on: -X: https://twitter.com/EU_Commission -Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/europeancommission/ -Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/EuropeanCommission -LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/european-commission/ -Medium: https://medium.com/@EuropeanCommission Check our website: http://ec.europa.eu/
institutions Congratulations to the first-ever cohort of students of the College of Europe in Tirana.
Congratulations to the first-ever cohort of students of the College of Europe in Tirana.
25 Oct 2024
European Commission
College of Europe has opened its doors in Tirana, Albania. And its first-ever cohort of students is making history. We wish them a great year! #collegeofeurope
institutions European Commission President Ursula von der LEYEN Western Balkans tour (North Macedonia)
European Commission President Ursula von der LEYEN Western Balkans tour (North Macedonia)
24 Oct 2024
European Commission
Press conference by Hristijan MICKOSKI, Prime Minister of North Macedonia and Ursula VON DER LEYEN, President of the European Commission Watch on the Audiovisual Portal of the European Commission: Follow us on: -X: https://twitter.com/EU_Commission -Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/europeancommission/ -Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/EuropeanCommission -LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/european-commission/ -Medium: https://medium.com/@EuropeanCommission Check our website: http://ec.europa.eu/
institutions European Commission President Ursula von der LEYEN Western Balkans tour (Bosnia and Herzegovina)
European Commission President Ursula von der LEYEN Western Balkans tour (Bosnia and Herzegovina)
24 Oct 2024
European Commission
Press Conference with HE Borjana Krišto, Chairwoman of the Council of Ministers Bosnia and Herzegovina Watch on the Audiovisual Portal of the European Commission: Follow us on: -X: https://twitter.com/EU_Commission -Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/europeancommission/ -Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/EuropeanCommission -LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/european-commission/ -Medium: https://medium.com/@EuropeanCommission Check our website: http://ec.europa.eu/
institutions European Commission President Ursula von der LEYEN Western Balkans tour (Serbia)
European Commission President Ursula von der LEYEN Western Balkans tour (Serbia)
24 Oct 2024
European Commission
Press conference with HE Aleksandar Vučić, President of the Republic of Serbia Watch on the Audiovisual Portal of the European Commission: Follow us on: -X: https://twitter.com/EU_Commission -Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/europeancommission/ -Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/EuropeanCommission -LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/european-commission/ -Medium: https://medium.com/@EuropeanCommission Check our website: http://ec.europa.eu/
institutions European Commission President Ursula von der LEYEN Western Balkans tour (Albania)
European Commission President Ursula von der LEYEN Western Balkans tour (Albania)
23 Oct 2024
European Commission
Opening Ceremony of the Academic Year of the College of Europe Opening speech by Federica MOGHERINI, Rector of the College of Europe Video messages from students from Bruges and Natolin Speech by student representative Destantila MURIGI from Kosovo Speech by Edi RAMA, Albanian Prime Minister Speech by student representative Arman MULIC BiH/HR Keynote speech Ursula von der LEYEN, President of the European Commission Closing words by Federica MOGHERINI, Rector of the College of Europe Family photo Watch on the Audiovisual Portal of the European Commission: Follow us on: -X: https://twitter.com/EU_Commission -Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/europeancommission/ -Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/EuropeanCommission -LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/european-commission/ -Medium: https://medium.com/@EuropeanCommission Check our website: http://ec.europa.eu/
institutions European Commission President Ursula von der LEYEN Western Balkans tour (Albania)
European Commission President Ursula von der LEYEN Western Balkans tour (Albania)
22 Oct 2024
European Commission
Press Conference of President Ursula von der LEYEN with Prime Minister Edi Rama Watch on the Audiovisual Portal of the European Commission: Subscribe to our channel: https://bit.ly/2X56Ju6 Follow us on: -X: https://twitter.com/EU_Commission -Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/europeancommission/ -Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/EuropeanCommission -LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/european-commission/ -Medium: https://medium.com/@EuropeanCommission Check our website: http://ec.europa.eu/
digital Ramadhan Rahman -
Ramadhan Rahman - "Voices of the IGF"
17 Oct 2024
Internet Governance ...
Ramahdan Rahman shares how his journey with the United Nations Internet Governance Forum (IGF) began in 2019 at an international youth summit in the Maldives. After connecting with a friend, Nadia, his life took a transformative turn. Since his first IGF participation in Poland in 2021, he has deepened his understanding of internet governance and built a global network of passionate individuals. As the NRI coordinator for Iraq and Kyrgyzstan, he continues to advocate for a safer, more inclusive internet. VOICES OF THE IGF 'Voices of the Internet Governance Forum' showcases stories that capture the transformative power of the IGF. The project gathers short, dynamic video testimonials about how the IGF has influenced individuals, their societies and contributed to the global digital discourse. *EXTENDED! SUBMISSIONS ARE OPEN UNTIL FRIDAY 1 NOVEMBER, 2024* Make your voice count! Anyone Can Contribute - Engaged IGF participants at all levels - at the global IGF or in country-level, regional or youth IGF initiatives - Participants in Schools on Internet Governance (SIGs) and associated initiatives - Youth, including young innovators and digital entrepreneurs - Academics and researchers in digital policy - Digital rights activists - Tech & media industry professionals - Digital decision makers from all stakeholder groups - Stakeholders just learning about IGF How to Participate I. Create Your Video: Produce a video of yourself (up to 60 seconds) expressing your views on the IGF's role in your life, your country/region’s digital discourse, or the global digital discourse. You can choose to do so by answering one of the guiding questions below. II. Submit the Video to voicesoftheigf@intgovforum.org by Friday 1 November. You can send quickly and easily using Smash or WeTransfer. III. See Your Video on the IGF’s platforms #VoicesoftheIGF #DigitalInclusion #GlobalCommunity #DigitalGovernance
environment European Green Belt Days 2024 – Albania (PPNEA)
European Green Belt Days 2024 – Albania (PPNEA)
8 Oct 2024
EuroNatur - Stiftung...
The environmental organizsaiton PPNEA celebrated with European Green Belt Days 2024 for five days in six different schools of the Prespa Lake region. A mixture of indoor and outdoor activities were organized for the kids to raise their environmental awareness and share about the European Green Belt. The European Green Belt Days celebration was organized as part of the BESTbelt project “Balkania Route: Two steps towards others”. Read more: https://www.europeangreenbelt.org/bestbelt/projects-call2-16
digital Ramadhan Rahman -
Ramadhan Rahman - "Voices of the IGF"
8 Oct 2024
Internet Governance ...
Ramahdan Rahman shares how his journey with the United Nations Internet Governance Forum (IGF) began in 2019 at an international youth summit in the Maldives. After connecting with a friend, Nadia, his life took a transformative turn. Since his first IGF participation in Poland in 2021, he has deepened his understanding of internet governance and built a global network of passionate individuals. As the NRI coordinator for Iraq and Kyrgyzstan, he continues to advocate for a safer, more inclusive internet. VOICES OF THE IGF 'Voices of the Internet Governance Forum' showcases stories that capture the transformative power of the IGF. The project gathers short, dynamic video testimonials about how the IGF has influenced individuals, their societies and contributed to the global digital discourse. *EXTENDED! SUBMISSIONS ARE OPEN UNTIL FRIDAY 1 NOVEMBER, 2024* Make your voice count! Anyone Can Contribute - Engaged IGF participants at all levels - at the global IGF or in country-level, regional or youth IGF initiatives - Participants in Schools on Internet Governance (SIGs) and associated initiatives - Youth, including young innovators and digital entrepreneurs - Academics and researchers in digital policy - Digital rights activists - Tech & media industry professionals - Digital decision makers from all stakeholder groups - Stakeholders just learning about IGF How to Participate I. Create Your Video: Produce a video of yourself (up to 60 seconds) expressing your views on the IGF's role in your life, your country/region’s digital discourse, or the global digital discourse. You can choose to do so by answering one of the guiding questions below. II. Submit the Video to voicesoftheigf@intgovforum.org by Friday 1 November. You can send quickly and easily using Smash or WeTransfer. III. See Your Video on the IGF’s platforms #VoicesoftheIGF #DigitalInclusion #GlobalCommunity #DigitalGovernance
cities ALDA, Europe - Celebrating 30years of Local Democracy Agencies in the Balkans
ALDA, Europe - Celebrating 30years of Local Democracy Agencies in the Balkans
13 Sep 2024
ALDA - European Asso...
ALDA Europe is a documentary produced by EUPHONIA Association, with the artistic supervision of Francesco Zarzana, Vice-President of ALDA and Director of Progettarte, in order to celebrate 30 years since the establishment of the very first Local Democracy Agency in the Balkans, LDA Subotica. *Funded by the European Union. However, the views and opinions expressed are solely those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the CERV Programme. Neither the European Union nor the funding authority can be held responsible.
agriculture GLOBSEC Chat - Region Under Siege: Fragility of the Western Balkans
GLOBSEC Chat - Region Under Siege: Fragility of the Western Balkans
29 Aug 2024
Edi Rama, Prime Minister of the Republic of Albania Led by: Steve Clemons, Contributing Editor, The National Interest & Co-Chair GLOBSEC US Initiative
agriculture The Western Balkans’ EU Ascent
The Western Balkans’ EU Ascent
29 Aug 2024
Jakov Milatović, President of Montenegro Aleksandar Vučić, President of the Republic of Serbia Alexander “Sasha” Kasanof, Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for the Western Balkans, United States Department of State Ivan Krastev, Chairman, Centre for Liberal Strategies Led by: Maria Tadeo, European Correspondent & Analyst
agriculture Western Balkans at the Crossroads between the West and the East
Western Balkans at the Crossroads between the West and the East
29 Aug 2024
Milo Đukanović, Former President of Montenegro Stevo Pendarovski, Former President of North Macedonia Philip Reeker, Ambassador (ret.) Partner, DGA-Albright Stonebridge Group and Chair, Wilson Center’s Global Europe Program (Assistant Secretary of State for Europe, 2019 -2021) Led by: Rikard Jozwiak, Europe Editor, Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty
development Empowering the next generation of business leaders in the Western Balkans
Empowering the next generation of business leaders in the Western Balkans
15 Jul 2024
European Bank for Re...
Discover the compelling journeys of three young entrepreneurs from the Western Balkans, as we learn about their company origins, the challenges they’ve faced, what motivates them, and how the EBRD’s Youth in Business programme has provided them with the critical support that they needed to grow. Featuring: Hana Qerimi – CEO, StarLabs (Kosovo) Dragoje Vukić – CEO, ProGroup (Montenegro) Jelena Ivković – CEO, Termo Group (Serbia) Youth in Business: The EBRD’s Youth in Business programme is empowering the next generation of business leaders by offering eligible entrepreneurs access to finance and tailored business advice, plus mentoring and networking opportunities across our regions. If you’re under the age of thirty-five and manage or own an MSME in a participating EBRD country of operation, then you could qualify for the programme! Find out more here: https://www.ebrd.com/youth-in-business/finance-and-advice-for-youth-in-business
digital Towards Digital Leadership in the Western Balkans: Setting the priorities for the next five years
Towards Digital Leadership in the Western Balkans: Setting the priorities for the next five years
4 Jul 2024
European DIGITAL SME...
Towards Digital Leadership in the Western Balkans: Setting the priorities for the next five years
security HR/VP Josep Borrell | Foreign Affairs Council 24/06/2004| Presser #Western Balkans
HR/VP Josep Borrell | Foreign Affairs Council 24/06/2004| Presser #Western Balkans
25 Jun 2024
European External Ac...
Hosting the 6 Western Balkan Foreign Ministers at today’s FAC, HR/VP Josep Borrell stressed the importance of alignment & cooperation on foreign & security policy. Ahead of the 26/06 High Level meeting, he reiterated his commitment to move forward the Belgrade-Pristina Dialogue. Full transcript here: https://www.eeas.europa.eu/eeas/foreign-affairs-council-press-remarks-high-representative-josep-borrell-after-meeting-15_en
renewable (WEBINAR) Energizing the Balkans: A Deep Dive into Renewable Strategies and Market Impacts
(WEBINAR) Energizing the Balkans: A Deep Dive into Renewable Strategies and Market Impacts
11 Jun 2024
Join us for an insightful exploration of the dynamic energy landscape of the Balkans with our distinguished speaker, Marin Cerjan. With over 15 years of expertise in energy forecasting, market analysis, and sustainable project development, Marin delved into the evolving regional energy mix and its implications on market prices. Discover the innovative integration of solar power and storage solutions, and learn about the frameworks enabling this transformation. In this webinar, we spotlighted a number of countries in the Balkans region, examining their capacities and advancements in renewable energy installations. Marin also addressed the key challenges and opportunities within these markets, focusing on essential technical, regulatory, and financial considerations. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 🔗 For more insights and events, visit - https://bit.ly/3vYZriN
dataprotection Lançamento do programa de mentoria AL-INVmentor durante o Inova Amazônia, 10/05/2024, Manaus, Brasil
Lançamento do programa de mentoria AL-INVmentor durante o Inova Amazônia, 10/05/2024, Manaus, Brasil
24 May 2024
EUIP Cooperation
For more information please visit our website at: https://internationalipcooperation.eu/ Follow us: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/EUIPcooperation Twitter: https://twitter.com/EUIPcooperation Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/company/euipcooperation
dataprotection Líder de AL-INVEST Verde DPI, Mariano Riccheri, sobre el programa de mentorías: ALINVmentor
Líder de AL-INVEST Verde DPI, Mariano Riccheri, sobre el programa de mentorías: ALINVmentor
22 May 2024
EUIP Cooperation
For more information please visit our website at: https://internationalipcooperation.eu/ Follow us: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/EUIPcooperation Twitter: https://twitter.com/EUIPcooperation Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/company/euipcooperation
regions A New Cycling Hub for Tirana – NEB Prizes 2024 finalist
A New Cycling Hub for Tirana – NEB Prizes 2024 finalist
22 May 2024
New European Bauhaus Prizes 2024 Rising Stars finalist in the category: Reconnecting with nature Location: Tirana, Albania Discover EcoVelo Tirana, where art meets motion! Inspired by the New European Bauhaus, our cycling hub is more than just a transit point—it's a vibrant, sustainable community space. Blending sleek design with environmental consciousness, EcoVelo Tirana invites everyone to embrace greener travel. Here, every pedal stroke takes us closer to a cleaner, more inclusive future. Join us in redefining urban mobility, one ride at a time. EcoVelo Tirana: Your journey to a sustainable tomorrow starts here! For more information please visit: https://prizes.new-european-bauhaus.europa.eu/ Follow us on: Instagram: @NewEuropeanBauhaus Facebook: @NewEuropeanBauhaus LinkedIn: @New European Bauhaus Threads: @NewEuropeanBauhaus #EUGreenDeal #NewEuropeanBauhaus For more information on EU regional policy, please visit our website: https://europa.eu/!Yy67HF Follow us on: - Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/EUinmyregion - Twitter: https://twitter.com/euinmyregion - Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/euinmyregion/
education Meet Albania
Meet Albania
14 May 2024
Interreg Europe
🇦🇱 Watch our video to discover Albania, one of our seven new programme countries. The seven new Partner States seek partnerships with other Interreg Europe countries. Find out how you can collaborate with them on our website ➡️ https://bit.ly/3xczqx4 #InterregEurope
industry Ante un panorama económico complejo - Ponencia económica
Ante un panorama económico complejo - Ponencia económica
9 May 2024
ℹ️ Más información: https://www.ceoe.es/es/iii-encuentro-ceoe-comercio
medicine Programa de Bolsas de Estudo Mark Wainberg
Programa de Bolsas de Estudo Mark Wainberg
8 May 2024
IAS – the Internat...
Uma iniciativa da IAS – the International AIDS Society -, o programa de dos anos oferece uma formação avançada em gestão médica de pessoas que sofrem de VIH, desde o diagnóstico até ao tratamento, incluindo comorbidades. O programa dará ênfase aos cuidados apropriados de grupos de pacientes diferentes, incluindo populações chave, com o objetivo de contribuir para melhorar a qualidade da prestação de serviços relacionados com VIH no continente africano. O clínicos selecionados passarão um ano na Europa e um ano em África, em instituições clínicas.
power EUSEW Awards 2024 finalist - PHOTORAMA
EUSEW Awards 2024 finalist - PHOTORAMA
7 May 2024
Meet the PHOTORAMA project, which has developed circular solutions to solar panel recycling: https://interactive.eusew.eu/awards/innovation/photorama Bridging manufacturing and recycling industries yields promising results: recycling 1 200 tonnes of photovoltaic (PV) panels could save over 3 800 tonnes of CO2 equivalent, or as much greenhouse gas as emitted by almost a thousand cars driven for a year. Such a solution could have a powerful impact, given the millions of tonnes of PV waste in the pipeline. PHOTORAMA is one of three finalists shortlisted for the European Sustainable Energy Awards 2024 in the Innovation category: https://interactive.eusew.eu/awards#innovation. The award recognises outstanding ongoing or recently completed EU-funded projects that show an original and innovative path towards the clean energy transition. Get to know all nine outstanding individuals and projects, who are highlighted at #EUSEW2024 for their innovation in energy efficiency and renewables and cast your vote for your favourite finalists: https://interactive.eusew.eu/awards/. About EUSEW: www.ec.europa.eu/eusew Policy Conference programme: https://interactive.eusew.eu/eusew-2024/programme Join the EUSEW community: https://interactive.eusew.eu/stay-touch/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/euenergyweek/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/euenergyweek LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/groups/4197341/ ______________________________________ The European Sustainable Energy Week (EUSEW) is the biggest annual event dedicated to renewables and efficient energy use in Europe. It is organised by the European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency (CINEA) and the Directorate-General for Energy.
Rawmaterials EIT RawMaterials CEO Bernd Schäfer in conversation with Elisabeta Dosku of SCAN TV, Albania
EIT RawMaterials CEO Bernd Schäfer in conversation with Elisabeta Dosku of SCAN TV, Albania
26 Apr 2024
EIT RawMaterials
In an interview with SCAN TV, Bernd Schäfer, CEO and Managing Director of EIT RawMaterials, discusses the new Regional Innovation Center for mineral raw materials in Albania. The centre aims to position Albania as a key player in Europe's mining sector by attracting investment and boosting the economy. Albania's mineral resources and talent are viewed as significant assets, with the centre working in collaboration with the Albanian government to build a strategy that fosters innovation and encourages investment. Schäfer sees Albania's commitment as a potential model for other Western Balkan countries, leading the way in developing the region's raw materials sector.
education The Road to Tirana | The Bologna Process and its Future | Webinar
The Road to Tirana | The Bologna Process and its Future | Webinar
26 Apr 2024
EURASHE - European A...
On 29-30 May 2024, the Tirana Ministerial Conference will celebrate 25 years of the Bologna Process. As we gear up to honour this moment, we invite the EURASHE community at large to reflect with us on the successes and shortcomings of the Bologna Process so far. What have the Bologna Process and Bologna Follow-up Group (BFUG) accomplished? And what can still be improved? After a brief introduction to the Bologna Process, we will hear different perspectives from Higher Education experts and then dive into a discussion with questions from the audience.
EU Enlargement and the Western Balkans - A Croatian Perspective
EU Enlargement and the Western Balkans - A Croatian Perspective
19 Apr 2024
In her speech, Andreja Metelko-Zgombić, State Secretary for Europe in the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs of the Republic of Croatia, focuses on Croatia’s perspective on the forthcoming EU enlargement process, the institutional changes required to prepare the EU for enlargement, and the range of reforms to be implemented by the Western Balkan countries before accession, including the resolution of historical disputes. She also addresses the proposal of a so-called confidence clause for the region in the accession treaties, which would prevent a newly joined Member State from blocking the accession of another candidate country. Finally, she provides an assessment, ten years on, of how both Croatia and the EU have benefitted from the 2013 enlargement. About the Speaker: Andreja Metelko-Zgombić is the State Secretary for Europe at the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs of the Republic of Croatia and holds a law degree. Prior to assuming this position in 2017, she held several prominent posts at the Ministry, including Chief Legal Adviser and Assistant Minister for European Law, International Law and Consular Affairs. Metelko-Zgombić is also the Senior Representative of the Republic of Croatia on the Standing Joint Committee on Succession Issues and the President of the Commission of the Government of the Republic of Croatia for Borders.
EU Enlargement and the Western Balkans - A Croatian Perspective
EU Enlargement and the Western Balkans - A Croatian Perspective
19 Apr 2024
In her speech, Andreja Metelko-Zgombić, State Secretary for Europe in the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs of the Republic of Croatia, focuses on Croatia’s perspective on the forthcoming EU enlargement process, the institutional changes required to prepare the EU for enlargement, and the range of reforms to be implemented by the Western Balkan countries before accession, including the resolution of historical disputes. She also addresses the proposal of a so-called confidence clause for the region in the accession treaties, which would prevent a newly joined Member State from blocking the accession of another candidate country. Finally, she provides an assessment, ten years on, of how both Croatia and the EU have benefitted from the 2013 enlargement. About the Speaker: Andreja Metelko-Zgombić is the State Secretary for Europe at the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs of the Republic of Croatia and holds a law degree. Prior to assuming this position in 2017, she held several prominent posts at the Ministry, including Chief Legal Adviser and Assistant Minister for European Law, International Law and Consular Affairs. Metelko-Zgombić is also the Senior Representative of the Republic of Croatia on the Standing Joint Committee on Succession Issues and the President of the Commission of the Government of the Republic of Croatia for Borders. Recorded on the 19th of April 2024
EU Enlargement and the Western Balkans - A Croatian Perspective
EU Enlargement and the Western Balkans - A Croatian Perspective
17 Apr 2024
In her speech, Andreja Metelko-Zgombić, State Secretary for Europe in the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs of the Republic of Croatia, will focus on Croatia’s perspective on the forthcoming EU enlargement process, the institutional changes required to prepare the EU for enlargement, and the range of reforms to be implemented by the Western Balkan countries before accession, including the resolution of historical disputes. She will also address the proposal of a so-called confidence clause for the region in the accession treaties, which would prevent a newly joined Member State from blocking the accession of another candidate country. Finally, she will provide an assessment, ten years on, of how both Croatia and the EU have benefitted from the 2013 enlargement. About the Speaker: Andreja Metelko-Zgombić is the State Secretary for Europe at the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs of the Republic of Croatia and holds a law degree. Prior to assuming this position in 2017, she held several prominent posts at the Ministry, including Chief Legal Adviser and Assistant Minister for European Law, International Law and Consular Affairs. Metelko-Zgombić is also the Senior Representative of the Republic of Croatia on the Standing Joint Committee on Succession Issues and the President of the Commission of the Government of the Republic of Croatia for Borders.
agriculture Sábháilteacht Feirme - Bí ar an airdeall i gcónaí agus bí cúramach ar d'fheirm.
Sábháilteacht Feirme - Bí ar an airdeall i gcónaí agus bí cúramach ar d'fheirm.
17 Apr 2024
Department of Agricu...
Céard a choinníonn d'fheirm ag imeacht? Na hainmhithe. An t-innealra. Agus cén fáth a bhfuil d'fheirm contúirteach? Nuair atá na rudaí seo ina dtorann cúlra, déanann tú dearmad ar an gcontúirt a bhaineann leo. Bí ar an airdeall i gcónaí agus bí cúramach ar d'fheirm. hsa.ie/farmsafety
humanrights A no man land: The Protocol on extraterritorial migration management between Albania and Italy
A no man land: The Protocol on extraterritorial migration management between Albania and Italy
13 Apr 2024
Fair Trials
Jordan Daci, Attorney at Law at Daci & Associates and LEAP member, talked with Fair Trials Networks Coordinator Simona Di Dio about the Protocol on extraterritorial migration management between the Government of the Italian Republic and the Council of Ministers of the Albania Republic signed last November 6th, 2023.
foreignaffairs Balkanisation d'Internet : vers la fin du web global ?
Balkanisation d'Internet : vers la fin du web global ?
8 Apr 2024
Institut français d...
Dans un monde hyperconnecté, la stabilité d'Internet est prise pour acquise. Mais qu'arrive-t-il lorsque les fondements même de ce réseau des réseaux commencent à se fissurer ? De la pandémie de Covid-19 aux conséquences de l'invasion russe de l'Ukraine, Julien Nocetti explore le spectre d'une fragmentation accélérée de l'Internet global. Comment les grandes puissances et les acteurs privés, notamment les titans du numérique, jouent-ils un rôle dans cette évolution ?Dans cet épisode, nous plongeons au cœur de la fragmentation d'Internet, une réalité où le réseau mondial se morcelle, se segmente et se régionalise. Nous examinons les différentes facettes de cette fragmentation : technique, géopolitique, et commerciale, et comment elles façonnent notre interaction avec le monde numérique.Rejoignez-nous pour une discussion éclairée avec Julien Nocetti, auteur de l'étude Un Internet en morceaux ? Fragmentation d’Internet et stratégies de la Chine, la Russie, l’Inde et l’Union européenne. Ensemble, nous déchiffrons les ambitions et les politiques derrière la reconfiguration d'Internet par des acteurs étatiques divers, offrant une perspective unique sur les visions du capitalisme numérique et les implications pour le futur du web.#Internet #Fragmentation #Géopolitique #Technologie #Cybersécurité #DiplomatieNumérique #PlateformesNumériques #LibertéSurInternet
culture Museum of the “Panorama of the Battle of Racławice”, EMYA2024 Nominee
Museum of the “Panorama of the Battle of Racławice”, EMYA2024 Nominee
28 Feb 2024
European Museum Forum
Museum of the “Panorama of the Battle of Racławice”, Wrocław, Poland Copyright: National Museum in Wrocław
development Western Balkans Investment Summit 2024
Western Balkans Investment Summit 2024
12 Feb 2024
European Bank for Re...
The Western Balkans Investment Summit 2024 will be held at the EBRD HQ in London on Monday 26 February. The event will be attended by all six heads of government from the region, who have confirmed their participation. The aim of the Summit is to highlight potential investment and business opportunities in the Western Balkans region and to promote regional and cross-border projects. This is the sixth EBRD summit of its kind; the inaugural Western Balkans Summit took place at the EBRD ten years ago, in February 2014 and, for the first time, brought together all the region’s prime ministers. The Western Balkans is a priority region for the EBRD. Today, the EBRD remains one of the largest institutional investors in countries of the region, with more than €18 billion invested to date. The traditional highlight of the Summit – interactive “Prime Ministers Session” - will see the regional Leaders and the President of the EBRD address the audience with their overall vision for the region, key regional projects and opportunities for investment at both regional level and in each of the countries of the region, which includes Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Montenegro, North Macedonia and Serbia. The session will feature extended Q&A with foreign investors. 9.00-9.30 Opening of the Summit. Welcome address Odile Renaud-Basso, President, EBRD High level representative of the EU (tbc) 9.30 -11.00 *Interactive session with participation of the six Western Balkans Prime Ministers, including extended Q&A with foreign investors
justice What is the Western Balkans Criminal Justice Project? | Eurojust
What is the Western Balkans Criminal Justice Project? | Eurojust
23 Jan 2024
The Western Balkans Criminal Justice Project, funded by the European Union and implemented by Eurojust, aims to strengthen cooperation within the Western Balkans, and between the region and the EU, on fighting organised crime and terrorism using modern tools and instruments. Discover more about the project on Eurojust’s website: 👉 https://www.eurojust.europa.eu/western-balkans-criminal-justice Eurojust, the European Union Agency for Criminal Justice Cooperation, supports the fight against serious cross-border crime in all its shapes and forms, strengthening the coordination and cooperation between national investigating and judicial authorities. Discover our website: 👉 http://www.eurojust.europa.eu/ Follow Eurojust on social media: LinkedIn 👉 https://www.linkedin.com/company/eurojust/ Twitter 👉 https://twitter.com/eurojust
foreignaffairs The Western Balkans’ Bumpy Road to the EU
The Western Balkans’ Bumpy Road to the EU
18 Jan 2024
Carnegie Europe
Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine has given EU enlargement new impetus, but obstacles to the Western Balkan countries’ integration persist. Dimitar Bechev, senior fellow at Carnegie Europe, and Oana Popescu-Zamfir, director of the Bucharest-based think tank GlobalFocus Center, discuss the domestic dynamics in the region and how Brussels can encourage democratic reform. [00:00:00] Intro, [00:01:41] Where the Western Balkans Stand on the Road to the EU, [00:11:20] Obstacles to EU Enlargement, [00:18:35] Prospects for Western Balkan Countries’ EU Accession. ------- Europe Inside Out brings together experts to explain Europe’s foreign policy challenges and opportunities. Every month, go beyond the headlines with Carnegie Europe and explore where the continent stands, how it got here, and where it is heading. Subscribe to Europe Inside Out wherever you listen to podcasts, including these platforms: Simplecast: https://europe-inside-out.simplecast.com/ Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/europe-inside-out/id1645883619 Google Podcasts: https://podcasts.google.com/feed/aHR0cHM6Ly9mZWVkcy5zaW1wbGVjYXN0LmNvbS9zT2tjb1dvUg Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/0KbJAZOWBseJc8FWqvTUu1 Amazon Music: https://music.amazon.com/podcasts/319745ab-f0b6-4aed-bc41-c4f18720e60d/europe-inside-out #podcast #europe #europeanunion #eu #israel #gaza #middleeast# #CarnegieEurope
digital Deepfakes and how to counter them | GMF talk with Professor VS Subhramanian
Deepfakes and how to counter them | GMF talk with Professor VS Subhramanian
17 Jan 2024
DW Global Media Forum
The use of deepfakes is on the rise, and with dozens of elections coming up in 2024, many are worried about the threats these AI-generated copies of a person’s image, voice, or video pose to democracy. But what are the positives of the technology, and how can journalists attune their senses to what’s a deepfake or not? We asked VS Subrahmanian, Professor of Computer Science at Northwestern University. You can find all GMF talk episodes here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLnRODqqz08xLwb5PArU-KQDfI-SiYisPW #DW #DeutscheWelle #journalism #deepfakes #misinformation #disinformation
development Combating the heat in Albanian cities
Combating the heat in Albanian cities
10 Jan 2024
Albanian cities are suffering from the effects of urban heat islands. GFDRR's City Resilience Program worked with local communities and engaged the youth to launch heat mapping campaigns in Tirana, Shkodra, and Vlora. The heat maps generated through this initiative helped identify the most exposed areas and inform policy decisions to address rising temperatures in urban areas.
eufunding Sesión informativa MSCA COFUND 2023 Co financiación de programas de investigación
Sesión informativa MSCA COFUND 2023 Co financiación de programas de investigación
18 Dec 2023
Horizonte Europa
Sesión informativa MSCA COFUND 2023 Co financiación de programas de investigación
security HR/VP Josep Borrell Doorstep | EU-Western Balkans summit | 13/12/2023
HR/VP Josep Borrell Doorstep | EU-Western Balkans summit | 13/12/2023
14 Dec 2023
European External Ac...
HR/VP Josep Borrell Doorstep | EU-Western Balkans summit | 13/12/2023
medicine Sessão 9: Novas fronteiras para os programas de HIV
Sessão 9: Novas fronteiras para os programas de HIV
14 Dec 2023
IAS – the Internat...
Seminario científico 21-22 de novembro de 2023 Integrando ciência e ação para acelerar a resposta ao HIV na América Latina Parceiro: INI-Fiocruz Colaboradores: OPAS, O Fondo Global, UNAIDS, GCTH, ALEP, Plataforma LAC Temas: Principais mensagens da conferência IAS 2023; Oportunidades e desafios na resposta ao HIV; os mais recentes desenvolvimentos em prevenção, diagnóstico, vinculação e tratamento; PrEP e implementação; perspectivas da comunidade sobre a ampliação da PrEP e a prestação de serviços; HIV e comorbidades.
institutions EU-Western Balkans Summit - Press conference by Presidents von der Leyen and Charles Michel
EU-Western Balkans Summit - Press conference by Presidents von der Leyen and Charles Michel
14 Dec 2023
European Commission
Watch on the Audiovisual Portal of the European Commission: https://audiovisual.ec.europa.eu/en/video/I-250877 Subscribe to our channel: https://bit.ly/2X56Ju6 Follow us on: -X: https://twitter.com/EU_Commission -Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/europeancommission/ -Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/EuropeanCommission -LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/european-commission/ -Medium: https://medium.com/@EuropeanCommission Check our website: http://ec.europa.eu/
economy How should Western Balkan countries seize the opportunity of the EU’s new growth plan
How should Western Balkan countries seize the opportunity of the EU’s new growth plan
11 Dec 2023
European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen announced a new growth plan for the Western Balkans at the Tirana Summit in October 2023. The plan includes an accelerated integration of Western Balkans in the EU single market, completing a common regional market of the Western Balkans, and fostering their structural reforms and investments with a new €6 billion fund. How could Western Balkan countries exploit the opportunities offered by this proposal? Will the new fund provide sufficient incentives to realise difficult structural reforms? Will the growth plan accelerate the EU accession process?
digital ITU INTERVIEWS @ WRC-23: El Hadjar Abdouramane, African Telecommunications Union (ATU)
ITU INTERVIEWS @ WRC-23: El Hadjar Abdouramane, African Telecommunications Union (ATU)
8 Dec 2023
Interview with El Hadjar Abdouramane, African Telecommunications Union (ATU) and Chair, Committee 6, WRC-23, at the World Radiocommunication Conference 2023 (WRC-23), Dubai, UAE, 20 November to 15 December 2023. For further information please visit: http://www.itu.int #ituwrc #radiocommunication #Itu #unitednations #telecommunications
politics Ramazan – Penaber (Turkey)
Ramazan – Penaber (Turkey)
7 Dec 2023
Council of Europe
Through a toy camera we see the protagonist's memories as if in a photo album. A change of perspective challenges the viewers to question their own positions and highlights the topic of forced migration in a completely new way. Follow us on: -X: https://x.com/coe -Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/councilofeurope - Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/councilofeuropeofeurope -LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/council-of-europe Visit our website: https://www.coe.int/
training 🕵️‍♀️ Research: Discover Silvana's favourite skills and how Albania empowers youth ✅
🕵️‍♀️ Research: Discover Silvana's favourite skills and how Albania empowers youth ✅
4 Dec 2023
European Training Fo...
Discover Silvana’s favourite skills: Research and Transferring knowledge! Listen to his insights on how Albania is empowering youth skills development. *** Silvana utilises her research and knowledge transfer skills to unravel questions and make ideas accessible. Her passion for words, refined through linguistic studies, aligns with her broader mission. Living abroad has enriched her with empathy and emotional intelligence. Driven by her Albanian roots, Silvana is committed to spreading skills opportunities across the country. She envisions a future for Albania where international experience brings back valuable skills, bridging global perspectives with local development. *** Silvana’s voice is part of the newly launched #MySkills4You campaign, an initiative of the European Training Foundation to echo the voices of young citizens from the Southern and Eastern Neighbourhood and the Western Balkans. As a crucial component of the European Year of Skills, #MySkills4You sheds light on the significance of skill investment in these regions. In collaboration with the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Neighbourhood and Enlargement Negotiations (DG NEAR), the campaign extends its reach through networks of young European Ambassadors and EU Jeel Connectors from EU Neighbours South, East, and Western Balkans. Participation in this initiative is open to all, providing a platform for individuals to contribute their perspectives on skills. Join us in this collaborative endeavour towards advancing skills development. Let’s work together on skills! #EuropeanYearOfSkills #MySkills4You Learn more 👉 etf.europa.eu/myskills4you
politics Bergi -
Bergi - "Hey Albania" (Albania)
4 Dec 2023
Council of Europe
This movie was produced in Albanian Riviera. Every video is taken with Samsung Galaxy S8, filming the most attractive areas of nature and cultural heritage of amazing southern Albania. Our aim was to bring people as close as we can, and in the simplest way, so that everybody can enjoy the wonders of this country. The videos are not edited in any way; they are exactly as we took them. All the work is done at home with our computers and by using Adobe Premiere Pro as amateurs. We thank you for this opportunity! Follow us on: -X: https://x.com/coe -Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/councilofeurope - Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/councilofeuropeofeurope -LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/council-of-europe Visit our website: https://www.coe.int/
security HR/VP J. Borrell Press Conference with Macedonian PM D. Kovachevski 30/11/2023 | #2 Western Balkans
HR/VP J. Borrell Press Conference with Macedonian PM D. Kovachevski 30/11/2023 | #2 Western Balkans
1 Dec 2023
European External Ac...
North Macedonia chaired the @OSCE in difficult times. National unity is needed to advance key reforms for joining the EU. The Growth Plan for the Western Balkans is an opportunity to boost economies and improve living standards. HR/VP @JosepBorrellF remarks in Skopje.
politics Johida -
Johida - "Lahuta" (Albania)
1 Dec 2023
Council of Europe
Lahuta is a popular musical instrument played in South East Europe. It is very spread into Albanians in and outside political borders. The documentary shows the process of building up a Lahuta while one of the most distinguished Lahuta players, Lumturie Nonaj, sings verses of Albanian epos. Follow us on: -X: https://x.com/coe -Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/councilofeurope - Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/councilofeuropeofeurope -LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/council-of-europe Visit our website: https://www.coe.int/
security #OSCEMC2023 Statement by the Head of the Delegation of Albania
#OSCEMC2023 Statement by the Head of the Delegation of Albania
30 Nov 2023
The Organization for...
Statement by the Head of the Delegation of Albania at the Plenary Session of the 30th OSCE Ministerial Council, Skopje, North Macedonia, 30 November - 1 December 2023.
regions Interreg IPA Greece Albania
Interreg IPA Greece Albania
30 Nov 2023
Greece 🇬🇷 and Albania 🇦🇱 share a common cross-border territory of unique natural beauty, but the area is also facing different challenges, such as pressing demographic trends or limited accessibility in geographically isolated rural areas. To preserve and innovate the region, @Interreg Greece - Albania will focus on concrete projects: alert system for forest fire; instant access to medical care &more Discover the programme’s ambitions in the 2021-2027 https://2014-2020.greece-albania.eu/
security NATO Secretary General wraps up a four-day visit to the Western Balkans
NATO Secretary General wraps up a four-day visit to the Western Balkans
24 Nov 2023
The NATO Secretary General wrapped-up a four-day visit to the Western Balkans where he met with Leaders from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Serbia and North Macedonia and visited personnel from Allied and partner countries who are working for the NATO-led Kosovo Force (KFOR), NATO Headquarters in Sarajevo, and NATO’s Military Liaison Office in Belgrade. The Secretary General reaffirmed the region’s strategic importance to NATO and the Alliance’s steadfast commitment to safeguard peace and stability. He highlighted that KFOR continues to implement its UN mandate to provide a safe and secure environment for all communities living in Kosovo. He also stressed that ending secessionist rhetoric would boost stability and reforms in Bosnia and Herzegovina, underlined the importance of NATO’s partnership with Serbia, and called for Belgrade and Pristina to reengage with the EU-facilitated dialogue for the normalisation of their relations. In Skopje, the Secretary General hailed the contributions to Euro-Atlantic security by North Macedonia – a NATO Ally since 2020 - and praised the country’s successful multi-ethnic society, which shows that it is possible for different ethnic and religious groups to live together in peace. He also met with Allied leaders from the Western Balkans. Hosted by the Prime Minister of North Macedonia, the meeting was attended by the Prime Minister of Albania, the President of Croatia, and the Prime Minister of Montenegro. ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ SUBSCRIBE to this channel https://bit.ly/NATOsubscribe SUBSCRIBE to NATO News https://bit.ly/NATONewsSubscribe SUBSCRIBE to NATO History https://bit.ly/NATOHistorySubscribe Connect with NATO online: Visit the Official NATO Homepage: https://bit.ly/NATOhomepage Receive NATO updates via email: https://bit.ly/NATOemails Find NATO on FACEBOOK: https://bit.ly/NATOfacebook Follow @NATO on TWITTER: https://bit.ly/NATOtwitter Follow NATO on Instagram: https://bit.ly/NATOinstagram Find NATO on LinkedIn: https://bit.ly/NATOlinkedin Find NATO on Flickr: https://bit.ly/NATOflickr #NATO #OTAN #WesternBalkans
security HR/VP Josep Borrell in Ramallah|Presser with Mohammad Shtayyeh,Palestinian Prime Minister|17/11/2023
HR/VP Josep Borrell in Ramallah|Presser with Mohammad Shtayyeh,Palestinian Prime Minister|17/11/2023
18 Nov 2023
European External Ac...
HR/VP Josep Borrell met in Ramallah with the Palestinian President Abbas, Prime Minister Mohammad Shtayyeh and Foreign Minister al Maliki. We are dismayed by the enormous suffering of civilians in Gaza, in Israel and the situation in the West Bank, HR/VP said. Full remarks here: https://europa.eu/!rJf7c7
security HR/VP Josep Borrell in Ramallah | Meeting with Palestinian Civil Society| 17/11/2023
HR/VP Josep Borrell in Ramallah | Meeting with Palestinian Civil Society| 17/11/2023
18 Nov 2023
European External Ac...
HR/VP Josep Borrell had an important exchange yesterday with representatives of the Palestinian Civil Society. They discussed the tragedy unfolding in Gaza, the despair, the sorrow. But also the need to keep hope alive and work against all odds for peace and the right to a Palestinian State.
security EU - Western Balkan Ministerial - 13 November 2023
EU - Western Balkan Ministerial - 13 November 2023
12 Nov 2023
European External Ac...
On 13 November 2023 HR/VP Josep Borrell chairs the EU - Western Balkan Ministerial in Brussels, with the six Foreign Ministers of the region. The EU counts on its future members for united responses to the current geopolitical challenges through solidarity and close cooperation.
energy Panorama Energético da América Latina e Caribe
Panorama Energético da América Latina e Caribe
9 Nov 2023
International Energy...
Watch in English: https://www.iea.org/events/latin-america-energy-outlook-2
energy Panorama Energético da América Latina e Caribe
Panorama Energético da América Latina e Caribe
8 Nov 2023
International Energy...
Watch in English: https://www.iea.org/events/latin-america-energy-outlook-2
climate Climathon global Days with Tirana and Faro
Climathon global Days with Tirana and Faro
18 Oct 2023
Join us live as we connect Climathon events from around the world! Climathon Tirana Albania Xheni Hatillari ALB ICT/ ICTSlab Climathon Faro Portugal Francisco Maciel Mezzegra Green Energy
development Rebuilding Albanian railways with EBRD and EU support
Rebuilding Albanian railways with EBRD and EU support
16 Oct 2023
European Bank for Re...
Works are progressing on rebuilding the 34 km stretch of railway between Durres and Tirana. Once the railway has been rebuilt and the new trains have arrived, travelling between Albania’s two largest cities will take only 20 minutes. The railway reconstruction project is financed by the EBRD, with a loan of €36.9 million, and the EU, with an investment grant of up to €35.5 million. An additional €2.75 million in grants from bilateral donors have been secured through the Western Balkans Investment Framework.
institutions Berlin Process Leaders Summit 2023 in Tirana, Albania - Opening remarks by President von der Leyen
Berlin Process Leaders Summit 2023 in Tirana, Albania - Opening remarks by President von der Leyen
16 Oct 2023
European Commission
Watch on the Audiovisual Portal of the European Commission: https://audiovisual.ec.europa.eu/en/video/I-247910 Subscribe to our channel: https://bit.ly/2X56Ju6 Follow us on: -Twitter: https://twitter.com/EU_Commission -Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/europeancommission/ -Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/EuropeanCommission -LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/european-commission/ -Medium: https://medium.com/@EuropeanCommission Check our website: http://ec.europa.eu/
institutions Inauguration ceremony of College of Europe in Tirana, Albania
Inauguration ceremony of College of Europe in Tirana, Albania
16 Oct 2023
European Commission
Watch on the Audiovisual Portal of the European Commission: https://audiovisual.ec.europa.eu/en/video/I-247975 Subscribe to our channel: https://bit.ly/2X56Ju6 Follow us on: -Twitter: https://twitter.com/EU_Commission -Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/europeancommission/ -Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/EuropeanCommission -LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/european-commission/ -Medium: https://medium.com/@EuropeanCommission Check our website: http://ec.europa.eu/
institutions Berlin Process Leaders Summit 2023 in Tirana - Press conference
Berlin Process Leaders Summit 2023 in Tirana - Press conference
16 Oct 2023
European Commission
Watch on the Audiovisual Portal of the European Commission: Subscribe to our channel: https://bit.ly/2X56Ju6 Follow us on: -Twitter: https://twitter.com/EU_Commission -Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/europeancommission/ -Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/EuropeanCommission -LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/european-commission/ -Medium: https://medium.com/@EuropeanCommission Check our website: http://ec.europa.eu/
institutions Joint press conference by President von der Leyen and Albanian Prime Minister in Tirana
Joint press conference by President von der Leyen and Albanian Prime Minister in Tirana
15 Oct 2023
European Commission
Watch on the Audiovisual Portal of the European Commission: https://audiovisual.ec.europa.eu/en/ebs/live/1 Subscribe to our channel: https://bit.ly/2X56Ju6 Follow us on: -Twitter: https://twitter.com/EU_Commission -Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/europeancommission/ -Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/EuropeanCommission -LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/european-commission/ -Medium: https://medium.com/@EuropeanCommission Check our website: http://ec.europa.eu/
cities Western Balkans as region of the future (19th Salzburg Europe Summit)
Western Balkans as region of the future (19th Salzburg Europe Summit)
10 Oct 2023
Institute of the Reg...
Western Balkans as a Region of the Future Sunday, September 24th 2023 Salzburg Congress, Europasaal KEYNOTE Branimir Jovanović Economist, Vienna Institute for International Economic Studies wiiw, North Macedonia PANEL Gerd Bommer, Regional Manager Southeast Europe, Eastern Europe, Central Asia, Chamber of Commerce Austria Martin Kocher, Minister for Economy and Labour, Austria Getoar Mjeku, Vice Minister for Economy, Kosovo Obrad Tadic, CEO Smart Energy Investment, Serbia Zijad Nišić , Mayor of Brčko District, Bosnia and Herzegowina Nikola Jovanovic, Direktor Center for Local Government (CLS – Centar za Lokalnu Samoupravu) Belgrade MODERATION Franz Schausberger Chairman of the IRE Not least because of the terrible war in Ukraine and the granting of EU candidate status to Ukraine and Moldova, there seems to have been more movement again in the accession process of the states of the Western Balkans. Bosnia-Herzegovina became a candidate country, Serbia passed reforms in the field of justice and positioned itself against the war against Ukraine. Kosovo will get the long desired visaliberalization next year. It is hoped that accession negotiations with North Macedonia and Albania can finally begin. The geopolitical situation has also shown the skeptical EU member states that the Western Balkans are indispensable for Europe from both a geopolitical and economic point of view and must not be left to the non-European powers. That is why there is an increasing willingness to find pragmatic solutions. There are many opportunities for companies in the Western Balkans to invest in the Western Balkans, especially in the areas of water, energy, infrastructure and transport. The great interest of local companies in these future markets in the immediate vicinity is manifested in the constantly increasing number of direct investments. The EU is helping to implement the necessary, far-reaching political and economic reforms through a wide variety of funding programs. The European Union supports the Western Balkan countries in building a modern, climate-neutral and resource-efficient economy. In this panel, representatives from the various Western Balkan countries will discuss the opportunities for the Western Balkans to become an important economic region of the future. Video: ZUP Media | www.zup-media.at
renewable (WEBINAR) A Deep Dive into the Regulatory Framework for Solar PV in the Balkans (2023)
(WEBINAR) A Deep Dive into the Regulatory Framework for Solar PV in the Balkans (2023)
5 Oct 2023
Join us for an insightful webinar on the current regulatory framework for solar energy development in the Balkan region. Our expert speakers will discuss the main challenges faced by solar energy developers in the region and compare their experience working on projects across the region. From PPAs to energy storage, take this moment to ask your questions to the lawyers active in the region. This webinar is perfect for solar energy developers who want to stay up-to-date with the latest legal developments in the Balkans and the perfect preparation for our full-day conference Solarplaza Summit Balkans on the 30th of November in Bulgaria. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 🔗 For more insights and events, visit - https://bit.ly/3EAqUZ8
development Albania’s thriving bee business
Albania’s thriving bee business
27 Sep 2023
European Bank for Re...
In the foothills of Albania’s Morava mountain lies a bucolic bee farm and one of the biggest honey producers in the country. Its bee museum attracts tourists from all over the world. With support from the EBRD’s Advice for Small Businesses programme and co-funding from the European Union through the Western Balkans Enterprise Development and Innovation Facility, Morava Honey pivoted from a manual to an automated inventory management system and optimised production to boost its exports.
The EU, Enlargement, and the Western Balkans: Time to Recalibrate?
The EU, Enlargement, and the Western Balkans: Time to Recalibrate?
20 Sep 2023
In his remarks, Dr Bassuener focuses on the EU’s relationship with the Western Balkans in advance of the country reports which will be published in October 2023. Dr Bassuener’s contention is that, writ broadly, the political elites of the region have demonstrated that they do not want to do the heavy lifting regarding EU accession. Yet, according to Dr Bassuener, the EU’s interest in the region remains its desire to demonstrate its transformative power and geopolitical potency. Overall, in his discussion, Dr Bassuener argues that enlargement should not be abandoned, but rather there should be a reassessment of who the primary EU partners need to be – the citizens of the region. About the Speaker: Kurt Bassuener is a Co-Founder and Senior Associate of the Democratization Policy Council, a Berlin-based think-tank established in 2005. He received his PhD in 2021 from the University of St. Andrews’ Centre for the Study of Terrorism and Political Violence. Dr Bassuener is co-author and research director for the Diplomat’s Handbook for Democracy Development Support. Prior to studying at St. Andrews, he lived for 11 years in Sarajevo, starting in 2005 as a strategist for then-High Representative, Paddy Ashdown. He was a political and campaign analyst for the OSCE-ODIHR election observation mission in Ukraine in 2004–2005, and previously conducted analysis-based advocacy in Washington D.C. for the Balkan Institute, the Balkan Action Council, the U.S. Institute of Peace, and the International Rescue Committee. Recorded on the 20th of September 2023
humanrights 230726 SQI ECHR Film mbi Gjykatën Evropiane të të Drejtave të Njeriut Albanian version Mbits
230726 SQI ECHR Film mbi Gjykatën Evropiane të të Drejtave të Njeriut Albanian version Mbits
5 Sep 2023
European Court of Hu...
230726 SQI ECHR Film mbi Gjykatën Evropiane të të Drejtave të Njeriut Albanian version Mbits
security Balkan cartel sinks as Spain seizes 2.7 tonnes of cocaine on board large vessel
Balkan cartel sinks as Spain seizes 2.7 tonnes of cocaine on board large vessel
1 Sep 2023
https://www.europol.europa.eu/newsroom Follow us on: http://www.facebook.com/europol/ http://www.instagram.com/europol.eu/ http://twitter.com/europol http://www.linkedin.com/company/europol http://www.europol.europa.eu Intellectual property rights, including copyright, to the material are owned by Europol. Europol’s advance permission is also required for any further use of this material. Further details can be viewed on https://www.europol.europa.eu/legal-notice . Where permission is given in writing this will require the source to be identified and intellectual property rights to be acknowledged. Any entity reusing the material is responsible for its own publication and for obtaining any additional permissions required (e.g. from individuals appearing, from rights owners of any images or figures embedded in the material). No material or image may be used to endorse or imply endorsement of an organisation or project by Europol. The Europol name and logo are the exclusive property of Europol. They are protected under European and International law and cannot be reproduced without Europol’s prior written permission.
security 37 arrested as violent Balkan criminal cell is taken down
37 arrested as violent Balkan criminal cell is taken down
1 Sep 2023
https://www.europol.europa.eu/newsroom Follow us on: http://www.facebook.com/europol/ http://www.instagram.com/europol.eu/ http://twitter.com/europol http://www.linkedin.com/company/europol http://www.europol.europa.eu Intellectual property rights, including copyright, to the material are owned by Europol. Europol’s advance permission is also required for any further use of this material. Further details can be viewed on https://www.europol.europa.eu/legal-notice . Where permission is given in writing this will require the source to be identified and intellectual property rights to be acknowledged. Any entity reusing the material is responsible for its own publication and for obtaining any additional permissions required (e.g. from individuals appearing, from rights owners of any images or figures embedded in the material). No material or image may be used to endorse or imply endorsement of an organisation or project by Europol. The Europol name and logo are the exclusive property of Europol. They are protected under European and International law and cannot be reproduced without Europol’s prior written permission.
security Balkan’s biggest drug lords arrested after investigation into encrypted phones
Balkan’s biggest drug lords arrested after investigation into encrypted phones
1 Sep 2023
An international operation across three countries has resulted in the takedown of the biggest drug trafficking criminal organisation in the Balkan region. https://www.europol.europa.eu/newsroom Follow us on: http://www.facebook.com/europol/ http://www.instagram.com/europol.eu/ http://twitter.com/europol http://www.linkedin.com/company/europol http://www.europol.europa.eu Intellectual property rights, including copyright, to the material are owned by Europol. Europol’s advance permission is also required for any further use of this material. Further details can be viewed on https://www.europol.europa.eu/legal-notice . Where permission is given in writing this will require the source to be identified and intellectual property rights to be acknowledged. Any entity reusing the material is responsible for its own publication and for obtaining any additional permissions required (e.g. from individuals appearing, from rights owners of any images or figures embedded in the material). No material or image may be used to endorse or imply endorsement of an organisation or project by Europol. The Europol name and logo are the exclusive property of Europol. They are protected under European and International law and cannot be reproduced without Europol’s prior written permission.
justice 'Focus Day' campaign - What works to prevent domestic burglaries? (Albania)
'Focus Day' campaign - What works to prevent domestic burglaries? (Albania)
2 Jun 2023
With a prevention campaign and local preventive initiatives, the EUCPN, several European countries, Europol and the European Commission aim to step up the fight against this crime by informing citizens on how they can protect their homes. More info: https://eucpn.org/focus-day
security HR/VP | Ministerial Conf on the Roadmap to firearms control in the Western Balkans | 16/5/2023
HR/VP | Ministerial Conf on the Roadmap to firearms control in the Western Balkans | 16/5/2023
1 Jun 2023
European External Ac...
HR/VP Josep Borrell and Commissioner Johansson hosted a high-level ministerial conference on the Roadmap to comprehensive Small Arms and Light Weapons control in the Western Balkans, on 16 May 2023.
development Discovering Albania’s hidden treasures
Discovering Albania’s hidden treasures
1 Jun 2023
European Bank for Re...
Close to 100km of local and regional roads in Albania are currently being reconstructed or extended as part of the EBRD and European Union-supported programme, which aims to improve connectivity to local tourist sites and the quality of tourism offer, one of the key sectors in the country. The programme, to which the EBRD contributes €60 million in loans and the EU €40 million in grants, finances the rehabilitation of cultural and natural heritage sites and upgrades of municipal and transport infrastructure across the country.
dataprotection ALINVEST - WebinarEstratégias de propriedade intelectual bem-sucedidas no programa Horizonte Europa
ALINVEST - WebinarEstratégias de propriedade intelectual bem-sucedidas no programa Horizonte Europa
26 May 2023
EUIP Cooperation
Este webinar, organizado conjuntamente pela Ação AL-INVEST Verde DPI e pela Agência Uruguaia de Cooperação Internacional (AUCI), terá lugar no dia 23 de Maio. A propriedade intelectual é uma questão crucial em projetos financiados pelo programa Horizonte Europa e tem implicações relevantes para a gestão do projeto, a comercialização, a exploração dos resultados e a colaboração entre os participantes. Os objectivos do webinar são: - Conseguir que os participantes compreendam melhor os diferentes tipos de propriedade intelectual, como patentes, marcas registadas e direitos de autor, e fornecer conhecimentos práticos sobre como lidar com questões de propriedade intelectual em projetos de investigação e inovação. - Transmitir os aspectos legais e éticos da propriedade intelectual, bem como a forma de assegurar o cumprimento dos regulamentos da UE, especialmente nas parcerias do programa Horizonte Europa. É destinado a funcionários públicos, decisores, representantes de autoridades governamentais de CTI da América Latina e do Caribe (ALC), associações universitárias, centros de pesquisas, coordenadores de projetos e Pontos de Contacto Nacionais (PCN) da ALC para o programa Horizonte Europa. For more information please visit our website at: https://internationalipcooperation.eu/ Follow us: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/EUIPcooperation Twitter: https://twitter.com/EUIPcooperation Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/company/euipcooperation
dataprotection ALINVEST - Webinar Estrategias de Propiedad Intelectual Exitosas en el Programa Horizonte
ALINVEST - Webinar Estrategias de Propiedad Intelectual Exitosas en el Programa Horizonte
25 May 2023
EUIP Cooperation
Seminario online organizado de forma conjunta por AL-INVEST Verde DPI y la Agencia Uruguaya de Cooperación Internacional (AUCI). La #propiedadintelectual es un tema crítico en los proyectos financiados en el programa Horizonte Europa, tiene importantes implicancias en la gestión del proyecto, la comercialización, explotación de los resultados y la colaboración entre los participantes. PONENTE: César Fernández Elvira. Consultor Senior en Propiedad Intelectual en la Oficina de Gestión de Proyectos Institucionales (OGPI) de la Universidad de Alicante (España). Los objetivos del seminario web son: • Lograr una mejor comprensión por parte de los participantes, de los diferentes tipos de propiedad intelectual, como #patentes, marcas comerciales y derechos de autor, y brindar conocimientos prácticos sobre cómo abordar problemas de propiedad intelectual en proyectos de investigación e innovación. • Transmitir los aspectos legales y éticos de la propiedad intelectual y cómo asegurar el cumplimiento de las regulaciones de la UE, en especial en asociaciones de Horizonte Europa. Está dirigido a funcionarios públicos, tomadores de decisión, representantes de autoridades gubernamentales de CTI de America Latina y el Caribe (LAC), gestores universitarios, representantes de asociaciones Universitarias, centros de investigación, coordinadores de proyectos, y Puntos de Contacto Nacionales (NCPs) de LAC para el programa Horizonte Europa. Para más información, visita nuestra web: https://internationalipcooperation.eu/ Síguenos en redes sociales: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/EUIPcooperation Twitter: https://twitter.com/EUIPcooperation Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/company/euipcooperation
security HR/VP Josep Borrell | Foreign Affairs Council 22/5/2023 | #01 Western Balkans
HR/VP Josep Borrell | Foreign Affairs Council 22/5/2023 | #01 Western Balkans
23 May 2023
European External Ac...
HR/VP Josep Borrell press conference on Western Balkans after the Foreign Affairs Council on 22 May 2023.
security Launch of Europe Week 2023 in Albania
Launch of Europe Week 2023 in Albania
23 May 2023
European External Ac...
Launch of Europe Week 2023 in Albania
medicine ECDC on Air: Episode 35 - Piotr Kramarz - The Solidarity of Vaccination
ECDC on Air: Episode 35 - Piotr Kramarz - The Solidarity of Vaccination
25 Apr 2023
European Immunization Week (#EIW - bit.ly/EIW2023)⁠ is marked across Europe every year in the final week of April. It aims to raise awareness of the importance of immunisation for the general health and well-being of the European and wider population. To mark the start of #EIW2023, we have invited the ECDC's Deputy Chief Scientist - Piotr Kramarz to talk about the importance of vaccination, the hurdles and current issues we need to overcome. You can find ECDC's information on vaccines ⁠here: vaccination-info.eu/en For general information about ECDC, please visit ⁠⁠ecdc.europa.eu⁠⁠, or follow us on ⁠⁠social media⁠⁠: bit.ly/ECDCSocialMedia
health Drug-related health and security threats in the Western Balkans
Drug-related health and security threats in the Western Balkans
19 Apr 2023
Drug-related health and security threats in the Western Balkans
medicine Viktor Simeonovski - One year and a half into the first HIV PrEP pilot in the Western Balkans
Viktor Simeonovski - One year and a half into the first HIV PrEP pilot in the Western Balkans
23 Mar 2023
IAS – the Internat...
Lativa, Educational Fund, IAS, HIV, AIDS, International AIDS Society, EECA, Eastern Europe HIV, Asia HIV, HIV seminar
science Ramadan fasting rules: How do Muslims with chronic diseases manage their medications?
Ramadan fasting rules: How do Muslims with chronic diseases manage their medications?
22 Mar 2023
Euronews Next
Ramadan calls on Muslims to fast from sunrise to sunset - but what about patients on diabetes drugs or other medications? READ MORE : https://www.euronews.com/2023/03/22/ramadan-fasting-rules-how-do-muslims-with-chronic-diseases-manage-their-medications Euronews Next is a future-focused news section covering global innovation, science and technology with a European perspective. Our dedicated team of journalists aims to educate and inspire today’s leaders by providing them with analysis and insights into the people and organisations shaping our future #Health
security HR/VP Josep Borrell | EU-Albania Stabilisation and Association Council | 16/3/2023
HR/VP Josep Borrell | EU-Albania Stabilisation and Association Council | 16/3/2023
16 Mar 2023
European External Ac...
HR/VP Josep Borrell Press Remarks during the EU-Albania Stabilisation and Association Council in Tirana, Albania on 16 March 2023.
climate ClimateBondsCONNECT2022 | Mexico City | Panorama Global, José Carlos Sánchez
ClimateBondsCONNECT2022 | Mexico City | Panorama Global, José Carlos Sánchez
7 Feb 2023
Climate Bonds Initiative
ClimateBondsCONNECT2022 | Mexico City | Panorama Global, José Carlos Sánchez
security Successful takedown of drug trafficking network in Italy and Albania
Successful takedown of drug trafficking network in Italy and Albania
26 Jan 2023
https://www.europol.europa.eu/newsroom Follow us on: http://www.facebook.com/europol/ http://www.instagram.com/europol.eu/ http://twitter.com/europol http://www.linkedin.com/company/europol http://www.europol.europa.eu Intellectual property rights, including copyright, to the material are owned by Europol. Europol’s advance permission is also required for any further use of this material. Further details can be viewed on https://www.europol.europa.eu/legal-notice . Where permission is given in writing this will require the source to be identified and intellectual property rights to be acknowledged. Any entity reusing the material is responsible for its own publication and for obtaining any additional permissions required (e.g. from individuals appearing, from rights owners of any images or figures embedded in the material). No material or image may be used to endorse or imply endorsement of an organisation or project by Europol. The Europol name and logo are the exclusive property of Europol. They are protected under European and International law and cannot be reproduced without Europol’s prior written permission.
renewable Solarplaza Summit Balkans 2022 - Aftermovie
Solarplaza Summit Balkans 2022 - Aftermovie
19 Jan 2023
A first in the region, Solarplaza Summit Balkans gathers, connects and inspires regional and international PV professionals to accelerate the sustainable energy transition in the Balkans. With nearly 2 GW of installed PV capacity, and over 26 GW of realistic market potential, stellar growth is forecasted for the region in the near future. The first edition of Solarplaza Summit Balkans took place on 8 December 2022, in Zagreb, where industry leaders discussed opportunities and challenges that are essential to unlocking the potential of the Balkan PV market. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 🔗 Links Watch other videos in this series: https://bit.ly/3hUOKqa Sign up for our newsletter for updates: https://bit.ly/2UwOGy1 👍 FOLLOW US LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/sola... Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/solarplazain... Twitter: https://twitter.com/solarplaza
eufunding Jornada informativa sobre las convocatorias del Programa de Trabajo 2023-2024 del Clúster 2
Jornada informativa sobre las convocatorias del Programa de Trabajo 2023-2024 del Clúster 2
11 Jan 2023
Horizonte Europa
Jornada informativa sobre las convocatorias del Programa de Trabajo 2023-2024 del Clúster 2 de Cultura, Creatividad y Sociedad Inclusiva
eufunding 2de2 Jornada Informativa Nacional del Programa de Trabajo de Infraestructuras de Investigación
2de2 Jornada Informativa Nacional del Programa de Trabajo de Infraestructuras de Investigación
10 Jan 2023
Horizonte Europa
Jornada Informativa sobre el Programa de Trabajo de Infraestructuras de Investigación en el Contexto de Horizonte Europa.
eufunding 1de2 Jornada Informativa Nacional del Programa de Trabajo de Infraestructuras de Investigación
1de2 Jornada Informativa Nacional del Programa de Trabajo de Infraestructuras de Investigación
10 Jan 2023
Horizonte Europa
Jornada Informativa sobre el Programa de Trabajo de Infraestructuras de Investigación en el Contexto de Horizonte Europa
security Kosovo, the Western Balkans, and the European Union
Kosovo, the Western Balkans, and the European Union
5 Jan 2023
Austrian Institute F...
The Austrian Institute for European and Security Policy, the Embassy of the Republic of Kosovo in Austria, and the Diplomatic Academy of Vienna, are honoured to invite you to the upcoming discussion with Albin Kurti, Premier Minister of Kosovo.
regions Discover the new Interreg IPA Italy Albania Montenegro
Discover the new Interreg IPA Italy Albania Montenegro
4 Jan 2023
The European Union promotes cooperation between regions and countries to help their economic and social development and tackle the obstacle of borders. This European Territorial Cooperation (Interreg) is organised under multiple strands: • cross-border (Interreg A), • trans-national (Interreg B), • interregional (Interreg C), • outermost regions’ cooperation (Interreg D) Learn more: https://ec.europa.eu/regional_policy/... For more information on EU regional policy, please visit our website: https://europa.eu/!Yy67HF Follow us on: - Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/EUinmyregion - Twitter: https://twitter.com/euinmyregion - Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/euinmyregion/
homeaffairs Should the Western Balkans join the EU for geostrategic reasons?
Should the Western Balkans join the EU for geostrategic reasons?
19 Dec 2022
Debating Europe
Subscribe! ► http://bit.ly/2D8bwBDJOIN THE CONVERSATION!Website: http://www.debatingeurope.euTwitter: https://twitter.com/debatingeuropeFacebook: https://www.facebook.com/debatingeurope
security HR/VP Josep Borrell Doorstep | European Council 15/12/2022 | #1 Western Balkans
HR/VP Josep Borrell Doorstep | European Council 15/12/2022 | #1 Western Balkans
16 Dec 2022
European External Ac...
HR/VP Josep Borrell doorstep ahead of the European Council on 15/12/2022.
culture European Youth Capital 2025 Award Ceremony ⎸ Tirana
European Youth Capital 2025 Award Ceremony ⎸ Tirana
13 Dec 2022
European Youth Forum
Which city will be the European Youth Capital 2025? 4 finalists met in Tirana to find out who is the winner - Fuenlabrada 🇪🇸, Izmir 🇹🇷, Lviv 🇺🇦 or Tromsø 🇳🇴? After amazing year in European Youth Capital 2022 Tirana, Lviv takes European Youth Capital 2025 title. Just hours after city falls into darkness. Despite the difficult situation, hours after a Russian missile strike left the largest city in Western #Ukraine without electricity, Lviv has been selected as the next #EuropeanYouthCapital ✊
renewable Annual meeting day 1, Initiative for coal regions in transition in the Western Balkans and Ukraine
Annual meeting day 1, Initiative for coal regions in transition in the Western Balkans and Ukraine
13 Dec 2022
EU Energy
22-23 November 2022, day 1. Event details and programme: europa.eu/!fqj7qW. Sign up to the initiative’s newsletter: europa.eu/!Jvv9b4 00:00 Opening and a keynote speech by Maciej Popowski, Acting Director General, DG NEAR, European Commission 29:29 Update from the international partners of the Initiative for coal regions in transition in the Western Balkans and Ukraine 31:55 Véronique Marx, Team Leader for Just transition and energy poverty, DG ENER, European Commission 38:12 Alexander Huurdeman, Senior Gas Specialist, Energy & Extractives Global Practice, World Bank 48:39 Artur Lorkowski, Director, Energy Community Secretariat 59:29 Q&A with audience 1:11:19 Hoa-Binh Adjemian, Deputy Head of Unit, Thematic Support – An economy that works for people, green, digital and connected, DG NEAR, European Commission 1:21:38 Anna Vasylyeva, Energy Transition, Climate Strategy and Delivery, EBRD 1:30:03 Matteo Rivellini, Head of Enlargement Division, EIB 1:39:36 Marta Babicz, Director of the External Funds Department, Poland’s National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management 1:44:43 Q&A with audience 2:02:25 Panel “Strategic approach to coal phase-out: has the energy crisis become a game-changer?” 2:03:58 Artur Lorkowski, Director, Energy Community Secretariat 2:17:30 Aleksandra Tomczak, Cabinet Member of the Executive VP of the European Commissioner Frans Timmermans, European Commission 2:25:26 Naser Nuredini, Minister of Environment and Physical Planning, North Macedonia 2:36:17 Victoria Gryb, Chair of Energy Security subcommittee and Chair of Just Transition inter-fractional group, Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine 3:05:41 Q&A with audience 3:23:22 Panel “Stakeholder engagement and just transition in Western Balkan and Ukrainian coal regions” 3:25:56 Christopher Sheldon, Country Manager for Bosnia and Herzegovina, World Bank 3:29:47 Justine Morven Sylvester, Sustainable Land Use Specialist, World Bank 3:44:45 Rajko Kovačević, Mayor, Municipality of Pljevlja, Montenegro 3:51:39 Nevena Smilevska, Just Transition Coordinator for the Western Balkans, Bankwatch 4:06:35 Q&A with audience 4:30:43 Panel “Good practices on repurposing land and assets, and environmental remediation” 4:31:17 Olaf Osica, Senior Advisor and visiting professor, College of Europe in Natolin 4:33:57 Piotr Cofałka, Deputy Director for Research and Development, Institute for Ecology of Industrial Areas, Poland 4:47:37 Samir Kamenjaković, Mayor, Municipality of Živinice, Bosnia and Herzegovina 5:00:59 Iryna Kostetska, Post-PhD researcher, National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine 5:09:00 Wolfhart Pohl, Lead Specialist for Environment and Geosciences, World Bank 5:24:07 Q&A with audience 5:43:00 Conclusions of day 1 5:45:50 Valentyna Moskalenko, Advisor to the Prime Minister of Ukraine
eufunding Sesión informativa MSCA COFUND 2022 Co financiación de programas de investigación
Sesión informativa MSCA COFUND 2022 Co financiación de programas de investigación
9 Dec 2022
Horizonte Europa
Sesión informativa sobre novedades y aspectos generales de la convocatoria. Se presentan además dos casos de éxito de entidades españolas ganadoras de proyectos COFUND en Horizonte 2020 y Horizonte Europa.
security HR/VP Josep Borrell Exit Doorstep | EU-Western Balkans Summit | 06/12/2022
HR/VP Josep Borrell Exit Doorstep | EU-Western Balkans Summit | 06/12/2022
7 Dec 2022
European External Ac...
HR/VP Josep Borrell exit doorstep after EU-Western Balkans Summit during his visit to Tirana, Albania on 06 December 2022.
agriculture Euroquestions #52 | Où en est l’élargissement aux Balkans?
Euroquestions #52 | Où en est l’élargissement aux Balkans?
7 Dec 2022
Jacques Delors Institute
Un nouveau sommet UE-Balkans occidentaux se tient le 6 décembre à Tirana. Alors que Jean-Claude Juncker avait fermé la porte à tout élargissement sous son mandat, la guerre en Ukraine et sa candidature ont remis le sujet de l’élargissement à l’agenda européen alors que les processus d’adhésions des pays balkaniques s’enlisaient depuis plusieurs années. Où en sont l’Albanie, la Macédoine du Nord, le Monténégro, la Serbie, la Bosnie-Herzégovine et le Kosovo dans leur relation avec l’UE ? Quel sentiment inspire l’Union dans la région ? A quelle échéance une perspective d’adhésion est-elle réaliste ? Ces questions seront abordées par Lukas Macek, chercheur associé à l’Institut Jacques Delors et directeur du campus de Dijon de SciencesPo. M. Macek prendra la tête du futur centre Grande Europe dédié aux questions de l’élargissement dont se dote notre think tank.
security HR/VP Josep Borrell Doorstep | EU-Western Balkans Summit | 06/12/2022
HR/VP Josep Borrell Doorstep | EU-Western Balkans Summit | 06/12/2022
6 Dec 2022
European External Ac...
HR/VP Josep Borrell doorstep before EU-Western Balkans Summit during his visit to Tirana, Albania on 06 December 2022.
institutions The European Union and the Western Balkans Summit
The European Union and the Western Balkans Summit
6 Dec 2022
European Commission
This video is focusing on key figures and examples of our partnership between The European Union and the Western Balkans. Over the last years, the partnership has grown stronger and the EU and the Western Balkan countries have joint responsibility for peace and democracy in Europe. Watch on the Audiovisual Portal of the European Commission: https://audiovisual.ec.europa.eu/en/video/I-234496 Subscribe to our channel: https://bit.ly/2X56Ju6 Follow us on: -Twitter: https://twitter.com/EU_Commission -Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/europeancommission/ -Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/EuropeanCommission -LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/european-commission/ -Medium: https://medium.com/@EuropeanCommission Check our website: http://ec.europa.eu/
institutions EU-Western Balkans Summit - Press conference
EU-Western Balkans Summit - Press conference
6 Dec 2022
European Commission
Watch on the Audiovisual Portal of the European Commission: https://europa.eu/!Tx43kH Subscribe to our channel: https://bit.ly/2X56Ju6 Follow us on: -Twitter: https://twitter.com/EU_Commission -Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/europeancommission/ -Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/EuropeanCommission -LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/european-commission/ -Medium: https://medium.com/@EuropeanCommission Check our website: http://ec.europa.eu/
development Boosting competitiveness of small businesses in Western Balkans
Boosting competitiveness of small businesses in Western Balkans
1 Dec 2022
European Bank for Re...
Small businesses are engines of local economies in the Western Balkans. With EU support, we provide them with finance and know-how so they can become more competitive. Over 850 businesses in the region have invested in new equipment, energy saving measures and other areas which is helping them become more competitive in local and EU markets. The SME Competitiveness Programme in the Western Balkans is co-funded by the European Union.
security #OSCEMC2022 Statement by the Head of the Delegation of Albania
#OSCEMC2022 Statement by the Head of the Delegation of Albania
1 Dec 2022
The Organization for...
Statement by the Head of the Delegation of Albania at the Plenary Session of the 29th OSCE Ministerial Council, Łódź, Poland, 1-2 December 2022.
cities Invest in the Regions of the Western Balkans
Invest in the Regions of the Western Balkans
28 Nov 2022
Institute of the Reg...
With over 850 guests from 21 countries and 64 experts from 17 countries, the three-day 18th Salzburg Europe Summit was a success in the Salzburg Congress. Find here the recording of the session Invest in the Regions of the western Balkans? 25th October 2022 | Salzburg Congress OPENING and WELCOME Josef Schöchl, Chairman of the EU-Committee of the Salzburg State Parliament, Member of the IRE board (Austria) KEY NOTE Helga Berger, Member of the European Court of Auditors, Chamber II Growth, Cohesion and Integration (Austria) PANEL Mentor Arifaj, Deputy Minister for Industry, Enterprises and Trade (Kosovo) Kenan Dedić, Technical Director, HEEZ Aluminium, Brćko (Bosnia-Herzegowina) Max Schausberger, Managing Director Elevator Ventures (Austria) Aleksandar Simurdić, Director of the European Affairs Funds of the Autonomous Province Vojvodina (Serbia) Markus Strasser-Stöckl, Owner and Manager of NetQM Tech Company in Austria and Bosnia-Herzegowina Jelena Tadić, PPP Investment Ltd. (Serbia) MODERATION Marijana Miljkovic, Editor Economics, Wiener Zeitung The so called Western Balkans are the six states in south-eastern Europe that are not yet members of the European Union. Around 17 million people live in this region, which impresses with its wonderful landscape and hospitality, among other things. Austria is one of the strongest and most important partners of the countries in the Western Balkans. This region, which has been waiting for accession to the European Union for over 15 years, is of enormous importance not only politically but also economically. The economic upswing and the opportunities for European companies to invest and develop are also decisive for the positive development of the region. What is the investment climate like in the Western Balkans? What testimony does the EU give the states in this area, what about innovation, entrepreneurial freedom and legal certainty? What do the regions of the Western Balkans offer potential investors? Find all information on the 18th Salzburg Europe Summit 2022 here: www.salzburg-europe-summit.eu Video: ZUPMedia | Florian Zöchling - www.zup-media.at/
renewable Annual meeting : Initiative for coal regions in transition in the Western Balkans and Ukraine
Annual meeting : Initiative for coal regions in transition in the Western Balkans and Ukraine
18 Nov 2022
EU Energy
renewable Annual meeting : Initiative for coal regions in transition in the Western Balkans and Ukraine
Annual meeting : Initiative for coal regions in transition in the Western Balkans and Ukraine
18 Nov 2022
EU Energy
economy EIB VP Pavlova's remark at the EU-Western Balkans: Smart Cities Economic Forum
EIB VP Pavlova's remark at the EU-Western Balkans: Smart Cities Economic Forum
18 Nov 2022
European Investment Bank
EIB VP Pavlova's remark at the EU-Western Balkans: Smart Cities Economic Forum. Visit our website: https://www.eib.org Follow us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/EuropeanInvestmentBank Twitter: https://twitter.com/eib LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/european-investment-bank Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/europeaninvestmentbank/
security HR/VP Josep Borrell | Informal Foreign Affairs Meeting 14/11/2022 | #02 Western Balkans
HR/VP Josep Borrell | Informal Foreign Affairs Meeting 14/11/2022 | #02 Western Balkans
15 Nov 2022
European External Ac...
Briefed EU Foreign Ministers on the latest on the Belgrade - Pristina Dialogue. We are facing the most serious crisis since 2013. Both parties need to find a way forward to lower tensions. From partners aspiring to a European future, we expect readiness to find European solutions
economy Branimir Jovanovic: Western Balkans Lost Between YU and EU
Branimir Jovanovic: Western Balkans Lost Between YU and EU
9 Nov 2022
The Vienna Institute...
About wiiw: The Vienna Institute for International Economic Studies (wiiw) is Vienna-based policy think tank with a focus on Central, East, and Southeast Europe. We conduct research on international economics, deliver macroeconomic forecasts, comment the ongoing events, collect statistical data, and organize events to discuss policy-related questions. Follow us: Web: https://wiiw.ac.at/ YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/WiiwAcAt?sub_confirmation=1 Twitter: https://twitter.com/wiiw_ac_at Repec: https://edirc.repec.org/data/wiiwwat.html Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/wiiw.economic.studies/ LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/vienna-institute-for-international-economic-studies/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/wiiw_ac_at #wiiw #economics
security 382 arrests during joint actions against traffickers using the Balkan route
382 arrests during joint actions against traffickers using the Balkan route
4 Nov 2022
Law enforcement authorities from 28 European countries joined forces to jointly target firearms trafficking, drugs trafficking, migrant smuggling and trafficking in human beings during coordinated EMPACT Joint Action Days between 26 and 29 October. The actions, which included intensified checks on the EU’s external borders, mainly took place in the Balkans and Southeast Europe. Other countries from across Europe contributed criminal intelligence and conducted operational actions at the national level. The operational activities were also supported by Eurojust, Frontex, INTERPOL, SELEC and other international organisations. https://www.europol.europa.eu/newsroom Follow us on: http://www.facebook.com/europol/ http://www.instagram.com/europol.eu/ http://twitter.com/europol http://www.linkedin.com/company/europol http://www.europol.europa.eu Intellectual property rights, including copyright, to the material are owned by Europol. Europol’s advance permission is also required for any further use of this material. Further details can be viewed on https://www.europol.europa.eu/legal-notice . Where permission is given in writing this will require the source to be identified and intellectual property rights to be acknowledged. Any entity reusing the material is responsible for its own publication and for obtaining any additional permissions required (e.g. from individuals appearing, from rights owners of any images or figures embedded in the material). No material or image may be used to endorse or imply endorsement of an organisation or project by Europol. The Europol name and logo are the exclusive property of Europol. They are protected under European and International law and cannot be reproduced without Europol’s prior written permission.
institutions Berlin Process Summit for the Western Balkans
Berlin Process Summit for the Western Balkans
3 Nov 2022
European Commission
Watch on the Audiovisual Portal of the European Commission: Subscribe to our channel: https://bit.ly/2X56Ju6 Follow us on: -Twitter: https://twitter.com/EU_Commission -Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/europeancommission/ -Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/EuropeanCommission -LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/european-commission/ -Medium: https://medium.com/@EuropeanCommission Check our website: http://ec.europa.eu/
institutions President von der Leyen in Albania - Press conference with Prime Minister Edi Rama
President von der Leyen in Albania - Press conference with Prime Minister Edi Rama
27 Oct 2022
European Commission
Joint press conference by President Ursula von der Leyen and Prime Minister of Albania Edi Rama Watch on the Audiovisual Portal of the European Commission: https://audiovisual.ec.europa.eu/en/video/I-232595 Subscribe to our channel: https://bit.ly/2X56Ju6 Follow us on: -Twitter: https://twitter.com/EU_Commission -Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/europeancommission/ -Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/EuropeanCommission -LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/european-commission/ -Medium: https://medium.com/@EuropeanCommission Check our website: http://ec.europa.eu/
renewable RES deployment in the Balkans: Challenges & Opportunities in Croatia, Serbia, Bulgaria & Slovenia
RES deployment in the Balkans: Challenges & Opportunities in Croatia, Serbia, Bulgaria & Slovenia
26 Oct 2022
With nearly 2 GW of installed PV capacity, and over 26 GW of realistic market potential, stellar solar growth is forecasted for the Balkan region in the near future. Among the various markets, Croatia, Serbia, Bulgaria and Slovenia show exceptionally high levels of untapped potential. Subsidy programs have begun to incentivize the installation of renewables in these markets. Moreover, as investors are increasingly drawn to the region, PPAs will play a central role in accelerating the number of PV projects. In this webinar, we are joined by Evangelos Gazis, the Market Lead for South Eastern Europe, and Panos Kefalas, Senior Research Associate at Aurora Research. Covering Croatia, Serbia, Bulgaria and Slovenia, Evangelos and Panos will be giving an overview of: 🔹 Opportunities for RES market development 🔹 Subsidy-based and merchant deployment solar projects 🔹 The role of PPAs 🔹 Expected power price fluctuations ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 🔗 Links For an overview of upcoming events: http://www.solarplaza.com/events/​​​ Sign up for our newsletter for updates: https://bit.ly/2UwOGy1​​ 👍 FOLLOW US LinkedIn: https://nl.linkedin.com/company/solarplaza_2 Twitter: https://twitter.com/solarplaza
security #OurVoiceOurFuture | Gevio Tabaku | Albania | Education
#OurVoiceOurFuture | Gevio Tabaku | Albania | Education
19 Oct 2022
European External Ac...
#OurVoiceOurFuture | Gevio Tabaku | Albania | Education
digital ITU PP-22 Policy statement: H.E. Mr Tahina Razafindramalo, Madagascar
ITU PP-22 Policy statement: H.E. Mr Tahina Razafindramalo, Madagascar
9 Oct 2022
Policy statement delivered by H.E. Mr Tahina Razafindramalo, Minister of Digital Transformation, Posts and Telecommunications of Madagascar at the ITU Plenipotentiary Conference 2022 (PP-22), Bucharest. For further information please visit: http://www.itu.int/pp-22
humanrights #3StepsForward for gender equality - Dina Vardaramatou, EWL
#3StepsForward for gender equality - Dina Vardaramatou, EWL
5 Sep 2022
European Institute f...
What are Dina Vardaramatou's #3StepsForward towards #genderequality? Discover them in the video. Connect with us👇 - https://www.facebook.com/eige.europa.eu - https://twitter.com/eurogender - https://www.linkedin.com/company/eige
institutions Joint press conference: President von der Leyen, Edi Rama, Petr Fiala, and Dimitar Kovačevski
Joint press conference: President von der Leyen, Edi Rama, Petr Fiala, and Dimitar Kovačevski
25 Jul 2022
European Commission
Watch on the Audiovisual Portal of the European Commission: https://audiovisual.ec.europa.eu/en/video/I-228786 Subscribe to our channel: https://bit.ly/2X56Ju6 Follow us on: -Twitter: https://twitter.com/EU_Commission -Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/europeancommission/ -Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/EuropeanCommission -LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/european-commission/ -Medium: https://medium.com/@EuropeanCommission Check our website: http://ec.europa.eu/
development EatSafe in Ethiopia Presents: A Food Safety Drama
EatSafe in Ethiopia Presents: A Food Safety Drama
20 Jul 2022
Global Alliance for ...
Subscribe to our videos here: http://ow.ly/bSfcZ and visit http://GAINhealth.org
security HR/VP Press Remarks | Intergovernmental Conference on the Accession of Albania | 19/07/2022
HR/VP Press Remarks | Intergovernmental Conference on the Accession of Albania | 19/07/2022
19 Jul 2022
European External Ac...
Press Remarks by HR/VP Josep Borell during the Intergovernmental Conference on the Accession of Albania on 19 July 2022.
foreignaffairs Balkans, Europe orientale... Quelle Communauté politique européenne ?
Balkans, Europe orientale... Quelle Communauté politique européenne ?
29 Jun 2022
Institut français d...
Un dialogue exceptionnel entre Thierry de MONTBRIAL, Ursula PLASSNIK, Enrico LETTA. La guerre d'Ukraine impose de nouvelles réalités géopolitiques et bouscule les Européens dans leurs certitudes. Elle affecte leur rapport à la sécurité, à leurs voisinages et met l'Union européenne au défi de redéfinir les tenants de la construction européenne. La communauté politique européenne proposée par Emmanuel Macron le 9 mai à Strasbourg vise à ancrer au plus près de l'Union les pays d'Europe orientale et balkanique. Charles Michel a quant à lui évoqué une communauté géopolitique européenne. Les propositions relevant de l'intégration différenciée des nouveaux Etats-membres prennent ici tout leur sens. Quelles relations l'UE entend-elle bâtir avec les pays de l'Est et du Sud-Est européen, qui aspirent à la rejoindre ? - Enrico Letta, président de l'Institut Jacques Delors, ancien président du Conseil des ministres italien. - Thierry de Montbrial, président-fondateur de l'Institut français des relations internationales (Ifri, Paris). - Ursula Plassnik, ancienne ministre des Affaires étrangères d'Autriche. Modération : Dominique David, président du Centre franco-autrichien pour le rapprochement en Europe. Powered by Restream https://restre.am/yt
training Impact investment for skills and societies: a focus on the Western Balkans
Impact investment for skills and societies: a focus on the Western Balkans
29 Jun 2022
European Training Fo...
What is impact investment? How can it be used to create skills, drive forward innovation, and make a social impact? Can it be implemented anywhere? Who needs to be involved?Join our discussion focussing on the experience of impact investment in the Western Balkans based on a joint study by the European Commission’s Joint Research Centre and the ETF.️ Nikica Mojsoska-Blazevski, CEO, Macedonia2025.️ Aleksandra Kostova, Programme Manager, European Commission, Directorate General for Neighbourhood and Enlargement negotiations.️ Elena Andonova, Policy Officer, Innovation and Policy, Joint Research Centre, European Commission.️ Siria Taurelli, Senior Human Capital Development Expert, European Training Foundation.Examples of existing initiatives will be shared together with details about tools which can encourage impact investment.#Skills4Change
security HR/VP Doorstep | EU-Western Balkans Leaders' Meeting | 23/06/2022
HR/VP Doorstep | EU-Western Balkans Leaders' Meeting | 23/06/2022
23 Jun 2022
European External Ac...
HR/VP Josep Borrell doorstep, ahead of the EU-Western Balkans Leaders' Meeting on 23 June 2022.
training Impact investment for skills and societies: a focus on the Western Balkans
Impact investment for skills and societies: a focus on the Western Balkans
23 Jun 2022
European Training Fo...
❓ What is impact investment? ❓ How can it be used to create skills, drive forward innovation, and make a social impact? ❓ Can it be implemented anywhere? ❓ Who needs to be involved? Join our discussion focussing on the experience of impact investment in the Western Balkans based on a joint study by the European Commission’s Joint Research Centre and the ETF. 🎙️ Nikica Mojsoska-Blazevski, CEO, Macedonia2025. 🎙️ Aleksandra Kostova, Programme Manager, European Commission, Directorate General for Neighbourhood and Enlargement negotiations. 🎙️ Elena Andonova, Policy Officer, Innovation and Policy, Joint Research Centre, European Commission. 🎙️ Siria Taurelli, Senior Human Capital Development Expert, European Training Foundation. Examples of existing initiatives will be shared together with details about tools which can encourage impact investment. #Skills4Change
security EU and Albania: partners for peace and security
EU and Albania: partners for peace and security
20 Jun 2022
European External Ac...
In his address at the United Nations Security Council, HR/VP Josep Borrell congratulated Albania for its important work at the UN and as future member of the EU. In face of global challenges, cooperation with trusted partners worldwide is key for maintaining peace and security.
homeaffairs EU Non-Discrimination Policies in the Western Balkans: the Case of LGBTQIA+ Rights
EU Non-Discrimination Policies in the Western Balkans: the Case of LGBTQIA+ Rights
18 Jun 2022
TEPSA - Trans Europe...
In a Europe dominated by quick-fire crisis response, it is increasingly important that the voices of European citizens be heard. The EU’s channel for citizens to make suggestions for the future of Europe, the Conference on the Future of Europe, has recently concluded. We want to continue amplifying young citizens’ voices! Since January 2021, European Policies for You (EP4U) has implemented activities to raise awareness of EU policy-making and increase political participation of young European citizens. Building on university debates, high school talks, videos explainers engaging various MEPs, student paper competitions and social media campaigns, the Final Conference “Youth Perspectives on the Future of Europe” concluded the project by offering cross-cutting insights into four policy areas: climate and environment; employment and social policies; migration and asylum; and non-discrimination and protection of fundamental rights. The conference’s first panel was moderated by Tom Chevalier from Sciences Po and Michaela Dénešová from Comenius University in Bratislava. It featured the contribution of Myrthe Bovendeaard, Parliamentary Assistant to Kim van Sparrentak MEP. EP4U Student Contest Winners Stevan Đurić and Niccoló de Vita. TEPSA Website: https://www.tepsa.eu/ TEPSA Twitter: https://twitter.com/tepsaeu TEPSA Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/tepsa.eu TEPSA LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/tepssabrussels TEPSA Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tepsaeu/ #EP4U #Pride #enlargement Music: Stand (Wondershare Filmora X) The action was co-financed by the European Union in the framework of the European Parliament’s grant programme in the field of communication. The European Parliament was not involved in its preparation and is, in no case, responsible for or bound by the information or opinions expressed in the context of this action. In accordance with applicable law, the authors, interviewed people, publishers or programme broadcasters are solely responsible. The European Parliament can also not be held liable for direct or indirect damage that may result from the implementation of the action.
security EMAD2022 | Albania
EMAD2022 | Albania
13 Jun 2022
European External Ac...
“You have the power to change your life and the world around you for the better.” This is the message that Artes, an online content creator and film-maker from Albania, wants to pass to her peers in Albania and the world: through storytelling, we can break borders
economy A new EU strategy for the Western Balkans: Lessons from EU-CEE and the Russian invasion (Panel)
A new EU strategy for the Western Balkans: Lessons from EU-CEE and the Russian invasion (Panel)
9 Jun 2022
The Vienna Institute...
Panel discussion in cooperation with Bertelsmann Stiftung from 8th June 2022 with Dusan Reljić, SWP Ranka Miljenović, CEP Hannes Swoboda, wiiw and Branimir Jovanovic, wiiw Moderation: Richard Grieveson The Russian invasion of Ukraine poses risks for the Western Balkans, where memories of the war are still present and ethnic disputes have never been settled. The region is slowly cooling towards the EU after spending almost two decades in its waiting room. The announced accelerated EU accession of Ukraine, however justified and likely, threatens to increase frustration in the Western Balkans if the EU does not change its strategy towards the region. In our new study „The long way round: Lessons from EU-CEE for improving integration and development in the Western Balkans“, we make the case for a necessary change in the EU’s strategy towards the Western Balkans, as the current strategy has failed to deliver regional economic integration and development. Instead of doing more of the same, we ask whether and how the successful example of the former communist countries that joined the EU between 2004 and 2013 can be repeated in the Western Balkans. The main issues to be discussed on this event are: How can the EU promote regional economic integration and development in the Western Balkans? What should be the new EU strategy for the Western Balkans? Are there prospects for a new dynamic in their EU accession process? What impact could visible progress have on the region as a whole and on its territorial and constitutional disputes? What is at stake for Europe if there is no visible progress? Agenda: - Welcome by Hannes Swoboda, President of wiiw and IIP, former MEP - Presentation of new wiiw study The long way round: Lessons from EU-CEE for improving integration and development in the Western Balkans by Branimir Jovanovic, Lead author and wiiw Balkan Expert About wiiw: The Vienna Institute for International Economic Studies (wiiw) is Vienna-based policy think tank with a focus on Central, East, and Southeast Europe. We conduct research on international economics, deliver macroeconomic forecasts, comment the ongoing events, collect statistical data, and organize events to discuss policy-related questions. Follow us: Web: https://wiiw.ac.at/ YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/WiiwAcAt?sub_confirmation=1 Twitter: https://twitter.com/wiiw_ac_at Repec: https://edirc.repec.org/data/wiiwwat.html Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/wiiw.economic.studies/ LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/vienna-institute-for-international-economic-studies/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/wiiw_ac_at
culture Zogu Bridge, ALBANIA - The 7 Most Endangered heritage sites in Europe 2022
Zogu Bridge, ALBANIA - The 7 Most Endangered heritage sites in Europe 2022
7 Jun 2022
Europa Nostra
Zogu Bridge, ALBANIA - The 7 Most Endangered heritage sites in Europe 2022
eufunding Jornada informativa nacional sobre el Programa de Cooperación Europea en Ciencia y Tecnología
Jornada informativa nacional sobre el Programa de Cooperación Europea en Ciencia y Tecnología
2 Jun 2022
La Oficina Europea de FECYT y el Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación organizan la Jornada Informativa Nacional para la difusión del Programa de Cooperación Europea en Ciencia y Tecnología “COST”. Esta jornada se celebrará el próximo día 2 de junio en formato híbrido, contando con intervenciones de la delegada nacional en el Comité de Altos Representantes de COST y la Coordinadora Nacional de COST. Además, se contará con la presencia de participantes españoles en Acciones COST para explicar de primera mano, sus experiencias con el programa desde diferentes puntos de vista y personal de la COST Association que nos hablará en detalle de las oportunidades que ofrece el programa COST. Este evento tiene el objetivo fundamental de promover la participación de investigadores españoles en el Programa COST, explicar las novedades del mismo dentro del nuevo programa marco de investigación “Horizonte Europa”, y dar a conocer las características y ventajas de participar en Acciones COST.
eufunding Jornada informativa nacional sobre el Programa de Cooperación Europea en Ciencia y Tecnología “COST”
Jornada informativa nacional sobre el Programa de Cooperación Europea en Ciencia y Tecnología “COST”
26 May 2022
La Oficina Europea de FECYT y el Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación organizan la Jornada Informativa Nacional para la difusión del Programa de Cooperación Europea en Ciencia y Tecnología “COST”. Esta jornada se celebrará el próximo día 2 de junio en formato híbrido, contando con intervenciones de la delegada nacional en el Comité de Altos Representantes de COST y la Coordinadora Nacional de COST. Además, se contará con la presencia de participantes españoles en Acciones COST para explicar de primera mano, sus experiencias con el programa desde diferentes puntos de vista y personal de la COST Association que nos hablará en detalle de las oportunidades que ofrece el programa COST. Este evento tiene el objetivo fundamental de promover la participación de investigadores españoles en el Programa COST, explicar las novedades del mismo dentro del nuevo programa marco de investigación “Horizonte Europa”, y dar a conocer las características y ventajas de participar en Acciones COST.
training Green Skills Award 2022 Finalist: Albania - The City of My Dreams
Green Skills Award 2022 Finalist: Albania - The City of My Dreams
23 May 2022
European Training Fo...
🏆To see all the finalists of Green Skills Award 2022🏆: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLYK8JpvJRLjiYTxvbc0AlH-nl_JUHul0K ✅ VOTE NOW ✅ (The vote is open until 05/06/2022): https://ec.europa.eu/eusurvey/runner/GreenSkillsAward2022Voting #Skills4Change #GreenSkillsAward2022 An inclusive project from Albania encouraging critical thinking and collaboration which focuses a community's attention on the need to include sustainable development, environmental solutions and ecological principles in urban planning. The city of my dreams is an initiative in the city of Kukës which involves five high schools and the local community. It aims to establish an environmentally friendly approach to urban development focusing on renewable energy sources and nature-based sustainable solutions. With the involvement of both boys and girls, the project aims to address the lack of green education in public schools, and seeks to increase youth participation and gender equality in identifying innovative environmental solutions. The results of the project will become a working model presented to other schools to encourage cross-curricular initiatives.
security HR/VP Press Remarks | FAC 16/05/2022 | #01 Western Balkans
HR/VP Press Remarks | FAC 16/05/2022 | #01 Western Balkans
17 May 2022
European External Ac...
HR/VP Josep Borrell press remarks during the Foreign Affairs Council on 16 May 2022.
security HR/VP Doorstep ahead of the Informal Dinner with Western Balkans Leaders | 11/05/2022
HR/VP Doorstep ahead of the Informal Dinner with Western Balkans Leaders | 11/05/2022
13 May 2022
European External Ac...
On 11 May 2022, HR/VP Josep Borrell hosted the Western Balkans Leaders for an informal dinner. They discussed the global impact of Putin’s unprovoked war against Ukraine and the need to stand united, for a safe, stable and prosperous Europe and to build a common future together.
[TALKING GEOPOLITICS] With Igor Bandović on War in Ukraine and Its Impact on the Western Balkans
[TALKING GEOPOLITICS] With Igor Bandović on War in Ukraine and Its Impact on the Western Balkans
12 Apr 2022
Vocal Europe
As part of our podcast series, we talked with Igor Bandović about the war in Ukraine and its Impact on the Western Balkans. Mr Bandović is the director of the Belgrade Centre for Security Policy and was previously the Senior Programme Manager for the European Fund for the Balkans. In this episode we discuss the capacity of the EU, influencing forces and challenges in the region.
medicine ECDC: on Air - Episode 18 - Piotr Kramarz - Aiding Ukrainian Refugees in Poland
ECDC: on Air - Episode 18 - Piotr Kramarz - Aiding Ukrainian Refugees in Poland
8 Apr 2022
On today's episode, we speak Dr Piotr Kramarz as he discusses his recent field mission to Poland, and working with the Polish health authorities to assist the large numbers of Ukrainian refugees. You can find more information about ECDC's on the Ukrainian crisis here: https://www.ecdc.europa.eu/en/news-events/prevention-and-control-infectious-diseases-context-russias-aggression-towards-ukraine and here: https://www.ecdc.europa.eu/en/publications-data/guidance-prevention-control-covid-19-temporary-reception-centres-people-fleeing-ukraine For more information about ECDC, please visit ecdc.europa.eu, or follow us on Social Media: bit.ly/ECDCSocialMedia
security HR/VP Visit to the Western Balkans, 14-16 March 2022 | Wrap-up
HR/VP Visit to the Western Balkans, 14-16 March 2022 | Wrap-up
22 Mar 2022
European External Ac...
High Representative/Vice-President Josep Borrell travelled to North Macedonia, Albania and Bosnia and Herzegovina on 13-16 March. The visit came against the backdrop of the barbaric aggression by Russia against Ukraine. In the three countries, the HR/VP discussed the current war with his interlocutors. They all condemned the Kremlin’s aggression. In these testing times they have sided with the EU and the international community to stop the war, assist the Ukrainian people and work for peace and international law, demonstrating that their place is in the EU family.
"Century of Martyrs" exhibition in Albanian - promotional video
21 Mar 2022
Platform of European...
The Century of Martyrs is telling the story of 26 exceptional figures, Christians of various denominations and nationalities, clergy and laity, women and men, of all ages. Memory and remembrance are especially important nowadays and it was also the starting point for the exhibition. Communism, Fascism, and Nazism have brought great suffering and countless victims. By this exhibition, We want to remind the fate of the people who lost their lives as a result of the repression of totalitarian regimes and ideologies in the 20th century. Among the tens of millions big part is still anonymous. The aim of this exhibition is to present the wills, testaments, legacies of the martyrs left to us both in the stories of their lives and deaths, but especially in their own words. You can visit the English version online at centuryofmartyrs.eu Albanian version of Century of Martyrs was created in cooperation with Memo Albania. Promotional video was created by IDMC-Instituti për Demokraci, Media & Kulturë.
development We planted 1000 trees in Western Balkans
We planted 1000 trees in Western Balkans
14 Mar 2022
European Bank for Re...
In four years, Green Economy Financing Facility (GEFF) has supported over 9000 households in the Western Balkans to improve the energy efficiency of their homes. To celebrate this achievement, we planted 1000 trees in the region. GEFF is co-financed by the European Union and Austria.