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I got it!

03 Dec 2015

Tools for a strategic approach to urban security & safety

Learn about the innovative methods and tools developed by local authorities.

How to better understand urban security challenges? How to measure people’s feeling of insecurity; obtain the necessary knowledge base to develop a sound local safety strategy; make the best use of the available funds? What constitutes state of the art and evidence-based crime prevention?The conference organised jointly by Efus and the city of Rotterdam will provide methods and tools  to support decision-making and the drafting of urban security policies. During this meeting, Efus will present the new guidebook it produced as part of the AUDITS project, which was cofunded by the European Commission, for a strategic approach to urban security. The conference will include thematic sessions and study visits and gather representatives of European cities and regions and national and European institutions, as well as researchers and practitioners.


3 Dec 2015 @ 10:00 am

4 Dec 2015 @ 05:00 pm

Duration: 1 days, 7 hours


Hilton Rotterdam Hotel

Weena 10



English en

Organised by

European Forum for Urba...