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EU Member State (Non Euro-Area)

Czechia IndicatorsMore

Czechia Happiness


0 unhappy, 10 happy

The Happiness ranking is part of the World Happiness Report. The country scores are based on a survey in which respondents evaluate the quality of their current lives on a scale of 0 to 10.
Czechia Life expectancy
Life expectancy



Life expectancy at birth indicates the number of years a newborn infant would live if prevailing patterns of mortality at the time of its birth were to stay the same throughout its life. Measure: years, Source: The World Bank
Czechia Political stability
Political stability


-2.5 weak, 2.5 strong

The Political Stability Index and Absence of Violence/Terrorism measures perceptions of the likelihood that the government will be destabilized or overthrown by unconstitutional or violent means, including politically-motivated violence and terrorism. Measure: points; Source: The World Bank
Czechia Political rights
Political rights


7 weak, 1 strong

The Political Rights ratings evaluate three categories: electoral process, political pluralism and participation, and the functioning of government. The index ranges from 1 (strong rights) to 7 (weak rights). Measure: points; Source: The Freedom House
Czechia Civil liberties
Civil liberties


7 weak, 1 strong

The Civil Liberties index evaluate the following: freedom of expression and belief, associational and organizational rights, rule of law, and personal autonomy and individual rights. The rating ranges from 1 (strong liberties) to 7 (no liberties). Measure: points; Source: The Freedom House
Czechia Corruption


100 = no corruption

The Corruption Perceptions Index is an indicator of perceptions of public sector corruption, i.e. administrative and political corruption (based on information from surveys and assessments of corruption, collected by a variety of reputable institutions). Measure: points; Source: Transparency International
Czechia Population



Total population is indicated in Millions and is based on the de facto definition of population, which counts all residents regardless of legal status or citizenship. The values shown are midyear estimates. Measure: million; Source: United Nations Population Division
Czechia Population growth
Population growth


% growth / year

Annual population growth rate for year t is the exponential rate of growth of midyear population from year t-1 to t, expressed as a percentage . Population is based on the de facto definition of population, which counts all residents regardless of legal status or citizenship. Measure: percent; Source: United Nations Population Division
Czechia Population density
Population density


People per square km

Population density is midyear population divided by land area in square kilometers. Population is based on the de facto definition of population, which counts all residents regardless of legal status or citizenship. Measure: people per square km; Source: Food and Agriculture Organization
Czechia Urban population
Urban population


% of total population

Urban population refers to people living in urban areas as defined by national statistical offices. Measure: percent; Source: United Nations Population Division
Czechia Migrant population
Migrant population


% of total

International migrant stock is the number of people born in a country other than that in which they live. It also includes refugees. Measure: percent; Source: United Nations Population Division
Czechia Economic growth
Economic growth


% of GDP

Economic growth is intended as the annual percentage growth rate of GDP at market prices based on constant local currency. Measure: percent; Source: The World Bank
Czechia Foreign Direct Investment
Foreign Direct Investment


% of GDP

Foreign direct investment are the net inflows of investment to acquire a lasting management interest in an enterprise operating in an economy other than that of the investor (new investment inflows less disinvestment). Measure: percent; Source: The World Bank
Czechia Exports


% of GDP

Exports of goods and services represent the value of all goods and other market services provided to the rest of the world. Measure: percent; Source: The World Bank
Czechia Government debt
Government debt


% of GDP

Government debt includes domestic and foreign liabilities such as currency and money deposits, securities other than shares, and loans. It is the gross amount of government liabilities reduced by the amount of equity and financial derivatives held by the government.
Czechia Capital investment
Capital investment


% of GDP

Capital investments are fixed assets including for example land improvements, plant, machinery, construction of roads, railways, schools, offices, hospitals, private residential, commercial and industrial buildings, etc. Measure: percent; Source: The World Bank
Czechia Inflation


% yearly change

Inflation as measured by the consumer price index reflects the annual percentage change in the cost to the average consumer of acquiring a basket of goods and services that may be fixed or changed at specified intervals, such as yearly. Measure: percent; Source: The World Bank
Czechia Competitiveness


0 weak, 100 strong

The Global Competitiveness index is composed of 12 pillars of competitiveness: Institutions, Infrastructure, ICT adoption, Macroeconomic stability, Health, Skills, Product market, Labor market, Financial system, market size, Business, dynamism, and Innovation capability. Measure: points; Source: The World Economic Forum
Czechia Shadow economy
Shadow economy


% of GDP

The shadow economy as percent of total annual GDP. Source: Leandro Medina and Friedrich Schneider (2018).
Czechia Health spending
Health spending


% of GDP

Level of current health expenditure expressed as a percentage of GDP including healthcare goods and services consumed during each year but does not including capital health expenditures such as buildings, machinery, IT and stocks of vaccines for emergency or outbreaks. Measure: percent; Source: The World Bank
Czechia Education spending
Education spending


% of GDP

General government expenditure on education is expressed as a percentage of GDP. It includes expenditure funded by transfers from international sources to government. General government usually refers to local, regional and central governments. Measure: percent; Source: UNESCO
Czechia Military spending
Military spending


% of GDP

Military spending includes expenditure on peacekeeping, defense ministries, paramilitary forces, space activities, military and civil personnel, procurement, military research and development, and aid. Measure: percent; Source: Stockholm International Peace Research Institute
Czechia Unemployment


% of labor force

Unemployment refers to the share of the labor force that is without work but available for and seeking employment. Measure: percent; Source: The World Bank
Czechia Females unemployment
Females unemployment


% of female labor force

Female unemployment refers to the share of the female labor force that is without work but available for and seeking employment. Measure: percent; Source: The World Bank
Czechia Males unemployment
Males unemployment


% of male labor force

Male unemployment refers to the share of the male labor force that is without work but available for and seeking employment. Measure: percent; Source: The World Bank
Czechia Cost of starting a business
Cost of starting a business


% of income per capita

The cost of starting a business indicator includes all official fees and fees for legal or professional services if such services are required by law. The company law, the commercial code, and specific regulations and fee schedules are used as sources for calculating costs. Measure: percent; Source: The World Bank
Czechia Youth unemployment
Youth unemployment


% of 15-24 labor force

Youth unemployment refers to the share of the labor force ages 15-24 without work but available for and seeking employment. Measure: percent; Source: The World Bank
Czechia Tax rate
Tax rate


% of commercial profits

Total tax rate measures the amount of taxes and mandatory contributions payable by businesses after accounting for allowable deductions and exemptions as a share of commercial profits. Personal income tax, VAT, sales taxes or goods and service taxes are excluded. Measure: percent; Source: The World Bank
Czechia Number of taxes paid by businesses
Number of taxes paid by businesses


Tax payments by businesses are the total number of taxes paid by businesses, including electronic filing. The tax is counted as paid once a year even if payments are more frequent. Measure: taxes; Source: The World Bank
Czechia Patent applications
Patent applications


by residents

Patent applications are worldwide patent applications filed through the Patent Cooperation Treaty procedure or with a national patent office for exclusive rights for an invention. A patent provides protection for the invention to the owner of the patent for a limited period, generally 20 years. Measure: patent applications; Source: The World Intellectual Property Organization
Czechia Internet users
Internet users


% of population

Internet users are individuals who have used the Internet (from any location) in the last 3 months. The Internet can be used via a computer, mobile phone, personal digital assistant, games machine, digital TV etc. Measure: percent; Source: The World Bank
Czechia Land area
Land area


sq. km

Land area is a country's total area, excluding area under inland water bodies, national claims to continental shelf, and exclusive economic zones. In most cases the definition of inland water bodies includes major rivers and lakes. Measure: sq. km; Source: Food and Agriculture Organization
Czechia Agricultural land
Agricultural land


sq. km.

Agricultural land refers to the share of land area that is arable, under permanent crops, and under permanent pastures. Measure: sq. km; Source: The World Bank
Czechia Forest area
Forest area


sq. km

Forest area is land under natural or planted stands of trees of at least 5 meters in situ, whether productive or not, and excludes tree stands in agricultural production systems (for example, in fruit plantations and agroforestry systems) and trees in urban parks and gardens. Measure: percent; Source: Food and Agriculture Organization
Czechia Precipitation


mm per year

Average precipitation is the long-term average in depth (over space and time) of annual precipitation in the country. Precipitation is defined as any kind of water that falls from clouds as a liquid or a solid. Measure: mm per year; Source: Food and Agriculture Organization
Czechia Roads quality
Roads quality


1 low, 7 high

The Road quality indicator represents an assessment of the quality of roads in a given country based on data from the WEF Executive Opinion Survey. The respondents are asked to rate the roads in their country of operation on a scale from 1 (bad) to 7 (good). Measure: points; Source: The World Economic Forum
Czechia Railroads quality
Railroads quality


1 low, 7 high

The Quality of railroad infrastrucutre indicator represents an assessment of the quality of the railroad system in a given country based on data from the WEF Executive Opinion Survey. The respondents are asked to rate the railroads in their country of operation on a scale from 1 (bad) to 7 (good). Measure: points; Source: The World Economic Forum
Czechia Air transport quality
Air transport quality


1 low, 7 high

The Quality of air transport infrastructure indicator represents an assessment of the quality of airports in a given country based on data from the WEF Executive Opinion Survey. The respondents are asked to rate the passenger air transport in their country of operation on a scale from 1 (bad) to 7 (good). Measure: points; Source: The World Economic Forum
Czechia Energy imports
Energy imports


% total energy use

Net energy imports are estimated as energy use less production, both measured in oil equivalents. A negative value indicates that the country is a net exporter. Measure: percent; Source: The World Bank
Czechia Oil production
Oil production


thousand barrels / day

Oil production. Measure: thousand Barrels Per Day; Source: The U.S. Energy Information Agency
Czechia Renewable power capacity
Renewable power capacity


million kilowatts

Total capacity to produce electricity from renewable resources in million kilowatts. Source: The U.S. Energy Information Administration
Czechia Carbon dioxide emissions
Carbon dioxide emissions


metric tons per capita

Carbon dioxide emissions are those stemming from the burning of fossil fuels and the manufacture of cement. They include carbon dioxide produced during consumption of solid, liquid, and gas fuels and gas flaring. Source: The World Bank. Measure: metric tons; Source: The World Bank
Czechia Bank branches
Bank branches


per 100,000 people

Number of commercial bank branches per 100,000 adults. Measure: bank branches; Source: The International Monetary Fund
Czechia ATMs


per 100,000 adults

Number of ATMs per 100,000 adults. Automated teller machines are computerized telecommunications devices that provide clients of a financial institution with access to financial transactions in a public place. Measure: ATMs per 100,000 adults; Source: The World Bank
Czechia Homicides


per 100,000 people

Number of homicides per 100,000 people per year. Source: The UN office on drugs and crime
Czechia Robberies


per 100,000 people

Number of robberies per 100,000 people per year. Source: The UN office on drugs and crime
Czechia Suicides


per 100,000 population

Suicide mortality rate is the number of suicide deaths in a year per 100,000 population. Source: The World Health Organization
Czechia Prisoners


per 100,000 people

Number of prisoners per 100,000 people. Source: The UN office on drugs and crime

Czechia EventsMore

The 7th World Conference on Social Sciences Studies (3SCONF)
The 7th World Conference on Social Sciences Studies (3SCONF)
The 7th World Conference on Education and Teaching (ETCONF)
The 7th World Conference on Education and Teaching (ETCONF) will be held on 21 – 23 March 2025 in Prague, Czech Republic.
The 7th World Conference on Management, Business and Economics (WORLDMBE)
The 7th World Conference on Management, Business and Economics (WORLDMBE) which will be held on 21 – 23 March 2025 in Prague, Czech Republic.
ECOS 2025
27th International Conference Economic Competitiveness and Sustainability 2025
2nd edition of the Crash Course for Cities - Training programme on district heating & cooling
Join us for the second edition of the Crash Course for Cities, a training programme on District Heating and Cooling tailored for local authorities, municipality representatives and government officials.
3rd World Conference on Architecture and Civil Engineering
The Architecture & Civil Engineering Conference 2025 – Learn, Engage, Connect
4th International Academic Conference on Research in Engineering and Technology
Conference on Research in Engineering and Technology 2025
5th World Conference on Sustainability, Energy, and Environment
The 5th Sustainability Conference 2025, Limitless Learning
3rd Global Conference on Research in Chemistry and Chemical Engineering
The Leading Chemistry and Chemical ConferencePresent at the most anticipated chemical conferences 2025
9th International Academic Conference on Teaching, Learning and Education
one of the most anticipated education conferences of 2025 9th International Conference on Education at a Glance
10th International Conference on Modern Research in Social Sciences
The Social Sciences Conference 2025 – Learn, Engage, Activate
9th International Conference on Advanced Research in Management, Business and Finance
Immerse in a diverse international Management and Business conference!
Future Forces Exhibition & Forum
International Platform for Trends and Technologies in Defence & Security

Czechia Publications More

Shaping the Future of Urban Environments: Highlights from NBSI...
Press Release
October 7, 2024
A detailed overview of NBSINFRA’s General Assembly in Prague: advancing resilient urban environments through innovative strategies and successful implementations
Support to Czechia on the reform of the Technology Transfer Of...
September 20, 2024
This report has been prepared to inform the work of the PSF panel of experts who will be responsible for formulating recommendations for improving the knowledge transfer from universities and public research instituti...
Four new rural regions will adopt the dRural digital platform ...
Press Release
June 4, 2024
The EU-funded project dRural continues to extend its impact all over Europe through four new “mirror regions”- rural areas that will adopt the dRural digital platform to improve local markets. After the three pilo...
Public participation and environmental concerns in the Czech R...
Policy Brief
January 4, 2023
Public participation and environmental concerns in the Czech Republic, Poland, Romania and Slovakia
Fair and Sustainable Future of Transport and Buildings: Outloo...
Policy Paper
June 2, 2022
Fair and Sustainable Future of Transport and Buildings: Outlook for the Czech Presidency
Identifying short-term opportunities to align the Central Euro...
May 30, 2022
Identifying short-term opportunities to align the Central European Energy Security with the 2030 European Green Deal goals in Czech Republic, Hungary and Slovakia
Non-transparent handling of ETS revenues and potential violati...
November 18, 2021
Non-transparent handling of ETS revenues and potential violation of ETS Directive in the Czech Republic
Analysis of climate finance options for small and medium-size...
August 1, 2021
Analysis of climate finance options for small and medium-sized municipalities in the Czech Republic
The Political Relevance of the Migration Issue at the 2017 Cze...
January 28, 2019
European Liberal Forum
The Political Relevance of the Migration Issue at the 2017 Czech, Dutch and German Elections
Home Affairs
National populism and its reception in Central Europe 2018 (Au...
December 28, 2018
National populism and its reception in Central Europe 2018 (Austria, Czech, Republic, Hungary, Slovakia, Sloven)
Home Affairs
The Czech general elections: and now three illiberate Euroscep...
Policy Paper
October 30, 2017
The Czech general elections: and now three illiberate Eurosceptics in Central Europe?
Exit, Voice or Loyalty? Young people on Europe and democracy C...
January 1, 2001
Exit, Voice or Loyalty? Young people on Europe and democracy Case Studies from Austria, the Czech Republic, Germany, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia
Home Affairs
25 Years Break-up of Czechoslovakia: Is the Separation of Czec...
January 24, 2018
25 Years Break-up of Czechoslovakia: Is the Separation of Czechoslovakia a Success Story?
A snapshot of national renovation strategies - examples from s...
November 30, 2017
A snapshot of national renovation strategies - examples from selected EU member states
Early-stage venture capital for energy innovation: Financing m...
October 27, 2017
Early-stage venture capital for energy innovation: Financing models, trends and implications for policy
STARDUST PROJECT - Holistic and Integrated Urban Model for Sma...
Press Release
October 20, 2017
iCube Programme
From October 10 to 11, Fundación Cener-Ciemat together with the city of Pamplona hosted the kick off meeting of the STARDUST project. In this lighthouse project the cities of Pamplona (Spain), Tampere (Finland), and ...
Phase-out 2020: monitoring Europe's fossil fuel subsidies
The principle of mutual recognition guarantees full recognition of any driving licence valid in a country in the European Economic Area (EEA). This includes those issued before the entry into force of the Directive an...
Tradability of Output and the Current Account: An Empirical In...
February 3, 2017
Tradability of Output and the Current Account: An Empirical Investigation for Europe
Road freight vehicles are a key enabler of global economic activity and play an essential role in delivering all types of goods or commodities from their points of production to the factories and industries that use o...
Flight, Migration, and Integration from the Perspective of NGO...
February 27, 2017
Flight, Migration, and Integration from the Perspective of NGOs in the Visegrad Region
Sharing the Responsibility or Shifting the Focus? The Response...
May 23, 2017
Sharing the Responsibility or Shifting the Focus? The Responses of the EU and the Visegrad Countries to the Post-2015 Arrival of Migrants and Refugees
You would be forgiven, especially if you live in Europe, to think that public services are by nature expensive, inefficient, maybe even somewhat outdated, and that reforming them to adapt to new challenges is difficul...
How consumer organisations can help people get a better energy deal
Adolescent obesity and related behaviours: trends and inequali...
May 8, 2017
Adolescent obesity and related behaviours: trends and inequalities in the WHO European Region, 2002–2014
Administrative data collection on rape, femicide and intimate ...
May 3, 2017
Administrative data collection on rape, femicide and intimate partner violence in EU Member States
The ranking shows that only three countries in Europe push in the right direction to deliver on the Paris climate agreement. Sweden tops the list, followed by Germany and France. Sweden scores the highest among all E...
Community Supported Agriculture is an idea – a tremendously flexible concept for a new consumer–farmer connection, an alternative system of distribution based on community values...
This study has been commissioned by the Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism to understand how news is being consumed in a range of countries. Research was conducted by YouGov using an online questionnaire...
This briefing explores some of the innovative and creative ways in which food producers and consumers have started to address this problem in different parts of Europe. It features five case studies which illustrat...
Global oil and gas upstream investment fell by 25% in 2015 and by another 26% in 2016, affecting the major oil companies and smaller independents alike. In 2017 there are modest signs of recovery led by higher investm...
Since the economic crisis in 2008, austerity has slowed the growth of wages in European countries. In the vast majority of EU countries, wage are stagnating or even decreasing.
The UK has made Control of Free Movement of People a key objective for a new UK-EU trade agreement. The current indications are that the UK will seek to access and operate within the Single Market, while controlling f...
In its experience Caritas sees that migrants’ personalities and coping strategies are important factors influencing their integration process; in order for migrants to “feel integrated”, they need to acquire emp...
The Paris Agreement reached at COP21 in December 2015 was a major milestone capping more than two decades of global negotiations aimed at averting dangerous climate change. The outcome was reflective of greater accept...
Large-scale Electricity Interconnection - Technology and prosp...
November 10, 2016
Large-scale Electricity Interconnection - Technology and prospects for cross-regional networks
20 Years of Carbon Capture and Storage - Accelerating Future D...
November 8, 2016
20 Years of Carbon Capture and Storage - Accelerating Future Deployment
During the period since the last International Energy Agency (IEA ) in-depth review (IDR) in 2011, Poland has continued to make progress in the development and implementation of energy policy.
Energy security has been the core of the International Energy Agency (IEA) mission since its foundation in 1974. At the time, the aim was to ensure the security of oil supplies amid geopolitical tensions. While the wo...
How unrealistic employment claims are deceiving coal mining communities in southeast Europe and delaying a just transition to sustainable energy.
‘Smart defense’ and ‘interoperability’: the future of ...
October 25, 2016
‘Smart defense’ and ‘interoperability’: the future of defense policy in Europe
The International Energy Agency (IEA) and the International Union of Railways (UIC) are pleased to jointly publish the fth edition of the data handbook on “Energy Consumption and CO2 Emissions” in the global rail...
Technology and policy drivers of the fuel economy of new light...
Working Paper
May 18, 2016
Technology and policy drivers of the fuel economy of new light-duty vehicles: comparative analysis across selected automotive markets
As a founding member of the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD ) and International Energy Agency (IEA), Turkey ’s energy policy has continuously evolved to serve a growing economy and popula...
The EU Regular Economic Report (RER) is a periodic publication of the World Bank Group and covers economic developments and prospects, as well as economic policies in the European Union.
24 May 2016 - EU Rail Freight: “still Not on the Right Track...
Press Release
May 19, 2016
24 May 2016 - EU Rail Freight: “still Not on the Right Track”, Warn Auditors
Home Affairs
Regulation of Labour Market Intermediaries and the Role Of Soc...
April 26, 2016
Regulation of Labour Market Intermediaries and the Role Of Social Partners in Preventing Trafficking of Labour
Win–win Arrangements: Innovative Measures Through Social Dia...
September 6, 2016
Win–win Arrangements: Innovative Measures Through Social Dialogue at Company Level
Research Report Ciett Smart Regulation Index on the employment...
Research Paper
January 20, 2016
Research Report Ciett Smart Regulation Index on the employment & recruitment industry - Balancing flexibility with security
National Backgrounders – European Foreign Policy Country Pr...
January 1, 2001
National Backgrounders – European Foreign Policy Country Profile - The Czech Republic
The lessons learnt with Article 10C of the EU ETS Directive and Reccomendations for the post-2020 period.
Climate's Enfants Terribles: How New Member States Misguid...
January 29, 2016
Climate's Enfants Terribles: How New Member States Misguided Use Of EU Funds Is Holding Back Europe's Clean Energy Transition
Regions & Cities
The role of Local and Regional Authorities in the implementati...
November 11, 2015
The role of Local and Regional Authorities in the implementation of Europe 2020 - Analysis of 2015 National Reform Programmes

Czechia Publishers More

The European Union Agency for the Space Programme (EUSPA) is the operational arm of the EU Space Programme. Its mission is to implement the EU Space Programme and provide reliable, safe, and secure space-related services, maximizing their socio-economic benefits for European society and businesses. EUSPA manages public interests related to the European Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) programs EGNOS and Galileo, the Earth observation program Copernicus, and the European Union Governmental Satellite Communications (GOVSATCOM) program.
The Think Tank Racionální politiky závislostí (Institute for Rational Addiction Policies) think tank is a multi-disciplinary association of independent and reputable experts that studies the question of addiction from all sides (public and individual health, legislation and other legal effects, security matters, economics and market modelling, tax issues, effects on the state budget, education and prevention, and social, sociological, and political questions.
The Ministry of Industry and Trade is the central state administration body for state policy in the field of industry, trade, raw materials and economic relations with foreign countries.
Founded in 1983,  RECETOX is an independent department of Masaryk University’s Faculty of ;We are engaged in research and education in the fields of environmental and ; Our main activities comprise of monitoring toxic compounds in the environment, various products and human tissues, and evaluating the risks they pose, as well as their associated toxicological and ecotoxicological health effects; developing new sampling and analytical methods; developing new chemical tools and methodologies, biotechnologies and software ; We are equipt to rapidly respond to new challenges concerning environmental contamination monitoring and exposure of the population to toxic compounds and their mixtures, and propose preventive and legislative measures, and offer appropriate interventions for chemicals ;   We work closely with various industrial partners to safeguard human health and ecosystems from the effects of toxic compounds,. Furthermore, through hosting of the National Center for Toxic Compounds, and the Stockholm Convention Regional Center (SCRC) for capacity building and transfer of technology, we support countries in Europe and Africa, as well as international institutions in the ;   RECETOX’s Research Infrastructure, is a centralized facility for the implementation of interdisciplinary research projects, and is divided into individual core facilities that analyze a wide range of anthropogenic natural substances and toxins in environmental or biological matrices, conduct long-term environmental and population studies, and develop sophisticated software tools for management, analysis, interpretation, and visualization of ;   RECETOX provides multidisciplinary education in bachelor's, master's, and doctoral degree programs in the fields of environmental health, mathematical biology, and ;
We are the largest engineering university in the Czech Republic. We have more than 19 000 proud talents.
BCRG biomedical center was established in 2015 as a joint project of the Medical Faculty, the University of Ostrava and the Hematooncology Department, University Hospital Ostrava. BCRG teams focus on both basic and pre-clinical research with the main aim to develop novel therapeutical approaches in the field of monoclonal gammopathies and other hematological disorders
The Czech Economic Society (CES) is an association of people working or interested in the area of economics. The main mission of the CES is to enhance the development and general knowledge of economics in the Czech Republic in a way that fully respects and supports plurality of opinions and autonomous evolution of individual schools of economics. To achieve this aim, the CES organises lectures and seminars and competitions for young economists and produces publications focused on economics. Once every two years, it organises a biennial conference, which alternates at yearly intervals with the general assembly of the CES. The CES is a member of the International Economic Association and the Council of Scientific Societies of the Czech Republic.
In 2015 the EU and China celebrated the 40th anniversary of diplomatic relations. Both parties have started to engage with each other on a higher level and deepened multi-lateral co-operation to improve diplomatic, political, economic, educational, technological and cultural ties, as well as local governance and tourism. The EU-China Economics and Politics Institute is designed to encourage, improve and strengthen EU-China relations, and to extend communication and cooperation in the field of education and research. The EU-China Economics and Politics Institute is based on the EU-China Weapon Embargo Research Project (6th July 2010), which was designed to update and analyse the EU’s policy of placing an embargo on weapons sales to China. This research project was the precursor of the EU-China Economics and Politics Institute. Currently, 17 professional scholars research at the EU-China Economics and Politics Institute, and their research fields mostly relate to EU-China Relations, NATO, Political Economy, and International Security. The EU-China Economics and Politics Institute values research contribution by efforts with EU-China Economics and Politics Journal (on-line)”, and “Issues and Studies Textbook”. The EU-China Economics and Politics Institute share a common goal: to encourage and improve mutual understanding and communication between the EU and China.
EUROPEUM is a think-tank that undertakes programme, project,  publishing and training activities related to the European integration ;   EVENTS We organize regular seminars and debates focused on the current European topics, which are open to the academic community as well as the general public. Furthermore, we organize a number of conferences, workshops and roundtables on specific selected European issues. PROJECTS We participate in the organization of various long-term projects focused on increasing awareness about the European Union and strengthening of the international cooperation. Among our main projects are the Prague European Summit, an educational competition Europa Secura, a national identity conference CEE Identity and the European Summer School. ARTICLES Our team of research fellows publishes regular articles responding to some of the most pressing issues related to European integration and more. In the articles section you can thus find the most up-to-date blogs, analyses, reports and policy briefs by our experts.
Future Advanced Technologies Institute is organiser of events within Future Forces Forum - a highly recognized and widely endorsed international platform for defence & security information exchange and for promotion of the allied countries and their partners
Halcyon group facilitates the platforms for professionals and experts from all levels of value chain to network, enjoy maximum knowledge transfer and professional exchange. We provide unique and creative solutions that meet our clients’ business expectations and objectives. We accomplish this by our strict adherence to the ethical principles of business, team work based on the implementation of progressive communications, discipline, courage and professional quality of services provided by a highly motivated team. Vision: Focused on providing the best services for maximal satisfaction of customers. Mission: To provide innovative and best value platforms for our clients so as to encourage development and improvement of business in the modern world.
The University can pride itself on the longest history of agriculture and forestry studies in the Czech lands. It was established in 1919 as the University of Agriculture in Brno, since 1994 the University has borne the name of the famous genetic laws discoverer Gregor Johann Mendel.The University is formed by 5 faculties: Faculty of Agronomy, Faculty of Forestry and Wood Technology, Faculty of Business and Economics, Faculty of Horticulture and Faculty of Regional Development and International Studies. As an important part of its activities, the University also operates a botanical garden and arboretum. In order to train students, to conduct researches and to verify the theoretical knowledge in practice the University disposes of the University Agriculture Enterprise in Žabčice and the Training Forest Enterprise Masaryk Forest in K
European Society of Gynaecological Oncology (ESGO) is Europe´s leading non-for profit organization that strives to improve gynaecological cancer care by providing training standards, educational opportunities and breakthroughs in the prevention, treatment and study of gynaecological cancers.ESGO is strongly committed to its mission to improve the health and well-being of European women with gynaecological (genital and breast) cancers through prevention, excellence in care, high quality research and education.
The VŠB-Technical University of Ostrava is a technical and economic institution of higher education, the principal task of which is the provision of higher education based on free and internationally oriented research. It is an integral part of the higher education structure in the Czech Republic providing for the highest education in the province of its specialization. The predecessor of the Mining University of Ostrava was the Mining School in P
Chamber of Certified Accountants Czech Republic (KCU CR) is a professional body representing Czech accounting profession.
University of Chemistry and Technology, Prague executes educational and research activities in almost all branches of chemistry: chemical engineering, food chemistry and technology, biochemistry, water
Czech Union for Supported Employment (CzUSE) was established in 2000 to facilitate the development of Supported Employment (SE) in Czech Republic by formulation and promoting idea of SE. CzUSE mainly associates supported employment providers of Czech Republic.CzUSE is a member of European Union of Supported Employment (www.euse.org) since 2001.

Czechia VideosMore

culture Shielding the Past 7(1): Blue Shield Czechia National Committee Presentation
Shielding the Past 7(1): Blue Shield Czechia National Committee Presentation
16 Dec 2024
Blue Shield
Shielding the Past: 70 years of the Hague Convention National Committee Presentation - Blue Shield Czechia, 10 September 2024. Hosted by Blue Shield and the National Institute for Heritage and Ministry of Culture, Romania
culture Shielding the Past 7(1): Blue Shield Czechia National Committee Presentation
Shielding the Past 7(1): Blue Shield Czechia National Committee Presentation
16 Dec 2024
Blue Shield
Shielding the Past: 70 years of the Hague Convention National Committee Presentation - Blue Shield Czechia, 10 September 2024. Hosted by Blue Shield and the National Institute for Heritage and Ministry of Culture, Romania
employment Sustainability educations: Petra Bočáková on upskilling Czech auditors
Sustainability educations: Petra Bočáková on upskilling Czech auditors
22 Oct 2024
Accountancy Europe
Petra Bočáková, board member of the Chamber of Auditors of the Czech, Republic gives insights on how KACR is helping auditors get ready for the EU CSRD requirements. More about Accountancy Europe's Members initiatives on sustainability education: https://accountancyeurope.eu/publications/sustainability-education/ More about KACR: https://www.kacr.cz/en/
social Social Economy Voices - Etincelle, Czech Republic
Social Economy Voices - Etincelle, Czech Republic
24 Sep 2024
Social Europe
Etincelle runs bakeries, cafes, and a pasta factory using fresh products straight from their farm, fostering a sustainable and inclusive society through social entrepreneurship. Listen to their inspiring story and learn how to become a part of the social economy. For more information on Etincelle: https://www.etincelle.cz/en Background In December 2021, the European Commission introduced the Action Plan for the Social Economy, aiming to unlock its full potential. A key goal is to raise awareness, achieved through the Social Economy Voices campaign, highlighting dedicated practitioners and their initiatives. For more information on European Commission’s Action Plan for the Social Economy: https://ec.europa.eu/social/socialeconomy
economy One Week, One Minute: Visits to Prague, Bratislava and Vienna
One Week, One Minute: Visits to Prague, Bratislava and Vienna
13 Sep 2024
European Investment Bank
This week, the president of the European Investment Bank Group, Nadia Calviño, resumed her tour of EU capitals. In Prague, she discussed our shared priorities with the Finance Minister Zbyněk Stanjura, and the Transport Minister Martin Kupka, as well as individual projects financed by the EIB like the capital’s railway station. In Bratislava, with President Pellegrini and the Finance Minister Ladislav Kamenický, we focused on Slovakia’s green transition. In Vienna, she spoke with the Minister for EU Affairs Karoline Edtstadler, the Finance Minister Magnus Brunner, and the Mayor of Vienna Michael Ludwig, about the important presence of the EIB Group in Austria and our support for their policy priorities such as clean energy and affordable housing. We welcomed Spain’s Social Security Minister at our headquarters to share the lessons learnt from their pioneer Inclusion Policy Lab. Mario Draghi unveiled his report on European competitiveness, highlighting the strong role of the EIB Group, especially in supporting innovation and the green transition. In fact, this week we announced new projects for life sciences and cleantech in Italy, wind energy in Ireland, and plant-based meat alternatives in Denmark. And finally, children have been going back to school this week, including I am happy to say in Ukraine to 3 schools supported by the EIB. --------------------------------- Visit our website: https://www.eib.org Follow us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/EuropeanInvestmentBank Twitter: https://twitter.com/eib LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/european-investment-bank Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/europeaninvestmentbank/
agriculture GLOBSEC Gala Award Ceremony 2024 Prague
GLOBSEC Gala Award Ceremony 2024 Prague
30 Aug 2024
GLOBSEC Gala Award Ceremony 2024 Prague
agriculture GLOBSEC Gala Award Ceremony 2024 Prague #1
GLOBSEC Gala Award Ceremony 2024 Prague #1
30 Aug 2024
GLOBSEC Gala Award Ceremony 2024 Prague #1
agriculture GLOBSEC Gala Award Ceremony 2024 Prague #2
GLOBSEC Gala Award Ceremony 2024 Prague #2
30 Aug 2024
GLOBSEC Gala Award Ceremony 2024 Prague #2
justice EUCPN Evaluation training (Czech)
EUCPN Evaluation training (Czech)
12 Aug 2024
The EUCPN created the training on Evaluation of Crime Prevention Interventions. This is a practical 1.5 day training course designed for crime prevention practitioners and policymakers. It provides participants with the minimum level of knowledge and skills necessary to understand and conduct evaluations of their crime prevention initiatives. The course consists of six necessary steps to evaluate crime prevention initiatives.
environment CEE2ACT Bioeconomy Hub - Second Workshop in Czech Republic
CEE2ACT Bioeconomy Hub - Second Workshop in Czech Republic
9 Jul 2024
Greenovate! Europe
The second CEE2ACT hub workshop in Czechia took place as a hybrid event on 13 May 2024 in Prague. Participants represented variety of institutions including business and research-oriented organisations. The meeting started with presentations and discussions on the progress of the project and further focused on capacity building, knowledge transfer, communication, and involvement of participants through co-creation session. The fruitful discussion covered the needs and priorities related to bioeconomy in Czechia. Participants were also informed about digital tools that can be found on the CEE2ACT website. Learn more about the Czech Hub: https://www.cee2act.eu/hub/czech-republic/
health #BEACTIVE DAY 2024 in Czech Republic
#BEACTIVE DAY 2024 in Czech Republic
4 Jul 2024
Join the 2024 #BEACTIVE DAY in Czech Republic! 🇨🇿 More information available on 🔗 https://komorafitness.cz/ and on 🔗 https://www.beactiveday.eu/
medicine Simplifying access to cross-border healthcare: a Czech proposal
Simplifying access to cross-border healthcare: a Czech proposal
12 Jun 2024
In this quarterly bonus episode of Rare on Air, Julien Poulain hands over to Ines Hernando, EURORDIS ERN and Healthcare Director. Ines speaks with Anna Arellanesová (Chair of Rare Diseases Czech Republic (https://vzacna-onemocneni.cz/) ) and Ladislav Švec (Director of the Czech National Contact Point for Cross-Border Healthcare (https://www.kancelarzp.cz/app/) ). Together, they discuss the intricacies of cross-border healthcare in the EU, focusing on simplifying access for patients with rare diseases. They also share their own professional insights and practical advice on navigating this complex healthcare landscape and the potential of ERNs to ease the process for patients and their families. Further information, as mentioned in the episode: Information for patients with rare diseases traveling abroad for medical care (https://vzacna-onemocneni.cz/jak-vycestovat-za-zdravotni-peci-do-zahranici/)  (in Czech only) European Commission’s Toolbox for Cross-Border Healthcare (https://health.ec.europa.eu/cross-border-healthcare/toolbox-cross-border-healthcare_en#manual-for-patients) Czech Ministry of Health (https://mzd.gov.cz/informace-pro-pacienty-se-vzacnym-onemocnenim-kteri-cestujici-za-zdravotni-peci-do-zahranici/)
culture IFLA EU webinar: “Recognition of landscape architecture profession in Europe” in Czechia and France
IFLA EU webinar: “Recognition of landscape architecture profession in Europe” in Czechia and France
5 Jun 2024
IFLA EU webinar: “Recognition of landscape architecture profession in Europe” in Czechia and France
security Welcome to 🇨🇿 Czechia
Welcome to 🇨🇿 Czechia
30 May 2024
The picturesque landscapes and majestic castles of Czechia will serve as the backdrop for the Informal Meeting of NATO Ministers of Foreign Affairs #ForMin in Prague. Czechia, steeped in a rich tapestry of history, has undergone a remarkable transformation since the end of the Soviet occupation. Today, Czechia stands as a beacon of economic vibrancy, inclusivity and democratic values. The country joined NATO in 1999 and remains a steadfast member of the transatlantic Alliance, making significant contributions to our shared Euro-Atlantic security. Here to introduce us to her country is Martina Ptáčková, an eight-time world champion in martial arts who has trained Allied soldiers at a military training centre and in the NATO multinational battlegroup in Slovakia. ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ SUBSCRIBE to this channel https://bit.ly/NATOsubscribe SUBSCRIBE to NATO News https://bit.ly/NATONewsSubscribe SUBSCRIBE to NATO History https://bit.ly/NATOHistorySubscribe Connect with NATO online: Visit the Official NATO Homepage: https://bit.ly/NATOhomepage Receive NATO updates via email: https://bit.ly/NATOemails Find NATO on FACEBOOK: https://bit.ly/NATOfacebook Follow @NATO on TWITTER: https://bit.ly/NATOtwitter Follow NATO on Instagram: https://bit.ly/NATOinstagram Find NATO on LinkedIn: https://bit.ly/NATOlinkedin Find NATO on Flickr: https://bit.ly/NATOflickr #NATO #OTAN #WeAreNATO
institutions Czech Republic in the EU: 20 years of strength and unity
Czech Republic in the EU: 20 years of strength and unity
30 Apr 2024
European Commission
Speech by President von der Leyen at the 20th anniversary of the Czech Republic's accession to the EU Watch on the Audiovisual Portal of the European Commission: https://audiovisual.ec.europa.eu/en/video/I-256766 Subscribe to our channel: https://bit.ly/2X56Ju6 Follow us on: -X: https://twitter.com/EU_Commission -Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/europeancommission/ -Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/EuropeanCommission -LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/european-commission/ -Medium: https://medium.com/@EuropeanCommission Check our website: http://ec.europa.eu/
education Erasmus Generation Meeting Seville 2024 - EGT2.1: Study In Czechia Ambassadors - How We Learn a ...
Erasmus Generation Meeting Seville 2024 - EGT2.1: Study In Czechia Ambassadors - How We Learn a ...
6 Apr 2024
Erasmus Student Netw...
Erasmus Generation Meeting Seville 2024 - EGT2.1: Study In Czechia Ambassadors - How We Learn a ...
environment CEE2ACT First workshop in Czech Republic - National #Bioeconomy Hub
CEE2ACT First workshop in Czech Republic - National #Bioeconomy Hub
28 Mar 2024
Greenovate! Europe
The Czech University of Life Sciences (CZU) launched the CEE2ACT Czech Bioeconomy Hub in Prague on 26 September 2023. The hybrid workshop was attended by 11 external participants, including representatives from the Ministry of Environment, the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports, the BIOEAST HUB, the Czech Technology Platform for Biofuels, the National Cluster Association, the Municipal Water Management Company, relevant companies and researchers in forestry. The fruitful discussion among participants focused on the current state of bioeconomy development, especially obstacles related to the implementation and the terminology in strategic materials. Bioeconomy stakeholders explored possible synergies between CEE2ACT and other international projects including better outreach of the project. Learn more about the Czech Bioeconomy Hub: https://www.cee2act.eu/hub/czech-republic/
recycling ZWE Changemakers - Hnutí DUHA (Friends of the Earth Czech Republic)
ZWE Changemakers - Hnutí DUHA (Friends of the Earth Czech Republic)
26 Mar 2024
Zero Waste Europe
Our featured changemaker for March is Hnutí DUHA (Friends of the Earth Czech Republic). As part of the ZWE Changemakers' campaign, we spotlight one of our member organisations, shedding light on their local initiatives and projects. Hnutí DUHA is dedicated to advocating for energy and climate protection, as well as the preservation of resources and nature. Through strategic communication campaigns and collaborative efforts with journalists and local governments, they strive to raise awareness about pressing environmental issues. Operating both nationally and internationally, the organization specializes in mobilizing communities while upholding principles of objectivity, accuracy, and fairness in all their endeavors. Discover more about them at: https://hnutiduha.cz/
regions Financial Instruments in EU Funds under the Shared Management - Czech and Slovak Experience (VO)
Financial Instruments in EU Funds under the Shared Management - Czech and Slovak Experience (VO)
6 Mar 2024
The Financial Instruments workshop taking place on 22 February 2024 in Prague, brought together the colleagues from the managing authorities of CZ and SK programmes, the FI practitioners from consultancy companies, banks, but also the regional representatives. The workshop provided a platform for exchange on the main topics related to the implementation of FI in the EU funds under shared management in Czechia and Slovakia, all being done within 3 working session: 1. Stock-taking: implementation of financial instruments in the 2014-2020 programming period 2. The way forward: best practices 3. Interactive session • Panel discussion 1: What are the operational bottlenecks in implementing financial instruments in this programming period? • Panel discussion 2: Are there any success stories or elements to replicate? 00:00 - Intro 00:05:10 - Opening speech – Pascal Boijmans (Head of Unit, Czech Republic and Slovakia, DG REGIO, European Commission) 00:13:45 - Stock-taking: implementation of financial instruments in the 2014- 2020 programming period 00:15:30 - 1. Implementation of financial instruments in Czechia – Kateřina Neveselá (Director, National Coordination Authority, Ministry of Regional Development of the Czech Republic) 00:32:55 - 2. Implementation of financial instruments in Slovakia 00:33:20 - Martin Spiritza, Director, Ministry of Finance of the Slovak Republic 00:45:33 - Peter Dittrich, Vice-Chairman, Slovak Investment Holding 01:01:40 - 3. Presentation by National Development Bank of the Czech Republic – Tomáš Nidetzký (Chairman, National Development Bank of the Czech Republic): The way forward: best practices 01:20:33 - 4. Situation in other EU Member States, planned initiatives to bolster the implementation of FI under shared management – Jonathan Denness (Head of Unit, Financial Instruments, DG REGIO, European Commission) 01:42:38 - 5. Financial instruments for energy efficiency and Energy Performance Contracting – Robert Pernetta (Fund and structuring officer, European Investment Bank) 02:00:53 6. Financial instruments in Slovakia in the period 2021-2027 – Peter Fröhlich (Chairman, Slovak Investment Holding) Interactive session 02:30:45 • Panel discussion 1: What are the operational bottlenecks in implementing financial instruments in this programming period? 03:29:35 • Panel discussion 2: Are there any success stories or elements to replicate? 04:18:07 - Concluding remarks – Pascal Boijmans (Head of Unit, Czech Republic and Slovakia, DG REGIO, European Commission) For more information on EU regional policy, please visit our website: https://europa.eu/!Yy67HF Follow us on: - Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/EUinmyregion - Twitter: https://twitter.com/euinmyregion - Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/euinmyregion/
regions Financial Instruments in EU Funds under the Shared Management - Czech and Slovak Experience (EN)
Financial Instruments in EU Funds under the Shared Management - Czech and Slovak Experience (EN)
6 Mar 2024
The Financial Instruments workshop taking place on 22 February 2024 in Prague, brought together the colleagues from the managing authorities of CZ and SK programmes, the FI practitioners from consultancy companies, banks, but also the regional representatives. The workshop provided a platform for exchange on the main topics related to the implementation of FI in the EU funds under shared management in Czechia and Slovakia, all being done within 3 working session: 1. Stock-taking: implementation of financial instruments in the 2014-2020 programming period 2. The way forward: best practices 3. Interactive session • Panel discussion 1: What are the operational bottlenecks in implementing financial instruments in this programming period? • Panel discussion 2: Are there any success stories or elements to replicate? For more information on EU regional policy, please visit our website: https://europa.eu/!Yy67HF Follow us on: - Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/EUinmyregion - Twitter: https://twitter.com/euinmyregion - Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/euinmyregion/
culture Museum of Czech Literature, EMYA2024 Nominee
Museum of Czech Literature, EMYA2024 Nominee
28 Feb 2024
European Museum Forum
Museum of Czech Literature, Prague, Czech Republic Thumbnail image: Outside view of the Museum of Czech literature from the garden. Muzeum literatury / Anna Pleslová
food Transforming Farming: How a Czech Farmer Embraced Regenerative Agriculture | EIT Food
Transforming Farming: How a Czech Farmer Embraced Regenerative Agriculture | EIT Food
14 Feb 2024
EIT Food
Discover the transformative journey of a Czech farmer who embraced regenerative agriculture, leaving behind traditional farming methods for a sustainable future. This video captures the essence of resilience and innovation, showcasing the farmer's challenges and achievements in rejuvenating the land. Through personal interviews and stunning visuals of the evolving landscape, learn about the reasons behind the shift, the obstacles overcome, and the positive impacts on soil health, biodiversity, and crop yields. Expert insights highlight the global significance of regenerative practices in addressing the obstacles and promoting food sovereignty. Learn more: https://www.eitfood.eu/projects/regenag-revolution
security Mud run |🇨🇿 Czech Mudness competition #shorts
Mud run |🇨🇿 Czech Mudness competition #shorts
27 Jan 2024
Check out these troops from NATO’s battlegroup in Lithuania getting down and dirty in the NATO mud run organised by Czechia. Miles of mud and mayhem saw 71 teams from eight countries in NATO’s multinational battlegroup in Lithuania take part in the obstacle course challenge, Czech Mudness 23, hosted by the Czech contingent of the NATO’s multinational battlegroup in Lithuania. A variety of obstacles were in place, from mud crawls and forest trails, to mud slides. The emphasis was on teamwork, stamina and above all, fun. Teams from Belgium, Czechia, Germany, Lithuania, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Norway and the United States took part. ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ SUBSCRIBE to this channel https://bit.ly/NATOsubscribe SUBSCRIBE to NATO News https://bit.ly/NATONewsSubscribe SUBSCRIBE to NATO History https://bit.ly/NATOHistorySubscribe Connect with NATO online: Visit the Official NATO Homepage: https://bit.ly/NATOhomepage Receive NATO updates via email: https://bit.ly/NATOemails Find NATO on FACEBOOK: https://bit.ly/NATOfacebook Follow @NATO on TWITTER: https://bit.ly/NATOtwitter Follow NATO on Instagram: https://bit.ly/NATOinstagram Find NATO on LinkedIn: https://bit.ly/NATOlinkedin Find NATO on Flickr: https://bit.ly/NATOflickr #NATO #WeAreNATO
energy Václav Janousek | OneNet Project Eastern Cluster Demonstrator | Czech Republic
Václav Janousek | OneNet Project Eastern Cluster Demonstrator | Czech Republic
17 Jan 2024
Florence School of R...
Václav Janousek | OneNet Project Eastern Cluster Demonstrator | Czech Republic
culture Display Europe promo video Czech Subtitles
Display Europe promo video Czech Subtitles
8 Dec 2023
European Cultural Fo...
Good news! As the European Cultural Foundation, we are happy to announce the launch of Display Europe. This groundbreaking media platform offers a European perspective through original and federated content provided by independent media from across the continent.
employment Good Industrial Jobs Czech
Good Industrial Jobs Czech
4 Dec 2023
industriAll European...
Good Industrial Jobs - a campaign by industriAll Europe
security #OSCEMC2023 Statement by the Head of the Delegation of Czechia
#OSCEMC2023 Statement by the Head of the Delegation of Czechia
30 Nov 2023
The Organization for...
Statement by the Head of the Delegation of Czechia at the Plenary Session of the 30th OSCE Ministerial Council, Skopje, North Macedonia, 30 November - 1 December 2023.
regions Interreg Austria Czechia
Interreg Austria Czechia
30 Nov 2023
With a #EUBorderRegion of 6.5 million inhabitants, the goal of Interreg Austria - Czechia is to continue strengthening the relations between the 2 countries. The programme has already successfully funded many projects, such as a cross-border health care centre within the framework of the Healthacross MED GMÜND initiative, which provides joint health services in the border region. Watch the video to learn how #Interreg is unlocking the growth potential of the area 📈.
trade EuroCommerce Awards Community Engagement Winner - Czech Commerce and Tourism Association
EuroCommerce Awards Community Engagement Winner - Czech Commerce and Tourism Association
29 Nov 2023
To celebrate our 30th anniversary, we are organising the first-ever Future of European Commerce Awards, identifying Europe’s retail and wholesale innovation in the fields of sustainability, digitalisation, community outreach and skills. Czech Commerce and Tourism Association showcased cutting-edge developments in retail and wholesale that illustrate the sector’s transformation and its engagement with local communities. The Community Engagement category acknowledges initiatives fostering community support, education, and diversity & inclusion. Recognised projects include those aiding local business development, supporting consumers during economic challenges, and highlighting the crucial role of retailers and wholesalers in both rural and urban settings. These efforts strengthen communities and promote inclusivity and economic resilience. EuroCommerce is the principal European organisation representing the retail and wholesale sector. It embraces national associations in 27 countries and 5 million companies, including leading global players and many small businesses. Over a billion times a day, retailers and wholesalers distribute goods and provide an essential service to millions of business and individual customers. The sector generates 1 in 7 jobs, offering a varied career to 26 million Europeans, many of them young people. It also supports millions of further jobs throughout the supply chain, from small local suppliers to international businesses. EuroCommerce is the recognised European social partner for the retail and wholesale sector.
sme Rostislav Kocman - Czech Republic
Rostislav Kocman - Czech Republic
29 Nov 2023
Rostislav Kocman - Czech Republic
sme Vladimír Geršl - Czech Republic
Vladimír Geršl - Czech Republic
29 Nov 2023
Vladimír Geršl - Czech Republic
sme Vladimír Geršl - Czech Republic
Vladimír Geršl - Czech Republic
28 Nov 2023
Vladimír Geršl - Czech Republic
trade Future of European Commerce Awards 2023 - Community Engagement - Czech Commerce&Tourism Association
Future of European Commerce Awards 2023 - Community Engagement - Czech Commerce&Tourism Association
20 Nov 2023
To celebrate our 30th anniversary, we are organising the first-ever Future of European Commerce Awards, identifying Europe’s retail and wholesale innovation in the fields of sustainability, digitalisation, community outreach and skills. Award winners will showcase cutting edge developments in retail and wholesale that illustrate the sector’s transformation and its engagement with local communities. The Community Engagement category acknowledges initiatives fostering community support, education, and diversity & inclusion. Recognised projects include those aiding local business development, supporting consumers during economic challenges, and highlighting the crucial role of retailers and wholesalers in both rural and urban settings. These efforts strengthen communities and promote inclusivity and economic resilience. EuroCommerce is the principal European organisation representing the retail and wholesale sector. It embraces national associations in 27 countries and 5 million companies, including leading global players and many small businesses. Over a billion times a day, retailers and wholesalers distribute goods and provide an essential service to millions of business and individual customers. The sector generates 1 in 7 jobs, offering a varied career to 26 million Europeans, many of them young people. It also supports millions of further jobs throughout the supply chain, from small local suppliers to international businesses. EuroCommerce is the recognised European social partner for the retail and wholesale sector.
politics President of the Czech Republic Petr Pavel addresses the Parliament
President of the Czech Republic Petr Pavel addresses the Parliament
3 Oct 2023
European Parliament
President Pavel is expected to focus on the need to strengthen the European Union in a time of crisis and to call for a strong position against Russia and for peace in Ukraine - on Ukrainian terms - when he addresses Parliament members in Strasbourg. Before becoming President in March 2023, Pavel held several military positions in the country, including the Czech Chief of the General Staff, and as Chair of the NATO Military Committee from 2015 to 2018.
institutions Press statements by President von der Leyen and Czech Prime Minister Petr Fiala in Prague
Press statements by President von der Leyen and Czech Prime Minister Petr Fiala in Prague
26 Sep 2023
European Commission
Watch on the Audiovisual Portal of the European Commission: Subscribe to our channel: https://bit.ly/2X56Ju6 Follow us on: -Twitter: https://twitter.com/EU_Commission -Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/europeancommission/ -Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/EuropeanCommission -LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/european-commission/ -Medium: https://medium.com/@EuropeanCommission Check our website: http://ec.europa.eu/
humanrights 230726 CES ECHR Film o Evropském soudu pro lidská práva Czech version 8Mbits
230726 CES ECHR Film o Evropském soudu pro lidská práva Czech version 8Mbits
5 Sep 2023
European Court of Hu...
230726 CES ECHR Film o Evropském soudu pro lidská práva Czech version 8Mbits
regions 🇪🇺 is Cohesion: Prague - Boosting flood prevention with EU funds 👉
🇪🇺 is Cohesion: Prague - Boosting flood prevention with EU funds 👉
14 Aug 2023
European Committee o...
Over the past 20 years, Europe has suffered more than 200 floods. Accurate measurement of water levels is key for preventing river inundations. In Prague, since 2015, a big step forward in measuring water levels has been made thanks to the EU investments. EU cohesion policy invested more than 1 million euros for 48 water meter stations in Prague. More largely, more than 9 billion euros were invested from the EU cohesion policy for preventing natural disasters in the EU in the last 7 years, saving thousands of lives and significantly reducing material damage. Follow us on: www.cor.europa.eu
economy The Czech Republic and the EIB: our impact from 2018 to 2022
The Czech Republic and the EIB: our impact from 2018 to 2022
18 Jul 2023
European Investment Bank
We have worked in the Czech Republic since 1992, financing key infrastructure and urban renewal projects. We supported urban renewal in Plzeň and modernised Masaryk University in Brno by building state-of-the-art teaching and research facilities for 6,000 students and researchers. We also helped Pragoperun, a company that runs industrial laundries, modernise its equipment across the country. Find out more about our activity in the country here: https://www.eib.org/en/projects/country/czech-republic --------------------------------- Visit our website: https://www.eib.org Follow us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/EuropeanInvestmentBank Twitter: https://twitter.com/eib LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/european-investment-bank Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/europeaninvestmentbank/
regions New European Bauhaus in the Czech Republic and Slovakia
New European Bauhaus in the Czech Republic and Slovakia
30 Jun 2023
This seminar, organized in Czech/Slovak and English, aimed to inform the relevant institutions and managing authorities in Slovakia and the Czech Republic about the New European Bauhaus (NEB) initiative and how to include its principles into projects that are currently under preparation. It consisted of three main sessions focused on a) general presentation of the NEB and its goals; b) the role of the NEB in public investment policies; and c) the Czech and Slovak managing authorities’ experience with investment into buildings. The information provided by the panelists is for general informational purposes only. Any illegal reproduction of this content will result in immediate legal action. When reusing the information provided, please always make use of the following copyright disclaimer, including the name of the respective panelist: Copyright © 2023 [Name of the Panelist]. All Rights Reserved. For more information on EU regional policy, please visit our website: https://europa.eu/!Yy67HF Follow us on: - Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/EUinmyregion - Twitter: https://twitter.com/euinmyregion - Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/euinmyregion/
culture Steam Engine Brewery, Lobeč, CZECHIA
Steam Engine Brewery, Lobeč, CZECHIA
13 Jun 2023
Europa Nostra
Video produced by the winner on the occasion of the announcement of the Europe Heritage Awards / Europa Nostra Awards 2023. More information: www.europeanheritageawards.eu Heritage supporters and enthusiasts are now encouraged to discover the winners and vote online at https://vote.europanostra.org/ to decide who will win the Public Choice Award 2023, entitled to receive a monetary award of €10,000.
justice 'Focus Day' campaign - What works to prevent domestic burglaries? (Czech Republic)
'Focus Day' campaign - What works to prevent domestic burglaries? (Czech Republic)
2 Jun 2023
With a prevention campaign and local preventive initiatives, the EUCPN, several European countries, Europol and the European Commission aim to step up the fight against this crime by informing citizens on how they can protect their homes. More info: https://eucpn.org/focus-day
culture ICOM Prague 2022 | Highlights
ICOM Prague 2022 | Highlights
1 Jun 2023
ICOM International C...
Experience the vibrant energy and transformative moments of the official Prague 2022 highlight video. Step into the captivating world of ICOM's flagship conference as it unfolds in the enchanting city of Prague. Let the visual journey transport you to the heart of the action, capturing the essence of the first-ever hybrid edition. Relive the unforgettable moments, the connections forged, and the exhilarating atmosphere that made Prague 2022 an extraordinary milestone in the world of museums.
institutions Joint press statement by President von der Leyen and Petr Pavel, President of Czechia
Joint press statement by President von der Leyen and Petr Pavel, President of Czechia
3 May 2023
European Commission
European Commission President Ursula von der LEYEN in Prague, Czech Republic Watch on the Audiovisual Portal of the European Commission: https://audiovisual.ec.europa.eu/en/video/I-240669 Subscribe to our channel: https://bit.ly/2X56Ju6 Follow us on: -Twitter: https://twitter.com/EU_Commission -Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/europeancommission/ -Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/EuropeanCommission -LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/european-commission/ -Medium: https://medium.com/@EuropeanCommission Check our website: http://ec.europa.eu/
institutions United in Protection - Roman Chlíbek (Czech Republic)
United in Protection - Roman Chlíbek (Czech Republic)
25 Apr 2023
European Commission
Vaccines are safe and they work. Listen to Chlíbek Roman, Czech researcher and academic, as they share expertise as a trusted healthcare professional and help people make informed decisions about vaccination at every stage of life. Watch on the Audiovisual Portal of the European Commission: https://audiovisual.ec.europa.eu/en/video/I-240435 Subscribe to our channel: https://bit.ly/2X56Ju6 Follow us on: -Twitter: https://twitter.com/EU_Commission -Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/europeancommission/ -Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/EuropeanCommission -LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/european-commission/ -Medium: https://medium.com/@EuropeanCommission Check our website: http://ec.europa.eu/
renewable Exchange between Lukavac, Banovići and Živinice (Bosnia & Herzegovina) and the Ústí region (Czechia)
Exchange between Lukavac, Banovići and Živinice (Bosnia & Herzegovina) and the Ústí region (Czechia)
24 Mar 2023
EU Energy
Through the #CoalRegionsWBUA exchange programme, coal regions from the Western Balkans and the EU start direct dialogues and learn from each other’s experiences how to accelerate their own clean energy transition. The exchange between Lukavac, Banovići and Živinice (Bosnia and Herzegovina) and the Usti region (Czechia) took place in April–November 2022. More: europa.eu/!DfQbgH #CoalRegionsWBUA #CoalRegionsEU #justtransition To our great regret, one of the key participants of the visit, the Mayor of Živinice, Samir Kamenjaković, passed away in March 2023, not long after this was filmed. The content of this video has been published unchanged as it highlights Samir’s pioneering work towards a just transition and serves as a tribute to his memory.
renewable Exchange between Lukavac, Banovići and Živinice (Bosnia & Herzegovina) and the Ústí region (Czechia)
Exchange between Lukavac, Banovići and Živinice (Bosnia & Herzegovina) and the Ústí region (Czechia)
20 Feb 2023
EU Energy
Through the #CoalRegionsWBUA exchange programme, coal regions from the Western Balkans and the EU start direct dialogues and learn from each other’s experiences how to accelerate their own clean energy transition. The exchange between Lukavac, Banovići and Živinice (Bosnia and Herzegovina) and the Usti region (Czechia) took place in April–November 2022. More: europa.eu/!DfQbgH #CoalRegionsWBUA #CoalRegionsEU #JustTransition
air Flash Talk: European Airport Perspective (Prague Airport) - 2022 EASA Annual Safety Conference
Flash Talk: European Airport Perspective (Prague Airport) - 2022 EASA Annual Safety Conference
22 Dec 2022
More info https://www.easa.europa.eu/en/newsroom-and-events/events/2022-easa-annual-safety-conference-airport-safety-environmental
trade 2022 SME Assembly - Opening on behalf of the Czech Presidency and European Commission
2022 SME Assembly - Opening on behalf of the Czech Presidency and European Commission
21 Dec 2022
Promoting Enterprise
With keynotes from Jozef Sikela, Minister of Industry and Trade of the Czech Republic, and Thierry Breton, Member of the European Commission for the Internal Market, Views from the world of business by Petri Salminen, President, SMEunited
fossil Czech Republic: The energy transition & the role of gas | Prague, 7 December 2022 | Full Recording
Czech Republic: The energy transition & the role of gas | Prague, 7 December 2022 | Full Recording
12 Dec 2022
Full recording of Eurogas' Annual Regional Conference, 7 December 2022, Prague, Czech Republic. At ‘Czech Republic: The energy transition and the role of gas’, Eurogas explored the potential of renewable and low-carbon gases in the region, and offered insights on how to protect the region and the EU more broadly in an emergency context. The event was organised in the context of the Czech Presidency of the Council of the European Union, with the kind support of the Czech Gas Association. Opening speeches: Veronika Vohlídková, Acting Executive Director, Czech Gas Association [0:00:45] Didier Holleaux, President, Eurogas [0:05:30] Keynote speeches: René Neděla, Deputy Minister for Industry and Trade - Energy, Czech Republic [0:13:48] Cristina Lobillo Borrero, Energy Platform Task Force, DG ENER, European Commission [0:21:18] MEP Alexandr Vondra, Member of the ENVI Committee, European Parliament (ECR, CZ) [0:31:09] Panel One – Energy Emergency: protecting the EU and the region: [0:37:00] Paul Voss, Director General, European Aluminium Martin Šik, Director of Analysis and Data Support Department, Energy Regulatory Office Roxana Caliminte, Deputy Secretary General, GIE Ing. Pavel Řežábek, Head Economist, ČEZ Group Panel Two - A transition to renewable and low-carbon gases in the EU and the region: [1:31:10] Veronika Vohlídková, Member of the Board, Czech Hydrogen Technology Platform Andreas Rau, CEO, Net4Gas Jan Habart, Chairman, CZ Biom --ENDS--
migration Czech Republic Minister of the Interior Rakušan - eu LISA Conference 2022 Message
Czech Republic Minister of the Interior Rakušan - eu LISA Conference 2022 Message
12 Dec 2022
1st Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of the Interior, Czech Republic Vít Rakušan's keynote speech at the 2022 eu-LISA Annual Conference. Streamed live on 13 October 2022, on https://eulisaconference.eu.
justice Art meets justice during the Czech Presidency | Eurojust
Art meets justice during the Czech Presidency | Eurojust
28 Nov 2022
Lukas Stary, National Member for the Czech Republic, explains the background of this edition of Eurojust's 'Art meets Justice' initiative. Afterwards, the individual contributors, members of the Czech Prosecution Service, share the ideas and sources of inspiration behind their photographies. More about Art in the building 👉 https://www.eurojust.europa.eu/about-us/building/art-building Eurojust, the European Union Agency for Criminal Justice Cooperation, supports the fight against serious cross-border crime in all its shapes and forms, strengthening the coordination and cooperation between national investigating and judicial authorities. Discover our website: 👉 http://www.eurojust.europa.eu/ Follow Eurojust on social media: LinkedIn 👉 https://www.linkedin.com/company/eurojust/ Twitter 👉 https://twitter.com/eurojust
development Mr Petr Fiala, Prime Minister of the Czech Republic, opening speech
Mr Petr Fiala, Prime Minister of the Czech Republic, opening speech
19 Nov 2022
Platform of European...
International Conference “Russia’s hybrid war against the democratic world. A challenge for European remembrance policy” which took place in Prague on 16-18 November 2022
science The Czech success story: Live Q&A
The Czech success story: Live Q&A
16 Nov 2022
Talent retention: How can Europe tackle the challenges of brain drain and capacity building in EU13 countries? The Czech success story: Live Q&A Speaker: Lukáš Levák - Director, Department of Research and Development Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports, Government of Czech Republic Moderator: Florin Zubașcu - Executive Editor, Science|Business
science The Czech success story
The Czech success story
16 Nov 2022
Talent retention: How can Europe tackle the challenges of brain drain and capacity building in EU13 countries? The Czech success story Speakers: - Lukáš Levák, Director, Department of Research and Development Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports, Government of Czech Republic - Ladislav Krištoufek, Vice-Rector for Research, Charles University - Eva Jungmannová, Director, Investment and Foreign Operations Division, CzechInvest Moderator: Florin Zubașcu, Executive Editor, Science|Business
institutions Message by Petr Fiala, Czech Prime Minister, on Solidarity Lanes
Message by Petr Fiala, Czech Prime Minister, on Solidarity Lanes
11 Nov 2022
European Commission
Watch on the Audiovisual Portal of the European Commission: https://audiovisual.ec.europa.eu/en/video/I-233371 Subscribe to our channel: https://bit.ly/2X56Ju6 Follow us on: -Twitter: https://twitter.com/EU_Commission -Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/europeancommission/ -Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/EuropeanCommission -LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/european-commission/ -Medium: https://medium.com/@EuropeanCommission Check our website: http://ec.europa.eu/
digital How can the Czech Republic be at the heart of a connected Europe?
How can the Czech Republic be at the heart of a connected Europe?
9 Nov 2022
OpenForum Europe
Several governments on different levels put their policy goals of more openness in the digital space to practise by setting up Open Source Programme Offices (OSPOs). What are their experiences so far and what are the biggest challenges and opportunities? Does the concept live up to the expectations? How can Czech Republic accelerate the uptake of OSPOs in order to facilitate collaboration and the benefits of Open Source for the public sector? - Jiří Hlavenka, Governor of South Moravian Region for Innovation and Digitisation - Petra Dzurovcinova, CIO, City of Bratislava - Jakub Onderka, Cybersecurity Analyst, National Cyber and Information Security Agency - Karel Minařík, CTO, Česko.Digital Moderator: Lucie Smolka, Chairman of the Committee, Open Cities
7 Nov 2022
EU Energy
The European Commission is organising, together with the Czech Republic as hosting country, the 15th European Nuclear Energy Forum (ENEF) on 10-11 November 2022 in Prague. The forum will be an occasion for broad discussion among all stakeholders on the opportunities and risks of nuclear energy. The topics will be chosen in a way to allow discussions linked to the energy challenges faced by EU countries. More information: https://europa.eu/!XpJRhV
economy Czech Republic and the EIB: 2016-2021
Czech Republic and the EIB: 2016-2021
28 Oct 2022
European Investment Bank
We have worked with the Czech Republic since 1992. Between 2016 and 2021, we improved health services for 3 251 194 people and supported 8 231 small and medium-sized businesses. --------------------------------- Visit our website: https://www.eib.org Follow us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/EuropeanInvestmentBank Twitter: https://twitter.com/eib LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/european-investment-bank Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/europeaninvestmentbank/
social Conference in Ostrava - Inaugural speech by Séamus Boland
Conference in Ostrava - Inaugural speech by Séamus Boland
13 Oct 2022
Civil Society Organi...
Conference on 'Reinventing the Moravian-Silesian Region in search of a socially just transition', under the Czech Presidency of the Council of the EU, organised by the Civil Society Organisations' Group of the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC), Ostrava, Czech Republic, 11 October 2022 Copy rights: EU
digital PP-22 INTERVIEWS: Hana Továrková, Chair, Czech Telecommunication Office Council
PP-22 INTERVIEWS: Hana Továrková, Chair, Czech Telecommunication Office Council
13 Oct 2022
Interview at the ITU Plenipotentiary Conference 2022 (PP-22), Bucharest, Romania with Hana Továrková, Chair, Czech Telecommunication Office Council For further information please visit: http://www.itu.int/pp-22
digital ITU PP-22 Policy statement: H.E. Mr Peter Očko, Czech Republic
ITU PP-22 Policy statement: H.E. Mr Peter Očko, Czech Republic
12 Oct 2022
Policy statement delivered by H.E. Peter Očko, Deputy Minister for Digitization and Innovations, Ministry of Industry and Trade of Czech Republic at the ITU Plenipotentiary Conference 2022 (PP-22), Bucharest. For further information please visit: http://www.itu.int/pp-22
digital ITU PP-22 Policy statement: H.E. Jozef Síkela. Minister of Industry and Trade of the Czech Republic
ITU PP-22 Policy statement: H.E. Jozef Síkela. Minister of Industry and Trade of the Czech Republic
10 Oct 2022
Policy statement delivered by H.E. Jozef Síkela. Minister of Industry and Trade of the Czech Republic at the ITU Plenipotentiary Conference 2022 (PP-22), Bucharest. For further information please visit: http://www.itu.int/pp-22
training Vocational education and training system in Czechia
Vocational education and training system in Czechia
10 Oct 2022
Watch our spotlight on the Czech vocational education and training (VET) system! Find out more in the links below: www.cedefop.europa.eu/en/publications/4210 www.cedefop.europa.eu/en/publications/8142
culture Mariya Gabriel at the European Heritage Policy Agora in Prague
Mariya Gabriel at the European Heritage Policy Agora in Prague
7 Oct 2022
Europa Nostra
Mariya Gabriel, European Commissioner for Innovation, Research, Culture, Education and Youth. 27 September 2022, Prague
agriculture Food For Europe Podcast 18 - A Snapshot of Czech Agriculture (EN)
Food For Europe Podcast 18 - A Snapshot of Czech Agriculture (EN)
28 Sep 2022
EU Food & Farming
Food For Europe Podcast 18 - A Snapshot of Czech Agriculture (EN)
digital ITU PP-22 INTERVIEWS: H.E. Peter Ocko, Czech Republic
ITU PP-22 INTERVIEWS: H.E. Peter Ocko, Czech Republic
27 Sep 2022
Interview at the ITU Plenipotentiary Conference 2022 (PP-22), Bucharest, Romania with Deputy Minister for Digitization and Innovations, Ministry of Industry and Trade, Czech Republic. For further information please visit: http://www.itu.int/pp-22
digital ITU PP-22 Policy statement: H.E. Peter Očko, Czech Republic
ITU PP-22 Policy statement: H.E. Peter Očko, Czech Republic
27 Sep 2022
Policy statement delivered by H.E. Peter Očko, Deputy Minister for Digitization and Innovations, Ministry of Industry and Trade of Czech Republic at the ITU Plenipotentiary Conference 2022 (PP-22), Bucharest. For further information please visit: http://www.itu.int/pp-22
regions Stories from the Regions: REEgain! A Czech-Austrian platform recovers Rare Earth Elements
Stories from the Regions: REEgain! A Czech-Austrian platform recovers Rare Earth Elements
22 Sep 2022
This Stories from the Regions video takes us to the Institute of Microbiology of the Czech Academy of Sciences, where a joint Czech-Austrian platform develops new technology for the recovery of rare earth elements (REEs) from electronic waste or water by microorganisms (bacteria, algae and cyanobacteria) in a sustainable and environmentally friendly manner. Rare earth elements are metals that occur only in a small scale and are difficult to obtain. Their widespread use in modern technologies, especially the electronics industry, only confirms their enormous importance for the modern technology-driven society. This video was prepared with the help of the Interreg Volunteer Youth Volunteers Jiří and Josef Navrátil and features a former IVY Volunteer Natálie Vítová, who all got to experience first-hand and contribute to the work of this important project! Join IVY Volunteers initiative: https://www.interregyouth.com/placement-offers https://www.at-cz.eu/cz/ibox/po-1-posileni-vyzkumu-technologickeho-rozvoje-a-inovaci/atcz172_reegain https://www.alga.cz/en/c-737-interreg-v-a-at-cz.html For more information on EU regional policy, please visit our website: https://europa.eu/!Yy67HF Follow us on: - Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/EUinmyregion - Twitter: https://twitter.com/euinmyregion - Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/euinmyregion/
renewable Developing the New Wave of Czech Solar PV Projects | Solarplaza Consultancy Webinar
Developing the New Wave of Czech Solar PV Projects | Solarplaza Consultancy Webinar
20 Sep 2022
The Czech PV market is experiencing a new solar boom after installing most of its 2.2 GW cumulative capacity between 2008 and 2010. The introduction of investment subsidies for renewables through the European Union’s Modernisation Fund, high electricity prices, and the urgent need for reduced reliance on (Russian) gas and improved energy security are spurring this new wave of solar PV assets. It is estimated that these catalysts could fuel at least 5.75 GWp of new installations by 2030. A second call for solar PV projects is currently underway, as part of the Modernisation Fund’s RES+ subsidy program.The call for projects is divided into four different categories: below 1 MWp, above 1 MWp, municipalities and public buildings. Solarplaza Consultancy and Solární Asociace joined forces to give international investors and developers an outline on how to successfully develop and finance PV projects in the Czech Republic. Join this webinar to discover: 🔹 State of the Czech solar PV market and outlook for 2030 🔹 The RES+ program (Modernisation Fund) and the new calls for projects 🔹 Project development cycle for ground-mounted, agri-PV and floating 🔹 Key barriers to PV deployment and policy & regulatory outlook 🔹 How to make the solar PV business model work ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 🔗 Links For an overview of upcoming events: http://www.solarplaza.com/events/​​​ Sign up for our newsletter for updates: https://bit.ly/2UwOGy1​​ 👍 FOLLOW US LinkedIn: https://nl.linkedin.com/company/solarplaza_2 Twitter: https://twitter.com/solarplaza
renewable Radim Sršeň on Czechia's just transition strategy
Radim Sršeň on Czechia's just transition strategy
12 Sep 2022
Radim Sršeň, Deputy Minister of Regional Development (Czech Republic), talks about the importance of bringing people together in the strategy development for coal regions in transition. More information: https://energy.ec.europa.eu/topics/oil-gas-and-coal/eu-coal-regions/initiative-coal-regions-transition_en #CoalRegionsEU
trade Meet the National Association - Czech Republic
Meet the National Association - Czech Republic
9 Sep 2022
Meet the National Association - Czech Republic
security HR/VP Press Conference | Informal Meeting of FAM 31/08/2022, Prague, Czech Republic
HR/VP Press Conference | Informal Meeting of FAM 31/08/2022, Prague, Czech Republic
1 Sep 2022
European External Ac...
HR/VP Josep Borrell press conference after the Informal Meeting of Foreign Affairs Ministers in Prague, Czech Republic on 31 August 2022.
security HR/VP Press Conference | Informal Meeting of Defence Ministers 30/08/2022, Prague, Czech Republic
HR/VP Press Conference | Informal Meeting of Defence Ministers 30/08/2022, Prague, Czech Republic
31 Aug 2022
European External Ac...
HR/VP Josep Borrell press conference after the Informal Meeting of Defence Ministers in Prague, Czech Republic on 30 August 2022.
security HR/VP Doorstep | Informal Meeting of FAM (GYMNICH) 31/8/2022, Prague, Czech Republic
HR/VP Doorstep | Informal Meeting of FAM (GYMNICH) 31/8/2022, Prague, Czech Republic
31 Aug 2022
European External Ac...
HR/VP Josep Borrell doorstep ahead of the Informal Meeting of Foreign Affairs Ministers in Prague, Czech Republic on 31 August 2022.
security HR/VP Doorstep | Informal Meeting of FAM (GYMNICH) 30/8/2022, Prague, Czech Republic
HR/VP Doorstep | Informal Meeting of FAM (GYMNICH) 30/8/2022, Prague, Czech Republic
30 Aug 2022
European External Ac...
HR/VP Josep Borrell doorstep ahead of the Informal Meeting of Foreign Affairs Ministers in Prague, Czech Republic on 30 August 2022.
homeaffairs The Czech EU Presidency: What to Expect | #CzechPPC
The Czech EU Presidency: What to Expect | #CzechPPC
26 Jul 2022
TEPSA - Trans Europe...
On 1 July 2022, France handed over the Presidency of the Council of the EU to Czechia, which holds its reigns once again, for the second time since becoming an EU Member State in 2004. During the second half of 2022, the Czech Presidency has to sail through troubled waters to address some of the most pressing EU issues, such as the Union’s response to the ongoing war of aggression being waged by Russia in Ukraine, as well as managing multiple ongoing files, such as the implementation of the EU Green Deal, reacting to the conclusion of the Conference on the Future of Europe, and much more. To scrutinise the priorities and challenges of the Presidency, TEPSA and its Czech Member Institute, the Institute of International Relations in Prague, hosted the Czech Pre-Presidency Conference on 23 and 24 May 2022 in Prague. In this video, Welcoming Remarks to the Czech PPC are given by TEPSA Secretary-General Jim Cloos as well as IIR Prague Director Ondřej Ditrych. Following these remarks, the first plenary session of the conference takes place. The plenary session focused on the upcoming Czech EU Presidency and the key events that will define EU policy-making in the second half of 2022. The TEPSA Network presented its Recommendations to the Czech Presidency of the Council of the European Union to Jan Šnaidauf (Czech Ministry of Foreign Affairs). The TEPSA Recommendations were presented by Ilke Toygür (SWP Berlin & University Carlos III of Madrid) and Funda Tekin (IEP Berlin), as well as Kristi Raik (Estonian Foreign Policy Institute), Mihai Sebe (European Institute of Romania), and Mariam Khotenashvili (TEPSA). TEPSA Website: https://www.tepsa.eu/​ TEPSA Twitter: https://twitter.com/tepsaeu​ TEPSA Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/tepsa.eu​ TEPSA LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/tepsabrussels TEPSA Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tepsaeu/​ This event is co-funded by the Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values programme of the European Union
homeaffairs The Russia-Ukraine War: A Crisis of European Security? | #CzechPPC
The Russia-Ukraine War: A Crisis of European Security? | #CzechPPC
26 Jul 2022
TEPSA - Trans Europe...
On 1 July 2022, France handed over the Presidency of the Council of the EU to Czechia, which holds its reigns once again, for the second time since becoming an EU Member State in 2004. During the second half of 2022, the Czech Presidency has to sail through troubled waters to address some of the most pressing EU issues, such as the Union’s response to the ongoing war of aggression being waged by Russia in Ukraine, as well as managing multiple ongoing files, such as the implementation of the EU Green Deal, reacting to the conclusion of the Conference on the Future of Europe, and much more. To scrutinise the priorities and challenges of the Presidency, TEPSA and its Czech Member Institute, the Institute of International Relations in Prague, hosted the Czech Pre-Presidency Conference on 23 and 24 May 2022 in Prague. In this plenary session of the conference, we discuss the Russian war of aggression in Ukraine and its impact on European security. The session focused on the repercussions of the Russian-Ukrainian war and the consequences of the conflict for European security as well as the role of the European Union therein. The session was chaired and moderated by Ondřej Ditrych (IIR Prague), and featured the contributions of Kristi Raik (Estonian Foreign Policy Institute), Senem Aydin-Düzgit (Sabanci University & Istanbul Policy Center), Oleksiy Melnyk (Razumkov Center), and Roderick Parkes (German Council on Foreign Relations (DGAP)). TEPSA Website: https://www.tepsa.eu/​ TEPSA Twitter: https://twitter.com/tepsaeu​ TEPSA Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/tepsa.eu​ TEPSA LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/tepsabrussels TEPSA Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tepsaeu/​ This event is co-funded by the Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values programme of the European Union
homeaffairs Central Europe: A Region in Reshuffle | #CzechPPC
Central Europe: A Region in Reshuffle | #CzechPPC
26 Jul 2022
TEPSA - Trans Europe...
On 1 July 2022, France handed over the Presidency of the Council of the EU to Czechia, which holds its reigns once again, for the second time since becoming an EU Member State in 2004. During the second half of 2022, the Czech Presidency has to sail through troubled waters to address some of the most pressing EU issues, such as the Union’s response to the ongoing war of aggression being waged by Russia in Ukraine, as well as managing multiple ongoing files, such as the implementation of the EU Green Deal, reacting to the conclusion of the Conference on the Future of Europe, and much more. To scrutinise the priorities and challenges of the Presidency, TEPSA and its Czech Member Institute, the Institute of International Relations in Prague, hosted the Czech Pre-Presidency Conference on 23 and 24 May 2022 in Prague. In this parallel session we discuss the Central Europe region and its role in the European Union. The session will explore the recent developments regarding the evolution of the cooperation in Central Europe, in the context of the continued conflict between the European Commission and some members of the V4. This parallel session is co-organised with EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy. The session was chaired by Sabina Kajnč-Lange (European Institute of Public Administration), and featured the contributions of Péter Balázs (fmr. Hungarian Minister of Foreign Affairs), Marek Cichocki (College of Europe Natolin & European Center Natolin), and Magda Vášáryová (fmr. State Secretary of the Slovak Ministry of Foreign Affairs). TEPSA Website: https://www.tepsa.eu/​ TEPSA Twitter: https://twitter.com/tepsaeu​ TEPSA Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/tepsa.eu​ TEPSA LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/tepsabrussels TEPSA Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tepsaeu/​ This event is co-funded by the Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values programme of the European Union
homeaffairs The Green Deal: Are we Fit for Carbon Neutrality? | #CzechPPC
The Green Deal: Are we Fit for Carbon Neutrality? | #CzechPPC
26 Jul 2022
TEPSA - Trans Europe...
On 1 July 2022, France handed over the Presidency of the Council of the EU to Czechia, which holds its reigns once again, for the second time since becoming an EU Member State in 2004. During the second half of 2022, the Czech Presidency has to sail through troubled waters to address some of the most pressing EU issues, such as the Union’s response to the ongoing war of aggression being waged by Russia in Ukraine, as well as managing multiple ongoing files, such as the implementation of the EU Green Deal, reacting to the conclusion of the Conference on the Future of Europe, and much more. To scrutinise the priorities and challenges of the Presidency, TEPSA and its Czech Member Institute, the Institute of International Relations in Prague, hosted the Czech Pre-Presidency Conference on 23 and 24 May 2022 in Prague. In this session, we discuss the European Green Deal and Europe's aims towards carbon neutrality. The session took into account the lessons from the recent dramatic increase in energy prices and the conflict with Russia in the context of Europe's 2050 goals. This parallel session is co-organised with EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy. The session was chaired by Luke O’Callaghan-White (Institute of International and European Affairs), and featured contributions from Marco Siddi (Finnish Institute of International Affairs), Aleksandra Palkova (Latvian Institute of International Affairs), and Veronika Slakaityte (Danish Institute for International Studies). TEPSA Website: https://www.tepsa.eu/​ TEPSA Twitter: https://twitter.com/tepsaeu​ TEPSA Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/tepsa.eu​ TEPSA LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/tepsabrussels TEPSA Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tepsaeu/​ This event is co-funded by the Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values programme of the European Union
homeaffairs The Future of European Integration: After the Crises and the CoFoE | #CzechPPC
The Future of European Integration: After the Crises and the CoFoE | #CzechPPC
26 Jul 2022
TEPSA - Trans Europe...
On 1 July 2022, France handed over the Presidency of the Council of the EU to Czechia, which holds its reigns once again, for the second time since becoming an EU Member State in 2004. During the second half of 2022, the Czech Presidency has to sail through troubled waters to address some of the most pressing EU issues, such as the Union’s response to the ongoing war of aggression being waged by Russia in Ukraine, as well as managing multiple ongoing files, such as the implementation of the EU Green Deal, reacting to the conclusion of the Conference on the Future of Europe, and much more. To scrutinise the priorities and challenges of the Presidency, TEPSA and its Czech Member Institute, the Institute of International Relations in Prague, hosted the Czech Pre-Presidency Conference on 23 and 24 May 2022 in Prague. This session discusses the future of Europe after the crises and the Conference on the Future of Europe. This session explored the impact of the Conference on the Future of Europe. This panel is organised in the framework of the Horizon 2020-funded project DiCE: Differentiation Clustering Excellence. The session was chaired by Jakub Eberle (IIR Prague), and featured contributions from Nicoletta Pirozzi (Istituto Affari Internazionali), Jaap de Zwaan (fmr. TEPSA Secretary-General), Frank Schimmelfennig (ETH Zürich), and Ilke Toygür (SWP Berlin & University Carlos III of Madrid). TEPSA Website: https://www.tepsa.eu/​ TEPSA Twitter: https://twitter.com/tepsaeu​ TEPSA Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/tepsa.eu​ TEPSA LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/tepsabrussels TEPSA Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tepsaeu/​ This panel has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreements No. 870789.
homeaffairs Concluding Speeches | #CzechPPC
Concluding Speeches | #CzechPPC
26 Jul 2022
TEPSA - Trans Europe...
On 1 July 2022, France handed over the Presidency of the Council of the EU to Czechia, which holds its reigns once again, for the second time since becoming an EU Member State in 2004. During the second half of 2022, the Czech Presidency has to sail through troubled waters to address some of the most pressing EU issues, such as the Union’s response to the ongoing war of aggression being waged by Russia in Ukraine, as well as managing multiple ongoing files, such as the implementation of the EU Green Deal, reacting to the conclusion of the Conference on the Future of Europe, and much more. To scrutinise the priorities and challenges of the Presidency, TEPSA and its Czech Member Institute, the Institute of International Relations in Prague, hosted the Czech Pre-Presidency Conference on 23 and 24 May 2022 in Prague. In this video, closing speeches are given by Jakub Utěšený, Director of the Czech Presidency Preparation and Coordination Unit, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic, as well as TEPSA Chairperson Lucia Mokrá and Petr Kratochvíl (IIR Prague). TEPSA Website: https://www.tepsa.eu/​ TEPSA Twitter: https://twitter.com/tepsaeu​ TEPSA Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/tepsa.eu​ TEPSA LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/tepsabrussels TEPSA Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tepsaeu/​ This event is co-funded by the Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values programme of the European Union
energy EUCityCalc episode with Czech local leaders Martin Mrkos and Michal Bacovsky from Zdar nad Sázavou
EUCityCalc episode with Czech local leaders Martin Mrkos and Michal Bacovsky from Zdar nad Sázavou
11 Jul 2022
Energy Cities
In this episode podcast host Miriam Eisermann sat down with Martin Mrkos, Mayor the City of Žďár nad Sázavou in Czech Republic. He is joined by Michal Bacovsky, who is Smart City Coordinator of Zdar. The city counts 21.000 inhabitants and is one of the 10 pilot cities involved in the EUCityCalc project. After intensive thermal insulation of its buildings and first renewable installations, the city is now exploring new pathways. Michal and Martin tell us what these pathways are and how much the size of a city matters (or not). More and more European cities have vowed to become climate-neutral by mid-century or even earlier. Only a few have managed yet to draft precise and tangible transition plans. The EUCityCalc project supports cities in data-driven decision-making: With funding from the EU Horizon 2020 program, the project will release the European City Calculator webtool. This is an open-source instrument with which cities can plan their measures to bring CO2 emissions down to zero. www.europeancitycalculator.eu
institutions Presentation of the programme of activities of the Czech Presidency
Presentation of the programme of activities of the Czech Presidency
6 Jul 2022
European Commission
#EU2022CZ Opening statements by Petr FIALA, Czech Prime Minister and by Ursula von der LEYEN, President of the European Commission Watch on the Audiovisual Portal of the European Commission: https://audiovisual.ec.europa.eu/en/video/I-227947 Subscribe to our channel: https://bit.ly/2X56Ju6 Follow us on: -Twitter: https://twitter.com/EU_Commission -Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/europeancommission/ -Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/EuropeanCommission -LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/european-commission/ -Medium: https://medium.com/@EuropeanCommission Check our website: http://ec.europa.eu/
institutions Presentation of the priorities of the Czech Presidency
Presentation of the priorities of the Czech Presidency
6 Jul 2022
European Commission
#EU2022CZ Press conference by Roberta METSOLA, EP President, Petr FIALA, Czech Prime Minister, and Ursula von der LEYEN, President of the European Commission. Watch on the Audiovisual Portal of the European Commission: https://audiovisual.ec.europa.eu/en/video/I-228133 Subscribe to our channel: https://bit.ly/2X56Ju6 Follow us on: -Twitter: https://twitter.com/EU_Commission -Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/europeancommission/ -Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/EuropeanCommission -LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/european-commission/ -Medium: https://medium.com/@EuropeanCommission Check our website: http://ec.europa.eu/
politics Czech Prime Minister Petr Fiala addresses the European Parliament
Czech Prime Minister Petr Fiala addresses the European Parliament
5 Jul 2022
European Parliament
As Czechia takes over the rotating presidency of EU’s Council, MEPs welcome Czech Prime Minister Petr Fiala to the plenary to discuss his country’s priorities for the next six months. Ukraine’s post-war recovery, energy security and the management of the refugee crisis are on the top of the agenda. Czechia also wants to address defence capabilities and cyberspace security in the EU, as well as the resilience of the European economy and of democratic institutions. The motto of the Czech Presidency is “Europe as a Task: Rethink, Rebuild, Repower”, recalling a speech made by the first Czech President Václav Havel and underlining the need “to re-evaluate current approaches and premises” in light of the Russian war of aggression against Ukraine. For more information on the Czech Presidency: https://czech-presidency.consilium.europa.eu/en/ Check out what Czech MEPs expect from their country's Council presidency: http://epyoutube.eu/CzechPresidency Subscribe to our channel: http://epyoutube.eu/subscribe Comment on: Facebook http://www.facebook.com/europeanparliament Twitter https://twitter.com/Europarl_EN
institutions Visit of the College of Commissioners to the Czech Presidency
Visit of the College of Commissioners to the Czech Presidency
4 Jul 2022
European Commission
Speeches by Petr FIALA, Czech Prime Minister and Ursula von der LEYEN, President of the European Commission before the start of concert at the Smetana´s Litomyšl National Festival Watch on the Audiovisual Portal of the European Commission: https://audiovisual.ec.europa.eu/en/video/I-228148 Subscribe to our channel: https://bit.ly/2X56Ju6 Follow us on: -Twitter: https://twitter.com/EU_Commission -Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/europeancommission/ -Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/EuropeanCommission -LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/european-commission/ -Medium: https://medium.com/@EuropeanCommission Check our website: http://ec.europa.eu/
social Statement by President Séamus Boland on the eve of the Czech Presidency of the Council of the EU
Statement by President Séamus Boland on the eve of the Czech Presidency of the Council of the EU
1 Jul 2022
Civil Society Organi...
Copy rights: EU
institutions Commission welcomes incoming Czech Presidency #EU2022CZ
Commission welcomes incoming Czech Presidency #EU2022CZ
1 Jul 2022
European Commission
#EU2022CZ On the 1 July 2022, the Czech Republic took over the Presidency of the Council of the European Union. Together, we will work towards the Czech priorities for this Presidency. • EU solidarity with Ukraine • Energy security • Europe’s defence and cyber-security • European economy • Resilience of democratic institutions Watch on the Audiovisual Portal of the European Commission: https://audiovisual.ec.europa.eu/en/video/I-227792 Subscribe to our channel: https://bit.ly/2X56Ju6 Follow us on: -Twitter: https://twitter.com/EU_Commission -Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/europeancommission/ -Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/EuropeanCommission -LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/european-commission/ -Medium: https://medium.com/@EuropeanCommission Check our website: http://ec.europa.eu/
institutions Visit of the College of Commissioners to the Czech Presidency
Visit of the College of Commissioners to the Czech Presidency
1 Jul 2022
European Commission
Joint press Conference by Petr FIALA, Czech Prime Minister and Ursula von der LEYEN, President of the European Commission Watch on the Audiovisual Portal of the European Commission: Subscribe to our channel: https://bit.ly/2X56Ju6 Follow us on: -Twitter: https://twitter.com/EU_Commission -Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/europeancommission/ -Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/EuropeanCommission -LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/european-commission/ -Medium: https://medium.com/@EuropeanCommission Check our website: http://ec.europa.eu/
development Czech Presidency Should Push for Ambitious Media Freedom Act to Protect EU Democracy
Czech Presidency Should Push for Ambitious Media Freedom Act to Protect EU Democracy
30 Jun 2022
Civil Liberties Unio...
The Czech Republic should use its term helming the Council to push for a properly functioning media system that protects and strengthens EU values and democracy. Find out more: https://www.liberties.eu/en/stories/czech-presidency-should-push-for-strong-european-media-freedom-act/44338
Priorities of the Czech Presidency of the EU
Priorities of the Czech Presidency of the EU
27 Jun 2022
The Czech Republic will assume the Presidency of the Council of the EU on 1st July 2022, as part of the Trio Presidency taking over from France before handing over to Sweden in January 2022. In this webinar address, Deputy Minister Havrda discusses the priorities of the Czech Presidency, which focus on Ukraine’s place in Europe and the EU, energy security, transatlantic relations, defence policy, and countering cybersecurity threats. The Czech Presidency also plans to reinforce the EU’s economic resilience and to uphold the rule of law and democratic values within the Union.  About the Speaker: Marek Havrda, Ph.D. is Deputy Minister for European Affairs of the Czech Government. He contributes to coordination of the Czech Republic’s positions on EU policies and supports the Czech Presidency of the Council of the European Union in 2022 Recorded on the 27th of June 2022
homeaffairs TEPSA Recommendations to the Czech Presidency
TEPSA Recommendations to the Czech Presidency
20 May 2022
TEPSA - Trans Europe...
Prior to the regular TEPSA Pre-Presidency Conferences, TEPSA has a tradition of formulating recommendations to present to the incoming Council Presidency. At the Czech Pre-Presidency Conference which will take place on 23-24 May 2022, TEPSA will present key recommendations to the incoming Czech Presidency of the Council of the European Union. These recommendations are formulated by experts from the TEPSA network, without necessarily representing the views of TEPSA or its Member Institutes. Contributions: - How to guide the EU through the troubled waters of a ‘Zeitenwende’ into the future – A Core Task for the Czech EU Presidency, by Funda Tekin (Institut für Europäische Politik); Nicoletta Pirozzi (Istituto Affari Internazionali); and Ilke Toygür (German Institute for International and Security Studies). - What does the war in Ukraine mean for the development of an EU defence policy, for NATO cooperation and partnership with neighbouring countries?, by Kristi Raik (Estonian Foreign Policy Institute). - Four priorities for the EU’s energy security policy, by Izabela Surwillo (Danish Institute of International Affairs). - How does the current humanitarian crisis affect the reform of a common EU asylum policy?, by Mihai Sebe (European Institute of Romania). How to step up EU support for Ukraine?, by Oleksiy Melnyk (Razumkov Centre); Stefan Meister (German Council of Foreign Relations); Mariam Khotenashvili (Trans European Policy Studies Association). #EU2022CZ #CzechPPC TEPSA Website: https://www.tepsa.eu/ TEPSA Twitter: https://twitter.com/tepsaeu TEPSA Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/tepsa.eu TEPSA LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/tepsabrussels TEPSA Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tepsaeu/ Music: The Stratosphere, song by Adam Vitovský
culture EFAcast - Prague Spring Festival (European Festivals Association)
EFAcast - Prague Spring Festival (European Festivals Association)
3 May 2022
European Festivals A...
Let’s Celebrate the Arts! All EFA Members have been contributing to Europe’s artistic life for decades. The EFAcast series explores what festivals are cooking up. In this new episode, Simon Mundy meets Roman Bělor, the Director of Prague Spring (Czech Republic). https://www.efa-aef.eu/en/members/447/
rural Making LEADER's principles work in Czechia - Iva Přichystalová, Paying Agency, Czechia
Making LEADER's principles work in Czechia - Iva Přichystalová, Paying Agency, Czechia
21 Mar 2022
This is a presentation from the first meeting of the ENRD’s LEADER Thematic Group ‘Making the seven LEADER principles work in practice for all LAGs under the CAP Strategic Plans’. The meeting was organised to facilitate discussion and exchanges about factors ‘blocking’ and ‘conducive’ to LEADER’s principles and relevant Member State experiences related to the practical implementation of the seven LEADER principles. Find out more from the Thematic Group meeting webpage: https://enrd.ec.europa.eu/news-events/events/1st-meeting-enrd-thematic-group-making-seven-leader-principles-work-practice-all_en
agriculture Petr, Czech Republic - #RuralYouth4EU
Petr, Czech Republic - #RuralYouth4EU
17 Mar 2022
CEJA Young Farmers
On the occasion of the Conference on the Future of Europe, CEJA and Rural Youth Europe are joining forces to make the voices of rural youth and young farmers heard. This time, we hand the mic to Petr, a young farmer from the Czech Republic, to hear about his dreams for the future of the EU. The future of Europe stands in its rural areas too. #RuralYouth4EU.
institutions Press statements by President von der Leyen and the Prime Minister of Czechia Petr Fiala
Press statements by President von der Leyen and the Prime Minister of Czechia Petr Fiala
17 Feb 2022
European Commission
Welcome and press statements by Ursula von der LEYEN, President of the European Commission and Petr FIALA, Prime Minister of Czechia Watch on the Audiovisual Portal of the European Commission: https://audiovisual.ec.europa.eu/en/video/I-218349 Subscribe to our channel: https://bit.ly/2X56Ju6 Follow us on: -Twitter: https://twitter.com/EU_Commission -Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/europeancommission/ -Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/EuropeanCommission -LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/european-commission/ -Medium: https://medium.com/@EuropeanCommission Check our website: http://ec.europa.eu/
culture Czech Republic National Committee of the Blue Shield, December 2021
Czech Republic National Committee of the Blue Shield, December 2021
11 Dec 2021
Blue Shield
This video introduces the work of the Czech Republic National Committee of the Blue Shield, 10 December 2021
youth About Time! with Babis Papaioannou, European Commission
About Time! with Babis Papaioannou, European Commission
8 Dec 2021
EU-CoE youth partnership
⏰ “About Time! A reference manual for youth policy from a European perspective” was launched on 5 October 2021 with Director Matjaž Gruden, Directorate of Democratic Participation, Council of Europe and Babis Papaioannou, Policy Officer at DG EAC, European Commission, facilitated by Mila Lukić, member of the Advisory Council on Youth of the Council of Europe. Watch what Babis Papaioannou had to say about the value of the Manual! The youth policy manual gathers knowledge and debates central to the European agenda in the field over the last 15 years. It helps stakeholders to explore, understand and engage with the youth policy framework in their context, from their own perspective, and provides them with a sense of all the stages of youth policy making. Most importantly, it includes a wide range of standards, tools and resources developed by and for the benefit of youth policy makers, youth work practitioners, youth researchers and young people across Europe. 📚 Read the manual ➡️ http://ow.ly/9BA550H5ZUG 🎧 Listen to the Under 30’ podcast episode with authors Howard Williamson, Zara Lavchyan and Max Fras ➡️ https://share.transistor.fm/s/ec7b977d ⏩ Watch the recording of the digital launch ➡️ https://youtu.be/-RXaxG8q-6E and 🖍️ check out the graphic recording of the event➡️ http://ow.ly/KcmH50H5ZXs
forests Exchange of knowledge is key to studying forest management against bark beetle outbreaks in Prague
Exchange of knowledge is key to studying forest management against bark beetle outbreaks in Prague
6 Dec 2021
European Forest Institute
Interview with Dr. Tomáš Hlásny, senior researcher at the Czech University of Life Sciences Prague and member of the RESONATE project. He is doing research on bark beetle outbreaks in Czech forests. Since many years, Tomáš and his team took part in field experiments and conducted research on how e.g. drought stress is affecting the response of trees to bark beetle. Within RESONATE and in collaboration with both researchers and forest practitioners from all over Europe, the experts from Czech Republic hope to to jointly develop new concepts and approaches how to increase the resilience of our forests and related industries as well as our societies. The RESONATE project seeks to research and improve the resilience of European forests and associated value-chains. Follow us on Twitter for updates: @RESONATE_forest
security #OSCEMC2021 Statement by the Head of the Delegation of Czech Republic
#OSCEMC2021 Statement by the Head of the Delegation of Czech Republic
2 Dec 2021
The Organization for...
Statement by the Head of the Delegation of Czech Republic at the Plenary Session of the 28th OSCE Ministerial Council, Stockholm, Sweden, 2-3 December 2021.
New Czech coalition face a challenging agenda, interview with Petr Ježek
New Czech coalition face a challenging agenda, interview with Petr Ježek
28 Nov 2021
EU Reporter
Today (28 November), Petr Fiala has been appointed as Prime Minister of the Czech Republic by President Miloš Zeman. The appointment follows elections where the party in government won the most seats, but where a coalition of opposition parties acted together to form a coalition government*. EU Reporter spoke to former diplomat and former Liberal MEP Petr Ježek about the new government. EU Reporter (EUR): What do we know about Petr Fiala, the new Czech PM? PJ (Petr Ježek): Fiala is a well-known and experienced Czech politician. He was already a member of one of the former governments and the chairperson of the Czech, I would say, Conservative Party, which leads the coalition. EUR: Is this a stable coalition? PJ: It remains to be seen. The logic behind cementing this coalition was to bring a change and to topple the populist Prime Minister Andre Babis. There may be some differences between conservatives and liberals within the coalition, but I think that the bottom line is that they want to be responsible and bring the changes which will move the Czech Republic again into the family of normal regular European countries, because with a populist Prime Minister and populist president, it was not the case. While welcoming the new government and the change it brings Ježek does not underestimate the challenges the new government faces. PJ: I think that there are a number of issues which make life difficult for the new government, not not only that they are a partnership of five, but because there is still the president of the Czech Republic (Zeman), who with his aides and collaborators behave unscrupulously. They do whatever they want, regardless of the constitution, that's one problem. The other is the public service, people who were loyal to the Prime Minister were appointed and not on the basis of their qualifications and quality. So we have a very inefficient public service. The other problem will be that the opposition in the parliament will be either populists or extremist parties, where every mistake by the government will be used by them. In this respect, there is also a broader dimension [for the wider Visegrad region] that opposition to populist leaders in Hungary and Poland will need to team up and build broader coalition's in order to win, if the Czech Republic's coalition is success story, it will reinforce them, it will help them; but if not it may very well reinforce the populist leaders. So the responsibility is not only for the Czech Republic. Ježek says there is also quite a legacy for any incoming government: PJ: First of all, there are pressing issues like the COVID pandemic, the energy prices and the huge budget deficit. These problems are enormous, but this aside there is also the need to deal with the failings of the previous government who failed to modernize the country. They didn’t improve the highways, not to mention new technologies or the green agenda. So the government faces huge challenges that will not be easy in the face of an opposition made up of populists and extremists. EUR: Fiala’s party in part of the ECR group which also include the Polish Law and Justice Party, which is challenging the rule of law, in particular through the politicization of the judiciary. Do you think that Fiala will stand behind his Polish colleagues in the ECR group? Or will he take a different position that defends the rule of law? PJ: I would say that Petr Fielais a realistic person and someone with good intentions. There is a certain legacy in the party of the former chairman Vaclav Klaus, who was Prime Minister and President and he was strongly against the euro and other aspects of closer European Union, which still hangs over the party and I would say that there is still quite a few MEPs, who are part of the ECR group, who share this view, who think that what happens in Hungary and Poland is just a case for the two countries and it has nothing to do with the EU. I hope that Fiela will bring together strands to transform the party along the lines of regular European right parties on the right, like CDU in Germany, for example, who would like to see all member states observe the rule of law and other commitments. I hope that when he meets his counterparts within the European Council, that it reinforces him, and it helps to shape his views on that issue. For the full interview please watch the video above. *Fiala (ODS, ECR Group) will lead a coalition of five parties including: Mayors and Independents (STAN, EPP Group), Christian and Democratic Union – Czechoslovak People’s Party (KDU/ČSL, EPP), Tradition Responsibility Prosperity (TOP09, EPP) and the Czech Pirate Party (Piráti, Greens/EFA)
regions Citizens’ awareness of EU regional policy (Czech)
Citizens’ awareness of EU regional policy (Czech)
25 Nov 2021
The latest edition of the Flash Eurobarometer survey shows that citizen's awareness and perception levels of EU regional policy remain high. Eight in ten Europeans who have heard about EU co-financed projects in the area where they live (41%) believe that EU projects have a positive impact on their city or region. The new Eurobarometer has also surveyed the Union’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic – almost seven in ten respondents (69%) believe the EU regional policy supports the economic recovery in the context of the pandemic. To see other results of the survey, visit https://ec.europa.eu/regional_policy/en/newsroom/news/2021/10/10-11-2021-measuring-citizens-awareness-and-perception-of-eu-regional-policy For more information on EU regional policy, please visit our website: https://europa.eu/!Yy67HF Follow us on: - Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/EUinmyregion - Twitter: https://twitter.com/euinmyregion - Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/euinmyregion/
development Interview with Marta Lempart during the Inspiration Forum in Jihlava, Czech Republic (28.10.2021)
Interview with Marta Lempart during the Inspiration Forum in Jihlava, Czech Republic (28.10.2021)
10 Nov 2021
Friedrich Naumann Fo...
Read here the full article: https://www.freiheit.org/central-europe-and-baltic-states/not-single-one-more-poles-protest-against-strict-abortion-law Link to the event “Citizen – Enemy to the State”, interview with Marta Lempart taking place within the programme of Inspiration Forum 2021: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=scLuX_vwCSM Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom, Central Europe and the Baltic States: https://www.freiheit.org/central-europe-and-the-baltic-states
cities Eurocities awards 2021 (Zero pollution): Prague - Depot.Bike
Eurocities awards 2021 (Zero pollution): Prague - Depot.Bike
29 Sep 2021
Eurocities network
We’ve all been ordering a lot more online since the outbreak of the pandemic, and that means more delivery trucks and other logistics vehicles clogging up our streets. Depot.Bike is a consolidation centre where delivery vehicles can transfer cargo to bicycles before entering the city. Eight logistics companies have joined the pilot, and more than 6,000 parcels are being delivered by bike each month, with a planned second depot expected to double this number soon. Since it began in November 2020, cargo bike couriers have travelled over 17,000 kilometres that would otherwise have been covered by fossil fuel emitting vehicles.
homeaffairs European Solidarity and the COVID Response: Hungary and the Czech Republic
European Solidarity and the COVID Response: Hungary and the Czech Republic
23 Sep 2021
TEPSA - Trans Europe...
The debate on the future of Europe has gained a new momentum due to the COVID-19 pandemic and related recovery measures adopted by the EU. The pandemic has culminated in different attitudes towards the concept of solidarity in Hungary and the Czech Republic: how do these attitudes differ, and why do they differ? On Thursday September 16 at 10:00 CET, TEPSA joined with its Member Institute from Hungary, the Institute of World Economics, Centre for Economic and Regional Studies (IWE CERS) to explore these questions and more in the framework of the upcoming publication of TEPSA’s new book Solidarity in Action and the Future of Europe: Views from the Capitals. Hungary has been at the forefront of internal divisions within the EU for years. With the Orbán administration at the helm, anti-EU rhetoric rests at the heart of the Hungarian government’s approach to EU policy, both at home and in Brussels. Despite this, all major opposition parties support further EU integration and are generally trusting of the European Union. In this context, European solidarity in the wake of COVID-19 has become something of a political hot potato. In the Czech Republic, together with “rule of law” or “EU values”, the concept of European solidarity has come to be seen as part of the moralizing rhetoric of the “old” elites in the EU. Thus, the concept is becoming a tool of division, a predominantly negative notion. Speakers: - Zdeněk Sychra, Assistant Professor, Department of Politics and International Relations, University of West Bohemia, - András Inotai, Professor Emeritus, former Director of the Institute of World Economics, - Norbert Szijártó, Research Fellow, Institute of World Economics, CERS, - András Bíró-Nagy, Senior Research Fellow, Institute for Political Science, Centre for Social Sciences, Department for Government and Public Policy, - Moderated by: Andrea Éltető, Senior Research Felow, Institute of World Economics, CERS. Can European solidarity help to tip the scales away from Euroscepticism, or even move them in favour of building a stronger, more integrated Union? TEPSA Website: https://www.tepsa.eu/ TEPSA Twitter: https://twitter.com/tepsaeu TEPSA Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/tepsa.eu TEPSA LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/tepsabrussels TEPSA Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tepsaeu/ Music: Stand (Wondershare Filmora X) The event is supported by the Europe for Citizens Programme of the European Union.
space From GSA to #EUSPA - Watch our Prague HQ transition
From GSA to #EUSPA - Watch our Prague HQ transition
17 Sep 2021
EUSPA - EU Agency fo...
On 12 May 2021, the European GNSS Agency (GSA) officially became the European Union Agency for the Space Programme, #EUSPA, marking the start of a new #EUSpace era. With our own Galileo-enabled drone, we have recorded the transition of our Prague Headquarters. More about #EUSPA: https://www.euspa.europa.eu/ ? Twitter: https://twitter.com/EU4Space ? Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/space4eu/ ? Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/EU4Space ? LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/EUSPA
energy Czech Republic 2021: Energy Policy Review
Czech Republic 2021: Energy Policy Review
13 Sep 2021
International Energy...
The International Energy Agency will host a webinar for the launch of its publication Energy Policies of IEA Countries: Czech Republic on Monday, 13 September, at 11:15 AM CEST, with Karel Havlicek, Minister for Industry and Trade of the Czech Republic and Fatih Birol, Executive Director of the International Energy Agency. The phase-out of coal will be a key challenge for the Czech Republic over the coming decade. Today, coal accounts for almost half of the country’s electricity generation and a quarter of its residential heating demand. To prepare for the phase-out, the country needs to speed up the deployment of low-carbon sources of electricity generation. Energy efficiency should be placed at the centre of the Czech Republic’s energy policy making to help with the coal phase-out. In this report, the IEA provides a range of energy policy recommendations to help the Czech Republic move ahead with the development of a modern energy sector for a healthy and prosperous future.
foreignaffairs GLOBSEC Trends 2021: What vulnerabilities of Czechs can be utilised by foreign hostile actors?
GLOBSEC Trends 2021: What vulnerabilities of Czechs can be utilised by foreign hostile actors?
28 Jul 2021
In this video, Jonáš Syrovátka, Programme Manager from Prague Security Studies Institute explains the potential vulnerabilities of Czechs to foreign hostile influence. To read more about the research, visit our website: https://bit.ly/375Sf4M #GLOBSECTrends #Czechia
institutions #NextGenerationEU: President von der Leyen visits Czechia
#NextGenerationEU: President von der Leyen visits Czechia
19 Jul 2021
European Commission
European Commission President Ursula von der LEYEN visits Czechia in relation to the recovery and resilience facility/NextGenerationEU and the national Recovery and Resilience Plan Joint press conference by - Andrej BABIŠ, Czechia Prime Minister - Ursula von der LEYEN, President of the European Commission Watch on the Audiovisual Portal of the European Commission: https://europa.eu/!tNBhxY Subscribe to our channel: https://bit.ly/2X56Ju6 Follow us on: -Twitter: https://twitter.com/EU_Commission -Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/europeancommission/ -Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/EuropeanCommission -LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/european-commission/ -Medium: https://medium.com/@EuropeanCommission Check our website: http://ec.europa.eu/
energy ECF collaboration lab episode: Prague's first steps in energy community matters
ECF collaboration lab episode: Prague's first steps in energy community matters
24 Jun 2021
Energy Cities
The City of Prague has an ambitious Climate Plan. In addition to high goals for energy efficiency, this plan includes an objective of fostering the emergence of energy communities. For this episode we met Miloslav Franek from the energy management department of Prague City Hall and Tereza Mc Laughlin Vanova from the Czech Association of Local Energy Managers. Together, they are about to set up the very first Czech energy community in the Czech capital. How ready are the Czech Republic and its residents for this new type of energy generation? In this conversation,Tereza and Miloslav lead us through the complexity of decentralized and citizen-driven energy in Czech Republic. This episode and the collaboration lab were made possible thanks to funding from the European Climate Foundation (ECF). The ECF is an international non-profit and its great team promotes climate and energy policies in Europe. In 2019, the European Climate Foundation launched its Energy Democracy program. It focuses on the support of community energy projects both at the EU and national levels. europeanclimate.org
industry 20210617 EAAC Czech Cluster Landscape
20210617 EAAC Czech Cluster Landscape
18 Jun 2021
European Clusters Al...
20210617 EAAC Czech Cluster Landscape
space EUSPA welcomes EU Heads of Mission in the Czech Republic
EUSPA welcomes EU Heads of Mission in the Czech Republic
26 May 2021
EUSPA - EU Agency fo...
On 26 May, under the auspices of #EU2021PT, EUSPA welcomed EU Heads of Mission in the Czech Republic to present the EU Agency for the Space Programme, its assets, services and the benefits it is already delivering to the EU Member States. More about #EUSPA: https://www.euspa.europa.eu/ ? Twitter: https://twitter.com/EU4Space ? Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/space4eu/ ? Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/EU4Space ? LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/EUSPA
culture New ICOM flag for ICOM Prague2022!
New ICOM flag for ICOM Prague2022!
19 Apr 2021
ICOM International C...
At the end of each General Conference, the organizers symbolically hand over the ICOM flag to the new host country. ICOM Prague proudly took over from ICOM Japan in 2019. Check out this video to see for yourself! #ICOMPrague2022
employment Fair Wages - Radka Sokolova - CMKOS Vicepresident (Czech Republic)
Fair Wages - Radka Sokolova - CMKOS Vicepresident (Czech Republic)
16 Apr 2021
Fair Wages - Radka Sokolova - CMKOS Vicepresident (Czech Republic)
30 Mar 2021
European Association...
Site Žádovice (south Moravia) is a polycultural site with substantial settlement features dated to the LBK, the early phase (I) being the most pronounced. To this phase belong the most of the archaeologically detected features (such as ground plans of houses, burials). We are currently focusing on the reconstruction of subsistence strategies of the local early LBK community within the complex study of the site. Research is at the moment focused mainly on the anthropological material from burials. Their primary anthropological analysis has been already carried out (Čižmář – Geislerová 1998). Pathological signs of buried indi-viduals (mostly children) are consistent with the consumption of a plant-based diet (teeth abrasion, anemia). This kind of diet is also confirmed by multiple finds of tools used for processing plants processing (grinding stones). Buried individuals are currently being dated by 14C dating. The ratio of stable isotopes (δ13C and δ15N) is being established in order to reconstruct paleodiet. Present results of radiocarbon dating showed surprisingly old dates (6300–5600 calBC). Therefore it is necessary to obtain more 14C data and do more analyses (for example aDNA) to establish the chronology and understand the economic and social aspects of the past community. It is worth considering whether the old dating could not have been caused by a certain kind of diet (such as reservoir effect caused by consuming fish). To verify this hypothesis the osteological material of domestic animals was analyzed (C14 dating). The exceptional character of site Žádovice might be emphasized by the atypical position in the land-scape, which might have influenced the subsistence strategy of the local inhabitants. Results of this study may contribute to better understanding the way of life of the local community in the context of the LBK in Central Europe. Author(s): Cerevková, Alžbeta (Moravian Museum, Czech Republic; Masaryk University)
medicine Kateřina Konečná MEP, on the role the Czech Presidency have to play in rare diseases
Kateřina Konečná MEP, on the role the Czech Presidency have to play in rare diseases
17 Mar 2021
Kateřina Konečná (Member of European Parliament), explains how the upcoming Czech Presidency can support deeper collaboration on rare diseases in Europe. eurordis.org Rare 2030 Final Conference, 23/2/2021 rare2030.eu
security What's in the kit of a ?? Czech JTAC (Joint Terminal Attack Controller)?
What's in the kit of a ?? Czech JTAC (Joint Terminal Attack Controller)?
23 Feb 2021
A Joint Terminal Attack Controller (JTAC) with the Czech Air Force’s Special Forces shows us what’s in his kit. JTACs are responsible for coordinating fire support from fighter jets, helicopters, unmanned vehicles and artillery. Their job requires perfect attention to detail. Without them, NATO troops can’t call for help from aerial assets. ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬SUBSCRIBE to this channel http://bit.ly/NATOsubscribeSUBSCRIBE to NATO News http://bit.ly/NATONewsSubscribeSUBSCRIBE to NATO History http://bit.ly/NATOHistorySubscribeConnect with NATO online:Visit the Official NATO Homepage: http://bit.ly/NATOhomepageReceive NATO updates via email: http://bit.ly/NATOemailsFind NATO on FACEBOOK: http://bit.ly/NATOfacebookFollow @NATO on TWITTER: http://bit.ly/NATOtwitterFollow NATO on Instagram: http://bit.ly/NATOinstagramFind NATO on LinkedIn: http://bit.ly/NATOlinkedinFind NATO on Flickr: http://bit.ly/NATOflickr#NATO #OTAN #WeAreNATO
politics Visegrad Group
Visegrad Group
16 Feb 2021
Council of the EU
The Visegrad group, also known as V4, brings together four Central European countries: Poland, Czechia, Slovakia and Hungary. The members first met in 1991 in Visegrad to promote European integration. Five years later, they achieved their aim and became part of the EU. Today, the V4 countries continues to work together in areas of common interest.
regions Stories from the regions: Food truck with balls, Prague, Czech Republic
Stories from the regions: Food truck with balls, Prague, Czech Republic
28 Jan 2021
Stories from the regions goes to Prague, the capital of Czech Republic, to introduce a special food truck. It is a social enterprise, created with the support of EU funds. The project employs people with disabilities who are preparing and selling donuts, milkshakes and coffee. The name of the project in Czech language is GULE. It stands for Gastronomie Umoznujici Lidem Existovat. In English it would be Gastronomy Enabling People to Exist. There is also another meaning in Czech as explained in the video Handicap? So, what! We have GULE (balls) for that. Note: The images of this episode were taken before the pandemic and the health security measures. To know more about the GULE project: http://www.gulefoodtruck.cz
economy Czech Republic: CD Cargo rolling stock
Czech Republic: CD Cargo rolling stock
18 Dec 2020
European Investment Bank
A modal shift in freight transport is key for the Czech Republic transition to a low-carbon economy. The €130 million loan to CD Cargo will support the acquisition of 50 electric locomotives, 140 freight wagons & the retrofit of 310 locomotives. Find out more here: Visit our website: https://www.eib.org Follow us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/EuropeanInvestmentBank Twitter: https://twitter.com/eib LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/european-investment-bank Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/europeaninvestmentbank/
security #OSCEMC20 Statement by the Head of the Delegation of Czech Republic
#OSCEMC20 Statement by the Head of the Delegation of Czech Republic
3 Dec 2020
The Organization for...
Statement by the Head of the Delegation of Czech Republic at the Plenary Session of the 27th OSCE Ministerial Council, Online / Tirana, Albania, 3-4 December 2020.
economy Frusac - Compostable and reusable shopping bag
Frusac - Compostable and reusable shopping bag
3 Dec 2020
European Investment Bank
Frusack creates reusable innovative bags for your fruits and vegetables. This European Investment Fund (EIF) backed company, based in the Czech Republic, uses bio plastics made from corn starch as a sustainable solution and promote local production. Visit EIF's YouTube channel: www.youtube.com/channel/UCV0Z6wZLrmQIrTDviucnkpw Visit EIF's website: https://www.eif.org Follow us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/EuropeanInvestmentBank Twitter: https://twitter.com/eib LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/european-investment-bank Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/europeaninvestmentbank/ #WebSummit
rural Energy action by Czechia's Opavsko LAG Local people's perspectives - part 1
Energy action by Czechia's Opavsko LAG Local people's perspectives - part 1
5 Nov 2020
Local people talk about a unique financial model used by a LEADER LAG to promote low-carbon investments, combining so-called ‘boiler subsidies’ grants financed from European funds with repayable ‘boiler loans’ from national sources.The loans that are repaid by the applicants return to the municipalities and can be reinvested in other projects aimed at reducing CO2 emissions or saving energy. Read more about this innovative combination of rural development financing for local climate action in the 'LEADER Achievements' edition of our EU Rural Review (on page 33 at: https://enrd.ec.europa.eu/publications/eu-rural-review-29-leader-achievements_en). See and share part 2 of the film at: https://youtu.be/g088KtDlTDo
institutions Ventilators delivered to Czechia via the EU Civil Protection Mechanism
Ventilators delivered to Czechia via the EU Civil Protection Mechanism
25 Oct 2020
European Commission
Following Thursday’s announcement by President von der Leyen, the EU has sent 30 ventilators from the rescEU medical reserve to Czechia. This support comes on top of 620,000 masks and 50,000 protective gowns already delivered from the rescEU reserve, as well as in-kind assistance provided to 22 countries in need via the EU Civil Protection Mechanism. This video shows the handover of medical equipment from rescEU at Nemocnice NaBulovce Hospital in Prague which happened on October 24th. Subscribe to our channel: https://bit.ly/2X56Ju6 Follow us on: -Twitter: https://twitter.com/EU_Commission -Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/europeancommission/ -Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/EuropeanCommission -LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/european-commission/ -Medium: https://medium.com/@EuropeanCommission Check our website: http://ec.europa.eu/
institutions Message of Ursula von der Leyen to Czechia
Message of Ursula von der Leyen to Czechia
22 Oct 2020
European Commission
Czechia is facing one of the most difficult situations in Europe right now. Following a request for assistance, the European Commission is immediately sending a first batch of 30 ventilators from #rescEU. Watch on the Audiovisual Portal of the European Commission: https://europa.eu/!tC83nF Subscribe to our channel: https://bit.ly/2X56Ju6 Follow us on: -Twitter: https://twitter.com/EU_Commission -Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/europeancommission/ -Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/EuropeanCommission -LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/european-commission/ -Medium: https://medium.com/@EuropeanCommission Check our website: http://ec.europa.eu/
industry 20200930 Clusters in the National Recovery Plans Lithuania and Czech Republic
20200930 Clusters in the National Recovery Plans Lithuania and Czech Republic
12 Oct 2020
European Clusters Al...
20200930 Clusters in the National Recovery Plans Lithuania and Czech Republic
institutions The EU Datathon team behind 'EU4Region': Amires
The EU Datathon team behind 'EU4Region': Amires
17 Sep 2020
Publications Office ...
Discover the EU Datathon team behind 'EU4Region', a visualisation platform that maps the state of cohesiveness and inclusion of EU regions through funding. With the app, the Czech and Kenyan team wants to make it easier to identify regions lagging behind and to encourage their participation in future funding programmes. More info: https://op.europa.eu/en/web/eudatathon/2020-finalists
homeaffairs Euroscepticism in the Czech Republic | Petr Kratochvil | TEPSA Explainers
Euroscepticism in the Czech Republic | Petr Kratochvil | TEPSA Explainers
31 Aug 2020
TEPSA - Trans Europe...
In this contribution to the ongoing TEPSA Explainers series, Petr Kratochvíl, Full Professor of International Relations, Senior Researcher at the Institute of International Relations, Lecturer at Sciences Po in Paris and several Czech universities, and member of the TEPSA Board, takes us through the peculiar case of Euroscepticism in the Czech Republic. This analysis includes the causes of Euroscepticism in Czechia, and its political consequences. The question is also asked: How Likely is a Czexit? This TEPSA Explainer is linked with the upcoming edition of the TEPSA Book “Euroscepticism and the Future of Europe: Views from the Capitals“, edited by Paul Schmidt, Michael Kaeding and Johannes Pollak. One of the book’s chapters focuses in on the topic of Euroscepticism in Slovakia.
chemicals VinylPlus and the Circular Economy – Czech Subtitles
VinylPlus and the Circular Economy – Czech Subtitles
12 Aug 2020
The European PVC industry, through VinylPlus, has been working to increase the sustainability performance of PVC throughout its entire lifecycle. This is to help Europe move towards a competitive circular economy. Find out just how VinylPlus is doing this in this short video! https://vinylplus.eu | https://twitter.com/vinylplus_eu | https://linkedin.com/company/vinylplus
homeaffairs More, Less, or Totally Different EU? | Tomáš Weiss, Charles University, Prague | #VIADUCT_EU
More, Less, or Totally Different EU? | Tomáš Weiss, Charles University, Prague | #VIADUCT_EU
2 Jun 2020
TEPSA - Trans Europe...
In this video, Tomáš Weiss, Deputy Director for Research at the Institute of International Studies at Charles University and Jean Monnet Chair in EU International Relations and Diplomacy Studies, summarises his contributions to the VIADUCT Annual Conference. The VIADUCT Annual Conference Bridge over Troubled Water: Researching and Teaching EU-Turkey Relations was scheduled for March 2020. Given the global situation with COVID19, unfortunately this was not possible. In lieu of the original conference, we have asked some of our contributors to summarise their contributions to the event.
culture Cross border Collaboration for European Classical Music, CZECH REPUBLIC
Cross border Collaboration for European Classical Music, CZECH REPUBLIC
29 May 2020
Europa Nostra
Cross border Collaboration for European Classical Music, CZECH REPUBLIC
homeaffairs More, Less, or Totally Different EU? | Tomáš Weiss, Charles University, Prague | #VIADUCT_EU
More, Less, or Totally Different EU? | Tomáš Weiss, Charles University, Prague | #VIADUCT_EU
22 May 2020
TEPSA - Trans Europe...
In this video, Tomáš Weiss, Deputy Director for Research at the Institute of International Studies at Charles University and Jean Monnet Chair in EU International Relations and Diplomacy Studies, summarises his contributions to the VIADUCT Annual Conference. The VIADUCT Annual Conference Bridge over Troubled Water: Researching and Teaching EU-Turkey Relations was scheduled for March 2020. Given the global situation with COVID19, unfortunately this was not possible. In lieu of the original conference, we have asked some of our contributors to summarise their contributions to the event.
forests STM intro Jakub Černý 2020
STM intro Jakub Černý 2020
19 May 2020
European Forest Institute
Jakub Černý, Forestry and Game Management Research Institute, Czech Republic will be visiting the Norwegian Institute of Bioeconomy Research (NIBIO), Norway 11 January - 5 February 2021 (time tbc). His topic is remote sensing as a tool for leaf area index estimation. EFI's short term mobility grant (STM) for early stage researchers and professionals from or visiting EFI Associate and Affiliate Member with a valid membership. The STM provides a unique opportunity for interested candidates to get acquainted and involved in international level forest research and forest related activities. More info: https://www.efi.int/careers/stmg/2020
air Air traffic situation over Czechia, Hungary and Slovakia - 28 April 2020 vs 30 April 2019
Air traffic situation over Czechia, Hungary and Slovakia - 28 April 2020 vs 30 April 2019
8 May 2020
For more information visit www.eurocontrol.int/covid19
cities Ostrava (CZ) - All the way through URBACT III
Ostrava (CZ) - All the way through URBACT III
6 May 2020
Ostrava might have been a new-comer to the URBACT III Programme (2014 - 2020), but the city dived all the way in. Ondrej Dostal describes what it was like to be involved in two Action Planning Networks, a Transfer Network and to have received an URBACT Good Practices Label. #bettercities
rural LEADER Empowers - EN
LEADER Empowers - EN
22 Apr 2020
The third video of the trilogy on LEADER achievements shows how LEADER empowers rural communities. (c) European Union 2020 A video produced by the ENRD Contact Point with the collaboration of LEADER Local Action Groups from Belgium, Czech Republic and Spain. Learn more: https://enrd.ec.europa.eu/leader-clld
rural LEADER Innovates - EN
LEADER Innovates - EN
15 Apr 2020
The second video of the trilogy on LEADER achievements shows how LEADER fosters innovation in rural communities. (c) European Union 2020 A video produced by the ENRD Contact Point with the collaboration of LEADER Local Action Groups from Belgium, Czech Republic and Spain. Learn more: https://enrd.ec.europa.eu/leader-clld
institutions EU Datathon Testimonial #9 with Miroslav Palanský, whose team created an app for public procurement
EU Datathon Testimonial #9 with Miroslav Palanský, whose team created an app for public procurement
15 Apr 2020
Winning 4th place in challenge 3 (‘EU public procurement — Value for citizens, value for businesses’), the team from Charles University in Czechia created an online mapping tool to visualise suppliers of public procurement in Europe. Join EU Datathon: https://op.europa.eu/eudatathon
rural LEADER Connects - EN
LEADER Connects - EN
8 Apr 2020
The first of a trilogy of videos on LEADER achievements shows how LEADER fosters connections in rural communities. (c) European Union 2020 A video produced by the ENRD Contact Point with the collaboration of LEADER Local Action Groups from Belgium, Czech Republic and Spain. Learn more: https://enrd.ec.europa.eu/leader-clld
education #UASiMAP | Partners speak on the importance of #UAS in the regions |Czech Republic
#UASiMAP | Partners speak on the importance of #UAS in the regions |Czech Republic
19 Feb 2020
EURASHE - European A...
The overall objective of the UASiMAP project is to map and further support the regional engagement activities of European professional higher education institutions, in particular Universities of Applied Sciences (UAS) as the most distinguished type of provider, while promoting, evaluating and facilitating their analytical measurement through existing traditional and newly identified indicators. UASiMAP aims to develop an operative and analytical framework specifically tailored for mapping and self-reflection of UAS local engagement, development of their further strategies, promoting and communicating their contribution to society and regional community, based on the experience and insight of key-stakeholders from across the whole European Union. A collection of several institutional cases based around the pilot testing of the tools and indicators will be an integral part of the project. The project will and benefit from the experience and conclusion of other similar initiatives and pro-jects (e.g. HEInnovate, U-Multirank). The UASiMAP project may well build upon the achievements of the TEFCE project which has been focused on relevant issues since 2017.
social Voices of ILGA-Europe: Czeslaw Walek on the Frontlines for Equal Marriage in the Czech Republic
Voices of ILGA-Europe: Czeslaw Walek on the Frontlines for Equal Marriage in the Czech Republic
12 Feb 2020
From the high-powered offices of government, to the vanguard of the Czech Republic’s LGBTI movement, Czeslaw Walek tells his story of activism in action. Our second Voices of ILGA-Europe contributor is Czeslaw Walek, the Chair of Prague Pride, who we met during our most recent conference in Prague. Czeslaw talked to us about the frustrations that powered his journey from the high offices of government to becoming one of the Czech Republic’s most prominent activists, and how ILGA-Europe has helped along the way. “When we started, we didn’t know what to expect,” says Czeslaw Walek, remembering the very first Pride in the Czech capital of Prague, back in 2011. The march was a huge success, and since then has grown from strength to strength. So too has the Czech Republic’s LGBTI movement, to the point that the country could well become the first post-communist country with full marriage equality. “At this moment we are a bit stuck in the parliament with the discussion,” Czeslaw says, referring to the delay tactics used by the opposition in parliamentary debates. “But the actual marriage equality campaign is a big success, because it’s not only lobbying and advocacy in the Parliament, but it’s a nationwide conversation about who LGBT people really are and what position in society they should have.” To find out more about the human rights situation of LGBTI people in the Czech Republic, visit the country’s annual review page here: https://www.ilga-europe.org/annualreview/2020#czech-republic Watch Czeslaw’s video to learn more about the fight for marriage equality in the Czech Republic, and how his feelings at the very first Prague Pride showed him that LGBTI Czechs could achieve great things. More about the project: https://www.ilga-europe.org/voices Follow us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ILGAEurope Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/ILGAEurope Follow us on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ILGAEurope Follow us on Medium: https://medium.com/@ilga_europe #VoicesOfILGAEurope #marriageequality #PraguePride #JsmeFer #LGBTI #activism
medicine IMI2 - Call 20 launch - Czech
IMI2 - Call 20 launch - Czech
21 Jan 2020
Czech language version of our video on the launch of IMI2 - Call 20, which includes topics on psoriatic arthritis, vaccines, tuberculosis, tumour plasticity, proton vs photon therapy, and protein drug products. More information on the Call: http://bit.ly/imi2call20
health Influencer Shopaholic Nicol visits EU funded humanitarian projects in eastern Ukraine
Influencer Shopaholic Nicol visits EU funded humanitarian projects in eastern Ukraine
16 Dec 2019
EU Civil Protection ...
How can Instagram help spread the word about a forgotten humanitarian crisis in Europe? On a recent visit to eastern Ukraine, Czech social-media influencer Shopaholic Nicol met with residents living along the line of contact. One of them was an elderly woman Galina, who spoke about the problems with drinking water, her beloved family living on the other side of the contact line and other difficulties resulting from the war. Nicol shared her story with more than 700,000 followers on Instagram, helping raise awareness on the problems people like Galina face every day. Read more about how EU-funded humanitarian aid projects help people in eastern Ukraine: https://ec.europa.eu/echo/where/europe/ukraine_en With thanks to our humanitarian aid partner People In Need. Video ©2019 People In Need. All rights reserved. Licensed to the EU under conditions.
security #OSCEMC19 Second Plenary Session: Czech Republic
#OSCEMC19 Second Plenary Session: Czech Republic
5 Dec 2019
The Organization for...
Statement by the Head of the Delegation of Czech Republic at the Second Plenary Session of the 26th OSCE Ministerial Council, Bratislava, Slovakia, 5 December 2019. Learn more about the 26th OSCE Ministerial Council: https://www.osce.org/event/mc_2019 Please note: The simultaneous interpretation of the event serves to facilitate communication and does not constitute an authentic record of proceedings. The interpreters decline any responsibility for any errors or omissions that may occur in the interpretation, and for any damages that might arise from the use of the interpretation.
education FINERPOL maps solutions for financing energy efficiency renovation
FINERPOL maps solutions for financing energy efficiency renovation
22 Oct 2019
Interreg Europe
Tereza McLaughlin Váňová talks about the Czech experience of being involved in the FINERPOL project.
sme #EEF2019 - President of the Czech Chamber of Commerce, Vladimir Dlouhy
#EEF2019 - President of the Czech Chamber of Commerce, Vladimir Dlouhy
10 Oct 2019
The 3rd edition of the EUROCHAMBRES Economic Forum was hosted by UNIONCAMERE, on 7-8 October 2019 in Rome, Italy. This event brought together 300 leaders of European national and local Chambers of Commerce and their experts to discuss how the changing political and economic landscape in Europe may affect the business community on the one hand, and practical and concrete answers from Chambers and their members on the other.
sme #30s4Economy - Martina Dlabajová/Renew Europe - Czech Republic
#30s4Economy - Martina Dlabajová/Renew Europe - Czech Republic
30 Sep 2019
EUROCHAMBRES invited MEPs to record a ‘30 seconds for the Economy’ statement at the beginning of the 2019-24 term.
sme #30s4Economy - Michaela Šojdrová/ EPP - Czech Republic
#30s4Economy - Michaela Šojdrová/ EPP - Czech Republic
30 Sep 2019
EUROCHAMBRES invited MEPs to record a ‘30 seconds for the Economy’ statement at the beginning of the 2019-24 term.
sme #30s4Economy – Evžen Tosenovský/ECR – Czech Republic
#30s4Economy – Evžen Tosenovský/ECR – Czech Republic
30 Sep 2019
EUROCHAMBRES invited MEPs to record a ‘30 seconds for the Economy’ statement at the beginning of the 2019-24 term.
justice European Crime Prevention Award - Czech Republic
European Crime Prevention Award - Czech Republic
3 Jul 2019
European Crime Prevention Award - Czech Republic