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I got it!

Public sector

Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation

1 rue descartes
75005 Paris, France

The French Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation (MESRI) prepares and implements the policy of the Government in the field of higher education, research and innovation.

The Ministry prepares the governmental decisions related to the allocation of State resources in the framework of the civil budget for research and innovation.

Consultative committees, general inspection committees and a range of departments, services and offices help ministers draw up and implement this policy.

The European and International department for Higher Education Research and Innovation (DAEI) implements the policy of the ministry in the field of EU research and takes part in the European negotiations (preparation of the Competitiveness Council, COREPER, and Research Working Party participation in the HORIZON Europe programme committees (PC) and negotiations.

The European and International department for Higher Education Research and Innovation is responsible for the French NCP Network.

Starting with Horizon Europe, all the NCP coordinators will be hosted within the MESRI and work closely with PC delegates, a significant team (+ 20 persons) fully dedicated to informing and facilitating access to the HE-calls to various French beneficiaries.


1 rue descartes

75005 Paris



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Mrs Isabelle De Sutter Account Admin

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