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20 Jan 2022

GAPP JA Final Dissemination Conference

GAPP (facilitatinG the Authorisation of Preparation Process for blood, tissues and cells) is a Joint Action (JA) co-funded by the European Commission under the EU Health Programme.

The GAPP JA Final Dissemination Conference, will take place on the 20th & 21st January 2022, in a hybrid format, with the host location being Thessaloniki, Greece, 

The high-level event, brings together 24 beneficiaries, from 16 EU Member States and 2 non-EU.

The GAPP JA Final Dissemination Conference aims to bring together a diverse audience and key high-level representatives from EU Institutions and partners, BTC Competent Authorities Tissue Establishments, scientific societies and associations,accreditation bodies, healthcare professionals, as well as donors and patients associations to stimulate multi-stakeholder dialogue and views, and promote optimal use of SoHOs and uniform approach across the EU.

Day one of the event comprises of the presentations of Work-Package (WP) leaders along with an overview of on the work carried out in each WP during the course of the Action.

Day two, is dedicated to interactive sessions and discussions on how to effectively bridge the gap between science and effective policies. We wish to take a closer look at governance, the current state-of-play in the EU and beyond along with the role of Associations and Registries. We look at the next steps towards BTC policy implementation to ensure patient and donor safety, and the quality of treatments.

The Preliminary Agenda  is available online - on GAPP JA website - as well as details on the conference and how to register, under the link GAPP DISSEMINATION ;

Should you wish to register and for any enquiries, please feel free to contact the GAPP Dissemination & Communication

Looking forward to welcoming you all !


Speakers at the Conference:
Stefaan Van der Spiegel
Head of Sector, Substances of Human Origin, European Commission - DG SANTE

PANEL 1: Bridging the ‘Gap-P’ between science & effective policies
Marta López Fraga, Scientific Officer at European Directorate for the Quality of Medicines & Healthcare (EDQM) Council of Europe
Prof Michel Tsimaratos, Directeur général adjoint chargé de la politique médicale et scientifique à l’Agence de la biomédecine, France
Prof Philippe Vandekerckhove CEO, Belgian Red Cross-Flanders
Dr. Wiersum-Osselton, Johanna, GAPP JA External Advisory Board member, TRIP and Sanquin, Netherlands
Moderator: Simonetta Pupella MD, Direttore Area Sanitaria e Sistemi Ispettivi (Director Medical Affairs & Blood Inspection System) Centro Nazionale Sangue (National Blood Centre) Istituto Superiore di Sanità

PANEL 2: Current state of play – Registries - The role of Associations – Next steps
Prof. Pierre Tiberghien, European Blood Alliance (EBA) President
Sofie Terwel, GoCART Project Coordinator European Society for Blood and Marrow Transplantation (EBMT) Executive Office, Department of Biomedical Data Sciences
Dr Cristina Magli, Immediate Past Chair, The European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology (ESHRE)
Moderator: Anthi Gafou,
Director Hematologist, GAPP JA collaborating partner

PANEL 3: Patient - Donor safety & effectiveness of treatments: the impact of the revision of BTC legislation
Prof Elizabeth Macintyre, MD PhD FRCP FRCPath, Onco-hématologie biologique, Necker-Enfants Malades, European Hematology Association (EHA) President
Dr Karin Magnussen, IFBDO-FIODS 2014. International Federation of Blood Donor Organizations
MEP, TRANSFORM MEP Interest Group (video intervention - tentative)
Moderators: Ruth Barrio Ortega,
Organització Catalana de Trasplantaments (OCATT); Laura Hickey, Health Products Regulatory Authority (HPRA)

Action Coordinator - Istituto Superiore di Sanità
Massimo Cardillo
Director General, Italian National Transplant Centre
Vincenzo De Angelis, Director General, Italian National Blood Centre



20 Jan 2022 @ 10:00 am

21 Jan 2022 @ 03:30 pm

Duration: 1 days, 5 hours



English en

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