The ARC is an open platform for all European citizens and organisations who wish to share their visions and expectations on the future of farming and rural regions in Europe.
It was set up to support civil society in shaping a common message on their expectations towards the European institutions and decision-makers.
Those who support the ARC believe it is in the interest of all concerned to reach an agreement because a common message weighs more than a collection of diverging interests.
The topics we cover range from improving food quality, achieving a fair income for farmers, strengthening rural economies, environmental protection and animal welfare to sustainable food consumption in Europe and fair trade relations with developing countries.
ARC’s network reaches across professions, organisations and countries so that they can discover what they have in common.
We aim to build bridges between a great diversity of ideas and interests.
Contributing to ARC’s common message are a growing number of civil society organisations, at European, national, regional and local level, who represent a wide variety of interests.
Together, they form an open network of concerned citizens and their organisations, who come together through the ARC to advocate a sustainable reform of the Common Agricultural and Rural Development policies of the European Union.
IHECS, "Bord de Verre" 4th Floor, Rue de Poincon 15
1000 Bruxelles
+32 2 549 55 37
2nd ARC 2020 Conference Belgium | 13 Jul 2011 | |
ARC 2020 Conference on the future of the CAP Belgium | 4 Nov 2010 |