Preventing secondary and repeat victimisation of child victims of crime:
Risk assessments and solutions in the best interests of the child
E-PROTECT International Workshop – Agenda
17 and 24 March 2021
The event will be held in English and organised on a zoom platform with simultaneous translation in the languages of the project partners (Bulgarian, Greek, Italian, Romanian)
You can register here ;
First Day – 17 March 2021
Welcome and introduction to the webinar
Panel 1: Safeguarding child victims of crime in the criminal justice system: The comprehensive approach of Barnahus for preventing secondary and repeat victimisation
Introduction to the panel by the Moderator
Risks of secondary and repeat victimisation of child victims of crime in the context of criminal investigations and proceedings
Overview of evidence, trends and children’s voices
The Barnahus model for child-sensitive justice: A comprehensive approach to prevent risks of secondary and repeat victimisation
Introduction to the Nordic Barnahus model
Challenges and solutions in setting up the Children’s House model: Experience and lessons learned from Germany
Astrid Helling-Bakki, Executive Director, World Childhood Foundation Germany (tbc)
Questions and discussion
Panel 2: Preventing secondary and repeat victimisation of children in the criminal justice system: Experience from countries promoting solutions in the best interests of the child
Introduction to the panel by the Moderator
Preventing secondary and repeat victimisation of children, as well as intimidation and retaliation, in the criminal justice system
Experience from the E-PROTECT partner countries
Juvenile Prosecutor Claudia de Luca, Italy: How risks of secondary and repeat victimisation, intimidation and retaliation create challenges for the prosecution of perpetrators of violence against children, Experience from Naples, Italy
Experience with the blue rooms in Bulgaria: Strengths and challenges
Forensic police interviewing of child victims of crime, Greece: How can a trained forensic interviewing specialist reduce risks of secondary and repeat victimisation, intimidation or retaliation, of child victims of crime during criminal investigations and proceedings? Reflections from the transition process in Greece to a child-centred inter-agency and multidisciplinary cooperation model inspired by Barnahus
Roberta di Bella, Lawyer, President of the Juvenile Chamber of Genoa, Member of the National Union of Juvenile Chambers, Italy: The role of lawyers to reduce risks of secondary and repeat victimisation, intimidation and retaliation of child victims of crime in the context of criminal investigations and proceedings: Introducing an initiative of the regional bar association of Liguria to sensitise and train legal professionals on these matters, including lawyers, prosecution and law enforcement services.
Discussion, questions and answers
Concluding remarks
Closure of the meeting
Second Day – 24 March 2021
Welcome and introduction to the webinar
Recap from the first day
Panel 1: International and European standards guiding the risk assessment of victims of violence: The work of GREVIO and the Committee on the Rights of the Child in monitoring implementation
Introduction to the panel by the Moderator
The work of GREVIO in promoting risk assessments in accordance with the Council of Europe Istanbul Convention
Maria-Andriani Kostopoulou, Member of GREVIO (tbc)
Risks of child victims of intra-family and gender-based violence and solutions in the best interests of the child: Experience from the monitoring work of the Committee on the Rights of the Child
Benoit Van Keirsbilck, Director of Defence for Children International – Belgium, Member of the Committee on the Rights of the Child
Comments and discussion
Isabella Mastropasqua, Director Office II, Juvenile and Community Justice Department, Italian Ministry of Justice: The role of the social services within the criminal justice system (in Italian)
Risk assessment of child victims of violence: Methods and approaches
Multi-professional risk assessments and the MARAC method
Stella Karapa, Forensic Psychologist, Greece
Sabrina Reggers, Family Support Centre, Belgium
Comments and discussion
Reflections on risk assessment and best interests determination as systemic methods
Individual assessment of child victims of crime: Methodology E-PROTECT
Concluding remarks
Announcement of upcoming activities
Closure of meeting
17 Mar 2021 @ 02:00 pm
17 Mar 2021 @ 04:30 pm
Duration: 2 hours, 30 minutes
English en