As an umbrella body for providers of social care and support services across the EU, the European Association of Service providers for Persons with Disabilities (EASPD) finds it important to fully understand the impacts of the European Working Time Directive (WTD) on the quality of the services its members provide.
During this roundtable discussion, EASPD will launch a study assessing precisely this issue.
Preliminary results of this study show that the implementation of the WTD in its current form may obstruct the development of personalised support services that help to enable persons with disabilities to enjoy their full human rights, as envisaged in the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and the upcoming European Pillar of Social Rights.
Yet, it is also essential to ensure quality working conditions to attract well trained social care professionals.
As such, during this roundtable discussion hosted by MEP Georgi Pirinski, EASPD will explore with representatives from the European institutions, as well as other stakeholders, what can be done to ensure that the EU WTD may help to contribute to the effective implementation of the European Pillar of Social Rights; in terms of creating enabling services and decent ;
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23 Nov 2017 @ 09:00 am
23 Nov 2017 @ 11:00 am
Duration: 2 hours
European Parliament Room JAN 6Q1
1000 Bruxelles
60 Rue Wiertz
English en