The European Association of Service providers for Persons with Disabilities (EASPD) and L’ADAPT are pleased to invite you to register for our upcoming conference “Road to employment for Persons with Disabilities” which will be held on 4th-5th May 2020 via Zoom
The right to work is a fundamental right, as recognised in several international legal instruments.
But being employed is much more than a right, and having a job often forms an inherent part of a person’s identity, enabling them to be economically independent, provide for their families, and actively contribute to their ;
Working in the framework of art 27 of the UNCRPD, the aim of our work should be clear: the inclusion of persons with disabilities in the open labour market.
But how to get there?
The Road to Employment of Persons with Disabilities is a very varied one.
It takes many shapes, many turns, in a wide array of settings.
There are some potholes, there are some detours, and there are some truly inspiring practices to see.
In this conference, EASPD and LADAPT invite you travel this road together to see what it has to offer and explore how we can make it a better journey for everyone!
4 May 2020 @ 09:00 am
5 May 2020 @ 09:01 am
Duration: 1 days
English en