This webinar will provide information on the newly launched consolidated advice pilots (SAWP-CTCG and pre-CTA advice).
It will inform on the background of the pilots and why they were launched.
The webinar will also highlight the benefits of the pilots, outline the scope of the SAWP-CTCG and pre-CTA advice and answer questions and collect feedback from stakeholders.
A broad representation of stakeholders who may benefit from the pilots are expected at the webinar.
This includes pharmaceutical companies, SMEs, and non-commercial or academic researchers and developers, funding bodies, etc.
No certificate of attendance will be issued for this event.
The event will be broadcasted live and a video recording will be made available after the event.
Processing and publication of the video recording typically take up to 60 days.
17 Jul 2024 @ 03:00 pm
17 Jul 2024 @ 05:00 pm
Duration: 2 hours
English en