Global Atlantic salmon production reached 2,9 million tonnes in 2022, a 37% increase from 2013, with aquaculture dominating and wild catches accounting for less than 0,1%. Norway is the largest producer, contributing ...
Our food choices shape the planet. From farms to our plates, sustainable eating impacts biodiversity, climate, and social justice. A travelling exhibition and a visionary farmer are working to transform the global foo...
To support the Cancer Mission, a series of focus groups were organised with citizens in six EU Member States: Bulgaria, Czechia, Finland, France, Lithuania, and Malta. Focus groups addressed cancer awareness, preventi...
The original full study reviews the potential of the European Social Security Pass (ESSPASS) as a tool for the enforcement of labour and social security rights. It first explains the initiative's background, discussin...
The creation of favourable food environments that make sustainable food choices easier to consumers is critical to the EU transition to a more sustainable food system. An important barrier to sustainable food choices ...
This paper provides a broad overview of the emerging challenges connected with disinformation in the area of health, how it spreads and the damage it causes. The report highlights proposed or implemented measures at n...
The purpose of this report is to provide the European Commission with an interim evaluation of EIT Health. While the report accounts for developments from 2016 onwards, the main focus is on developments in 2021-2022. ...
This report explores ways to boost stakeholder engagement in EU bioeconomy policy, a crucial step in shaping a sustainable and circular economy. After identifying key gaps and opportunities, the study proposes seven r...
There are significant gaps in EU-funded research on childhood cancer and environmental determinants. Of 2,757 cancer-related projects, only 51 focus on childhood cancer, with minimal exploration of environmental links...
In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, many countries in the EU / European Economic Area have established applied behavioural and social science, or ‘Behavioural Insights’ (BI), units or networks to make recommenda...
This report compiles the case studies carried out as part of the Study on the effectiveness of health information on alcoholic beverages, conducted for HaDEA and DG SANTE. The case studies are aimed at understanding t...
: Pieces of food disappearing into a bin with every wrong answer and neighbours crafting recipes together with vegetables from their “edible district”. Where dry statistics fail, fun and emotions prove powerful to...
The COVID-19 pandemic made healthcare digitalisation a more important part of our lives. We examined whether the Commission’s actions to support member states in digitalising their healthcare systems were effective....
In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, many countries in the EU / European Economic Area have established applied behavioural and social science, or ‘Behavioural Insights’ (BI), units or networks to make recommenda...
The 2024 ECDC influenza survey on national vaccination recommendations and coverage used and adapted the previous ECDC-funded survey conducted by the Vaccine European New Integrated Collaboration Effort (VENICE) proje...
This Policy Brief Document was developed in collaboration with researchers and experts on palliative care and through a series of workshops. It summarises the results of research projects, providing evidence on the va...
EU food systems resemble complex webs of relationships spanning supply chains, consumption patterns, ecosystems, human health, and planetary boundaries and demanding systemic approaches for fostering a transition towa...
The Farm to Fork Strategy has recognised the necessity of intensifying efforts to combat fraudulent practices within the agri-food chain while simultaneously enhancing traceability and alert systems to improve coordin...
The aim of this report is twofold. Firstly, it illustrates the latest refinements applied to a food waste model based on material flow analysis, which performs yearly estimations of food waste generated by food catego...
CULTIVATE project calls on stakeholders to share insights and help design its five Food Sharing Compass toolsFirst sentence: The CULTIVATE Project is excited to announce the launch of a new survey designed to gather c...
Nine months after the project began, the prototype for PANPOC, a pioneering Point-of-Care diagnostic system has been successfully 3D printed by PAIR partners.
We audited the EU’s financial support for health systems in partner countries over three programming periods. We carried out a documentary analysis and we examined projects in Burundi, Democratic Republic of the Con...
On 16 October 2024, KitNewCare will host its Innovation Challenge, an event designed to foster collaborative innovation towards achieving sustainability in kidney care.
Aureli Soria-Frisch, director of Starlab Barcelona has led an extraordinary journey into the field of consciousness research. Starlab brought together research teams from across Europe to work on a European collaborat...
There is no health without mental health. In a complex world full of change, people’s mental wellbeing is under significant pressure. The Commission’s comprehensive approach to mental health, adopted in June 2023,...
We are thrilled to announce the launch of the KitNewCare project presentation video. This video provides an overview of the project, outlining its key aims, innovations, and the impact it seeks to make on kidney care ...
From the Webinar Series, via the Buddy Visits, to the Lisbon Bootcamp: immerse yourself in the progress the CULTIVATEs' Food Sharing Initiatives have made so far
There is no health without mental health. In a complex world full of change, people’s mental wellbeing is under significant pressure. The Commission’s comprehensive approach to mental health, adopted in June 2023,...
This evaluation report is part of the interim evaluation of Horizon Europe activities related to the Green Transition. It presents the assessment of the EIT Food against the evaluation criteria of relevance, coherence...
The "CLEVERFOOD for everyone” exhibition takes its name from the EU-funded project launching it. What people eat has a significant impact on health, society and the planet. Through this exhibition, EU citizens of al...
In response to the challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic and the needs of EU Member States and policy makers related to antigen testing, DG SANTE and the JRC set up a structured targeted approach, which also facil...
If the AIDS epidemic is to be brought to end by 2030, it is crucial to combat HIV-related stigma and discrimination in healthcare settings, as per United Nations (UN) Sustainable Development Goal 3 Target 3.3 [1] and ...
This Handbook is intended to act as a reference for those agri-food producers planning for, or in the process of entering, the Australian market. This Handbook provides step-by-step guides on entering the agri-food ma...
This Handbook is intended to act as a reference for those agri-food producers planning for, or in the process of entering, the Thai market. This Handbook provides step-by-step guides on entering the agri-food market i...
Nanoparticles may be the future of the fight against pancreatic cancer, but also tumours that currently have no cure options. A video news release provides a synthesis of the ULISES project milestones.
Eric Spierings, Associate Professor and Medical Immunologist at the University Medical Center of Utrecht, explains to us how his team is contributing to ULISES’ goals in fighting cancer.
Access to healthy and environmentally friendly food is limited, especially for those living in marginalised urban (and rural) areas. It often requires much time to find and access food that is locally produced, season...
Exploring Barcelona's food sharing ecosystem, the first CULTIVATE Mobile Research Lab embarked on a transformative journey from March 18th to 23rd, 2024.
The new EU-funded project DARWIN will co-develop new-generation NGT detection methods and new digital solutions to help create a fair, healthy, safe and environmentally friendly food system.
Food waste is a large contributor to global warming. Increasing efforts are being made to “upcycle” ingredients that are not normally eaten, but “time is running out", says the International Food Waste Coalition...
In this interview, dr. Alfredo Minguela Puras, from the Biomedical Research Institute of Murcia, explains how his team is validating the ULISES therapy developed by the consortium through in vitro and in vivo (in huma...
PAIR is a new EU-funded project that aims to make radical improvements to Point-of-Care (POC) diagnostics and epidemiological modeling in the One Health approach through scientific research and innovation.
Read the first CULTIVATE policy brief which summarizes food sharing initiatives key governance barriers and extracts a suite of high-level policy recommendations to address them.
Being denied loans and adoptions, because of one’s medical records. The ‘return to life of many cancer survivors is a history of discrimination. European institutions and some member states are pushing for their ...
Ramón Martínez Máñez, professor at Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV), explains in this interview how his company is contributing to the ULISES goals in the fight against cancer.
Locals and refugees cooking and eating together, “edible neighbourhoods” and surplus redistribution. How a digital compass will help people get oriented among food sharing schemes and issue a call to policy makers...
In France, 9 million people struggle to access general practitioners. Worldwide, half of the population has fewer primary care resources than their urban counterparts. When living in rural areas turns into a nightmare...
The CULTIVATE EU-funded project aims to increase awareness and knowledge of Food Sharing Initiatives (FSIs), understand what drives or hampers their practice, and foster sustainability, inclusion, and resilience in ur...
If you’re just born in the wrong country, or social class, you may have 60% less chance of surviving cancer. On World Cancer Day, experts call to fight “inequities”: not a matter of chance, but of modifiable fac...
A video interview with a researcher in molecular biology discusses the factors that affect each individual’s response to Covid-19 and the tool that can be used by public health officers to predict it
Developing art and creativity to improve the effectiveness and delivery of healthcare. From narrative medicine to the disclosure of one’s medical records on the net: how “open sourcing” feelings and fears can he...
The prices of fertilisers jumped by +116% in one year. While the Ukraine war and the energy crisis are stressing the urgency of ending Europe’s dependence on Russian imports, an EU-funded project aims at creating ne...