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I got it!

27 Oct 2014

Sellope Final Conference

On the 27th October 2014 in Brussels, Rue de la Science 14, will take place SELLOPE Final Conference. During the event all the results and benefits created by the new ecological envelope will be shown by partners: ETA-RO, CIRPS, EFB.

The project main achievement has been to introduce a new product to market, capable of developing – at industrial level – an innovative envelope, made from certified FSC paper, laminated with eco-plastics and Mater-Bi, and incorporating techniques for tamper indicating. An important agreement has been already signed with Poste Italiane, for the distribution of a new kind of envelope, able to reduce drastically the consumption of water and energy, and consequently increasing the environmental benefits.The event is free and will take place on October 27, 2014 in Brussels.Venue: Science 14 Atrium, Rue de la Science 14b, Brussels. The SELLOPE Final Conference will start at 10.30 am.We are looking forward to meeting you on the 27th of October.


27 Oct 2014 @ 10:30 am

27 Oct 2014 @ 06:00 pm

Duration: 7 hours, 30 minutes


Atrium Science

Rue de la Science 14



English en

Organised by

Europe For Business (deactivated)