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Non-profit sector

European Construction Technology Platform

BP 290
F-06904 Sophia Antipolis, France

The European Construction Technology Platform (ECTP) goal is to raise the sector to a higher worldbeating level of performance and competitiveness. This is achieved by analysing the major challenges that the sector faces in terms of society, sustainability and technological development of the Built Environment. Research and innovation strategies are developed to meet these challenges engaging with and mobilising the wide range of leading skills, expertise and talent available to us within our industry over the coming decades, in order to meet the needs of the Society. The platform is open to all who wish to participate and indeed a broad active involvement is encouraged.

BP 290

F-06904 Sophia Antipolis


+33 4 9395 6400

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Luc Bourdeau Secretary General Account Admin

Past Events (1)

6th ECTP-E2BA Conference Belgium 17 Jun 2014

Featured organisers


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Yellow Window

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Non-profit sector, France, 0 events

College of Europe

Non-profit sector, Belgium, 91 events

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