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I got it!

22 Feb 2012

Recharging the European Electric Vehicle Market:

Boosting Consumer Acceptance through New Business Models

The European Commission has put electric vehicles at the heart of its commitment to the long-term goal of reducing carbon emissions by 60 per cent within the transport sector by 2050.However, whilst electric vehicles are widely regarded as the environmental ‘silver bullet’ towards achieving a low carbon economy, significant obstacles remain in the way of a fully functioning electric vehicle market in Europe. As well as long-standing infrastructure and standardisation issues, ongoing technical and commercial barriers have frustrated the electric vehicle market and have led to calls for a revolutionary shift in the mindset to create new business models, especially to combat the high research and manufacturing costs associated with electric vehicles.To widen consumer acceptance and improve existing value chains, flexible partnerships must thrive between diverse and cross-functional industries such as telecommunication, energy providers, manufacturers, suppliers and retailers. It is vital that the EU plays an integral role in this process to develop appropriate frameworks and provide funding for research and development.The wider benefits of a thriving EV market are potentially huge: Electro-mobility means not only changing the way vehicles move around but will also trigger further developments such as intelligent transport systems and smart grids. Furthermore, the introduction of electric vehicles to the European industry adds value and will bring new technologies to the forefront, creating job opportunities and giving European exports a major boost. A partnership of electro-mobility regions has been established to support the common development of electro-mobility across Europe. Close collaboration between this partnership and the Green e-motion project will be vital for a successful impact across Europe.This special international symposium seeks to move the current electric vehicle debate forward and guide participants through the challenges that lie ahead in the development of a robust and thriving European electric vehicle market. The symposium will analyse existing projects and structures and explore new business models and value chains in order to boost consumer acceptance and strengthen market penetration.Public Policy Exchange welcomes the participation of all automotive industry partners, responsible authorities and stakeholders. The symposium will support the exchange of ideas and encourage delegates to engage in thought-provoking topical debate, providing input and recommendations to the decision makers at EU level.


22 Feb 2012 @ 10:00 am

22 Feb 2012 @ 04:00 pm

Duration: 6 hours


Silken Berlaymont Hotel Brussels

Boulevard Charlemagne 13




English en

Organised by

Centre for Parliamentary Studies (deactivated)