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I got it!

24 Jun 2013

5 years Aiming Hydrogen, fuel cells and Electro-mo

5 years Aiming Hydrogen, fuel cells and Electro-mobility in European Regions

This year, Hydrogen, fuel cells and Electro-mobility in European Regions,HyER, will be marking its 5th anniversary together with its member regions and cities across Europe with an annual public event on 25-26 June 2013 during the European Sustainable Energy Week (EUSEW), in Brussels.

With the European Commission’s communication on Clean Power for Transport, as released earlier this year, which will ensure harmonised build-up of infrastructure for alternative fuels (including hydrogen and electricity) across Europe and its reference to the European Electromobility Observatory (EEO), funded by the EU that HyER is coordinating, European  regions and cities will exchange views with industry stakeholders and regional and EU decision-makers on the role of the EEO instrument in achieving Europe’s ambition for clean transport.

The first results of the EEO will be presented to contribute to fact-based policy, while a number of HyER cities will showcase their local approaches to clean transport and energy systems and stimulate new ones to achieve HyER vision on hydrogen, fuel cell and electro-mobility in Europe.

The event will be preceded with a Stakeholders’ Forum on the EU co-funded Green eMotion and the FR-EVUE projects on 24-25 June 2013.

The FREVUE project will demonstrate the use of battery electric light-duty vehicles in city logisitics operation, while Green eMotion is developing the European framework for an interoperable electromobility system.

The event will be followed by a networking cocktail and an electrifying activity.


24 Jun 2013 @ 01:00 pm

26 Jul 2013 @ 02:00 pm

Duration: 32 days, 1 hours


Palais des Académies



Hertogsstraat 1


English en

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