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I got it!

16 Oct 2012

HyER 5th Annual General Assembly

Ready, Set, Go? HyER's move from Projects to Programme

Organised within the framework of HyER’s fifth Annual General Meeting (AGM), this public conference aims to actively engage the organisation, in close cooperation with its members, in translating project results into long-term and large-scale deployment programmes.

A series of fast-paced presentations and interactive panels will animate the debate on how current HyER projects and activities contribute to local and regional policy-making.

Local authorities and industry representatives will also present their ambitions for the use of the technology and their expectations from the EU Institutions to assist them in accelerating the integration of hydrogen fuel cells and electro-mobility applications in local energy and transport solutions in Europe.

Furthermore, the region of Niedersachsen will hold a Parliamentary meeting to present the region’s latest developments in the field of  Energy storage, Energy systems and Electromobility and discuss further synergies with interested regions.

With HyER having increased its involvement in successful EU projects, European Commission’s DG MOVE Director of Innovative and Sustainable Mobility Olivier Onidi  and other key EU officials have confirmed their participation to this high-level event.


16 Oct 2012 @ 10:00 am

17 Oct 2012 @ 01:00 pm

Duration: 1 days, 3 hours


Royal Flemish Academy of Belgium for Science and the Arts



Hertogsstraat 1


English en

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