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I got it!

29 Jan 2021

CIVILnEXt Webinar

On Innovation Potential

This online event aims to bring together all interested stakeholders from Academia, Research, Industry, Government Institutions, Ministries, Policy Makers and EU institutions to initiate discussions regarding the current market status and Innovation Potential of the project based on the re-orientation of the project which will eventually lead to the release of a Tender. During this Webinar, the OCP technological concept will be detailed as appropriate, along with the context of operations against which the OCP will be tested. We are not just looking for your participation, but we also strongly invite you to become a part of this process as one of the main drivers for this crucial foundation step. The innovation potential identification, through an interactive process, will be a primary objective that will pave the way to establishing the new requirements, forming the specifications, and eventually resulting in a highly competitive Call for Tenders.


29 Jan 2021 @ 10:00 am

29 Jan 2021 @ 02:00 pm

Duration: 4 hours



English en

Organised by

Center for Security Stu...