Gruppo Federtrasporti brings together about 60 companies and cooperatives from the road transport sector and logistics. The Group provides to its associated members a whole set of services through its dedicated structure Federservice, from commercial agreements, to financial, insurance, training, consulting, and information services. Through its company Federtrasporti spa, it is active in the entire logistic chain, providing transport and logistic services to national and international.
Philosophy of the Group
Gruppo Federtrasporti has an entrepreneurship approach while valuing synergic cooperation among its members. All activities are based on the principles of safety, protection of environment and health, and codified through careful procedures certified Uni En Iso 9001, 14.001, 45001, and Sqas. At this regard, the Group performs about 1.000 hours/year of training classes, and every year more than 1300 people are trained on dozens of different issues (e.g. security, eco-driving, innovative IT devices, working rules and conditions, hazardous goods transport, etc.).
Gruppo Federtrasporti in nutshell
+5500 vehicles, 7000 trailers and semitrailers, 100.000 MQ of warehouses and 2 logistics hubs (south of Milan and south of Livorno); 18M€ total value of insurance premium managed and about 1380 people trained every year. Federtrasporti spa can provide all kind of transport and logistic services in the fields of liquid transport, solid transport, multimodal transport, waste transport and logistic services.
Federtrasporti Via G. Di Vittorio 21/b1
I-40013 Bologna
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