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Non-profit sector

ERCST (European Roundtable on Climate Change and Sustainable Transition)

Rue Archimede 61
1000 Brussels, Belgium

The European Roundtable on Climate Change and Sustainable Transition (ERCST) was launched in September 2016 under the umbrella of the International Centre for Trade and Sustainable Development (ICTSD) and is since November 2018  an independent non-profit association based in Brussels, Belgium.

It aims to provide a neutral space where policy-makers and regulators can meet stakeholders to discuss climate change policy and how to manage the transition to a low GHG-economy in a sustainable way. While focused on European climate policy, ERCST fully recognises, and incorporates in its activities and thinking, the global dimension of climate change policy.

Besides providing a place to meet, ERCST provides rigorous intellectual analysis in step with the EU and international political agenda, by using the experience and research input of its staff, and the input of the stakeholders who join its activities. ERCST aims to provide original ideas and research into European and international debates on climate change policy. ERCST represents its own views and strives to ensure in a very strict way its independence and integrity.

ERCST focuses its work on a number of workstreams that operate with different formats such as Task Forces, moderated European Roundtables in Brussels and other capitals, briefings, and lunchtime meetings.

Rue Archimede 61

1000 Brussels


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