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EIT Urban Mobility is an initiative of the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT), a body of the European Union. EIT Urban Mobility is a growing pan-European partnership bringing together businesses, education, research excellence institutions and multifaceted cities. Its aim is to facilitate and fund the collaboration between these players to create mobility solutions that will accelerate the transition towards more liveable urban spaces.
The European Agency for Safety and Health at Work (EU-OSHA) is a decentralized agency of the European Union, established in 1994 and headquartered in Bilbao, Spain. Its mission is to make European workplaces safer, healthier, and more productive by providing reliable, balanced, and impartial information on occupational safety and health (OSH). EU-OSHA works with governments, employers, and workers' organizations to promote a culture of risk prevention, raise awareness of OSH issues, and develop practical tools and resources to improve working conditions across Europe.
The "EU-Thailand Cooperation Facility" is funded under the Neighbourhood, Development and International Cooperation Instrument (NDICI-Global Europe), managed by the Delegation of the European Union to Thailand and implemented by DT GLOBAL IDEV Europe The aim of the facility is to enhance the EU-Thailand partnership by continuing and reinforcing EU-Thailand relations and policy dialogues.
DE4A (Digital Europe for All) is a project funded by the European Commission that has developed a multi-pattern architecture for eGovernment interoperability with a focus on digital-by-default procedures for citizens and businesses and the full implementation of the Once-Only Principle. It provides guidance to the DE4A pilots and to projects seeking to implement cross-border once-only enabled eProcedures. DE4A has produced a publicly available toolbox  in the form of an online wiki which contains relevant documentation such as interaction patterns, common components or pilots. The activities of the project have covered three pilots that fall within the scope of the SDG online procedures: studying abroad, doing business abroad and moving abroad.  
VET School teaching electricity, electronics, industrial manteinance, building and renewable energies.  
La Universidad Pablo de Olavide, de Sevilla, es una universidad pública
The Commercial Law Department of the University of Alicante is a scientific unit with strong research lines in IP areas such as geographical indications, plant varieties, digital innovations, trade marks, patents, sustainability, controls and enforcement of rights. Their members are international IP consultant on this field. The Master on intellectual property and digital innovation of the University of Alicante, Magister Lvcentinvs, is a specialized programme including all relevant aspects of intellectual property and digital innovations and is supported by relevant academic and professional institutions, as well as national and international organizations. The Commercial Law Department has been awarded research projects on quality distinctive signs (geographical indications) and plant varieties, and organize also the Academic Specialist Diploma: “PLANT BREEDING AND QUALITY DISTINCTIVE SIGNS”. The University of Alicante (UA) is a young and dynamic university with vast experience in implementing EU funded projects in different programmes and areas, with presence in more than 60 countries worldwide. The UA was created in 1979, and today it educates and trains more than national and international students and offers 43 undergraduate and 80 postgraduate programmes: is one of the fastest growing universities in Spain. The UA employs over researchers and management staff (44%women), in 2020 has been awarded by the European Commission the Seal of Excellence for Human Resources in Research.
ENSEÑANZAS TECNOLÓGICAS Las enseñanzas tecnológicas que se imparten en Cartagena representan, por su antigüedad, centros pioneros del desarrollo de las enseñanzas tecnológicas regladas en España. Efectivamente, los estudios de ingeniería minera constituyen en orden cronológico estricto el tercer centro que se creó en España y los de ingeniería industrial los primeros que se implantaron simultáneamente como Escuelas Superiores de Industria en nueve ciudades de España. Como en su desarrollo siguieron caminos distintos se comentan por separado hasta que convergen y se integran en la Escuela Universitaria Politécnica de Cartagena.
The Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology (FECYT) promotes the relation between science and society and works to advance the growth of Spanish scientific culture by facilitating the transfer of knowledge through dissemination, education, training, information and advice. Through the collaboration with entities from the Spanish and European Science and Innovation System we contribute to the internationalization of the Spanish science, the generation and analysis of data, as well as the management of scientific information and open science.
We lead research in materials and systems for thermal and electrochemical energy storage, applying the results in the market and contributing to the competitiveness of companies.
our mission is to help private sector to scaling up in climate change topics 
Equipo Europa is a Spanish pro-European and non-partisan youth association, whose objectives are to bring the European Union closer to young people and to encourage the participation of young people in the European arena. It emerged in 2019 from the #ThisTimeImVoting campaign, launched by the European Parliament to promote participation in the European elections. Since then, Team Europe has carried out multiple initiatives and projects, such as #ATreeForEurope, Europe in the Classroom, Forum for the Future of EU. The association is currently composed of more than 3000 members and has 600 ;
We hellp entrepreneurs in LATAm, Africa and Europe with a virtual aceleration programe
IES Santiago Apóstol is a school situated in the region of Extremadura. Founded in 1950 it consists of about 900 students and 100 teachers and staff. It runs different programmes: Compulsory Secondary Education, Upper Secondary, Vocational Education and Training and Higher Education. The students ages range from 12 to youung ;
FEUGA is a private, non-profit Foundation based in Galicia, Spain, with a permanent office in Brussels. With more than 35 years of experience, FEUGA has established itself as a flagship organization in the field of knowledge-transfer acting as a catalyst to strengthen ties and foster technology and innovation transfer between universities, industry players and society in general. We put our extensive experience at the service of our clients with a multidisciplinary, inclusive and cross-cutting approach. FEUGA has become an expert and a benchmark organization in the areas of communication, dissemination, Intellectual Property (IP) and exploitation of R&D results, with a special focus on Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) and multi-actor approach methodologies. FEUGA holds a Knowledge Transfer Office recognized by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation developing its work at a regional, national and EU level, from boosting the Galician University System and participating in several initiatives related to innovation and entrepreneurship (such as the BFFood accelerator programme, Datalife and InfabHub Digital Innovation Hubs) to partnering in more than 25 EU funded projects. Our success as an organization is driven by the quality and excellence of our services endorsed by two key factors: the high level of commitment and expertise of our multidisciplinary staff and our strategic positioning in Europe. We take a special pride in our team, comprised of more than 20 highly skilled professionals with complementary profiles including engineers, physicists, mathematicians, journalists, psychologists, political scientists and economic, financial and IPR experts. Our offices are located in Spain (Santiago de Compostela, Vigo and A Coruña) and Brussels
IASP is the leading association of innovation ecosystems worldwide. Our mission is to be the global network for science parks, innovation districts and other areas of innovation, driving growth, internationalisation and effectiveness for our members, increasing their visibility and multiplying their global connections. An independent non-profit NGO, IASP is managed by experts in science and technology parks and areas of innovation.
MERAKI is a non-profit organisation located in Valencia (Spain). It was constituted in 2017 by a group of committed professionals in the fields of education, digitalisation and technology and learning processes. The organsiation was created in 2018 by professionals with more than 15 years of experience in the field of education, tecnhnology adapted to education, European projects and entrepreneurship.   WHAT WE DO Our main strength is to facilitate learning processes and the transition from the face-to-face to the on-line environment, in a smooth and friendly way. Our experience in organisation and project management and in learning processes are two key points, essentials in this field.   OUR VALUES We believe that education should be accessible for everyone, since it is the tool enabling personal and social transformation and scientific and technological advances. From that perspective, we povide individual support for those organisations willing to change to the digital environment and to education centres that need to adapt their teaching methodologies. We also provide high-quality trainining mainly in the fields of digital tools for education, learning methodologies and European cooperation. Social innovation is embedded in our NGO, since it was created to solve an existing problem in the field of education. We want to enhance and improve education and society by facilitating contact networks with other European schools, associations, sport clubs and other organisations. Meraki also provides its expertise in various fields to improve education systems and society in general.
Integradde is a H2020 project that aims to develop an end-to-end Digital Additive Manufacturing (AM) solution, based on DED technologies [ Laser Metal Deposition (LMD) for manufacturing of complex geometries in medium-sized components with higher accuracy, and Wire-Arc Additive Manufacturing (WAAM) for simpler geometries with higher deposition rates] enabling a cybersecured bidirectional dataflow for a seamless integration across the entire AM chain.
We are a non profit organization hat seeks the empowerment of citizens from the knowledge of their abilities and competences and the awareness of their rights, through the use of innovative and creative communication and learning tools.To this end, we develop awareness and training activities, promoting the development of social and cultural projects, within the framework of European programmes and other types of public interventions.Our final objective is to provide feedback on activities for the improvement of public policies, seeking bidirectional communication between administration and citizenship, from a local approach.
Fastest growing start-up in Europe, making business travel suck less.
The Esade Center for Global Economy and Geopolitics (EsadeGeo) performs research on economic globalization and its interactions with geopolitics and global governance, creating knowledge on the links between business, economic and social leadership, social realities, and global governance. Its staff, including expert researchers, also provides an interdisciplinary forum where scholars and political, business, and social leaders actively debate international matters and their local impact.
INNOVATIVE SOLUTIONS FOR CURRENT CHALLENGES The Observatory of the Future is an institution with innovative projects for individuals, companies and institutions. We develop creative, collaborative and social skills, incorporating the arts in training-education programs, we offer services to disseminate and integrate sustainability in companies and we organize creative-experiential events in virtual - face-to-face format. If you Help Someone the World Progresses. EMOTION IS INNOVATION          
EUROCIVIS is not-for-profit organization based in Barcelona, Spain, which aims is to perform activities with a significant impact at the European level. All its actions seek to support, offer expertise and provide solutions to main stakeholders in applying European policies, while supplying high quality ;EUROCIVIS mainly operates in the field of education, culture, job placement, strategic partnerships and local development. It promotes lifelong education and learning as a way to develop sustainable lifestyles and to create job in a multicultural and interdependent society.
The safety and security of European economies, societies and citizens rely on space-based applications such as communication, navigation and observation. However, due to the growing complexity of the orbital environment, space-based assets are increasingly at risk from collision with other operational spacecraft or debris. At the same time, objects may re-enter and cause damage on the ground. To mitigate these risks, we need to be able to survey and track such objects, and to provide this information to a variety of stakeholders. The Space Surveillance and Tracking (SST) Support Framework was established by the European Union in 2014 with the Decision 541/2014/EU of the European Parliament and the Council (SST Decision). This Decision foresaw the creation of an SST Consortium currently composed of seven EU Member States – France, Germany, Italy, Poland, Portugal, Romania and Spain. An SST system is a network of ground-based and space-based sensors capable of surveying and tracking space objects, together with processing capabilities aiming to provide data, information and services on space objects that orbit around the Earth. Since 2016, the SST Consortium and the European Union Satellite Centre (SatCen) have worked together to develop a European SST capability, and formed the SST Cooperation. The Consortium’s Member States have networked their assets to provide, through the SST Service Provision Portal operated by SatCen, a set of SST services to all EU countries, EU institutions, spacecraft owners and operators, and civil protection authorities. The SST services assess the risk of in-orbit collisions and uncontrolled re-entry of space debris into the Earth’s atmosphere, and detect and characterise in-orbit fragmentations. The SST Consortium EU Member States are represented through their national designated entities: France (CNES), Germany (German Space Agency at DLR), Italy (ASI), Poland (POLSA), Portugal (PT MoD), Romania (ROSA) and Spain (CDTI).
The Centre d'Estudis Sociològics sobre la Vida Quotidiana i el Treball - QUIT (Sociological Research Centre on Everyday Life and Work) was established in 1989 as a research centre within the Department of Sociology at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. The general aim of our research centre is the promotion, development and dissemination of research around work and work-related issues. The study of work is accordingly approached in a broad way hence including both production and reproduction spheres, their relationship and impact on other aspects. The QUIT covers employment-related research areas such as changes in national employment models and labour market, regulation of labour market and its interaction with the welfare state, training systems, labour market policy, industrial relations.
The Technological Centre of Furniture and Wood of the Region of Murcia (CETEM) is a private and non-profit organization located in the town of Yecla, one of the most important furniture clusters of Spain.Its main objective is to promote and undertake activities, projects and services, innovative technology, to improve, promote and encourage the development and continuous improvement of companies in the sector of wood, furniture and related services, making them more competitive.
Bax is a sustainable innovation consultancy, working on international solutions to global challenges in fields like climate adaptation, mobility, smart cities and energy efficiency.
Spanish Observatory of Validation of Professional Competences
En 2019, más de 20 años después de su relanzamiento, EuroBasque cuenta con más de 150 miembros en su Asamblea, habiendo organizando más de 170 jornadas y efectuado diversas convocatorias y premios dirigidos a los sectores educativo, universitario, instituciones, medios de comunicacióny sociedad vasca en general, sobre los más variados y diversos temas, prestando especial atención a los que poseen especial incidencia para Euskadi. Comenzado el siglo XXI los vascos, un pueblo milenario presente en la construcción europea desde sus inicios, deseamos renovar el compromiso con la construcción de una Europa unida desde la paz, la libertad, la democracia, la diversidad y la solidaridad. Frente a los nuevos desafíos y dificultades políticas, económicas, culturales, sociales y ecológicas que conlleva la globalización, demandamos más Europa. Los nobles ideales que hicieron posible la reconciliación europea deben transmitirse a las nuevas generaciones, ya que sólo conociendo los sacrificios, inteligencia y humanismo de aquellos vascos pioneros en el europeísmo, serán los jóvenes conscientes del valor de una Unión Europea capaz de haber superado el sufrimiento de las guerras fraticidas y los regímenes no democráticos, así     como de la necesidad de tomar el testigo en la defensa de la democracia, libertad, justicia social, diversidad y respeto a los derechos humanos de todas las personas. El europeísmo, esa formidable utopía de paz, reconciliación y libertad, es un lugar de encuentro que ha unido, une y unirá a todos los vascos. Por ello, desde EuroBasque homenajeamos a todos los que han hecho posible que un pueblo pequeño haya estado presente en el desarrollo de uno de los proyectos más fascinantes de la historia de la humanidad: la Europa Unida.
The Zaragoza InstituteThe Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Zaragoza (IAMZ) is one of the four Institutes of the International Centre for Advanced Agronomic Mediterranean Studies (CIHEAM), together with Bari in Italy, Montpellier in France and Chania in Greece. IAMZ was founded in 1969, offering complementary quality and excellence in international training and cooperation through research project management based on IAMZ’s five fields of expertise: Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture, Animal Production, Plant Production and Food Technology and Agro-food Marketing. IAMZ has become consolidated as a point of reference for specialized international training in the agro-food sector. It is located on the Campus of Aula Dei, one of the largest and prestigious agricultural science complexes in Spain, strengthening synergies between the scientific community, firms and students.Who we areWe are a global and committed team of professionals with solid experience in postgraduate training, scientific research and international cooperation in matters related to IAMZ's areas of expertise: Plant Production, Animal Production, Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture, and Food Science, Technology & Marketing.What we doTraining is a core activity at IAMZ and our approach is international and multidisciplinary. IAMZ offers two lines of training: Master programmes and advanced courses. IAMZ’s training activities have great international repercussion, and each year more than 450 university graduates attend our programmes delivered by over 250 guest lecturers from approximately 80 countries. This is an enriching multicultural experience and a unique opportunity to build international professional and collaborational networks. We currently have a portfolio of 8 MSc programmes (we hold 4 each year). We organize between 10 and 12 short courses every year on cutting-edge scientific and technical issues targeted to professionals.We are also excellent partners in training, collaborating with universities, companies and other international organisations (OECD, FAO, UN, WTO, EFSA, EC, ICARDA, EEAP, etc.) through research projects and networks to design and tailor courses and training activities according to the needs and objectives of our partners, but mainly to help them disseminate the outcome of their projects and network activities.
The Connecting Cultures exhibition comes out of the combination between arts and youth seeking to create a positive impact on society and looking for solutions to global issues while interacting between different societal and political sectors. We endeavour to be an example on how our differences should not be seen as a challenge, a problem or an excuse, but as a tool and advantage which can empower us to help people in need and make the world a better place for everyone regardless the cultural differences. We strive for connecting people and cultures to find a common ground to better understand each other and cooperate towards brighter and stable future.What is Connecting Cultures?Connecting cultures is an international art exhibition promoted by UNSA SPAIN (United Nations Student Association Spain) recently awarded the “Here for Good Award” from Laureate International. Our aim is to raise funds for refugees and enhance awareness about the topic of the immigration in the EU under the umbrella of the Goal 17 “Partnerships for the Goals”. Connecting Cultures groups artists who represent different countries contributing to the art exhibition, namely: Portugal, Greece, Romania, Italy, Taiwan, Brazil, Bolivia, Mexico, Argentina, Sweden, Venezuela, United States, Germany, South Korea, United Kingdom, Russia, Cuba, Colombia, Morocco, Japan, India and Spain. Each painting reflects the spirit of the exhibition, which is to show that there are no borders between humans beyond self-imposed as all cultures´essential needs are to cooperate, shake hands and "connect", offering the best of themselves to the world. The funds raised by the exhibitions are heading to the certified organisation CEAR to directly help refugees.Individuals, groups and businesses can contribute to our work in three ways: purchase of paintings, purchase of reproductions and direct donations to Connecting Cultures.What is our aim?The main goal of Connecting Cultures Initiative is to create a positive impact on society while using art and interaction between different societal and political spheres. Connecting cultures aims to be an example on how our differences should not be seen as a problem, but as a tool and advantage which we can use to make the world a better place. We seek to create a positive impact on society while using art and interaction between different societal and political spheres. We see cultural and people´s differences as a challenge and inspiration how we can get inspired and learn from each other. We see differences as a tool and advantage which empower us and help us to make the world a better place for everyone regardless the origin, skin, gender, age or cultural background.What we connect? More than 20 different countries through their representation per artist and art piece. Different sectors: our partners, sponsors and supporters which encompass NGOs, private sector, businesses, universities, student groups, start-ups, public institutions and more. Ages with the participation of artists ranging from 20 to 70+ years and supporters from youth organizations to eldery institutions. Genders: we put emphasis on gender balance between artists, team and coordination. Opportunities to impact: through our flexible art exhibitions and debates we adapt the way we exhibit and discuss to the needs of stakeholders so we are able to create the maximum impact (solidarity cocktails, activities with refugees, institutional debates…)Connecting Cultures and Sustainable Development GoalsIn order to solve the common challenges such as refugees situation and young people deprivation in conflict zones, all the sectors need to cooperate to reach the origins of the problem and look for a common strategy to find solutions to it. Therefore, the focus of our exhibitions and debates is on the implementation of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in cooperation with the European Union which is one of its greatest supporter. The Connecting Cultures Initiative is dedicated to the implementation of the particular 17th Sustainable Development Goal “Partnerships for goals” that highlights the importance of partnerships between the governments, private sector and civil society for having a successful development agenda.The Connecting Cultures is also a part of the ARTS2030 initiative where artists from different backgrounds raise awareness about the Sustainable Development Goals. During the whole process of the exhibitions and debates organised be CCs, we discuss the SDGs and their importance in the sustainable world development.
Interreg Sudoe Programme is part of the European territorial cooperation objective known as Interreg, which is financed by one of the European structural funds: the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF). The current programming period covers from 2014 to 2020. Its two previous programme generations were Sudoe 2000-2006 and Sudoe 2007-2013. The Interreg Sudoe Programme supports regional development in Southwestern Europe, financing transnational projectsthrough the ERDF. The Programme promotes transnational cooperation to solve common problems in the covered territory, such as low investment in research and development, weak competitiveness of the small and medium-sized enterprises and exposure to climate change and environmental risks. 
The Association of the Mediterranean Chambers of Commerce and Industry (ASCAME) is a non-profit international organization that represents the private sector of the Mediterranean, regrouping the Chambers of Commerce and Industry and similar entities of both shores of the region. ASCAME gathers more than 300 Chambers of Commerce and Industry and defends the interests of the millions of businesses across the Mediterranean region. ASCAME is today considered the most important representative of the Mediterranean private sector.
> HoNESt (History of Nuclear Energy and Society) is a three year interdisciplinary research endeavour. > HoNESt's central objective is to understand how societies have engaged with nuclear energy, and how the nuclear energy sector has engaged with societies, and how this has changed over the course of the past 60 years.  > HoNESt mobilises an excellent interdisciplinary team involving key experts from 23 high profile research institutions. > Based on a critical examination of past experiences, HoNESt’s results will contribute to a more reflexive debate on future energy sources and the transition to sustainable, secure, and clean energy provision in the future.   This project has received funding from the Euratom research and training programme 2014-2018 under grant agreement No 662268.
The European Documentation Center (EDC)  is created in1984 as a result of an Agreement between the Rectorado of the UAB and the European Commission.Their objectives are the promotion of the investigation on the European Union and the diffusion of their policies between the university community.It belongs to the Network of Information Europe Direct and, therefore, their services orient to all the citizenship, excepting the loan of documents that is limited the users of the Service of Libraries of the UAB.Within the organizational chart of the UAB it comprises of the Service of Libraries, like permanent extension of the Library of Social Sciences
We are an international cluster, dedicated to Information and Communication Technologies applied to tourism.Besides being the first industrial cluster created in Balearic Islands, we have also been an innovator to concentrate the“know how”of the Spanish tourism sector.Originally, Turistec has been a public-private organization. Later on, it has become private, but it enables any public administration initiative of general interest.Technological Park (ParcBit) is the localization chosen for Turistec Head Office and those of its many associated companies for being a strategic place for developing IT products and services.Our partner´s portfolio includes tourism Industry leaders, SME’s, entrepreneurs, University of the Balearic Islands (UIB), knowledge centers and entities dedicated to excellence and quality. Together we concentrate the knowledge equivalent to more than half a century experience in the development of a tourist destination.
Eurecat is the Technology Centre of Catalonia. Providing the Industrial and Business sector with differential technology and advanced expertise, it offers solutions to their innovation needs and boosts their competitiveness in a fast-paced environment. Eurecat accelerates innovation, cuts down scientific and technological infrastructure costs, reduces risks and provides specialised knowledge for each company.The range of services offered by the centre are primarily focused on: applied R&D, technological services, information technology consulting, highly specialized training, product and service development, and promotion and distribution of technological innovation.Eurecat is the result of the integration of the most important technology centres from the TECNIO network (Ascamm, Barcelona Media, BDigital, Cetemmsa and CTM). Combines the experience of over 450 professionals and generates an annual income of over €45M. The technology centre serves over a thousand businesses, participates in over 160 national and international R&D&i high level strategic projects, and has 73 patents and 7 spin-off. It is made up of seven centres in Catalonia and one more in Latin America (Brazil).Eurecat is specialised in 16 areas, which include robotics and autonomous systems, functional printing, functional textile, IT-Security, e-health, metal and ceramic materials, plastics and composites materials, innovative processes, innovative product development, simulation, sustainability, smart fabrics, Big Data & Data Analytics, Audiovisual and Multimedia technologies, Digital Humanities, and Smart Management Systems.Eurecat aims its services at all business sectors but especially at the seven key strategic areas of RIS3Cat: Food, Energy and Resources, Industrial Systems, Design-based Industries, Industries related to sustainable mobility, Health Industries and cultural, experience-based industries.
Oceana was established in 2001 by a group of leading foundations — The Pew Charitable Trusts, Oak Foundation, Marisla Foundation (formerly Homeland Foundation), and the Rockefeller Brothers Fund.In 1999, these foundations commissioned a study and discovered that less than 0.5 percent of all resources spent by environmental nonprofit groups in the United States went to ocean advocacy — an appalling statistic. No organization was working exclusively to protect and restore the oceans on a global scale.To fill the gap, our founders created Oceana: an international organization focused solely on oceans, dedicated to achieving measurable change by conducting specific, science-based campaigns with fixed deadlines and articulated goals.The Ocean Law Project — also initiated by The Pew Charitable Trusts — was absorbed into Oceana in 2001 as Oceana’s legal arm. In 2002, Oceana merged with American Oceans Campaign, founded by actor and environmentalist Ted Danson, to more effectively address our common mission of protecting and restoring the world’s oceans.Since its founding, Oceana has won more than 100 victories and protected more than one million square miles of ocean. Find out more about how Oceana is helping to save the oceans victory by victory here.
The Spanish Society of Organic Farming (SEAE) was created in 1992 as a private association. It is composed mainly by individuals (advisors, educators, researchers...) but also has members as organic operators and similars.SEAE has no lucrative purposes, being a non profit organisations.It offers organic training & professional education at the national level and gives support (scientific + technical) to organic farmersSEAE also publishes materials about organic farming and it has a magazine, Revista Ae, specialized in scientific and divulgative journalism about organic farming.Finally, also develops strategies as:-Influencing national agriculture policies with organic-Advising some public certification bodies
IDIVAL promotes and develops research and biomedical innovation in the biomedical environment Cantabria whose epicenter Marqués de Valdecilla University Hospital, with a vocation to seek solutions to health problems and contributing to the scientific, educational, social and economic.ViewWe want IDIVAL - with the help of the professionals that component becomes a center of international reference patient oriented service through the development of a researcher, innovative and high - quality teaching based on excellence.Values scientific excellence. Alignment with the needs of the environment. Provision compete internationally. Vocation of belonging to the institution. Orientation to attracting talent. Transparency and fairness in recruitment. Focus on innovation and social return. independent external evaluation. Sustainability. Valdecilla is already a center of knowledge generation and socioeconomic tractor for our region. The Marqués de Valdecilla University Hospital and the Health Research Institute IDIVAL work to be a benchmark in research, translation and co-generation of wealth in our region.IDIVAL has launched its own building located at the top of the Valdecilla estate in 2010. This building has 3000 m2 of space dedicated to research laboratories and general services. In 2012 it launched the Clinical Trials Unit located at the Marqués de Valdecilla University Hospital.In 2014 IDIVAL is constituted as a foundation and remodels its organizational structure. In March 2015 IDIVAL is accredited by the Institute of Health Carlos III as Institute for Health Research.The bet IDIVAL current passes through -of the hand of his professionals- foster talent, internationalization and thus enhance the capabilities of the Marqués de Valdecilla University Hospital as medical center pointer with plenty of socio-economic revitalization of our region.
We select the best events, videos, and policy resources so that you can enjoy valuable content, learn about policy, and know the goings-on in Brussels, in Europe and the world. We provide an in-depth perspective on the thinking of EU policymakers, the policy developments taking place every day, and the events where you can contribute, learn, and expand your network. We do that by blending technology and selected content to deliver new, effective ways to facilitate social dialogue and promote progress. Our platform will enable you to discover the events where relevant EU actors are speaking, hear from the people who are making an impact and meet the leaders who are making Europe great.
The Network for Water in European Regions and Cities, NETWERC H2O, is an association of European municipal and regional governments whose objective is the promotion and development of sustainable practices related to the management of water. Founded by universities, research centres and various European, Middle Eastern and American bodies, NETWERC H2O is a channel of communication, a forum for the exchange and publicising of experiences as well as a platform for the creation of European and transatlantic projects.
FIDAMC is a foundation created in 2006 by the Spanish Ministry of Industry (through CDTI, who chairs the entity), the Regional Government of Madrid and EADS N.V. focused on research, development and application of composite materials. It is a centre mainly addressed to the aerospace R&D activities but widely open to other sectors, having projects in railway, wind energy or automotive sectors. The current headcount is 40 people mainly skilled engineers and the objective is to reach 60 in 2013.Main general activities are: improvement of known technologies; analysis, test and demonstration of emerging technologies; way of application of those technologies to specific products; contribute to establish specific Design Principles/Stress methods; propose new lines of research to University, R&D Labs or other centers. These activities spread over TR4 to 6 in the standard scale of NASA considering the technology maturity levels, therefore will interface with universities and technical research centers for one hand and with industries because of its advanced degree of composite application. The main areas of interest for FIDAMC are those directly related to advanced composite material technologies, including: Automated lay-up (ATL, Tow Placement, In-situ consolidation); Advanced Composites Liquid Molding (RTM, RFI); Pre-forming / Hot and press forming; Composites Joining and Assembly Technology;
CTAG is a private, non-profit R&D technological automotive center devoted to support the automotive industry in its research, development and innovation needs. CTAG was created in 2002 thanks to a joint initiative of automotive enterprises within the region. CTAG is present in all the stages of product development, from initial advanced research to product life. The key fields of competence where CTAG concentrates its activities are: new materials, design of components and manufacturing processes, mathematical calculation and simulation, component testing and analysis, environment, electronics, ergonomics, comfort and innovation management. With a team of more than 350 professionals (75% of them being engineers and PhDs), CTAG is an ideal partner for developing new innovative products for the automotive sector using CAD product design and CAE simulations tools. In this sense, CTAG has a team of 70 professionals totally devoted to design, simulation and optimization of new products and processes. On validations side, CTAG is equipped with climatic, vibration & acoustics, fatigue, materials, engine, electronics and ergonomics laboratories fitted with the ultimate testing facilities such as two triaxial shakers integrated in acoustic and climatic chambers, several climatic chambers including a complete car sunlight radiation and weather resistance chamber, etc.
Excellence in Talent Management Seminar
The Fundación Secretariado Gitano (FSG) is an intercultural social non-profit organisation that provides services for the development of the Roma community in Spain and in Europe.One Mission, the integral promotion of the Roma communityThe mission of the FSG is the integral promotion of the Roma community on the basis of respect and support for their cultural identity.Our mission is to promote the access of Roma to rights, services, goods and social resources on an equal footing with the rest of the citizenry. To this end, the FSG develops all kinds of actions that contribute to achieving the full citizenship of Roma, to improving their living conditions, to promoting equal treatment and to preventing any form of discrimination, while promoting the recognition of the cultural identity of the Roma community. The diversity of our society renders interculturalism increasingly relevant, so we must project adequately the intercultural character of our organisation, both as our hallmark and as a proposal for society as a whole.The FSG advocates an intercultural society where Roma persons freely and fully exercise their citizenship and contribute to the enrichment of universal culture. Therefore, the values that guide its actions are: Human dignity Justice Solidarity Inter-culturalism
The Family Watch es un observatorio, un "think tank" que, a partir del análisis de la realidad social de la familia, y desde una perspectiva interdisciplinar, se dedica a la elaboración de estudios, propuestas e iniciativas, para que la familia sea mejor conocida, y reciba el tratamiento y la atención adecuados a las funciones que desarrolla en la sociedad. Nace impulsado por la International Federation for Family Development, organismo internacional destinado a la coordinación de iniciativas en favor de la Orientación Familiar, presente en 58 paises, que es miembro con Estatus Consultivo General en el Comité Económico y Social (ECOSOC) de Naciones Unidas y, por tanto, forma parte del 4% de entidades de la sociedad civil que colaboran con la ONU de una forma más destacada.
ECAS is a Catalan Federation of Social Action Organizations that work with vulnerable groups at risk or in situations of social exclusion. Currently it comprises 85 NGOs serving more than 795,000 people annually, employing 8,500 professionals and 4,000 volunteers.The organizations that form ECAS, focus on the following areas: Work placement, Gender, Prisions, Families, VIH/AIDS, social exclusion and immigration. We also have a communication agency that articulates its activity through three work lines, 1) ECAS
The i2CAT Foundation is a center of research and innovation, which focuses its activities on the development of the future Internet, which aims to meet the following objectives: To promote and foster technological development in Catalonia. This development should be experimental and investigative in spirit. To promote advanced research into networks and broadband applications and to foster the use of these in Catalan society. To develop Internet technologies in Catalonia, particularly in terms of applications, services and advanced research in network technologies. To set up platforms for collaboration between the private sector and university research bodies. To promote collaboration with organisations and institutions that have similar aims. To set up collaboration networks with other, similar national and international research projects. To participate in European research projects.The key of the model i2CAT consists in the collaboration among the Administration, the entrepreneurial sector and the academic world, establishing a Triple Helix's (Loet Leydesdorff) innovation model in the field of the Information and Communication Technologies.
eDIGIREGION is a unique collaborative project that brings together four high-potential research-driven clusters in diverse European regions (South East Ireland, Central Hungary, Castilla-La Mancha, Spain and Bucharest-Ilfov, Romania). The aim of eDIGIREGION is to use the triple helix partnership to plan, design and implement an ecosystem of research, innovation, creativity and commercialisation that supports the implementation of the EU Digital Agenda in each region.
ALAIPO :: Asociación Latina Interacción Persona-Ordenador :: Latin Association (non profit) of Human-Computer InteractionIn the era of qualitative communication, this virtual space intends to become the meeting point for all those individuals in the XXI century aiming to reinforce and improve interaction between human being and new technologies.Is a place where every research project related to the Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) may be enhanced in a great way through the crossroads of knowledge belonging to formal and factual sciences, independently of their organization or development place.Thus, in ALAIPO exists freedom to act and a formal researching spirit, spirit that is present in each one of all of its contents. The main goal is to make communicability easier and the usage of the new technologies to be a more enjoyable experience. To all members of the non profit association and also to all those who intend to reach this goal with modesty and honesty, please accept a special thank you.
The City Council’s Department for European and International Relations is designed to develop Terrassa's positioning on the international scenario, to monitor the public policies generated by this area and to analyse the city's participation in them. Other activities feature participation in city networks, bilateral cooperation and projects in the different spheres of municipal action. It also acts as a driving force and provides support to other municipal areas and other organisations in the city in any matters pertaining to European and international relations.
 The Port Institute for Studies and Co-Operation in the Valencian Region – FEPORTS, originally known as IPEC, was founded by the Valencian regional government, the Generalitat Valenciana, and the Port Authorities of Alicante, Castellón and Valencia on the 15th April 1998. The Institute’s basic aim is to build links between the commercial and recreational marine sectors and to be a means of development for the marine sector and of building the region’s competitiveness. It is indeed the organisation used by the Valencian Regional Government to support the port sector in both general interest harbours and ports under the competence of the Regional Government. 
The Club de Madrid is an independent non-profit organization composed of 80 democratic former Presidents and Prime Ministers from 56 different countries, constituting the world´s largest forum of former Heads of State and Government, who have come together to respond to a growing demand for support among leaders in two key areas: democratic leadership and governance;  and  response  to crisis and post-crisis situations. Both lines of work share the common goal of addressing the challenge of democratic governance and political conflict as well as that of building functional and inclusive societies, where the leadership experience of our Members is most valuable.Click here to download our new brochureClick here to download a complete list of members of the Club de Madrid
The Centre for the Development of Industrial Technology (CDTI) is a Spanish public organisation, under the Ministry of Science and Innovation, whose objective is to help Spanish companies to increase the technological profile of said companies.CDTI is manned by more than 300 employees, three quarters of which is made up of engineers and graduates. Although the bulk of the infrastructure of CDTI is located in Madrid, the Centre has made a strategic network of offices and representatives abroad available to Spanish companies (Japan -SBTO-, Belgium -SOST and a Permanent Eureka Secretariat-, Brazil -FINEP-, Korea, Chile, Morocco, China, India, Mexico and USA) to give them support in their international technological activities.
Ibero-American Platform on Knowledge, Technology Transfer and Innovation
At Connecting Group, we link people in business through senior executive strategic meetings and events. Our cross-industry and industry specific events are designed for you, leading professionals, eager to share and further develop your expertise and business strategies. Being part of our business network will accelerate your time-to-market, and achieve outstanding results within your organisation and with your key partners. Our unique and innovative events will provide you with a different experience!
ITA (before Instituto Tecnológico del Agua) is an Universidad Politecnica de Valencia research group. Our activity is focused on research and development dealing with urban water engineering and management. The ITA is formed by a group of water professionals consolidated over the last thirty years in Valencia and which originated around the Fluid Mechanics Chair at the UPV. Problems and concerns connected with water are developing at great speed in our society. The sustainable management of water is now taking the foreground in many parts of the world, a tendency which will only accentuate in the future. New concepts and new tools are needed to enable proper sustainable management of urban water, which is why the efforts of ITA focus on efficiency and sustainability, incorporating the the technical background which our work has always had.
FIMTE, International Festival of Spanish Keyboard Music is a non-profit organization. FIMTE promotes the rich heritage of Spanish keyboard music by organizing international events (simposia, concerts, festivals, tours, courses) and by scholar publications.
Mediterranean Editors and Translators (MET) is an independent, non-profit association that brings together people who give language support for international communication in English within the wider Mediterranean area. MET’s activities are aimed at editors, translators, proofreaders, teachers of English for specific purposes, writing instructors, oral communication coaches, and any other English language facilitators. Each year MET organizes a workshop program and a 2-day conference.
Gijon Convention Bureau offers: knowledge of our city and its resources; easy prompt contact with associated companies to make your meeting a success; fluent communication with the city's entities and institutions; impartiality and rigour of a non-profit body interested in the success of your meeting; years of experience dealing with the needs of the most varied meetings.
European Software Institute is a non-profit Foundation launched as an initiative of the European Comission, with the support of the Basque Government and leading European companies working in the Information Technology field.ESI's main activity is based on helping the software industry in their objectives of producing better software of a higher quality, on time, in te best way and at a lower cost.
The Institute of Geomatics (IG) was founded in 1997 as a public consortium, with own legal entity, composed of the Generalitat de Catalunya (local government of Catalonia) and the Technical University of Catalonia (UPC). Its mission is the development of geomatics through applied research and education in support of society, institutional and industry needs both at national and international levels.
The Agència de Promoció d'Activitats i de Congressos coordinates the commercial activities of the UAB Campus. It is responsible for consulting, organizing and coordinating a variety of activities held at the different UAB university sites. These include meetings, congresses, seminars and professional conferences, one-off events, outdoor activities, building visits as well as leisure activities and events.
The Cyber Volunteers Foundation is a non-lucrative entity whose mission is "To achieve that every person has the equal opportunity to access, know and use the New Technologies in order to bridge the digital divide and to foster the Knowledge Society."
Regional Energy Agency of Madrid, created by the Regional Government and the main energy companies of Spain.The agency promotes and disseminates renewable energies and energy saving and efficiency. 
The organization is devoted to qualification, training and employment in the metal sector