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I got it!

Non-profit sector

Tetide APS

via Porto snc
84059 Camerota, Italy

TETIDE is a Social Promotion Association with the aim of safeguarding the underground and epigean karst environment, of encouraging the valorisation and promotion of the territory, also providing technical support for the training and professional qualification of operators and speleological guides as well as involving and orienting the institutions, social and economic forces towards legislation, programs, agreements and projects, consistent with the aims of the Association.

The social activities will also be aimed at extra-regional territories with the aim of making known and disseminating the speleological activity of the Mediterranean countries, taking into consideration Speleology in all its different cultural and technical expressions, which have manifested themselves over time in a large territory.

and complex as the Mediterranean basin is.

The Association also intends to avail itself of the collaboration of professionals and researchers from the various disciplines involved, without neglecting the interdisciplinary nature that speleological research requires, such as: archeology and paleontology for the wealth of finds that the caves preserve and guard, the anthropology and the history of art for the historical and artistic interest expressed by the artificial cavities, as well as by the rock settlements that so characterize and unite Mediterranean cultures, underwater speleology for the presence of coastal caves that can only be explored thanks to this complex discipline, biospeleology for the richness and environmental importance of underground biodiversity and last, but not least, the geology and study of the territory for the protection of karst and karst aquifers which are the precious water reserves of our territories, too often irresponsibly vandalized by disorderly anthropization.

TETIDE APS wants to promote Mediterranean Speleologies, in which speleological exploration and dissemination become communities of study, of intent, of cultures and of approaches unique to the world.

via Porto snc

84059 Camerota



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Dr Francesco Maurano Account Admin

Past Events (2)

Syphonia 2024 Italy 31 Oct 2024
Cave Conservation Workshop Italy 8 Dec 2023

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Non-profit sector, France, 1 events