22-23 November 2022, day 1. Event details and programme: europa.eu/!fqj7qW. Sign up to the initiative’s newsletter: europa.eu/!Jvv9b4 00:00 Opening and a keynote speech by Maciej Popowski, Acting Director General, DG NEAR, European Commission 29:29 Update from the international partners of the Initiative for coal regions in transition in the Western Balkans and Ukraine 31:55 Véronique Marx, Team Leader for Just transition and energy poverty, DG ENER, European Commission 38:12 Alexander Huurdeman, Senior Gas Specialist, Energy & Extractives Global Practice, World Bank 48:39 Artur Lorkowski, Director, Energy Community Secretariat 59:29 Q&A with audience 1:11:19 Hoa-Binh Adjemian, Deputy Head of Unit, Thematic Support – An economy that works for people, green, digital and connected, DG NEAR, European Commission 1:21:38 Anna Vasylyeva, Energy Transition, Climate Strategy and Delivery, EBRD 1:30:03 Matteo Rivellini, Head of Enlargement Division, EIB 1:39:36 Marta Babicz, Director of the External Funds Department, Poland’s National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management 1:44:43 Q&A with audience 2:02:25 Panel “Strategic approach to coal phase-out: has the energy crisis become a game-changer?” 2:03:58 Artur Lorkowski, Director, Energy Community Secretariat 2:17:30 Aleksandra Tomczak, Cabinet Member of the Executive VP of the European Commissioner Frans Timmermans, European Commission 2:25:26 Naser Nuredini, Minister of Environment and Physical Planning, North Macedonia 2:36:17 Victoria Gryb, Chair of Energy Security subcommittee and Chair of Just Transition inter-fractional group, Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine 3:05:41 Q&A with audience 3:23:22 Panel “Stakeholder engagement and just transition in Western Balkan and Ukrainian coal regions” 3:25:56 Christopher Sheldon, Country Manager for Bosnia and Herzegovina, World Bank 3:29:47 Justine Morven Sylvester, Sustainable Land Use Specialist, World Bank 3:44:45 Rajko Kovačević, Mayor, Municipality of Pljevlja, Montenegro 3:51:39 Nevena Smilevska, Just Transition Coordinator for the Western Balkans, Bankwatch 4:06:35 Q&A with audience 4:30:43 Panel “Good practices on repurposing land and assets, and environmental remediation” 4:31:17 Olaf Osica, Senior Advisor and visiting professor, College of Europe in Natolin 4:33:57 Piotr Cofałka, Deputy Director for Research and Development, Institute for Ecology of Industrial Areas, Poland 4:47:37 Samir Kamenjaković, Mayor, Municipality of Živinice, Bosnia and Herzegovina 5:00:59 Iryna Kostetska, Post-PhD researcher, National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine 5:09:00 Wolfhart Pohl, Lead Specialist for Environment and Geosciences, World Bank 5:24:07 Q&A with audience 5:43:00 Conclusions of day 1 5:45:50 Valentyna Moskalenko, Advisor to the Prime Minister of Ukraine