The discussions cover key aspects of the Pact, including the protection of fundamental rights of migrants and refugees, the new permanent solidarity mechanism and adequate reception conditions.
The EU-funded project Taalbubbels + offers migrant mothers with young children language courses, as part of the compulsory integration program for non-EU citizens in Flanders, Belgium. The project is designed for with small groups of low-literate mothers with children under three years old.
The Polish State Railways, responsible for Poland's railway network, is set to test modern mobile detectors (IONSCAN 600) designed to detect explosives and hazardous chemicals. This six-month pilot program is the first of its kind in Poland.
The Visa Code Training is a new training on the visa process available for staff working with visas and other migration processes. It provides tools to identify and address the common challenges in the field such as visa shopping, as well as abuse and fraud during the visa process.
18 November marks the European Day on the Protection of Children against Sexual Exploitation and Sexual Abuse. Watch our testimonial video giving voice to survivors of child sexual abuse.
La Comisión Europea anunció este jueves el cierre de las investigaciones abiertas para determinar si Luxemburgo y los Países Bajos habían otorgado ventajas fiscales indebidas a Fiat, Amazon y Starbucks. Tras analizar los fallos emitidos por los tribunales de la Unión Europea, concluyó que estas empresas no recibieron beneficios fiscales selectivos ni ilegales, lo que […] La entrada Bruselas cierra las investigaciones sobre ventajas fiscales a Fiat, Amazon y Starbucks al concluir que no hubo beneficios ilegales tras los fallos de los tribunales de la UE** se publicó primero en Aquí Europa.
On 27 November, the European Parliament voted to approve the new College of Commissioners. Austria’s Magnus Brunner will be the new Commissioner for Internal Affairs and Migration, marking the end of Ylva Johansson's mandate. The new College of Commissioners will start working as of 1 December 2024.
The Anti-Corruption Dialogue provides a platform to discuss common priorities and challenges and agree on future cooperation to prevent and combat corruption.
A recent Eurobarometer survey revealed that EU citizens have strong concerns about the impact of drugs on local communities. To address the issue, and especially drug-related violence, the Commission is taking significant steps, including the implementation of the 2021-2025 EU Drugs Action Plan.
The European Commission has launched a new programme to support a Talent Partnership between the EU and Pakistan. Talent Partnerships were launched in 2021 by the Commission to address EU skill shortages, but also involve partner countries in migration management and preventing irregular migration.
La hasta ahora secretaria de Estado de Energía, Sara Aagesen, ha sido nombrada vicepresidenta tercera del Gobierno y ministra de Transición Ecológica y el Reto Demográfico en sustitución de Teresa Ribera, quien a partir de esta semana ejercerá como vicepresidenta ejecutiva de la nueva Comisión Europea de Ursula von der Leyen, según informó el presidente […] La entrada Sánchez nombra a Sara Aagesen, nueva vicepresidenta tercera en sustitución de Ribera y afirma que España seguirá siendo referente en Europa en transición verde se publicó primero en Aquí Europa.
El futuro de los Balcanes Occidentales dentro de la Unión Europea depende todavía de la resolución de conflictos internos como las relaciones entre Serbia y Kosovo, y de garantizar el respaldo sostenido a las reformas necesarias. En este contexto, Miguel Roán, director del Centro de Pensamiento para el Conocimiento, la Divulgación y la Formación sobre […] La entrada Miguel Roán, Balcanólogo: «Si la zona de los Balcanes se integra en la UE será un síntoma de que el proyecto es sólido y de que puede alcanzar una condición de potencia internacional» se publicó primero en Aquí Europa.
Munira Shoinbekova, OSCE Programme Office in Dushanbe The 3rd In-Person International Training Board Meeting concluded successfully in Ashgabat, Turkmenistan. Organized by the OSCE Programme Office in Dushanbe in partnership with the OSCE Centre in Ashgabat, the meeting aimed to enhance co-operation and knowledge-sharing between Central Asia and international partners within the framework of the Integrated Co-operation on Explosive Hazards project. Key stakeholders from Central Asia, the donor community, international organizations, and expert institutions gathered to review past progress, set future priorities, and strengthen regional co-operation in addressing explosive hazards. Hosted by the Government of Turkmenistan, the meeting took place from 19 to 21 November 2024. Building on the momentum of previous meetings, participants engaged in in-depth discussions to identify lessons learned, assess emerging threats, prioritize training needs, explore innovative training methods, and strengthen regional collaboration. A key focus was the importance of international and regional co-operation. The OSCE-supported Regional Explosive Hazards Training Centre was highlighted as a critical platform for training and capacity building, and plans were discussed to further enhance its capabilities. By strengthening regional co-operation and sharing best practices, the meeting contributed to a safer and more secure Central Asia. Participants reaffirmed their commitment to addressing the challenges posed by explosive hazards and building a more resilient region.
La Unión Europea necesita una política de cohesión fuerte, flexible y reformada, accesible a todos los territorios, con las regiones y las ciudades en el centro, para impulsar la competitividad de la UE y reducir al mismo tiempo las desigualdades regionales. Este es el firme llamamiento de los dirigentes regionales y locales que, durante el […] La entrada Las regiones y ciudades adoptan propuestas para reformar la política de cohesión y se oponen a cualquier intento de centralizarla en manos de los gobiernos nacionales se publicó primero en Aquí Europa.
The Commission has launched a call for proposals under the Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund to prevent irregular migration through awareness-raising and information campaigns on the risks of irregular migration in selected third countries and within Europe. The available budget is of EUR 10M.
The Council widened the scope of the EU framework for restrictive measures in view of Iran’s military support to Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine and to armed groups and entities in the Middle-East and the Red Sea region, and adopted restrictive measures against one individuals and four entities responsible for the transfer of missiles and drones from Iran to Russia.
Durante 18 años, Rosario Silva fue miembro del Tribunal de Justicia de la Unión Europea, llegando a ocupar el cargo de vicepresidenta de la institución. A lo largo de su destacada trayectoria de 34 años, desde su inicio como abogada del Estado representando a España hasta su labor como juez, ha sido testigo y protagonista […] La entrada Rosario Silva, exvicepresidenta del TJUE: ‘No basta con respetar los valores del Estado de Derecho para ingresar en la Unión; deben mantenerse durante todo el tiempo que un país sea miembro’ se publicó primero en Aquí Europa.
580708 Communication and Media Relations Section To mark the International Day for the Prevention of and Fight against all Forms of Transnational Organized Crime on 15 November, the OSCE’s Transnational Threats Department (TNTD) held a webinar to discuss the role of women in organized criminal groups. The webinar brought together over 50 participants including policymakers, criminal justice practitioners, academia and civil society. OSCE research shows that women’s agency in organized crime is rarely recognized by criminal justice practitioners across the OSCE area, resulting in women being able to act with impunity within criminal networks and being underrepresented in – or absent from – prevention, exit and witness protection initiatives. Drawing on experience and good practices from the OSCE region, discussions focused on how gender-sensitive approaches are essential to recognize and address the different roles played by women and men in transnational organized crime. “A cultural shift and a strong commitment to gender mainstreaming is needed to promote more targeted, systematic and impactful criminal justice responses to organized crime”, said Ambassador Alena Kupchyna, Co-ordinator of OSCE Activities to Address Transnational Threats, in her opening remarks. “The OSCE is proud to support its participating States to strengthen institutional and civil society capacities to implement gender-sensitive organized crime prevention, exit and witness protection initiatives,” she added. Speakers highlighted that when prevention and exit initiatives are not gender-sensitive, they often fail to shield women and girls from becoming involved in criminal activity and reduce their opportunities to leave criminal groups. They also underlined the importance of engaging women as actors in their own right in prevention and exit programmes, and not just as the partners or family members of male organized crime members. Implementing gender-sensitive approaches to prevent and fight organized crime is a cross-cutting priority of the OSCE’s overall strategy to address organized crime, which prioritizes better understanding the phenomenon through research, addressing illicit financial flows and confiscating criminal assets and strengthening prevention to foster resilience.
The 7th Ministerial Conference of the Budapest Process brought together representatives from over 50 countries, the Commission and international organisations, who recognised the need to translate global commitments into regional realities and practical measures in a “Call for Action 2025-2030”.
580456 Munira Shoinbekova, OSCE Programme Office in Dushanbe The OSCE Programme Office in Dushanbe organized a five-day training course titled “Facilitation and Conflict Prevention: Fundamentals and Practical Approaches”, which took place from 28 October to 2 November 2024. The course brought together 26 facilitators from the OSCE-supported Women's Resource Centres (WRCs), including 23 women. The training covered a wide range of topics, including relevant laws, administrative offenses, appeals, and various codes related to domestic violence. The focus was on strengthening the capacity of the WRCs and initiative groups in conflict prevention, conflict sensitivity, and promoting the concept of global citizenship education. Participants learned about the basics of facilitation, key conflict concepts, types and causes of conflicts, conflict sensitivity and resolution, communication roles and types, and the importance of global citizenship as a significant force. They also explored how to promote services through social media and effectively engage with target audiences using different platforms. Sabohat Azizi, a facilitator from WRC "Marifat," reflected on the experience: “Participating in the training was motivating for me. Attending such sessions inspires and facilitates the exchange of ideas and experiences with colleagues, which enhances our commitment and desire to achieve excellent results. All sessions were relevant, but I particularly enjoyed the one on global citizenship, which instilled in me a greater sense of patriotism and pride in living in a free and independent country. The demonstration of videos and various games were particularly memorable, and I aim to incorporate these elements in future sessions with our beneficiaries.” “During the training session on ‘Conflict and ways to resolve it,’ I gained valuable knowledge and practical tools for effective conflict resolution,” shared Faridun Mahmudov from WRC "Zanho ziddi zurovari". The methods of active listening and non-violent communication techniques were especially useful in understanding and considering the perspectives of both parties. The practical classes solidified my skills in managing stressful situations, boosting my confidence in applying these techniques in real scenarios. This training has provided me with a clear understanding of how to maintain harmony and trust, even in challenging circumstances, which is crucial when working with people,” concluded Mahmudov. The OSCE Programme Office supports victims of domestic violence in the regions through a network of 13 OSCE-established WRCs in partnership with local authorities. The ongoing project, "Supporting and Strengthening the Women’s Resource Centres in Tajikistan," is funded by Norway, the United States of America, Finland, the European Union, Andorra and Germany.
La ministra de Transición Ecológica y comisaria designada para la Transición Limpia, Justa y Competitiva, Teresa Ribera, ha sido objeto de fuertes críticas por su gestión durante la crisis de la DANA que afectó a varias comunidades españolas y causó más de 200 muertes. Desde el Partido Popular (PP) y Vox, se ha señalado a […] La entrada Hearings: Ribera, comisaria designada para la Transición Limpia, Justa y Competitiva, enfrenta duras críticas por su gestión de la crisis de la DANA, lo que lleva al bloqueo de su candidatura se publicó primero en Aquí Europa.
Henna Virkkunen, la candidata designada como vicepresidenta ejecutiva de la Comisión Europea para la Soberanía Tecnológica, la Seguridad y la Democracia, abordó durante su audiencia de confirmación los desafíos y oportunidades que enfrenta Europa en el contexto tecnológico y geopolítico actual. Con una visión centrada en la independencia tecnológica, la seguridad y la defensa de […] La entrada Hearings: Virkkunen, comisaria designada para la Soberanía Tecnológica, la Seguridad y la Democracia, propone reforzar la ciberseguridad y reducir la dependencia tecnológica de Europa se publicó primero en Aquí Europa.
Los miembros de dos comisiones del Parlamento Europeo interrogaron hoy a Roxana Mînzatu, candidata rumana a la vicepresidencia para la cartera de Personas, Capacidades y Preparación. En su discurso de presentación , Mînzatu dijo que, en caso de ser confirmada, se centraría en la preparación, los empleos de calidad y la justicia social. La candidata rumana […] La entrada Hearings: Mînzatu, candidata a la vicepresidencia para la cartera de Personas, Capacidades y Preparación, se compromete en lograr un empleo de calidad y en la justicia social se publicó primero en Aquí Europa.
El candidato francés a la Vicepresidencia Ejecutiva de la Comisión Europea, Stéphane Séjourné, defendió en su audiencia de confirmación una política industrial que coloque a Europa a la vanguardia de la innovación, la sostenibilidad y la competitividad global y propuso un “Pacto para una Industria Limpia” que fomente la descarbonización junto a la industrialización. Uno […] La entrada Hearings: Séjourné , candidato a vicepresidente y comisario designado para la Prosperidad y la Estrategia Industrial, propone un Pacto para una Industria Limpia que combine descarbonización y competitividad se publicó primero en Aquí Europa.
La audiencia de confirmación de Raffaele Fitto, candidato a comisario de Cohesión y Reformas en la Comisión Europea, puso de relieve sus propuestas para simplificar la política de cohesión, reducir la burocracia y aumentar la flexibilidad, sin sacrificar la transparencia ni el control. Sin embargo, Fitto, integrante de Fratelli d’Italia, el partido de la primera […] La entrada Hearings: Fitto, candidato de extrema derecha propuesto para Cohesión y Reformas, no convence al Parlamento y pone en jaque la aprobación del resto de vicepresidencias se publicó primero en Aquí Europa.
La ex primera ministra estonia y candidata a ocupar el cargo de Alta Representante de la Unión para Asuntos Exteriores y Política de Seguridad, y Vicepresidenta de la Comisión Europea, destacó durante su audiencia de confirmación su intención de fortalecer la posición del bloque en un contexto geopolítico inestable, marcado por la guerra en Ucrania, […] La entrada Heraings: Kallas, candiata a Alta Representante, afirma que la UE no debe permitir que Rusia, Irán y Corea del Norte produzcan más armas y municiones que la comunidad euroatlántica se publicó primero en Aquí Europa.
Organizaciones de la sociedad civil argentina llevaron recientemente a Bruselas una alarmante advertencia sobre las políticas del presidente Javier Milei, enfocándose en las severas restricciones a los derechos humanos y las devastadoras consecuencias sociales de sus medidas. En un país donde más del 50% de la población vive por debajo de la línea de pobreza […] La entrada Paula Litvachky, CELS Argentina: «En Europa hay una menor consideración hacia las consecuencias del avance de la ultraderecha en nuestros países y más expectativas comerciales» se publicó primero en Aquí Europa.
The High-Level Committee on Resettlement and Humanitarian Admission held its first meeting on 7 November. The committee will support the Commission with the implementation of the Union Framework Regulation, providing a permanent and harmonised framework for resettlement and humanitarian admission.
La reciente victoria de Donald Trump acaparó gran parte de la atención durante el encuentro de los líderes europeos, reunidos este jueves en Budapest para la quinta cumbre de la Comunidad Política Europea. En la capital húngara, el debate se centró principalmente en cuestiones de seguridad, en un contexto geopolítico marcado por los conflictos en […] La entrada Orbán afirma que las elecciones en EE.UU. abren un nuevo capítulo global en el que la UE debe elegir entre “guerra o paz, migración o protección” se publicó primero en Aquí Europa.
El comisario polaco Piotr Serafin, designado para Presupuesto, Lucha contra el Fraude y Administración Pública, propuso hoy un marco financiero para después de 2027 que priorice digitalización y defensa. En su discurso inaugural en las comisiones de Presupuesto y Control Presupuestario, Serafin promovió un marco financiero plurianual (MFP) posterior a 2027 que equilibre las prioridades más […] La entrada Hearings: Serafin, comisario designado para Presupuesto, Lucha contra el Fraude y Administración Pública, propone priorizar financiación en digitalización y defensa se publicó primero en Aquí Europa.
El comisario letón designado para Economía y Productividad, Implementación y Simplificación, Valdis Dombrovskis, apostó hoy por un euro más fuerte en el mercado internacional. En su discurso introductorio , Dombrovskis se comprometió a mejorar la coherencia, la justicia social y la cohesión en el núcleo del modelo económico europeo. A su juicio, las nuevas normas de […] La entrada Hearings: Dombrovskis, comisario designado para Economía y Productividad, Implementación y Simplificación, apuesta por un euro fuerte en el mercado mundial se publicó primero en Aquí Europa.
580267 From 4 to 7 November 2024, prosecutors of the Special Structure against Corruption and Organized Crime (SPAK) and high officials of the Albanian State Police conducted a study visit to Italy focused on operational aspects of financial investigations. The visit was curated by the Italian Anti-Mafia Investigation Directorate (DIA) and organized by the OSCE Presence in Albania, the Italian State Police Security Expert and the Guardia di Finanza Expert from the Italian Embassy in Tirana, as well as the Italian Service for International Police Co-operation. The Office of the Co-ordinator of OSCE Economic and Environmental Activities and the Transnational Threats Department of the OSCE Secretariat contributed to the organization of the visit. The main objective of the visit was to support the Albanian State Police and SPAK’s Special Prosecution Office in their activities to combat money laundering of illegally acquired capital and implementing asset recovery measures with a view to strengthening and reinforcing the fight against transnational organized crime. In his welcoming address to the delegation, DIA Director Commander General of Guardia di Finanza Michele Carbone underlined the importance of these activities to strengthen co-operation in combating organized crime and identifying illicitly-gained assets. The activity reaffirmed the effectiveness of actions to combat organized crime within the framework of co-operation between the two OSCE participating States. The visit was part of the OSCE Presence’s project “Supporting Albanian law enforcement agencies to tackle serious and organized crime effectively and improve regional co-operation V”. It was also conducted in connection to and with support from the OSCE’s regional project “Strengthening asset recovery efforts in the OSCE region” funded by Austria, Germany, Italy and the United States of America.
El comisario holandés designado para el Clima, Cero Emisiones Netas y Crecimiento Limpio, Wopke Hoekstra, se comprometió hoy ante el Parlamento Europeo a alcanzar el equilibrio entre desarrollo e impulso industrial y sostenibilidad y lucha contra el cambio climático. Hoekstra, que compareció ante tres comités del Parlamento Europeo, reafirmó su compromiso con alcanzar la neutralidad […] La entrada Hearings: Hoekstra, comisario designado para el Clima, Cero Emisiones Netas y Crecimiento Limpio, se compromete a buscar equilibrio entre reindustrialización y sostenibilidad se publicó primero en Aquí Europa.
Marta Kos, propuesta por el gobierno esloveno para ocupar el puesto de Comisaria Europea para la Ampliación y Política de Vecindad, aseguró hoy en su audiencia ante la Comisión de Asuntos Exteriores del Parlamento Europeo que “no hay atajos” en el proceso de ampliación de la UE y que cada país aspirante debe ser evaluado […] La entrada Hearings: Kos, comisaria para la Ampliación, afirma que “no hay atajos”en el proceso ampliación y reitera compromiso UE a reconstrucción de Ucrania se publicó primero en Aquí Europa.
El Tribunal de Justicia de la Unión Europea (TJUE) ha emitido una sentencia sobre la indemnización a las víctimas de homicidios, subrayando que la exclusión automática de ciertos familiares de la víctima de la posibilidad de recibir una compensación no garantiza una indemnización «justa y adecuada». El fallo llega tras un caso en Italia, en […] La entrada El TJUE declara que la exclusión automática de determinados familiares de la víctima de un homicidio no garantiza una indemnización «justa y adecuada» se publicó primero en Aquí Europa.
El candidato húngaro, propuesto por el primer ministro Viktor Orbán para asumir la cartera de salud y el bienestar animal, expuso este miércoles en su audiencia de confirmación un enfoque basado en la prevención de enfermedades, la innovación en la biotecnología y la mejora de la competitividad de la industria sanitaria europea. Propuso medidas para […] La entrada Hearings: Várhelyi, comisario designado para la Salud y el Bienestar Animal, promete que trabajará para mejorar la salud de los ciudadanos, pero esquiva el debate sobre el aborto se publicó primero en Aquí Europa.
El candidato lituano Andrius Kubilius, que se enfrentó este miércoles a su audiencia de confirmación para asumir la nueva cartera de Defensa y Espacio, destacó la creciente amenaza militar que representa Rusia y la necesidad urgente de que Europa se prepare ante contingencias emergentes, en especial en lo que respecta a agresiones militares. La defensa […] La entrada Hearings: Kubilius, comisario designado de Defensa y Espacio,aboga por desarrollar una base industrial sólida porque «necesitamos gastar más por culpa de Putin» se publicó primero en Aquí Europa.
Durante su audiencia de confirmación, el Comisario Europeo designado para las Asociaciones Internacionales, Jozef Síkela, presentó su visión para fortalecer la cooperación internacional de la Unión Europea, con un enfoque centrado en los valores democráticos, la sostenibilidad y la erradicación de la pobreza. Subrayó que la UE debe mostrarse al mundo como una alternativa basada […] La entrada Hearings: Síkela, comisario designado para las Asociaciones Internacionales, aboga por reforzar la oferta de la UE a los países socios ante la presencia de competidores más agresivos en regiones como África se publicó primero en Aquí Europa.
La candidata portuguesa designada Comisaria Europea para los Servicios Financieros y la Unión del Ahorro e Inversión destacó la estabilidad financiera como su prioridad fundamental, un enfoque que ella considera esencial para construir “una economía fuerte y competitiva que sirva a sus ciudadanos y que esté al servicio de su prosperidad”. Albuquerque también subrayó su […] La entrada Hearings: Albuquerque, Comisaria Europea designada para los Servicios Financieros y la Unión del Ahorro y la Inversión, promete estabilidad y menos regulación para hacer más competitiva la economía de la UE se publicó primero en Aquí Europa.
Hadja Lahbib, ministra de Exteriores y Asuntos Europeos de Bélgica y comisaria designada de Preparación y Gestión de Crisis e Igualdad en la UE, subrayó este miércoles, durante su audiencia de confirmación, la necesidad de una estrategia sólida de preparación ante desastres naturales, haciendo referencia a la reciente DANA en España, que ha provocado significativas […] La entrada Hearings: Lahbib, comisaria designada de Gestión de Crisis, destaca la DANA como “un recordatorio de que la Unión Europea debe prepararse mejor para las catástrofes” se publicó primero en Aquí Europa.
Roswall delineó este martes durante su audiencia de confirmación ante la Comisión de Medio Ambiente, Salud Pública y Seguridad Alimentaria, sus objetivos y su compromiso para impulsar una transición sostenible que beneficie tanto al medio ambiente como a la economía, destacando la importancia de alcanzar "resultados claros para proteger la naturaleza y el clima, para crear […] La entrada Hearings: Roswall, comisaria designada para Medio Ambiente, presenta su plan para una economía circular, resiliencia hídrica y transición Sostenible se publicó primero en Aquí Europa.
El candidato danés afirmó este martes que la política energética está en el centro de todos los desafíos a los que se enfrenta Europa en la actualidad: competitividad, empleo, crecimiento, seguridad (con la guerra en Ucrania), cambio climático y justicia social, enfatizando la necesidad de “generar resultados palpables que impacten positivamente en la vida cotidiana […] La entrada Hearings: Jørgensen, comisario designado de Energía y Vivienda, se compromete a reducir el costo de la energía y a desarrollar un plan europeo para garantizar el acceso a la vivienda se publicó primero en Aquí Europa.
La candidata croata Dubravka Šuica se presentó este martes ante el Parlamento Europeo en una audiencia que determinará si asumirá la nueva cartera del Mediterráneo. Šuica propuso fortalecer los vínculos entre Europa y sus vecinos mediterráneos, subrayando la importancia de abordar conjuntamente los desafíos económicos, energéticos, migratorios y de seguridad en la región. Šuica sostuvo […] La entrada Hearings: Šuica, comisaria designada para el Mediterráneo, promete trabajar con Kaja Kallas para crear “una nueva estrategia de la UE para Oriente Medio” se publicó primero en Aquí Europa.
El Partido Popular Europeo ha ratificado a través de sus canales digitales que sus dos comisarios auditados ayer lunes 4, así como las candidatas búlgara y croata convocadas el día de hoy, 5 de noviembre, han recibido la aprobación del Parlamento. A falta de conocer el futuro del resto de comisarios que han pasado por […] La entrada Tzitzikostas nuevo comisario de Transporte Sostenible, Hansen a Agricultura, Zaharieva encargada del emprendimiento e innovación digital y Šuica del Mediterráneo se publicó primero en Aquí Europa.
El candidato de Irlanda a la Comisión Europea, Michael McGrath, expuso su postura para ser el próximo comisario de justicia del bloque en una audiencia ante tres comités del Parlamento Europeo, a los que prometió que, en caso de ser confirmado, “la promoción y defensa del estado de derecho en toda nuestra unión será una […] La entrada Hearings: McGrath, comisario designado de Democracia y Estado de derecho, promete un “Escudo de la Democracia” contra la manipulación de la información y la injerencia extranjera se publicó primero en Aquí Europa.
La exministra de Justicia y Asuntos Exteriores de Bulgaria, Ekaterina Zaharieva, propuesta para liderar la nueva cartera dedicada a Startups, Investigación e Innovación (anteriormente Innovación, Investigación, Cultura, Educación y Juventud), subrayó este martes la necesidad urgente de que la Unión Europea se sitúe en el centro de la innovación global. “Para competir en un mercado […] La entrada Hearings: Zaharieva, comisaria designada para Startups, Investigación e Innovación, propone una Ley Europea de Innovación para instar a los 27 a cumplir el objetivo de gasto del 3 % en I+i se publicó primero en Aquí Europa.
The post Women’s Economic Empowerment in the Southern Mediterranean: Enhancing Women Entrepreneurs’ Financial Inclusion and Access to Finance in the Digital Age appeared first on EU Neighbours.
Apostolos Tzitzikostas, político griego designado como próximo Comisario de Transporte Sostenible y Turismo, se comprometió a mejorar la conectividad europea mediante una red de trenes de alta velocidad que una las capitales y grandes ciudades del continente. Entre sus propuestas destacan la reducción de la burocracia en los sectores del transporte y el turismo, una […] La entrada Hearings: Tzitzikostas, comisario designado de Transporte Sostenible, promete conectar las capitales europeas con trenes de alta velocidad y asegurar un sistema de billete único para 2025 se publicó primero en Aquí Europa.
El luxemburgués Christophe Hansen, candidato a la cartera de Agricultura y Alimentación, se comprometió este lunes a avanzar en la Política Agrícola Común (PAC) para asegurar precios justos a los agricultores y reducir la carga burocrática, uno de los puntos más reclamados por el sector. En su audiencia ante la Comisión de Agricultura y Desarrollo […] La entrada Hearings: Hansen, comisario designado de Agricultura, se compromete a desarrollar una visión de la futura política agrícola y alimentaria durante sus primeros 100 días en el cargo se publicó primero en Aquí Europa.
El maltés destacó este lunes en su audiencia la importancia de integrar la equidad intergeneracional en todas las políticas de la UE y planteó el desarrollo de una estrategia específica para ello. "Voy a colaborar con todos los eurodiputados y con el resto del colegio de comisarios para que todas las voces de todas las […] La entrada Hearings: Micallef, comisario designado de Juventud, pone el foco en la salud mental y la participación de “todas las clases sociales” en las políticas comunitarias se publicó primero en Aquí Europa.
No area is free from corruption, but some may present higher risks than others. The Commission's newly released study, High-risk areas of corruption in EU Member States: a mapping and in-depth analysis, identifies the most at risk areas and feeds into the first EU strategy against corruption.
CHISINAU, 4 November 2024 – The 3 November second round of Moldova’s presidential election was administered efficiently and professionally, and offered voters a choice between genuine political alternatives, international observers said in a statement of preliminary findings and conclusions today. Candidates were able to campaign freely, but the quiet, ten-day campaign was marked by an increase in negative rhetoric from across the political spectrum targeting both contestants, often spread through online social networks. The challenges posed by foreign interference and vote-buying continued to reverberate during the run-off campaign, the statement says. The presidential election was conducted under the 2022 Electoral Code, which, despite frequent revisions, provides an adequate basis for holding democratic elections. The application of general regulations to the short second-round period resulted in conflicting provisions and ambiguities, limiting the effectiveness of legal remedies and campaign opportunities, while overly burdensome financial reporting requirements, combined with limited disclosure, negatively impacted the transparency of campaign finances for the second round. The incumbent, Maia Sandu, continued to benefit from the misuse of public resources, albeit this was significantly less widespread than in the first round, and from unbalanced media coverage. This did not provide the contestants with equal opportunities, the observers said. “The high voter engagement, by women in particular, both in Moldova and abroad, reflects a strong commitment to shaping the country’s future. This process was well managed at polling stations and demonstrates that Moldovans across political views can come together and communicate openly and respectfully,” said Lucie Potůčková, the Special Co-ordinator and leader of the OSCE short-term observers, and Head of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly delegation. “Despite the polarization often highlighted on social media, these interactions serve as a reminder of the resilience of real-life connections and dialogue. I commend the Moldovan authorities for their efforts to protect the integrity of the election, countering foreign interference, and ensuring a peaceful and secure voting environment. Such measures strengthen trust in democracy and highlight the unity that lies beneath differing perspectives.” The run-off was held amid continuing investigations into interference from abroad and vote-buying schemes intended to influence the outcomes of the first-round, and the constitutional referendum that was held simultaneously. These investigations included detentions, searches of premises, the seizure of materials, and the issuing of fines. "These elections were organized under extremely challenging circumstances, facing unprecedented schemes to corrupt the electoral process. Despite this, the electoral administration deserves our full recognition for a job well done. None of this would have been possible without the hundreds of committed women working at polling stations," said Jone Blikra, Head of the PACE delegation. “The second round has, unfortunately, confirmed how deeply divided Moldova truly is. The president-elect will need to build bridges to heal these societal rifts, especially with parliamentary elections on the horizon next year." Overall, the media provided voters with sufficient information to make an informed choice, including through a debate between the two candidates. The public broadcaster provided more coverage of the two candidates in the second round, although a large portion of its radio coverage was devoted to the government, without critical analysis. Media monitoring showed that, while the four television channels monitored devoted fairly equal amounts of airtime in their newscasts to both candidates, they displayed a concerning bias in their tone, with coverage of Sandu almost exclusively positive or neutral, while that of her opponent, Alexandr Stoianoglo, was more critical, including in less positive and some negative coverage in editorial programmes. Preparations for the second round were efficient and professional, and the election administration met legal deadlines. The Central Election Commission continued to work in a collegial and transparent manner and held open sessions. The Commission continued its voter education programme between rounds, including through dedicated materials for students and first-time voters. “We praise the Moldovan people for running the presidential election professionally and with an extraordinary sense of duty and dedication, despite the continued massive interference from Russia and Russian-sponsored actors,“ said Marta Temido, Head of the European Parliament delegation. “The determination of the Moldovan authorities and people to protect the integrity of the democratic process was noticeable during this second round. We encourage the authorities to continue these efforts in view of next year‘s parliamentary elections, and we will stand ready to support Moldova in defending its democracy.“ Election day was generally calm and well-organized, and the voting process was assessed overwhelmingly positively by the observers, with only a few procedural problems noted. The vote count and tabulation were assessed positively overall. “In our team’s assessment of the process, we saw that the lack of regulations adapted for the second round of the campaign created some challenges for candidates and impacted the transparency of campaign finance, for example. Our media monitoring also showed bias benefiting the incumbent”, said Urszula Gacek, Head of the election observation mission from the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights. “Our role as ODIHR is to help Moldova in addressing these and other issues we note in our observations, and we will be providing concrete recommendations that we hope will benefit Moldova’s electoral processes in the future.” In the period leading up to the run-off, the observers also monitored the tabulation of the first-round and constitutional referendum results, and the resolution of related appeals. On 31 October the Constitutional Court certified that the “Yes” position had passed, interpreting the law as establishing the results based on valid votes cast. Voters and contestants had the opportunity to file complaints about election day violations and to appeal results, but the failure to register certain complaints and questions over which mechanisms were appropriate for appealing certain issues limited access to legal remedies.
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579334 Communication and Media Relations Section The OSCE hosted a high-level meeting in Vienna on 25 October, focusing on the strategic advancement of police canine capabilities for the prevention and detection of illicit trafficking of Small Arms and Light Weapons (SALW) in South-Eastern Europe. The meeting was part of ongoing efforts to further strengthen the region's capacities to prevent and detect illicit and trafficked SALW. Participants reviewed the progress accomplished to date under the framework of the OSCE’s Comprehensive Programme on Supporting Efforts to Prevent and Combat Illicit Trafficking of SALW and Conventional Ammunition in the region. Common challenges were discussed and an agreement was reached on how to further enhance co-operation and resource mobilization to sustain these efforts. Representatives from South-Eastern Europe stressed the impetus police canine units could add in combating SALW trafficking. Against this backdrop, strategic planning for the coming years was highlighted, particularly focusing on ensuring the necessary structural and operational support to further enhance their effectiveness. “The combatting of illicit SALW remains a strategic priority for the Albanian Government. We are grateful to the OSCE for its continued support and expertise in addressing these challenges. Strengthening our capacities to counter illicit SALW trafficking brings us closer to meeting international standards, enhancing security for both Albania and the Western Balkan region.” said Besfort Lamallari, Deputy Minister of Interior, Albania "We are pleased with the exchanges and conclusions of this High-Level Meeting on the Strategic Advancement of Police Canine Capabilities in South-Eastern Europe. Together with our partners and beneficiaries, we have laid the groundwork for future cooperation, ensuring that police canine units can advance and become a crucial tool in enhancing regional security and combating illicit SALW, both in each jurisdiction, and across the region," said Shawn Decaluwe, Deputy Director for the Conflict Prevention Centre’s Operations Service. Participants re-emphasised their shared commitment to reducing illicit trafficking and enhancing canine capabilities. Participants underscored their readiness for sustained political and financial support as a precondition for maintaining the progress made and to further expanding canine capabilities, particularly through regional co-operation, training, and resource development. The event brought together senior officials, including Deputy Ministers of Interior, Deputy Police Directors, Police Canine Unit Command representatives, Presidents of SALW Commissions from South-Eastern Europe and international partners and donors from France, the European Union, Germany and the United States of America. “Today’s meeting represents a unique opportunity for all of us to reaffirm our shared commitment to combating illicit SALW trafficking through enhanced canine capabilities. That is why I, thank you for your partnership, and assure you that we will remain a dedicated partner in this process” said Ambassador Rasa Ostrauskaite, Permanent Representative of the European Union to the OSCE. “This topic is of such significance that France will continue to provide not only its financial contributions but also make its specialized structures available for specialized trainings,” added Ambassador Olivier Caron, France’s Special Envoy for Counterterrorism and the Fight against Organized Crime of France.
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On 18 October, the Critical Entities Resilience Directive entered into application. The new legislation strengthens the resilience of critical infrastructure and minimises the impact of natural and man-made disruptive incidents. EU countries now have to prioritise its implementation.
According to the notification of the US State Department dated June 2, 2021 ( involvement-in-significant-corruption/), the former Deputy Minister of Economy of the Republic of Bulgaria Alexander Manolev (pictured) and 4 other high-ranking Bulgarian officials were sanctioned due to their involvement in significant corruption. The decision to impose sanctions on the 5 Bulgarian officials, including […]
As part of the international momentum driven by HM King Mohammed VI in support of the autonomy plan and Morocco’s sovereignty over its Sahara, the Republic of Estonia affirms that the Moroccan autonomy initiative is “a serious, credible and good basis” for a definitive solution to this regional dispute. “Estonia considers the autonomy plan presented […]
578881 Communication and Media Relations Section On 17 and 18 October 2024, the OSCE hosted the second in-person meeting of women professionals from Central Asia and South-Eastern Europe working on preventing and countering violent extremism and radicalization that lead to terrorism (P/CVERLT). Established in February 2023 by the OSCE Secretariat’s Gender Issues Programme WIN Project, in collaboration with the OSCE Secretariat's Transnational Threats Department, the two regional networks comprise 68 women professionals from diverse sectors including government agencies, civil society, academia, media and OSCE field operations. The primary focus of the meeting was on sharing good practices and learning from each other about the key P/CVERLT challenges and trends. Participants discussed the importance of community resilience and multi-stakeholder co-operation in P/CVERLT efforts, as well as media and information literacy for preventing the spread of misinformation, disinformation and malign information. Particular attention was given to examining gendered aspects of radicalization to violence and the ways the education sector can be safely involved in P/CVERLT efforts. The meeting also helped to strengthen connections among network members both within and across regions, as well as to introduce new members, who joined the networks in 2024. “Not only is violent misogyny in violent extremist narratives across the ideological spectrum becoming increasingly evident in the online space, but harmful content is reaching and influencing younger and younger audiences. In fact, we see increasing evidence of teenagers being negatively impacted by violent extremist content and in some cases exploited by violent extremist groups and individuals. That is why educators and parents must be better included in the comprehensive prevention of radicalization to violence with the objective of protecting children and youth,” said Ambassador Alena Kupchyna, OSCE Co-ordinator of Activities to Address Transnational Threats. “By supporting these networks, we are sending a clear message: gender-sensitive approaches are vital to effectively address the complex threat that violent extremism poses to our societies,” said Dr. Lara Scarpitta, OSCE Senior Advisor on Gender Issues, “This is not merely a question of representation – it is about integrating the unique perspectives, experiences and expertise that women bring to the table into the P/CVERLT policies and programming,” she added. This meeting reaffirmed the OSCE's commitment to enhancing the capacity of women professionals in the critical field of P/CVERLT. By facilitating regular online meetings every two months and in-person gatherings, the OSCE is creating a sustainable platform for knowledge exchange, collaboration, and capacity-building among women professionals in this crucial security domain.
18 October marks the EU Anti-Trafficking Day. Thousands of trafficking victims are recorded in the EU but many remain undetected. Find out more on this high-profit but largely invisible crime, the EC's awareness raising campaign, the EU Anti-Trafficking Coordinator, and actions taken across the EU.
Trafficking in human beings is a crime that should have no place in our societies. The EU Anti-Trafficking Day aims to raise awareness and increase the exchange of information, knowledge, and best practices among the different actors involved in the fight against trafficking in human beings.
Over the past three years, the Pilot project for business mobility between Belgium and Senegal has been connecting Senegalese and Belgian entrepreneurs, supporting 47 small to medium-sized businesses and contributing to the development of a sustainable Belgo-Senegalese economic partnership.
The 12th session of the Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime (UNTOC) focuses on the implementation of the Firearms Protocol, key international instrument to prevent and combat the illicit manufacturing of and trafficking in firearms.
578692 On 15 and 16 October, the OSCE Secretariat with the support of the OSCE Programme Office in Bishkek and other OSCE Field Operations in Central Asia organized an international seminar that initiated the establishment of the Association of Women in Border and Law Enforcement Agencies in Central Asia. The international seminar, held in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan, builds on OSCE’s ongoing efforts to empower women officers and strengthen regional security. The event brought together 30 representatives from the Ministries of Internal Affairs, State Committees of National Security, Border Guard Services, Police Services and Prosecutors Offices of Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Turkmenistan. The event’s main goal was to initiate the creation of the Regional Association of Women in Border and Law Enforcement Agencies in Central Asia. The Regional Association will promote gender equality and inclusivity in the security sector by encouraging greater participation of women. This strategy is designed to enhance the effectiveness of border and law enforcement agencies in detecting and preventing crimes, while also building public trust and contributing to the overall safety and security in the region. ”Our Programme Office has supported the creation of the Kyrgyz Association of Women in Security Sector since 2011. Bringing this concept to the regional level will not only increase cross-border co-operation and joint efforts towards a gender-sensitive security sector but will also foster trust and rapport from people in the region and ultimately lead to more safety and security,” emphasized Ambassador Alexey Rogov, Head of the OSCE Programme Office in Bishkek. Elmira Ashimbekovna Isakova, Deputy Head of Legal Support at the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Kyrgyz Republic, stated that "This seminar is a unique platform for sharing experiences, ideas, and achievements among women who play key roles in maintaining law and order in Central Asia." “In the OSCE, we understand the transformative impact this Association can have - not only in empowering women officers, but also in strengthening regional security,” emphasized Siv-Katrine Leirtroe, Head of the OSCE Transnational Threats Department’s Border Security and Management Unit. Dr. Lara Scarpitta, OSCE Senior Adviser on Gender Issues, highlighted that “The underrepresentation of women not only hinders gender equality, but it also weakens security and stability for all. Promoting gender equality within border and law enforcement agencies allows to address the specific needs of women officers and of a large portion of our society. In these efforts, the OSCE remains a unique platform to promote regional approaches and networking opportunities for women to unite their voices.” Participants elaborated on possible priorities and activities of the Regional Association, which will be shared with their national authorities for consideration and further action. They have also actively engaged in networking and knowledge-sharing, building connections with each other and the agencies they represented. This event builds on the recommendations from the OSCE regional conference on Women's Participation in Law Enforcement in Central Asia and at the Annual Meeting of the OSCE Gender Equality Platform in Border Security and Management, which took place in 2023. The International Seminar was organized as part of several extra-budgetary projects, including the Gender Issues Programme’s “WIN for Women and Men” project, the Conflict Prevention Centre’s “Support, capacity-building and awareness-raising for Security Sector Governance and Reform within the OSCE: Phase III” and the Transnational Threat Department’s Border Security and Management Unit’s programme.