The Future Media Lounge is a spin-off of the Future Media Lab., a think tank initiative at the interface of media innovation and media policy. The Future Media Lounge format is a way to bring all relevant stakeholders — i.e. media professionals, journalists, technology companies, academics, politicians and consumers — together in an intimate environment to tackle a specific issue shaping the future media landscape. Since May 2015, the Future Media Lounge sessions are organized around one of the policy issues set out in the EU Digital Single Market Strategy. This is a recurring event that takes place in the European Parliament on a regular basis, usually every 6-8 weeks. This innovative format allows for:
Since May 2015, the Future Media Lounge sessions are organised around one of the policy issues set out in the EU Digital Single Market Strategy. This is a recurring event that takes place in the European Parliament on a regular basis, usually every 6-8 weeks.
Rue de Namur 73A
1000 Brussels
+32 2 536 06 07
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Ms Barbora Vesela | Account Admin |
Future Media Lounge Belgium | 4 Sep 2017 |