The Centre was founded by a group of scholars from various Italian universities, belonging to various fields of study, such as Literature, the Arts, Law and Philosophy.
We intend to work on and encourage, comparative research on various kinds of aesthetic approaches, modes of writing and artistic expressions, particularly focusing on the discourses characterising the different Modernisms, their roots and outgrowths, up to Postmodernism, while aiming at implementing an independent field of research within the Humanities.
We will also ask for submissions on related topics through calls for papers.
We will probe into the following items:
comparing and contrasting the “two cultures”, i.
, science and the humanities, the different arts, and different national cultures.
considering key problems in the main Avant-garde and Modernist movements.
reconsidering questions posed by recent theoretical approaches as well as the relationships connecting different arts, performances, new media, as well as literature and law, literature, science and the arts.
Our journal "CoSMo | Comparative Studies in Modernism" is meant to collect the various symposiums our Research Centre “Modernity / Modernism and the Arts” has held over the year.
Mrs Raissa Baroni | Account Admin |