Understanding how the law governs business practices that may restrict competition in economic markets through private and public enforcement and analysing how competition law can curb anticompetitive activities and facilitate free competition, are the raisons d’être of this training programme.
The College’s EU Competition Law executive education course provides its participants with a deep understanding of the latest developments on EU competition law and the essential tools necessary to master legal complexities and overcome challenges at work.
Through detailed case studies as well as legal and economic analysis, this interactive programme aims at providing professionals with an in-depth and up-to-date knowledge of EU competition law, focusing on practical aspects and substantive law.
The course combines different learning approaches:
More information https://www.
30 Jun 2025 @ 09:00 am
4 Jul 2025 @ 05:00 pm
Duration: 4 days, 8 hours
College of Europe
8000 Brugge
Dijver 11
English en