Medicen Paris Region is a leading European life sciences’ clusters.
With more than 300 members, Medicen is a unique forum connecting ALL of the stakeholders that INNOVATE in Healthcare: research institutes, start-ups and SMEs (250), incubators, large companies, and physicians.
Paris Region concentrates 50% of the Academic Research in Life sciences, chemistry, and ICT in France.
FIRST European region in the field of life science and health: 1st for pharmaceuticals, 2nd in medtech, 3rd in biotechnology, 1st in public-sector research and Europe’s largest hospital network.
Medicen helps its members to be innovative and competitive by:
1 billion.
Medicen is structured around 5 strategic areas:
The Regenerative Medicine and Biomaterials strategic area is focused more specifically on:
Moreover, MEDICEN PARIS REGION has been designated FRENCH TECH operator since July 2015 by the Ministry of Economy to accelerate the fastest growing enterprises in the Biotech and Medtech fields, and joined the thematic network FrenchTech #HealthTech.
Medicen Paris Region is also an associate partner of “EIT Health- European Institute of Innovation & Technology” engaged in active ageing and healthy living on a European level through three pillars: Campus, Innovation and Business Acceleration.
Mrs Daniela Onofri | Account Admin |
Gene Therapy Partnering Day France | 17 Sep 2018 | |
MEDXPERIENCE France | 15 Mar 2018 |