Fields of Specialisation: EU governance and European negotiations.
Alain Guggenbühl is Senior Lecturer and leading EIPA's Programme on European negotiations within the European Decision Making Unit. He has graduated in International Relations at the University of Louvain (B) and at the College of Europe (B), and holds certificates from the Kellog Graduate School of Management and the American Graduate University. He has previously worked for the delegation of the European Commission to the United Nations in New York and directed an EC law office in Brussels. He also currently lectures on Negotiation Theory and European Policies at the University of Mons (B). He is member of Team Europe, a pool of lecturers managed by the European Commission. He has published notably on relations between the EU and Eastern Europe, the simplification of European law, Openness and Transparency, EC Social legislation and the Presidency of the Council of the EU.
EU Negotiations: The Six Skills to Shape EU Decisions in Com... | EIPA | Sep 2016 |