It has become an accepted fact, if not a truism, that we are undergoing a period of change and
disruption that poses numerous challenges to higher education, as well as for society at />Building agility for unknown challenges that may emerge is thus a key issue for higher education
learning and teaching.
How can we prepare our students, teachers and institutions for the path
ahead? Participants in this future-gazing edition of the European Learning & Teaching Forum will
jointly discuss strategies to develop future-readiness in and through learning and teaching.
questions include how higher education can safeguard its relevance through capacity for
adaptation and how graduates can be equipped with responsive and adaptable mindsets.
Through a mix of plenary and parallel sessions, the Forum provides a platform for discussion and
exchange of practice on how universities enhance learning and teaching.
The Forum also presents
the work of the 2024 Learning & Teaching Thematic Peer Groups.
It aims to gather higher
education professionals working at different levels on matters of learning and teaching to exchange
and discuss institutional practice and policy developments.
The Forum is an ideal event for vicerectors
for academic affairs, deans, heads of learning and teaching centres, and management
involved in learning and teaching.
It also welcomes students, policy makers and other stakeholders
in higher education.
27 Feb 2025 @ 08:30 am
28 Feb 2025 @ 02:00 pm
Duration: 1 days, 5 hours
University College Cork, Ireland
T12 K8AF Cork
University College Cork, main campus College Rd, University College, Cork, Ireland
English en