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24 Apr 2018

Investment and Innovation in Social Services: New Ideas and Approaches - webinar

A one-hour special European Social Services Conference webinar that will discuss two of the key themes on the agenda at Seville.

European Social Network chief executive Alfonso Lara Montero will be joined by John Bolton, visiting professor at the Institute of Public Care and Christian Bodewig from the World Bank.

This year’s conference explores how to invest in efficient, effective and financially sustainable social services to empower people and communities across Europe and both John and Christian will deliver their experience and insight on this.

John is acutely aware of the challenges faced by social services and will look at ways at addressing these, while Christian will provide an insight into the World Bank’s recent ‘Growing United’ report, which focuses on Europe.

There will also be a Q&A session following the presentations.

Join us - Tuesday April 24 10am BST / 11am CET / 12pm EET


24 Apr 2018 @ 10:00 am

24 Apr 2018 @ 11:00 am

Duration: 1 hours



English en

Organised by

European Social Network (deactivated)