The 9th episode of the Digital Skills Talks, an online series hosted by the Digital Skills and Jobs Platform, explores the Digital Competence Framework for Citizens (DigComp) and its application as a national reference framework for digital skills development in Austria and Latvia.
Learn how these countries prepare their citizens for the digital future and contribute to the EU's Digital Decade goals.
About the 9th episode of the Digital Skills TalksOn 30 January at 9:30 (CET), join the episode on DigComp's role in mapping and assessing Digital Skills: insights from Austria and Latvia, for a 40-minute interview featuring Austrian and Latvian digital experts:
Irene Besenbäck, Digital Skills Expert, OeAD – Austria’s Agency for Education and Internationalisation
Jeļena Muhina, Senior Expert (adult education policy), Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Latvia, Department of Vocational and Adult Education
Ulrike Domany-Funtan, Secretary General, fit4internet in Austria – Raising digital Competences
In this 40-minute episode, we dive into how Austria has adopted theDigComp 2.
3 AT frameworkto map digital skills in education and guide digital learning programs, focusing on formal and non-formal education improvements.
We alsoexplore Latvia's experience with DigComp and its role in helping the country achieve the EU's Digital Decade goal of ensuring 80% of citizens have basic digital skills by 2030.
Alongside experts from both countries, we will discuss the challenges of promoting DigComp tools to stakeholders and learners, emphasizing the importance of effective outreach.
Join us for an engaging discussion as experts from Austria and Latvia share their experiences and insights, providing a closer look at the strategies, successes, and challenges of advancing digital competencies across education sectors.
Don't miss out, register for the 9th episode of the Digital Skills Talks!
While waiting for the next episode, why not check out some interesting content?
Digital Competence Framework for Citizens (DigComp)
A guide to digital excellence: the Austrian Framework of Reference for Digital Competence
Adult educators discuss digital competencies and common understanding according to DigComp 2.
Stay updated by following @DigitalSkillsEU on Facebook and Twitter/X and visit the Digital Skills and Jobs Platform.
30 Jan 2025
22 Jan 2025
Duration: 7 days
Timezone: GMT +2:00
Online Webinar
English en