EU About is an umbrella organization set up in 2016 by experts specialized on Economics, Public Procurement, political issues and European projects ;Despite it’s a young organisation, EU About is a consequence of more than 10 years of experience in Brussels by the founders.
Our area of expertise covers energy, transport, waste and water management, education and climate ;
EUAbout offers services of support in terms of monitoring and evaluation of policies and measures applied, policy recommendation, analysis of EU, national and regional policies and measures, support for new grants such as public procurement, tenders and call for proposals.
Moreover, EUAbout is specialized as well as on dissemination and exploitation activities at EU level given its position in to its team of researchers, EU About specialized to work at different level, in terms of research, policy and services as to provide the best offer to local authorities, national governments, NGOs and SME to apply at European funding.
Ms Clara Cambra | Account Admin |