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29 May 2015

Controlling the Edges of Europe

IES Policy Forum: EU External Border Surveillance: Intersections Between the Private and the Public

The Institute for European Studies at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel kindly invites you to a Policy Forum on Friday 29 May 2015, 12:00-14:00, entitled "Controlling the edges of Europe. EU external border surveillance: Intersections between the private and the public."With the abolition of internal borders, the protection of Europe’s external borders has taken a centre-stage which have escalated following the attacks of 9/11, Madrid and London. Growing security concerns have led to the increased deployment of border surveillance technologies on the perimeter of the Schengenland (Walters and Haahr, 2005). Much of the border surveillance and security technologies are deployed by the defence and security companies within the ambit of EU funded research project – i.e. the EU Security Research Programme (ESRP). Overtime, border management, formerly held within the complete purview of national military and security agencies has been increasingly penetrated by private agencies and corporations resulting in transnational and inter-agency collaborations. Thus, with the abolition of internal European borders and the simultaneous fortification of external borders, there has been a multiplication of actors involved in border control practices, creating a fertile space for the convergence of public security concerns with private economic interests. It is in the backdrop of foregoing transformations in the EU’s border control practices that this event seeks to explore risks and opportunities for several groups: state and EU institutions, corporations, the European public and the large numbers of undocumented migrants and asylum seekers who resolutely attempt to enter Europe.The event is centred on the following questions:What are the stakes that define the increasing investments in border controls?  What are implications on accountability with the multiplication of security actors and the intersection of public and private interests?Confirmed Speakers:David Cronin - Independent Journalist and Author of the book 'Corporate Europe'Chris Henny - AirbusHans Graux - TimelexTheodore Braid - Postdoctoral Researcher of the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (VU Amsterdam)


29 May 2015 @ 12:00 pm

29 May 2015 @ 02:00 pm

Duration: 2 hours


Karel van Miert Building (IES)

Pleinlaan 5



English en

Organised by

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