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I got it!

Non-profit sector

Polyolefin Circular Economy Platform (PCEP)

Rue Belliard 40, Box 16
1040 Brussels, Belgium

Our goal is to transform the entire polyolefin system from a linear to a circular one by bringing together organisations from every point in the polyolefin chain: brand owners, retailers, waste management organisations, recyclers, converters, producers and everyone else.

Through dialogue and collaboration in working groups, PCEP is delivering innovative solutions to today’s barriers.

Polyolefins are extremely valuable and versatile plastics.

They are also vital materials if we want to decarbonise our society and have high quality, safe, eco-friendly lives.

But we can't do that by simply throwing plastic away after we've used it.

We must be responsible for the plastic that we produce ― and that means only making what we need, designing it for re-use in its first life, and then collecting, recycling and reusing it again and for as many lives as possible.

PCEP is a collaborative organisation with three strategic goals for polyolefins: designing out waste; keeping maximum products and material in use for as long as possible; and then recycling into high-quality new raw ;


Rue Belliard 40, Box 16

1040 Brussels


VAT BE0416.155.338


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Ms Laurence Vermeersch Account Admin

Past Events (1)

PCEP 2019 Annual Conference Belgium 27 Nov 2019

Featured organisers



For-profit sector, Italy, 17 events

Federation of Business Information Services

Non-profit sector, Germany, 1 events


For-profit sector, Belgium, 17 events


For-profit sector, Spain, 22 events

European Fund Management Consulting OÜ

Non-profit sector, Estonia, 88 events