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31 Oct 2019

Conflicts Between EU and US Export Rules Webinar

Due to the concept of extraterritoriality of US export control laws, European companies need to adhere to both EU and US export regulations. Complying with two sets of sometimes conflicting regulations can present practical and legal challenges.

AIRING - October 31, 2019:

9:00-10:30 AM EDT 
3:00-4:30 PM Europe Time
2:00-3:30 PM GMT

How do you make the choice between compliance with one over the other? Where do the greater enforcement risks lie?​

This webinar is designed for EU companies or governments who deal with US companies, or produce their products using US-origin goods or US technology. Companies located in the US may find this webinar to be of interest and helpful in understanding these potential conflicts and how their EU business partners, subsidiaries, parents or affiliates must balance the conflicting export rules. This webinar will touch upon existing and potential discrepancies and conflicts between EU and US export control laws. US export controls have an extraterritorial application which often creates major compliance requirements for European companies. There are several instances where US requirements directly conflict with EU requirements. These will be covered in detail, along with:

  • EU Data Protection Regulations
  • EU Anti-Discrimination Regulations
  • EU Anti-Boycott Regulations
  • Latest developments regarding Iran
  • Practical advice and solutions when dealing with conflicts between the two regimes
  • EU General Data Protection Regulation as of May 2018

This webinar will provide PowerPoint slides and include live video and commentary from Stephan Müller who specializes in public law with Export Control forming a major part of his practice. Stephan advises national and international corporations on all national, EU and US law related compliance and permitting issues, including representation before courts and in administrative proceedings.

Webinar participants are invited to submit questions during the webinar. The final 30 minutes of the webinar will be allotted to answering attendees’ questions. Each registrant will receive a copy of the presentation, certificate of completion, and access to the webinar recording.

Can’t make the live broadcast of this webinar? Don’t worry; you will receive access to the webinar, via recording and PowerPoint presentation.

Multi-viewer discounts available.



31 Oct 2019 @ 09:00 am

31 Oct 2019 @ 10:30 am

Duration: 1 hours, 30 minutes



English en

Organised by

ECTI, Inc. (deactivated)

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