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I got it!

12 Oct 2021

The future is now: Person Centred Technology to empower people and disability services.

The conference will bring together key stakeholders to explore the most relevant technologies in the area of service provision for persons with disabilities and how to address the digital divide in the context of persons with disabilities.

The use of technology and the increasing digitalisation of our societies poses both opportunities and challenges to persons with disabilities and the social services who support them.

Across the world innovative uses of Person-Centred Technology (PCT) as well as Assistive Technology (AT) are driving the provision of ICT-enabled services, which increase the participation of people with disabilities in society and improve their quality of life.

In many sectors the COVID-19 pandemic has increased the uptake of digital solutions; accelerated the transition towards digitalisation and driven innovation in the sector.

The current innovations of today are driving the future of support provision and the delivery of high-quality, person- centred disability services which promote the full implementation of the United Nations Convention on Rights of Persons with Disabilities.

EASPD’s conference: ‘The future is now: Person Centred Technology to empower people and disability services,’ will bring together participants to explore the way forward for the use of technology in service provision for persons with /> 
The conference will:

  • Share good practices and the direction of the digital transition in the area of service provision for persons with
  • Build on the impact of COVID-19 on moving online the services for persons with disabilities and present lessons
  • Propose new ways to address the digital divide in the context of persons with
  • Present the most relevant technologies in area of service provision for persons with
  • Present the latest innovative European projects on


12 Oct 2021 @ 04:00 pm

14 Oct 2021 @ 04:00 pm

Duration: 2 days


Thon EU Hotel


1000 Bruxelles

75 Rue de la Loi


English en

Organised by

European Association of...

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