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Online Webinar
14 Jul 2022

Webinar: IoT Risk Classification Spectra: a Multi-Layered Life Cycle System-Thinking (and -Doing) Approach

Presentation of AIOTI WG Standardisation TF ioT Security IoT Risk Classification Spectra mapping and tool

When focussing on IoT and other connected devices and taking a risk-perspective to those, a methodology to do high-level quality risk classification is to have a multi-layered approach and do such risk classification per spectrum, starting with the risk classification of the connectors and connectivity of the IoT device itself, thereafter with the risk classification of functionalities, et cetera.

Up to 17 spectra have already been identified.

AIOTI WG Standardisation and WG Policy & Strategy together with certain relevant external organisations, has been developing a Device-Centric IoT Security Risk Spectra Mapping Tool.

It provides guidance on the multi-layered and holistic risk classification of IoT Devices by means of said IoT security risk spectra methodology, risk level definitions and related IoT security risk mapping.

In this webinar, AIOTI IoT Security Taskforce Leaders, Arthur van der Wees and Jacques Kruse Brandao will explain how it was developed, and how it works.


Opening and Welcome

Georgios Karagiannis, AIOTI WG Standardisation Chair


Presentation of the concept and the tool:

IoT Risk Classification Spectra: a Multi-Layered Life Cycle System-Thinking (and -Doing) Approach.

IoT security risk classification as the essential starting point to mitigating cyber threats

Arthur van der Wees (Arthur’s Legal), lead of the IoT Security TF

Jacques Kruse Brandao (SGS), co-lead of the IoT Security TF


Questions and open discussions (20 min)


Wrap up and end of Webinar

Georgios Karagiannis, AIOTI WG Standardisation Chair


14 Jul 2022 @ 03:00 pm

14 Jul 2022 @ 04:00 pm

Duration: 1 hours

Timezone: GMT +1:00


Online Webinar


English en

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