The Society for Politics & Business promotes contacts between the business community and Members of Parliament and bureaucrats.
The Swedish Society for Politics & Business (SPN) was founded in 1980.
The core activity of the Society is to organise visits to business and industrial enterprises for members of the Swedish Parliament, Swedish Members of the European Parliament, and high-ranking officials from the Swedish Parliament, the Swedish Government Offices and the Ministries.
In Brussels the main activities are seminars and networking events with the purpose of creating links between Swedish business and the EU-institutions, e.
g the European Parliament, the European Commission and the Permanent Representations to the EU.
The Society also arranges courses for business on the political decision making process and examines topics of common interest to people and politicians through seminars and excursions.
The Society comprises parliamentary representatives and Confederation of Swedish Enterprise www.
se Since 1997 the Society cooperates with The International Association of Business and Parliament www.
org Contact persons:Göran Färm, Chairman of SPN, Brussels goran.
Lefever Valerie | Account Admin |
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