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SUPPORTER, “SecUring sPORTs Education thRough innovative and inclusive Gender Equality Plans”, is an EU-funded project running from April 2023 until September 2025. It aims to support eight sports higher education institutions from Central and Eastern Europe in developing their own intersectional, innovative, inclusive and impactful Gender Equality Plans, explicitly addressing gender-based violence and sexual harassment.
Sphera Network is a media and consortium of European independent publishers. We produce videos, podcats and newsletters for socially-engaged young Europeans.
EIT Manufacturing is a Knowledge and Innovation Community (KIC) established by the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT). Its mission is to bring European manufacturing actors together to integrate education, innovation, and business creation, thereby enhancing the sector's competitiveness and sustainability. EIT Manufacturing focuses on empowering people through education, fostering innovation for a sustainable world, supporting innovative entrepreneurs, and boosting regional innovation capacity.
UNESCO is a specialized agency of the United Nations established in 1945. Its mission is to promote peace and security through international cooperation in education, the sciences, culture, communication, and information. By fostering collaboration among nations, UNESCO aims to build intercultural understanding, uphold freedom of expression, and support scientific advancements, thereby contributing to sustainable development and global peace.
Interreg Europe is a European Union program that supports interregional cooperation across EU member states, plus Norway and Switzerland, to help regional and local governments develop and deliver better policy solutions. It focuses on exchanging best practices and ideas to improve regional development strategies, particularly in areas such as innovation, SMEs, low-carbon economy, and environment and resource efficiency. Through its projects, Interreg Europe facilitates learning among policymakers and stakeholders to address regional challenges and capitalize on opportunities for growth, sustainability, and cohesion across European regions.
The European Federation for Company Sport is a voluntary non-profit organisation. The EFCS’s main objective is to promote and develop sport practice in the professional environment all across Europe. It gathers all European national federations for company sport. Most of their members are companies which differ in their size, form and activity.
PASSENGER (Pilot Action for Securing a Sustainable European Next Generation of Efficient RE-free magnets) is a project funded by the European Union (H2020, grant 101003914) that aims to resolve Europe’s dependence on rare earth elements imports for permanent magnets fabrication.Over the four years, the project will develop innovative technology to produce permanent magnets without rare earth materials, using only resources that are widely available in Europe. This innovation will foster a renaissance in the European production of permanent magnets, securing the supply chain for materials that are essential for electronic vehicles and pump motors, and promoting the transition to low-carbon mobility.
BRGM, the French geological survey, is France’s leading public institution for Earth Science applications for the management of surface and sub-surface resources with a view to sustainable development.
URGENCI is the international grassroot network of all forms of regional and Local Solidarity-based Partnerships for Agroecology (LSPAs), of which Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) is the best-known iteration. URGENCI is an acronym standing for An Urban-Rural networks: GEnerating New forms of exchanges between CItizens. As a social movement, Réseau International URGENCI brings together citizens, small-scale food producers, consumers, activists and researchers representing Local Solidarity-based Partnerships for Agroecology networks and initiatives in over 40 countries.
Toute l’Europe is the leading francophone website dedicated to European topics. It provides educational content regarding the politics and operation of the European Union and offers an in-depth analysis of European news (political, economical, social, historical and cultural). Touteleurope.eu broadcasts educational information in many forms such as articles, videos, charts, comparative maps, podcasts and fact checking.
The French Institute for Civil Society Organisations, based in France, aims at meeting CSOs’ needs of knowledge and has three core activities: identifying CSOs’ needs of knowledge, supporting research in response to these needs, and disseminating research findings to CSOs. As such, we operate as a knowledge hub on CSOs, and provide a bridge between CSOs and research.
French national University for languages and civilizations
I2M (UMR 5295), Institute of Mechanical Engineering, 338 peoples. Explore mosaics of small mechanisms to design the big machines of tomorrow. I2M scientific priorities are : Physical Acoustics of Materials. Fluid Mechanics and Transfers. Environmental Civil Engineering of Structures and Natural Environments. Material Durability - Damage - Assemblies and Structures. Mechanical Engineering in materials processing and Design.
The International Music Council (IMC), founded in 1949 by UNESCO, is the world's largest network of organizations and  institutions working in the field of music. IMC promotes access to music for all and the value of music in the lives of all peoples. Through its members and their networks, IMC has direct access to over 1000 organisations in some 150 countries and to 600 million persons eager to develop and share knowledge and experience on diverse aspects of musical life.
BRGM is the public scientific and technical research establishment competent in France in the field of geology and its applications, placed under the main supervision of the Ministry of Research and Innovation. It is a public industrial and commercial establishment (EPIC) with a staff of about 1000, including 700 engineers and researchers, and a turnover of about 140 M€, of which one third is dedicated to R&; Its scientific activity is structured around 6 issues, including 4 major priorities of socio-economic significance, which are :- Groundwater and global change: activities focused on the understanding of physical and biogeochemical processes in aquifers and the development of tools to help manage the resource, particularly under extreme climatic conditions or based on nature-based solutions and new modes of ;- Risk management and land-use planning: Activities focus on natural risks (land-based or linked to climatic events) by providing knowledge and developing tools for prevention, crisis management and territorial resilience. They also focus on the impact of mining and industrial activities on the soil and subsoil with the aim of guiding management choices and proposing integrated solutions for sustainable ;  - Mineral resources and the circular economy: the actions cover most of the value chain of mineral materials from the identification of deposits (exploration) to the implementation of their recycling (transformation and valorization of primary and secondary materials).This global vision of the life cycle of the material also allows the integration of the economic and environmental impacts of the choices associated with the use of metals and materials.- The energy transition and underground space: The action is built around the production and storage of carbon-free heat (and / or cold) and the evaluation of the potential of the underground for the technical and environmental performance of energy systems, covering the entire geothermal sector. The actions also aim at developing geological storage solutions (underground storage of energy carriers and CO2 capture and storage) in the ecological transition schemes.The 4 priorities are based on 2 cross-cutting scientific issues that are :- Geology and knowledge of the subsoil, which responds to the need to constantly acquire a geological knowledge of the subsoil, particularly through its imaging and modeling.- Data, services and digital infrastructures aiming to accelerate the capitalization and dissemination of environmental data, to develop tools and methods from data science to develop predictive geoscience capabilities and offer digital services.Its scientific and technical center is located in Orléans and is supported by its 24 regional offices in metropolitan France and the French overseas territories.BRGM is certified to the international standard ISO 9001 for all its activities and facilities, and ISO 14001 for all its activities and the Orléans site.BRGM has been receiving European funding for more than 25 years, which constitutes a very significant part of its own research ;
Since 2013, Bpifrance has become the one stop shop for entrepreneurs with a vastly comprehensive toolbox offered in the field to customers through 50 local branches. Our mission is simple: we believe in serving the future, by being entrepreneur-centric and heavily decentralized. Bpifrance’s goal is to favour the growth of the French economy by helping entrepreneurs thrive. We are the trusted partner of entrepreneurs and champion the interests of those who are visionaries; those who dare to take risks in order to take their businesses further. We have many resources at our disposal to help entrepreneurs, the champions of the 21st century, succeed. We mainly support micro-businesses, SMEs and mid-caps but we also accompany large caps that are considered important to the interests of France in terms of national economy, the territories or employment. We offer a continuum of solutions adapted to every key step in a business’ growth such as: business creation, financing, guarantees or equity investment. We are also the French agency for innovation, delivering massive programs to innovative entrepreneurs. To put it simply: Bpifrance is a financial institution, with private culture, serving the collective interest. Our values are determination / optimism / proximity / simplicity and also performance: we generate significant returns to our shareholders.
The National Institute of Statistics and Economic Studies (in French : INSEE "Institut National de la Statistique et des Etudes Economiques) is a directorate in the Ministry of Economics and Finance in France in charge of the production of statistics for France and of the conduct of economics ;
For the past 800 years, the University of Montpellier (UM) has strived to address scientific and societal challenges.With 16 schools and institutes, and 78 research structures, UM brings together a vast community of knowledge ranging from science, technology, medicine, pharmacy, physical and sports activities, to law, political science, economics and management.UM is a research-intensive university that plays a leading role in the Occitanie region's dynamism and is resolutely open towards the world. It receives international recognition in numerous scientific fields such as biology and health, agri-environment, chemistry, information and communication sciences and technologies, law and management. Today, with its partners, it leads an ambitious internationally oriented program to further promote Montpellier as a "University of Excellence" acting as a true European portal towards the southern countries.[From the University website - About  us] (April 2022)
French grande ecole, political science, international relations
ESINE is an engineering school based in Charleville-Mézières, part of the University of Reims Champagne-Ardenne (URCA) in France.
The Institut Pasteur is an internationally renowned center for biomedical research that stands out in many disciplines. By deciphering the fundamental mechanisms of living organisms, its researchers contribute to the advancement of knowledge that leads to cutting-edge medical applications, ultimately improving public health.
The French Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation (MESRI) prepares and implements the policy of the Government in the field of higher education, research and innovation. The Ministry prepares the governmental decisions related to the allocation of State resources in the framework of the civil budget for research and innovation. Consultative committees, general inspection committees and a range of departments, services and offices help ministers draw up and implement this policy. The European and International department for Higher Education Research and Innovation (DAEI) implements the policy of the ministry in the field of EU research and takes part in the European negotiations (preparation of the Competitiveness Council, COREPER, and Research Working Party participation in the HORIZON Europe programme committees (PC) and negotiations. The European and International department for Higher Education Research and Innovation is responsible for the French NCP Network. Starting with Horizon Europe, all the NCP coordinators will be hosted within the MESRI and work closely with PC delegates, a significant team (+ 20 persons) fully dedicated to informing and facilitating access to the HE-calls to various French beneficiaries. 
Founded in 1875, the Université Catholique de Lille is a multidisciplinary institution unique in France. From its very beginnings, what is now France’s largest private, not-for-profit university has distinguished itself within the fields of higher education, research, and health, through its commitment to mutual care as a central value. The institution both supports and is supported by the local region and community, and is open to diversity, and to the world.
Group of Public Interest helping project holders (in the Hainaut) to develop their projects thanks to European funds and programs.
TCBL is a community of like-minded individuals, labs and companies who are working together on the many elements that will contribute to creating a more circular and sustainable European Fashion, Textile & Clothing sector.TCBL Association is the non-profit that carries forth the Horizon 2020 TCBL Project that ended in 2019.
After ten years of patronage, Maisons du Monde pledged its long-term commitment to the protection of forests and biodiversity by creating the Maisons du Monde Foundation in late 2015. As of 2021, it becomes the endowment fund Maisons du Monde ; The MDM Foundation contributes to the protection of forests and trees all over the world, by providing financial support and assistance for NGOs in implementing holistic preservation or restoration projects.
ILEAnet is an H2020 project, aiming to build a sustainable organisational Law Enforcement Agency (LEA) practitioners network focused on research & innovation addressing LEA challenges, together with a community of individuals interested to exchange and collaborate in this area. By encouraging such discussion between practitioners and experts from academia and industry, the project will stimulate LEA capabilities to influence, develop and take up research, development and innovation (RDI) that is useful and usable for LEAs, and thus help them to tackle the major challenges they face. Scientists are crucial to answer LEAS' needs, and they are involved throughout the ILEAnet project.
Created in 2011 as a non-profit organisation with its headquarters based in Paris, EdEn (Equilibre des Energies) is a transversal platform gathering stakeholders from the energy, construction and mobility sectors. EdEn is chaired by Former French Minister and Executive Coordinator of the UN Conference on Sustainable Development, Brice Lalonde. EdEn’s recommendations to policymakers rely on scientific knowledge and on a recognised expertise. This expertise comes from our Scientific, Economic, Environmental and Social Committee (SEESC), chaired by Jean-Pierre Hauet, former Senior Vice-President and CTO of Alstom.
The European Centre for Energy and Geopolitical Analysis is an energy think-do-tank and an engagement platform, committed to fostering impactful energy, climate and foreign policies at European and international level that promote environmental stewardship, sustainability, and rule of law. It specializes in geopolitical, governance and resource volatility and delivers anticipatory foresight to expedite regulatory and corporate emerging risk management and resilience.
METREX, the Network of European Metropolitan Regions and Areas, provides a platform for the exchange of knowledge, expertise and experience on metropolitan affairs, and joint action on issues of common interest. The Network has members from some 50 metropolitan regions and areas and partners in many others. METREX contributes the metropolitan dimension to policies, programmes and projects on a European scale. The Network is a partner of European institutions, the research community, governmental organisations and other networks.
ALDA is a key stakeholder in the field of local democracy, active citizenship, and cooperation between local authorities and civil society in Europe, its neighborhood and in the World, mainly acting through participative methods and decentralized cooperation. As a core element, ALDA supports citizens and groups of citizens in their initiatives aimed at improving their local context, building bridges with local authorities in order to make this change real. ALDA was established in 1999 at the initiative of the Council of Europe to coordinate and support the network of Local Democracy Agencies (LDAs), which are self- sustainable, locally registered NGOs acting as promoters of good governance and local self-government, with which ALDA collaborates in many activities. ALDA is a membership-based organisation gathering today more than 350 members, including local authorities, associations of local authorities, and civil society organisations, coming from more than 45 countries in the enlarged Europe. ALDA is funded through membership fees, as well as project funding from the European Commission, the Council of Europe and other public and private donors.
ERPA was created in May 2007 to:​ make visible and represent the European rural poultry production to national and European administrations and other organizations help to preserve and develop the production of rural poultry in Europe by recognizing its particularities defend  free range, extensive, and family-based methods of farming
The gateway into Europe- Europe's most exclusive e-Logistics summit "Best event in Europe for e-commerce operations" CORTEFIEL Europe’s biggest and most attended elite e-logistics event is bringing together all important decision makers and the most famous brands of the retail, e-commerce and logistics industry. DELIVER has been created with a focus to unite the e-logistics elite and to provide a platform where global key players can discuss, build relationships and sign the most profitable contracts. For the first time DELIVER 2020 was held as an online event allowing paticipants from around the world to join DELIVER. To expand our global reach further acting as a gateway into Europe for international key players. DELIVER 2021 is based on a unique and groundbreaking networking concept of prearranged 1 to 1 meetings, engaging breakout sessions and informative presentations by global thought leaders. One can say that DELIVER combines it all- a one of a kind matchmaking platform, unbeatable presentations; and lets not forget about the world class networking dinner with fine dining and great entertainment.
The European Academy for Sustainable development short and long Term purposes: - Organization and conducting of conferences, congresses, symposiums, seminars, exhibitions, workshops, competitions and examinations, scientific and cultural activities, training sessions on sustainable development and science and technology. - Research, Development and Consultancy in the areas of sustainable development (environment, water and energy Clean), science, technology and industry. Design and development of hardware and software related to sustainable development. - Publication of books, journals, periodicals to reach a long-term continuous improvement of life quality through the creation of sustainable communities able to manage and use resources efficiently, to ensure the protection of the environmental, conservation and management of natural resources, like climate change and clean energy impact, to assess the impact on public health and social cohesion. - Promote networking of all public and private stakeholders in the fields of scientific research, education and training, sustainable development, socio-economic development and public health. “The Conference Series” Held by EURACA for Sustainable Development has as a main objective to promote sustainable, healthy and diverse ecosystems; encourage & support the Sustainability and development of security systems through green-based and clean resources and processes, bringing together participants from international organizations, universities, industry and administrative around the world to exchange innovative and novel ideas, explore enabling technologies, share experiences in sustainability issues and to open a new window on the circumstances of the classical energy sources and their harmful impact on the society.
Eurasanté is a development agency dedicated to tech transfer and business development in life sciences sector. Eurasanté works to promote the growth of the biology, health and nutrition sectors in the Hauts-de-France region. Our experienced project managers help researchers, startups and companies with their development projects. Eurasanté is actually involved in 18 european projects. Eurasanté has implemented a specific action program dedicated to the emergence and support of collaborative research projects led by or implemented by regional actors involved in nutrition/regional health sectors, in co-operation with European actors. The Eurasanté teams benefit from expertise in the implementation, coordination and participation of European projects, especially within the framework of the Interreg cross-border and transnational programmes, but also experience in H2020 and FP7 projects. Eurasanté organises 4 International Businesses Convention every year: AgeinFit, MedFit, BioFit and Nutr'event, gathering thousand of stakeholders in health, medtech, innovation, nutrition or silver economy ; 
Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Entreprises is the regional development Agency of the French Region Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes
REFORMED ® or ® (European grouping or training and recognition of non-Conventional medicines) is an aisbl (or nonprofit international association) under Belgian law, by Royal Decree, promulgated on 2007, 18th of June and published in the “Belgium monitor” in 2007, June 27th.  It is designed to consolidate at European and international level, actors working for training and recognition in non-conventional medicines, official term filed. REFORMED® vision is unique, indispensable and comes around 9 main forces which an Association with European field: ;An organization integrating the European recommendations called ECVET and ECTS, 2 UNIQUE in this domain expertise, allowing transparency to the European national authorities, 3 Harmonisation of knowledge between physicians and non-physician, on the basis of a trunk common European reformed (or TCR-E) and mutual respect between all occupational categories. 4 Delivering of internal certification/certificate/ approval with European value to training organizations and persons (therapists, trainers), 5 Labelling of lessons (training programs) then of trainees (therapists and trainers), 6 Validations by pedagogical Committee experts at European level also International, ;Mobility within our European Organization to international designs and gradual implementation of a European skills Passport credited to the countries that we regroup, currently: BE / FR / IT / GR / DE / ES/ CH / and MA / JP, DZ, ;Mobility in your profession with international or even European RCP insurance, ;Legal European support on the “health risks” associated with your exercise.
The Académie Esthétique et Fonction is a training in aesthetic and neuromuscular dentistryOur team : André FAUCHER, Jean Christophe PARIS, co-founders of the Académie du Sourire, for the aesthetic part Jean Claude COMBADAZOU, president of the French section of the International College of Cranio-Mandibular Orthopedics, and Christophe GHRENASSIA for the functional part.This training will allow you to master modern techniques in order to restore the smile and function of your patients. The complementarity of aesthetics and function is the key to success for 100% satisfaction of your patients!
The European Network for Women in Leadership (WIL Europe) is a network of 300+ women in high-level positions in the private, public and academic fields and across 24 European countries, which has been acting as a platform where senior level women can network, enlarge their horizons, and identify opportunities and ideas.
Promoting good governance and dividence to all citizens through affordable, safe and innovative housing systems in our cities and communities
Parsons Paris is the European campus of The New School, an innovative university based in New York City. Our degree programs and summer and study abroad courses build on the curriculum of Parsons School of Design, a globally acclaimed art and design school. Established in 1921, Parsons Paris invites students interested in college in Paris to join our modern atelier. There they will find interdisciplinary learning and small classes that prepare them for careers in fashion, management, digital innovation, and curatorial ; The Global Executive Master of Science in Strategic Design & Management holds its intensive weekend courses at the Parsons Paris campus every 7 weeks throughout the year and brings experienced professionals from around the globe looking to transform their companies and industries using strategic design methodologies.
Energy Cities is the European association of local authorities in energy transition.Energy Cities empowers cities and citizens to shape and transition to futureproof cities. We showcase concrete alternatives deployed by cities, we advocate to change politic and economic governance at all levels and we foster a wide cultural change leading to a futureproofed society. Energy Cities’ community is composed by local leaders of thousands of cities in 30 European countries.
EuroScience is the non-profit grassroots association of researchers in Europe.Open to European researchers across disciplines and countries, EuroScience undertakes to advance science and innovation in Europe, thereby promoting the interests of its thousands of members.From its inception in 1997, EuroScience has been active in shaping policies for science, technology and innovation (STI), from the discussions leading to the European Charter and Code for Researchers, establishing the ERC, or the shaping of Horizon 2020 and its budget in the EU Financial Framework 2014-2020. EuroScience also plays a key role in RRI Tools, a major project on Responsible Research and Innovation.
Medicen Paris Region is a leading European life sciences’ clusters. With more than 300 members, Medicen is a unique forum connecting ALL of the stakeholders that INNOVATE in Healthcare: research institutes, start-ups and SMEs (250), incubators, large companies, and physicians.Paris Region concentrates 50% of the Academic Research in Life sciences, chemistry, and ICT in France.FIRST European region in the field of life science and health: 1st for pharmaceuticals, 2nd in medtech, 3rd in biotechnology, 1st in public-sector research and Europe’s largest hospital network.Medicen helps its members to be innovative and competitive by: Supporting the economic growth of SMEs Fostering R&D collaborations through a successful dynamic relationship between SMEs, large firms and academic laboratories, clinical centres and educational stakeholders; Since 2005, the cluster has accredited 272 R&D projects for a total budget of €1.1 billion. Promoting transfer of innovative technologies; Strengthening international competitiveness for the French “health and leading-edge health technology” sector Helping to increase the attractiveness of the Paris Region and the vitality of its healthcare sector Medicen is structured around 5 strategic areas: In vitro diagnostics : Biomarkers, companion diagnostics, reagents, laboratory equipment. Diagnostic and Interventional Imaging: Imaging (bio)markers, In vivo guidance, therapeutic targeting. ICT for Health: Prevention, screening, diagnostic, monitoring and therapeutic care of pathologies. Translational medicine: Innovative treatments, molecular technologies. Regenerative Medicine and Biomaterials The Regenerative Medicine and Biomaterials strategic area is focused more specifically on: Cell therapy Gene Therapy Biomaterials Tissue engineering Moreover, MEDICEN PARIS REGION has been designated FRENCH TECH operator since July 2015 by the Ministry of Economy to accelerate the fastest growing enterprises in the Biotech and Medtech fields, and joined the thematic network FrenchTech #HealthTech.  Medicen Paris Region is also an associate partner of “EIT Health- European Institute of Innovation & Technology” engaged in active ageing and healthy living on a European level through three pillars: Campus, Innovation and Business Acceleration.
The APGI (Association de Pharmacie Galénique Industrielle/international Society of Drug Delivery Sciences and Thechnology) was created in 1964 in Paris, and is an association accessible to all, academics and individuals in industry, who are concerned with pharmaceutical technology and the design, formulation and pharmacotechnical, biopharmaceutical and pharmacokinetic assessment of dosage forms and delivery systems, whether pharmaceutical or dermopharmaceutical. The APGI has members covering more than thirty different nationalities and counts contacts and friends in over fifty countries.The APGI is publishing the newsletter La Gazette. JDDST (Journal of Drug Delivery Science and Technology) is the official journal of the APGI, the ADRITELF (Italy) and the APSTJ (Japan). Past presidents of APGI have been Prof. Dominique Duchene, Dr. Jean Yves Legendre and Prof. Elias Fattal. Since 2010, the President is Prof. Juergen Siepmann.
AEDE-France is a non-profit organization, founded in 1957. It aims at developing quality education for all in Europe and at promoting European Literacy and Citizenship Education.
Mov’eo is a Mobility and Automotive R&D competitiveness cluster, which since 2006 has been mobilizing its energies at the service of its members to meet the objectives assigned by the State to competitiveness clusters: to foster the development of collaborative projects between members, to contribute to development in the regions of companies, in particular SMES, and to promote innovation in the sector.With 380 members, the Mov’eo Cluster is one of the largest French communities of innovation activity for products and services in the field of mobility. Major industrialists, cutting-edge SMEs, prestigious research organizations, national players and important agencies in the innovation ecosystem, European networks . 
Ifri was established in 1979 and has become the main institution for independent research and debate in France dedicated to the analysis of international affairs and global governance. A think-tankthat draws on an in-­‐house team of experts, it publishes Ramses (and annual review of global affairs), Politique Étrangère (a quarterly journal), and a wide range of policy papers based on research and fieldwork. 
OpenExp is a global network of independent experts that develops with and for policy-makers, business leaders, civil society and the scientific community, solutions aiming at the implementation of the sustainable development goals. OpenExp strives to support actors thinking out of the box.OpenExp is driven by providing expertise in a collaborative and open access approach. Knowledge sharing is considered at OpenExp as the foundation of a harmonious and sustainable development. Besides the philosophical and ethical aspect of equal sharing of intellectual resources, the objective is to give players access to knowledge and the means to freely shape their lives and future.OpenExp believes that meeting today's challenging sustainability goals depends on us working together to find common solutions.
Established in 1983 in Toulouse on the initiative of André Turcat, the aims of the National Air and Space Academy are the following: "To encourage the development of high quality scientific, technical, cultural and human actions in the realms of Air and Space, promote knowledge in these areas and constitute a focal point for activities." Its members, who come from all walks of aerospace life – pilots, astronauts, scientists, engineers, doctors, manufacturers, economists, lawyers, artists ... – all work together to achieve these essential goals.In order to reflect the realities of the European environment, whilst at the same time maintaining the progress realised thanks to its French roots, the general assembly, in its session of 19 June 2006, decided that the Academy's official name would change to: Air & Space Academy.
Blaise Pascal University has five Faculties (called “U.F.R.”, Unités de Formation et de Recherche); two Schools of Engineering; one University Institute of Technology and one Teacher Training Faculty.With 1150 Lecturing and Research Staff, the University is well known for the quality of its teaching and research. It has four Doctoral Schools and thirty-one laboratories and research teams, sixteen of which are associated with the C.N.R.S. (National Centre for Scientific Research) and two with the I.N.R.A. (National Institute for Research in Agronomy).The university offers its 16,000 students courses (B.A./B.Sc., M.A./M.Sc. to Ph.D. level) in its extensively multidisciplinary fields of the Arts, Languages and the Humanities, Exact and Natural Sciences and Technology, Sports Science and Engineering.The University also has a long tradition of welcoming foreign students (2160) who come particularly to study in the context of European programmes or under the terms of international co-operation agreements with 270 institutions situated all over the world.
The International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) is the largest, most representative business organization in the world. Its hundreds of thousands of member companies in over 120 countries have interests spanning every sector of private enterprise. ICC provides a forum for businesses and other organizations to examine and better comprehend the nature and significance of the major shifts taking place in the world economy. It also offers an influential and respected channel for supplying business leadership to help governments manage those shifts in a collaborative manner for the benefit of the world economy as a whole. While policy advocacy is a major part of ICC
The French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission (French: Commissariat à l'énergie atomique et aux énergies alternatives) or CEA, is a French public government-funded research organisation in the areas of energy, defense and security, information technologies and health technologies. The CEA maintains a cross-disciplinary culture of engineers and researchers, building on the synergies between fundamental and technological research.
The Animal Task Force is a European Public-Private Platform. We promote a sustainable and competitive livestock sector in Europe. We are a leading body of expertise, representing key stakeholders from industry, farmers and research from across Europe. We are a knowledge based lobby organisation working on the forefront of livestock related issues in Europe. Our members are representatives from knowledge providers, industry organisations and farmer organisations and have expertise of every aspect within the livestock value chain; from feeding and breeding to production and processing.
Le développement durable se porte bien en région PACA. Le véritable acteur du progrès c'est vous !La conférence Vision PACA Durable est l
The European Organisation for Rare Diseases, EURORDIS, is a patient-driven alliance of patient organisations and individuals active in the field of rare diseases.EURORDIS' mission is to build a strong pan-European community of patient organisations and people living with rare diseases, to be their voice at the European level, and - directly or indirectly - to fight against the impact of rare diseases on their lives.
EUROPEAN AUDIOVISUAL OBSERVATORY, Strasbourg, FranceSet up in December 1992, the European Audiovisual Observatory's mission is to gather and diffuse information on the audiovisual industry in Europe. The Observatory is a European public service body comprised of 40 member states and the European Community, represented by the European Commission. It operates within the legal framework of the Council of Europe and works alongside a number of partner and professional organisations from within the industry and with a network of correspondents. In addition to contributions to conferences, other major activities are the publication of a Yearbook, newsletters and reports, the compilation and management of databases and the provision of information through the Observatory
The European Construction Technology Platform (ECTP) goal is to raise the sector to a higher worldbeating level of performance and competitiveness. This is achieved by analysing the major challenges that the sector faces in terms of society, sustainability and technological development of the Built Environment. Research and innovation strategies are developed to meet these challenges engaging with and mobilising the wide range of leading skills, expertise and talent available to us within our industry over the coming decades, in order to meet the needs of the Society. The platform is open to all who wish to participate and indeed a broad active involvement is encouraged.
With 100 000 students Lille 2 University is a multidisciplinary higher education institution with six faculties concerning health and law, among which a sport faculty (FSSEP). University Lille2 is resolutely turned towards international relationships. Its International Mobility Office manages more than 250 programs of cooperation in the world. It offers a Cultural Office, personalized help for people with disabilities, the possibility to practice more than 50 sport activities, very well equipped libraries, etc. The Faculty of Sport offers programmes at master level in different specialties. Doctoral studies are involved in a research laboratory (ER3S, EA 4110, recognized by the HE Ministry) counting more than 50 researchers. This laboratory is taking part in numerous international research activities.
J'innove en Nord-Pas de Calais est le réseau régional des acteurs de l'innovation et de la valorisation de la recherche. Il fédère sur l
Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur or PACA is one of the 27 regions of France.It is made up of:the former French province of Provencethe former papal territory of Avignon, known as Comtat Venaissinthe former Sardinian-Piedmontese county of Nice, whose coastline is known in English as the French Riviera, and in French as the Côte d'Azurthe southeastern part of the former French province of Dauphiné, in the French Alps.It encompasses six departments in south-eastern France, bounded to the east by the Italian border, to the south by the Mediterranean Sea and by the principality of Monaco, to the north by Rhône-Alpes, and to the west by Languedoc-Roussillon, with the Rhône river marking its westernmost border. The six departments are:Alpes-de-Haute-ProvenceHautes-AlpesAlpes-MaritimesBouches-du-RhôneVarVaucluseThe region logo displays the coat of arms created in the 1990s and which combines the coats of arms of the old provinces making up Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur.
CISAC, the International Confederation of Societies of Authors and Composers, works towards increased recognition and protection of creators
The Council of Europe, based in Strasbourg (France), now covers virtually the entire European continent, with its 47 member countries. Founded on 5 May 1949 by 10 countries, the Council of Europe seeks to develop throughout Europe common and democratic principles based on the European Convention on Human Rights and other reference texts on the protection of individuals.
ADPIOS is the outcome of 10 year of co-operation with Espace Mendès France in the field of knowledge economy, learning territories, organisations and technologies. Born in the 70s from the idea that science should go to the people, demonstrating how scientific activities can be accessible to all
ELISAN is an international non-governmental organisation set up on 28 January 2008 at the Committee of the Regions in Brussels. It has participatory status with the Council of Europe. The Elisan network is open to all European territorial communities that are experts in local social action. Its main aim is to ensure that better account is taken of the involvement of elected representatives in implementing an effective and coherent European social policy. Elisan adopts positions on strategic issues and contributes to European Commission consultations in order to defend the interests and increase the value of action taken by European territorial communities. Elisan also seeks to raise awareness of local social action in Europe, the issues involved and those actively engaged in it.
CF&B Communication is an independent financial communications agency, created in 1984.Specialized in relations between listed companies & institutional investors AND non-listed companies and investors specialized in Private Equity / VCs...CF&B Communication created its own database of European fund managers investing in Small & MidCaps as well as Private Equity / VC's.With 9,000 institutional or specialized investors in Europe, all qualified according to their investment strategies, CF&B Communication has organized 'Midcap Events' since 2000 on all major market places in Europe and Private Equity events since 2010.Highlights on companies and investors in EuropeThese events enable companies
Université Côte d’Azur (Université Côte d’Azur) is a recently created cluster of higher education establishments on the French Riviera that brings together the major players in higher education and research on the Côte d’Azur. Université Côte d’Azur aims to develop a new, 21st-century model for French universities, based on new interactions between disciplines, a new form of coordination between research, teaching, and innovation, and strong partnerships with the private sector and local authorities. In January 2016, Université Côte d’Azur won a prestigious “IDEX” award from the French government for its UCAJEDI project, placing it among the top 10 world-class, comprehensive universities in France. 
Founded in 1987 under the auspices of the Council of Europe, the European Forum for Urban Security (Efus) is the only European network of local and regional authorities dedicated to urban security. Bringing together 250 local and regional authorities in 16 countries, this network aims to strengthen crime reduction policies and to promote the role of the local level in national and European policies.
The Center for Taste and Feeding  Behaviour is a public research institute  dedicated  to  the  study  of  the  different  signals coming  from food and their  impact on feeding  behaviour  both in animal  models and human being. The various teams of the Centre have different expertises such as physic-chemistry of aromas, detection and integration of the signalling molecules, physiology and sensory analysis.
In the heart of western France, Laval Mayenne Technopole is located in a welcoming and promising territory. Only 1hr30 from downtown Paris, the science park offers know-how and networking opportunities to entrepreneurs, startups and innovative SMEs in order to facilitate the birth and the development of innovative businesses.LMT promotes innovation by supporting the synergy between major local actors (higher education, research labs, technological platforms, companies, financial organisations and consultants).Member of the French Association of Science Parks (RETIS), the International Association of Science Parks (IASP), and of the National Business Incubation Association (NBIA), LMT is facing a world of innovation.
 The IAE “Institut d’Administration des Entreprises” of Nice (Institute of Business Administration) is dedicated to providing top-level education in finance and management and is particularly adapted to today’s global market expectations through innovative management methods.The IAE is located near the major technology hub of Sophia Antipolis, the first and the largest European cluster. This technology park fuels research and innovation throughout Europe, supporting global companies involved in biotechnology, aeronautics, micro-electronics and pharmaceuticals.In the heart of the second most attractive town in France, the Institute of Business Administration of the University of Nice Sophia Antipolis is dedicated to doing research and education in finance and management, being particularly adapted to today’s global market expectations. 
ENCUENTROS PARIS 2012The 6th version of Encuentros, the most important event that brings together Chilean researchers working at high-impact centers around the world, will be held in Paris, France, on July 4th-6th, 2012.
Thanks to its outstanding scientific environment, Grenoble Institute of Technology is a leader amongst European technology universities. Its high-quality engineering degree courses and doctorates and cutting-edge research puts it firmly at the heart of European higher education.
Ireland’s inward investment promotion agency, IDA Ireland (Industrial Development Agency) is responsible for the attraction and development of foreign investment in Ireland. While investment from overseas manufacturing and internationally traded services are the broad focus of IDA Ireland, the agency continues to work with investors once in Ireland to encourage and assist in expanding and developing their businesses. This long term view of relationships with foreign direct investors in Ireland has proven very successful for all involved and is something IDA Ireland excels at.
The European Blind Union is a non-governmental, non profit-making European organization founded in 1984. One of the six regional bodies of the World Blind Union (External link) , it is the only organization representing the interests of blind and partially-sighted people in Europe.EBU aims to protect and promote the interests of all blind and partially-sighted people in Europe. Its objects and powers are set out in Article II of its Constitution. EBU currently has 45 member countries, each represented by a national delegation. Its work is directed by an Executive Board of 13 elected members who are accountable to a General Assembly held every four years.
Academic lab running randomized evaluations on social programs.
CAAC is a network of territorial cooperation, based on the particular identity and challenges of the cities of the Atlantic Arc in the European Union. After nearly fourteen years of experience, the Conference of the Atlantic Arc Cities has asserted its position as an Atlantic Urban Forum, facilitating both the cooperation among its members and with other European and Atlantic Arc actors, creating awareness in the European institutions about issues concerning the Atlantic Cities.Thus, the work within the network can be defined as a transversal dimension to the thematic actions, divided into six axis:CAAC as a Club of the Atlantic Cities: the Urban Forum of the European Atlantic façade. The Atlantic territorial marketing is a key issue.CAAC as a Community that includes both cities and other actors, such as, above all, the citizens.Campaigns: Make the lobby not only a political issue, but also an instrument for raising awareness of citizens in European Affairs and defence of the interests of the Atlantic cities and their citizens.Cooperation: Through European projects as well as informal exchanges.Coaching: CAAC acknowledged as a resource centre for the Atlantic cities, ensuring that its activities contribute to the information, training and strengthening of the European activities of the members.Communication: Convert the CAAC cities, its activities and experiences in
Ars Identitatis is an independent non-profit association based in Paris (France) aiming at becoming one of the leading promoters of high quality research on identity in its different aspects.
Created in 2004, today the Teratec association brings together more than 80 partners from industry and research, which have in common the development and use of tools
The European Materials Research Society (E-MRS), a non profit scientific association founded in 1983, is focussing on creating the synergy between interdisciplinary, innovative technologies, diffusing and exchanging information and promoting technology transfer from public institutions towards industry. The main objective is to promote and enhance the efficiency of research in European countries in the field of Advanced Materials and to give quick information on the development of science and technology in their area in the rest of the world, through our links with other MRS societies belonging to the International Union of Materials Research Societies (IUMRS)
Analytrics is a not-for-profit organisation of academics, researchers, and professionals in education, economics, law and social sciences. The organization was created in 2006.Analytrics is particularly interested in analyses, methodologies, measurement and applied statistics in the field of human and social sciences. Members' interests and expertise include such areas as edumetrics, sociometrics and econometrics.Analytrics activities comprise consultancy and conferences.  
CEMEF, Centre for Material Forming, is a leading research centre in the field of material forming. Research lab. of MINES ParisTech, it was created in 1974, associated with CNRS since 1979. It is located in the Sophia Antipolis science park, on the French Riviera. It develops global approaches in materials forming (physics, physical chemistry, mechanics, thermics, modelling, numerical simulation). It combines top-level research, education & Industry cooperation.
INTA is a global membership association where public and private policy-makers and urban practitioners come together to share knowledge, experience and performing tools for integrated urban development.
The ESCEM Research Centre - CRESCEM - leads an active approach to research, with the aim of enriching educational curricula and producing academic and applied works: publication of articles, educational manuals and academic works, creation of case studies and participation in conferences in France and abroad.Four targeted lines of research already exist: CSR, Ethics and Sustainable Development; Entrepreneurship and Innovation Strategies; Corporate Governance; Marketing
The European Science Foundation, ESF, was an independent, non-governmental organisation with up to 82 of the main research organisations in Europe as members. Through us, European researchers had an opportunity to work together across disciplinary and geographic boundaries. With science being a truly international activity this collaboration was crucial for both science and society in Europe.
Association EUROFOODWATER prmotes knowledge on water in food by R & D, consulting and organizing scientific meetings.
Group ESCPAU is a French School of Businessand Management run by the Pau Chamberof Commerce and Industry (CCI). ESCPAU offersstudents not only the highest ofacademic standards, but servicelearning opportunities embodiedin real-world experience. ESCPAU is accredited at the highest nationallevel and recognized by the FrenchMinistry of Education. It is one ofsome thirty five Schools ofManagement whose degree bearsthe signature of the FrenchSecretary of State for Education.
International Nuclear Academy is an executive Education Institute dedicated to nuclear engineering and its environment.Our aim is to provide the nuclear market with world-class top executives in relation with a safe and reliable and economical generation of nuclear energy. We offer a wide range of training programs:
Engineering school in Computer Science
Eurisy is a non-profit association of European institutions, whose members - the European Commission, the European Space Agency and most national space agencies in Europe - mandated it to bridge space and society.
State-owned Organisation in charge of R&D, quality assessment and information dissemination in the filed of Buildings
The European Security and Defence Assembly (ESDA) contributes to reinforcing Europe
European Neighbours' Day is an initiative of the European Federation of Local Solidarity (E.F.L.S.) Its objective is to foster community cohesion in Europe, by creating networks for exchanges on neighbourly and community practices. Last year, Neighbours' Day celebrations reached an enormous success. About 8 million people celebrated with their neighbours in 29 countries. Almost 1000 city councils and housing organisations officially supported the event.
We organise Cardiology Congresses all around Europe. Our main one is the ESC Congress (Annual Cardiology congress) with 20-25 000 participants.