The i2CAT Foundation is a center of research and innovation, which focuses its activities on the development of the future Internet, which aims to meet the following objectives: To promote and foster technological development in Catalonia.
This development should be experimental and investigative in spirit.
To promote advanced research into networks and broadband applications and to foster the use of these in Catalan society.
To develop Internet technologies in Catalonia, particularly in terms of applications, services and advanced research in network technologies.
To set up platforms for collaboration between the private sector and university research bodies.
To promote collaboration with organisations and institutions that have similar aims.
To set up collaboration networks with other, similar national and international research projects.
To participate in European research projects.
The key of the model i2CAT consists in the collaboration among the Administration, the entrepreneurial sector and the academic world, establishing a Triple Helix's (Loet Leydesdorff) innovation model in the field of the Information and Communication Technologies.
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