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22 Jun 2016

Migrants inclusion

Best practices from Southern Italy

Andrea Cozzolino S&D Group MEP is pleased to invite you to the event on best practices on migrants inclusion.

The Calabria Region (Southern Italy) is facing major challenges regarding integration of incoming migrants and the development of a policy framework for their inclusion. Nevertheless, this Region offers examples of best practices that could provide food for thought for a possible European response to the main common challenges posed by migration, such as housing, public services, social inclusion, education and job creation.

The debate will focus on how the Mayors of three small cities, Acquaformosa, Carlopoli and Riace, have suceeded in adopting inclusive poilicies for migrants and it will be followed by an exchange of views with representatives from EU civil society and policy makers.


22 Jun 2016 @ 06:00 pm

22 Jun 2016 @ 08:00 pm

Duration: 2 hours


European Parliament Brussels - ASP A3G-2

Rue Wiertz 43




English en

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S&D Group in the Europe...