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I got it!

04 Apr 2016

Erasmus+: English for Educators - Set the Base (Level I)

This course is ideal for all those educators (primary & secondary teachers, university staff (academic & admin), adult educators, trainers & coaches) who want to improve their level of spoken English.

The course’s duration is one week. It aims to give participants a basic knowledge of reading, listening, spoken and written skills in a dynamic and communicative way, through individual, pair and group work and pre-recorded and authentic texts. Course participants will be expected to use the range of resources available to them during the training and to communicate with native speakers wherever possible, in order to develop cultural competence. This course is designed to be very flexible, and can be adapted to suit the specific needs of the participants.This course is funded by Erasmus+. For more info please contact the organisers at info(eta)dorea.org or alternatively call directly at +357 25 25 66 06


4 Apr 2016 @ 09:00 am

8 Apr 2016 @ 02:00 pm

Duration: 4 days, 5 hours



Upper St

United Kingdom


English en

Organised by

DOREA Educational Insti...

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