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I got it!

26 Jan 2011

Pan-European Wind Energy Operations & Maintenance

Pan-European Wind Energy Operations and Maintenance Forum: Securing the future of wind energy- exploring new approaches to operations, maintenance and projects

Major government commissions for both onshore and offshore projects across Europe have given a clear indication that the Wind Industry  can now become a driving force in supplying the continent with reliable, efficient and green energy. However, it is clear that the industry still has lessons to learn, namely how both operators and manufacturers can work together to guarantee maximum output with minimum failure, operational costs and turbine downtime, as a way of proving that Wind Energy can be the perfect alternative source of energy for Europe by 2050.Attend this Forum to:    * Hear about the latest developments in R&D projects, targets and issues that are currently being tackled in a bid to expand the Wind Industry further    * Learn which maintenance contracts could be right for your company, allowing you to reduce costs while allowing you to be safe in the knowledge that your turbines are producing maximum output    * Gain experience in Health and Safety, and what could make the difference to your companies employees when having to deal with further offshore installations    * Interact with Operations and Maintenance experts to ensure your position at the forefront of the drive for Wind Energy dominance in years to come.


26 Jan 2011 @ 09:00 am

27 Jan 2011 @ 04:30 pm

Duration: 1 days, 7 hours


Hilton Berlin Hotel





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IQPC (deactivated)