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I got it!

Non-profit sector

European Rural Poultry Association (ERPA)

7, rue du Faubourg Poissonnière
75009 Paris, France

ERPA was created in May 2007 to:​

  • make visible and represent the European rural poultry production to national and European administrations and other organizations

  • help to preserve and develop the production of rural poultry in Europe by recognizing its particularities

  • defend  free range, extensive, and family-based methods of farming

7, rue du Faubourg Poissonnière

75009 Paris


+33 (0)1 82 73 06 99

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Mrs Hélène Herman Account Admin

Featured organisers

Századvég Konjunktúrakutató Zrt.

For-profit sector, Hungary, 6 events

Acumen Public Affairs

For-profit sector, Belgium, 13 events

Yellow Window

For-profit sector, Belgium, 11 events

Academy of European Law (ERA)

Non-profit sector, Germany, 730 events


For-profit sector, Lithuania, 431 events

Similar organisers in France

Grenoble INP

Non-profit sector, France , 0 events

Ars Identitatis

Non-profit sector, France , 0 events


Non-profit sector, France , 2 events

Réseau International URGENCI

Non-profit sector, France , 1 events

CF&B Communication

Non-profit sector, France , 27 events

European Federation for Company Sport

Non-profit sector, France , 0 events

European Academy for Sustainable development

Non-profit sector, France , 1 events

Institut Pasteur

Non-profit sector, France , 0 events


Non-profit sector, France , 1 events

Parsons Paris

Non-profit sector, France , 2 events

R.E.FO.R.MED aisbl

Non-profit sector, France , 0 events


Non-profit sector, France , 2 events

Université Côte d'Azur

Non-profit sector, France , 8 events


Non-profit sector, France , 7 events