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I got it!

14 May 2013

SIP 2013 Focus Groups

During the last three years the European Federation of IASP Chapters (EFIC) and Grünenthal have organized three symposia on the Societal Impact of Pain (SIP) in Europe. This year two SIP Focus Group will be organized, each one focusing on one topic.

The SIP Focus Groups will take place on 14 and 15 May in the European Economic and Social Committee and the European Parliament in Brussels. The aims for SIP are to raise awareness of the impact of chronic pain, to exchange information and share best-practices across the European Union and develop and foster policy strategies and activities to improve pain care in Europe.Topic of Focus Group 1: Pain as Quality Outcomes Indicator.Focus Group 1 is based on the pilot project on good practice indicators for pain management (IPM) as presented by Professor Pedro Saturno (University of Murcia, Spain) during SIP 2012. The need for developing tools for monitoring the quality of pain management brought forth this national best practice, which has been successfully pilot-tested in the Spanish Health Care System by more than 10 Spanish regions.Topic of Focus Group 2: Chronic Pain in the Working Population.During the second SIP 2013 Focus Group the significance of the EU workforce and the impact of chronic pain on the latter will be presentend. The imprtance of oth preventive measures and rehabillitation programmes will be duscussed as part of an effort to ensure that the working population is able to re-enter the workforce even if they have been affected by chronic pain.


14 May 2013 @ 12:00 pm

15 May 2013 @ 05:30 pm

Duration: 1 days, 5 hours


European Parliament - Altiero Spinelli Building - Room A5G1

Rue Wiertz 60




English en

Organised by

Grünenthal GmbH (deactivated)